Beastars Back Arrow Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Idoly Pride Episode 4-5 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Log Horizon Show By Rock Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger Episode 4-5 Urasekai Picnic Yakusoku no Neverland
one day i'm gonna have like a week off of work and nothing to do and i'm going to crack open some crisp .mkv files labeled Show By Rock and it's gonna be a good week >>917643 i've seen exactly one (1) episode and it was the first one but i've seen a lot of webms now
yeah i didn't quite get into the show when i watched it however many years ago two? three? who knows but the stuff i've seen and heard since then makes me feel like it's gonna be good sometimes i need a show like that when my life is lacking
oregairu was like that for me recently
damn this haruna picture is really goods i'm glad i found it again honestly tilde how can you be so anti-kancolle when this image exists
Reaaaady >>917642 Have you ever actually seen an episode of Show By Rock or is your impression of the show solely based off screencaps and that one Cyan Webm
Oh I would've thought that first episode might be a bit weird for you It was certainly kind of weird the first pass around
It's cute and gay and has good music And also has the best B-cast of boy losers in any series
>>917642 I'm fine with Kancolle though? I played it for a fair bit too The characters are cute but the gameplay is boring
dang was she givng him a practice deito!? >>917644 i can't believe you'd be so vindictive against a franchise tilde calm down
izumi is probably the cutest
I'll be vindictive against your franchise if you keep that nonsense up
>>917646 I'm more partial to Mimimi Ponytail genki is a strong combination for me
mimimi reminds me of that girl from toradora though the one that was my favorite but for some reason i 'm not into it here
"kirai janai" oh god he's attracting the men now he's too powerful
>>917651 Well we all know how moist guys can get for a pro Smash player
Can't win 'em all He's been making pretty good progress for being a total nerd only maybe like a couple months ago tops
lol demon lord
"wait you mean people can trick people!?!?!" "society is whack!"
Well for a guy who comes from being a huge nerd about a game where all the mechanics and gameplay is rooted in digital precision and concrete numbers I can understand where he might be upset about social interaction being unfair and more about what's popular and presented nicely than actually quality and good. But that's just because social interaction doesn't play by rules of logic and precision like games do.
this show started out pretty rough i actually dropped it ep 1 twice it's turning out to be okay
I think the author was still hashing out Aoi's personality in that first chapter or chapters the first episode adapted. Especially that introduction scene of hers. And I like that Tomozaki took seriously to trying to appeal more to the riajuu lifestyle than I kinda thought he would I expected him to balk a lot more at everything Aoi tasked him with doing, but he's been unexpectedly earnest about giving this its fair shot.
Having to eat children doesn't seem like a very sustainable society it takes like a lot of effort and 10-15 years to grow them and their mass is much less than a demon
>>917699 From the look of it, there was a whole bunch of other food types available in the market I bet children are more like high-quality superfoods for demons So most demons don't eat a whole lot of it.
Also judging from the look of that town it does seem like demon society is a bit unfairly proportionate to the nobility.
Oh, looks like they got some veggies and stuff from demon land Maybe demons can eat other stuff
but that makes children farming still seem weird and impractical
It's been a year since they escaped Emma's grown her hair out to cover her severed ear
The kids do kinda look all fairly weathered though A full year of not eating well can be pretty damaging to children long-term.
>>917702 Maybe it's not a want but a need then Like they can fill their stomachs on other food but they need at least a bit of human meat to survive Biologically it makes no sense but this is already kind of a fantasy series.
I wonder why she's beating herself up Back at the house they would have fared a lot worse.
That's kind of been a question for a long time now though Is it better to live a short life full of enrichment and never a want Or a long life that's hard and uncertain if you'll even see the next day They've been on the run for a year now and it's probably starting to wear on Emma I think it's human of her to question if choosing the second option was the right one.
Yeah I've been wondering that too He might be so old that his nose is as busted as his eyesight He called them "children" but I guess he could've as easily figured they were demon children than human children
These new clothes the kids have found are pretty nice though I like the long hooded coats they've all picked up
Looks like my guess that eating humans is a need was correct They need at least a bit of human meat to not become horribly disfigured and I guess eventually die.
These two dumbasses are totally going to ruin everything They're like as stock "we ruin everything" characters as it gets
Just like the old times The kids are playing tag The Japanese word for tag is even something along the lines of "demon-chased"
I'm suspicious of him turning up after the demons set their old house mother on the hunt to retrieve them again He might not be full traitor but he might be trying to use her to reconnect with Emma and Ray and then outplay her to obtain full freedom While she's using him to draw in all the kids
The other possibility I see is that the house got broken into by some human liberation group and they rescued him in the year the rest of the kids have been on the run But they've been listening in on the radio broadcasts every night and would've heard if something had happened at their old house.
The fact that he's out in the world while the house is reporting nothing wrong makes me highly suspect there's a keikaku from at least somebody going on here.
Also do you want to do Urasekai tonight instead of Design-bu, or save it for another night?
Guess Lloyd's going to get to participate in the tournament thing anyway That feels dangerous on several levels
These two are absolutely miserable to each other Romantic rivalry sure brings out the worst in people
I'm guessing Belt princess will get trounced by this new girl She doesn't seem half-bad but this new girl was able to break a rib on Lloyd So she's no small fry herself.
I dunno people in this world are violent and prone to killing people
picnic okay lets start
Hello from the other side
I wonder what their escape route is this time They kinda literally stumbled into the Otherside Who knows how far they are from their usual portal in and out
That's the kind of thing he should have mentioned.
I bet she's probably actually fine My guess is the thing that
But anyway my guess is their friend is fine and the spook just took over their friend's voice to say her piece I think their friend probably just lost the call when the spook took over.
>>917765 oh that makes sense I guess the soldiers are just gonna rot there
Well I feel kinda bad for the soldier with the pretty hair if that's the case He doesn't deserve to die in the Otherside Maybe they'll "somehow" their way out and pop back up at a later date
That was a real fun episode When they first had the call with their friend in the tent and the weird shit started happening I actually got a bit spooked myself Like I could feel goosebumps on my legs
show by rock I don't think we've seen 4, yeah let's do 4 okay lets start
Oh, hm Did we never watch episode four of this? I might've missed it when it came out Judging from the episode name it looks like a SHINGANCRIMSONZ episode And we haven't seen anything like that from this season yet.
Man I sure wish it would take only a minute or two to download an episode of anime for me like it used to.
Why is there a giant labyrinth full of treasure under Midi City anyway And why is the biggest one a giant gold statue of the egg man Who put it there in the first place