>>918103 >flash suppressor and flashlight don't match the hub's finish *gun's Fuck autocorrect
And yes I know the stock and grip aren't black but thatgreen goes well with black finish.
that was probably the least outfitted gun there
>>918106 What did the other guys have? Holo sights? Grenade launchers? Underslung shotguns?
yeah holosights different kinds of foregrips colored charging handles charging handle release attachments near the trigger well we werent doing grenade launchers so no not that it was CQB some people had secondary shotguns but todays training was glocks and rifle
the administrators said i could apply to do a PhB instead of honours but at that point, why not just do a Masters it seems like a less useful sort of middle ground.
plus it costs like 30 grand for something im not even that interested in
Netflix is gonna adapt the Redwall series into a feature film and series I really hope they can do it justice, because those books were damn good childhood reading
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm hopeful too is it gonna be CGI like the dragon prince i wonder
>>918153 I'm too old to be reading children's books these days, mate I need to be doing Grown up Activities for Adults like watching One Piece and playing Runescape.
Wish I knew the secrets of my ear, cause sometimes when I yawn, something goes crk in my left ear and there's this warm, flowing feeling like I'm bleeding internally It stops very quickly though, I just wanna know what the fuck is happening
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh me too!!! my dentist told me it's not a big deal though and that jaws just do that sometimes idk
I also kinda wanna power up my ears Like the actual body part, not my hearing They're too tight, and not powerful enough to actually funnel the wax out properly Widening them would be preferable, but I dunno if you could even do that without fucking up the mechanism that actually takes the wax out
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i dont think you can stretch out your ear holes
I mean if I could jam something in there and apply constant downward force or something, I'd be able to like, keep it opened up But like I'm not gonna DO that
My biggest tip is that once you decide where you're gonna actually set up your main base, putting it near the water would be rather wise My base here is SOMEWHAT close to the water, but I wish I'd have put it where the dock is now
Yeah, obviously What good Norse person doesn't live on the coast
Well, until after the second boss is killed, the water isn't really that relevant, is all
I mean the reason I set up where I did is it was already this large clearing, and it's on the border between the black forest and the meadows, so I can get a lot of various resources pretty easily Save your raspberries by the way, you're gonna wish you did once you get the cauldron lol Blueberries too I guess, but you can do without them You literally can not make any mead without raspberries
Again, why would you ever destroy nodes of free replenishing resources
Really, save basically everything >>918173 They replenish fairly slowly, honestly, but also sometimes you need the space Obviously, don't just destroy them while you're out and about You're gonna need a lot of 'em
I mean I guess if you wanna just have the sounds of screaming boar in your base all the fucking time, go for it But it ain't gonna feed you, that's for sure
to be fair i dont want any sounds except anime girls
>>918358 A forum whose name I don't mention on /moe/ because kirara got really freaked out the one time I posted a link to it and asked me not to mention it ever again. It's the ffoums for the Chris-chan wiki.
There is still work to be done, but at least it's roofed now The second story is real scuffed, because the building mechanics is such that you need supports, but it's not based on weight It's based on "how many pieces away from the ground is this" So the roof ended up looking like this
Same. So many years after the event, it's hard to stir up support with it, I think. Especially among young people, who would be the primary target of military recruitment. After all, it only takes one person to talk about how horrific it was on social media, and 80% of young people are going to see it.
Honestly, it's really depressing that anyone would try to use something so heinous to try to stir up support. It's like saying "remember when we did Nanking? That was amazing, don't you just love rapemassacre?!"
>>918419 The big difference being that Remember, no Russian depicts a terrorist massacre which is fictional, and Fallujah is one of the largest, most horrific war crimes to take place in the 21st century, and even if // even in the last 50 years. They killed so many innocent civilians that a football stadium had to be converted into a cemetery because it was the only place large enough to contain all of the victims. We're talking more than a thousand innocent people, brutally murdered in their homes for no reason. It was genocide. And it happened in real life, and so recently in fact, that the wounds are still fresh. A game like this is itself a human rights violation, it's the glorification of everything it is to be a horrible monster. A stain on humanity.
