Beastars Back Arrow Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Idoly Pride Episode 4-5 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wonder Egg Priority World Trigger Episode 4-5
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
i'm bang i have to work somewhat early i have egg and gotoubun but if we could watch egg tonight first and then i can die that would be preferable >>917963 tbh i should probably sleep now
i was getting ready for bead bed orange i got my PJ's on my alarm is set my body is ready >>917966 hey man i can't just sleep in my normal clothes weirdo
Leggo my Eggo
who is this girl she's cute
Probably one of the girls that committed suicide
her weapon is a gun!?
oh it can change forms mechakakkkkkoiiiiiiiiiiiiii
It isn't even restricted to being a gun How useful
this OP is so good
Ara ara
Oh that's why Ai recognized Momoe's last name It's the name of her teacher
god rika is so demanding
Wow don't be so rude to Rika she's in this thread right now
that Rika isn't really very demanding i don't know how you'd get so confused
it's hard to be demanding to people you don't really communicate with
Honestly this Sensei is kind of giving me shady vibes He seems to be on the hunt for Ai's mom
isn't he the sensei from that scene with ai's friend
It -might- be that Momoe's right and he's just a really nice guy But he did seem extremely handsy with Ai's friend And if he was of the moral fibre to seduce a high school student, I could see him being pretty unscrupulous elsewhere.
this show could have all kinds of twists i'm wary to make too many guesses! but he's definitely involved somewhere
It kinda sounds like she might've killed herself because she was scared of becoming ugly with age That kind of mentality doesn't leave your dead soul with much of a positive perspective I'd bet.
what a joke to be making
waow indeed
Cheeky brats It's good to enjoy being kids
>Some times you end up enjoying something you didn't mean to Ain't that life in a nutshell
what rika says is upsetting but her points are valid they aren't necessarily right but they are valid
Holy shit that's a wound That's not even a stab that's an all-out gouging
stabbed in the back
Neiru's such a dork She even has her own catchphrase She tries to be tough and moody and kind of cynical But then she goes and makes "I'm going to blow your mind" her catchphrase
this show is kinda intense there's so much to pay attention to i think i'm gonna need to watch it again once it's over
i wish i could be more like ai sometimes the way she carries herself >>917999 not like that silly do you have the SubsPlease release? go to 20:40 it might be the same on other releases too but right after neiru walks to the left and then ai comes like almost skipping she's not quite but it has like this happy quality to it she does that a lot it gives me the idea that she's inclined to be thinking about happy things i feel like i'm always just hovering from place to place like a ghost, or hobbling like a dead man walking
You'll never be a cute high school student Bang!
also the animation sometimes reminds me of kyoani in a way this is probably my favorite this season
also thanks for anime bang okay needed a sec to grab it okay lets start
thanks for anime! off to dreamland and then off to filmland
Yeah should be seventeen Yup seventeen was the episode that came out over this recent weekend, so it should be correct
When the last episode left off a cliffhanger of a wolf coming to the front door of the Leo Group my first thought was it was Legosi But in retrospect that doesn't make sense The lions probably all know what Legosi looks like at this point and wouldn't be so carefree about him showing his face around them again
Louis such a smug shit He's probably well aware she was crushing on Legosi
But the inverse pair relationship of Louis and her kinda mirrors the one between Haru and Legosi
Oof, my PC didn't like the subs trying to translate all those book titles
It's a good use of his character My understanding is the series spends less and less time in the school environment and does much more in the broader animal world And these forays into the underworld are a good starting point
Hah hah that's totally yeah Must be kind of embarrassing for Legosi though He tried to act all grim and serious to his friend only to come back with his tail between his legs the morning after
It ain't easy being hungry And all the worse when food is dangling in front of you
>>918018 Eggs, for starters Maybe their society has an agreement on dead herbivores going to the "greater good" And from the looks of it, it really does seem like most carnivores do just eat meat from shady sources It's like the worst kept secret
Legosi is starting to look kind of worn down He really needs more sleep
This sheep sure is a character I kinda like him
It's cute seeing Legosi this grumpy He's normally much better at being composed and polite.
Lots of questions about meat I guess we aren't supposed to think too hard about it but like the mass murder and eating of herbivores in their society seems like it should be more disruptive thanit is
It's definitely one of the looser bits of the worldbuilding so far
I know in the manga there was a one-off chapter about a hen in Legosi's class who worked a job of laying eggs that eventually went into the food that herbivores ate And because she had a one-sided crush on him she'd figured out that the eggs that went into an egg sandwich he was eating came from the place she laid eggs for And she was fairly confident her eggs had gone into the sandwich She was fairly proud of that
I'm not sure I wonder if they are as strong as he is I think RImuru ended up with a really crazy skillset
Yeah, they're probably not as strong as Rimuru But they're still probably strong enough to make some serious trouble in this town Especially since Rimuru is out of town
Feels like his friend will know his betrayal of their country isn't really all that big a deal If this is how they were treated before they were valuable to the country It's the kind of upbringing that doesn't really foster much fondness for the nation in general.
Driving the ship is probably a hard job sicne she has to be there driving all the time They should try to find a more normal engine
Probably like the ship from Gurren Lagann, there isn't an alternative here Though in that case it was only Simon that could drive it They could probably stick and one of their robots on it and make it run
I guess I didn't expect Shu to be as instigative against his friend though I thought he'd give him a better response than one that was kind of trolly
I wonder if Arrow is going to job here or if this strong general guy is going to lose
His kinda asspull-y clone power is pretty useful at least I guess Kai's too strong to get beaten by a trick though.
Honestly the rest of the villagers here can be kind of pathetic at times Shu's not wrong that as soon as they left the village on this ship, they were doomed to a life of conflict And sure, they didn't ask for Arrow to come crashing into their village, but it's already long in the past now There's nothing to be gained about constantly bemoaning it.
big keikaku it seems like he's getting close to getting figured out
He admitted there though that he knew they'd figure out he played them. It was never meant to be a full plan I think, just something to get his friend off their back and help them make more distance between his nation and their goal of reaching the wall at the end of the world
I did it almost flawlessly for years! It's hard to not pin some of the blame on the change of life situations I've been going through this past half-year
The important thing is that they keep to the parts of the body they're supposed to be Lactic acid bacteria probably need to keep mostly to the stomach to help break down food
Yoghurt is a food type that's good for promoting healthy gut bacteria
Looks like there might be a mini-plot for this season of this Ordinary Cell going around finding where all these good bacteria are supposed to reside That might be a fun recurring thing
Maybe it's a faster side-quest than I was expecting At least they're already halfway done