Yeah I'm surprised that they're making it too. Although it's hyperbole to call a videogame a human rights violation unless
I dunno. If I were walking down the road and saw a flyer that said "We killed 'em once, let's do it again!" with a picture of Auschwitz, I would regard the placing of those flyers as a human rights violation because the intent of it is to garner support for genocide. The game is the same. If a piece of media exists and is supporting genocide, I would consider that piece of media to be an extension of that genocide.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>918399 Yeah. That's true. Lvling up is slower though. There's not much you can do to grind it out other than replaying the same quests
>>918430 I didn't say it was or suggest it should be!
>>918429 It was really bad. The military used white phosphorus on civilians. And they shot so much depleted uranium, that cancers and birth defects are really common among those in that area now. They turned that city into hell.
>Depleted uranium is favored for the penetrator because it is self-sharpening[35] and flammable.[31] On impact with a hard target, such as an armored vehicle, the nose of the rod fractures in such a way that it remains sharp.[35] The impact and subsequent release of heat energy causes it to ignite. man that's fucked up
It's really horrible. There are some good uses out there for depleted uranium, but it's really a horrible thing.
self sharpening sounds scary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like what they do in Bonercity
Depleted Uranium is allowed despite being radioactive on the technicality that it isn't used because it's radioactive but because of the density, hardness, self sharpening and flammability.
mr gorbachev suck on these balls
That's like allowing nukes because they're technically used for the large boom rather than the scorched earth effect leaving the area uninhabitable for the rest of the foreseeable future
>>918439 The reality is that they're allowed because the US wants to use them and US nuclear policy prevents most nations from being able to have access to them themselves.
>>918457 It's actually a ton of fun I'm mining for silver right now And it just keeps giving me new stuff to do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like the N64 terrain textures really those are nearest neighbor so it might be like quake or duke nukem textures plus the shaders is always nice love that towerfall effect
>>918462 why has she inserted a large mushroom into her steering columnb
My one gripe though, is that the game does not buffer your hotkey inputs So if you press 4 for your mace too early, you'll just not equip it, and then... then you'll die
Anyway I died so now I'm on a dinky raft, sailing against the fucking wind for an enormous distance to go get my stuff, and most importantly, that goddamned egg and the silver I mined Because my dumb ass destroyed the teleporter and didn't build it again before starting to mine more silver
My bans have been for off topic posting and doxing. Doxing is apparently no longer allowed Although the ppst they banned me for didn't contain any doxing I just posted Chris-chan's address and told people to send magic cards to itm *to it. It isn't doxing because A: I didn't say whode address it was and B: Chris-chan's address is public information.
fug there's a cool praying mantis outside the gas station I would go pivk it up but that would make me a freak I'll just let him do his thing Catching all the light attracted bugs
party people party
oh I guess Valentine Day is coming up download a fuckton of animes giving chocolate to their sweathearts
huh my jap asks me if every anime girl on screen is my favourite lol like my friend sends me a sweater dress boat is that ur fav???? even tho i showed her my fav...
i heard the namr for the thing that goes donk doink shishi odoshi
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are you dating a normie
i dunno let me cut her off ur right aftrr this weekend im not replying to her anymoee
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you should go to akiba and find a meido to date instead
Defining what "bimbo" really means is kinda difficult, too I feel like it's more of a cluster of traits, and if someone matches a threshold number of them, they're a bimbo But some are heavier than others, like really puffy lips and stuff
I guess there's no real need to be dense either, that's more of an association than a part of the actual term, I think
Originally, bimbo was just a term for dumb hot girls. But eventually it became itself a fetish, chaarcterized by the overemphasized characteristics like puffy lips, fake boobs, etc
I think there's overlap in the colloquial and the pornhub definitions, but I don't think they're actually the same, tho
>>918774 Someone once sent Richard Stallman an email asking if he tththought he could fall in love with a 2D woman and in his reply email he said that he once fell in love with a 1D woman. It had to do with a book, it was either a memoir or a first person novel.
Long weekend this weekend It'll be nice to have an extra day of rest But it's also the last few days I've got where I've got the condo to myself since my mother will be back in the city during the week Which also means I'll be stuck on the pull-out couch again I really wish the condos my parents bought into would hurry up and be ready
>>918789 im lazy and havent watched her yet all i know is that she's wet and touches herself at night (dont we all)
Speak for yourself you miserable degenelate
guess youre a daytime handyman
u wanna see monarse??
is that french or what
I think I might've managed to fry a part of my mic's hardware with static electricity It's not receiving sounds from my PC anymore I haven't tested if it can still record and send sound to my PC but if that's also the case then I guess I get to replace the microphone ...
I guess it's not impossible that I've instead borked the USB cable somehow but I've got no way of testing that since I don't have a replacement cable
Tangentially I am getting really sick of all the static electricity I've been having to deal with this winter It's bad enough that I can't take the robe I've been using to keep warm off without having to ground myself with a doorframe or something before touching something like a lightswitch Because the static shock from touching the doorframe is a minor inconveience but the shock from touching the lightswitch is legitimately painful. And I know I've been shorting my mic by coming back to my desk without dispelling my static buildup and picking up my headphones, which makes the static shoot down the cable that's plugged into the mic. But previously it's just been fixed by plugging -unplugging and plugging back in the mic to the computer.
It's too dryyyy heeeereeee It's not even like it's particularly dry during the summer either I mean sure it's not West Coast humid but it's still humid enough But winters out here are dry as fuck and everything ends up being a static electricity generator
Seems like the sound signal problems only go one way though, mic seems to be sending audio back to my PC fine I wonder why it's refusing play audio coming from my PC though I kinda much preferred being able to plug my headphones into my mic and get audio that way, for a few reasons.
Wow 4chan added a Professional Wrestling board Who even asked for this
if I hd had to guess, people on /asp/ who felt that pro wrestling took up too much space on their board
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>918803 it could just be to deal with overflow stuff from the 18+ handsome men board
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
When is Doushio getting its own wrestling section?
>>918804 If itsits anything like the other new boards discussion of wrestling is probably still allowed on /asp/
Found a neat thing about the origins of various things from D&D. https://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http://www.geocities.com/rgfdfaq/sources.html&date=2007-07-20+21:51:07
>>918874 This reminds me There's an addon for either chrome or firefox, possibly both, that sends a bunch of RNG'd searches to google periodically to fuck with the algorithm I don't use it, but I like that it exists
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>918881 that's pretty funny tbh i like that it exists too
Gonna attempt to train deepdanbooru on my hydrus tags and then use a thing to use that trained model to tag my images for me This oughta be interesting
Lotta work though, cause it's not like it was written with hydrus' tag export format in mind
>>918896 You're where it first starts to get serious! Since level three is their last free level I think they do people a bit of decency and cram a bit extra in there
That's nice of them! So far the new lessons aren't anything too hard. I'm starting to get into readings that I'm already somewhat familiar with from being immersed in anime for so long. Which is making it go a little faster since my brain already connects the reading and the meaning, so I just have to connect those to the kanji now.
Yeah it's always fun to come across a Kanji you already recognize More for me when it's a word but now I've got the Kanji it's represented by and get a bit of an etymological "ahah" with it But it still don't get why the Kanji for leg/foot has anything to do with being enough/being sufficient
>>918901 How would you interpret this What does this person want me to do with the sqlite file? Am I supposed to make a separate one of those "posts" tables for each file? Or is it supposed to look like that, and it's good?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it's describing the data layout, for people who want to work on the system no way you have to manage that stuff yourself
>>918903 I mean I'm trying to train it on my own I gotta feed it the tags somehow, after all >>918906 It doesn't work at all for me, tried it It just gives me uh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Prepare dataset. If you don't have, you can use DanbooruDownloader for download the dataset of Danbooru. looks like that program generates the data repo for you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>If you want to make your own dataset, see Dataset Structure section. ok this is what you meant seems like an extra step but i guess if you're using your own images and not just pullin from danbooru maybe you would have to write a script to construct this
Right but the folder it makes is effectively empty, with an 8kb sqlite file in it
I don't have an API key, but even if I did I dunno where I'm supposed to put it The documentation isn't exactly verbose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea cuz it's crashin and not doin anything "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." is a pretty vague error you sure you got like an API key and that's a valid tag and all?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
weird why does it even run things in C# this project is a python project
my guess is you gotta run it in some environment that resembles linux a little more but i don't really know
It's an exe file though I guess I could try running it through python or something, for kicks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would try running it in a Docker container
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh idk if tensorflow will work well inside a Docker tho
how in the world I can just install a bunch of software with a simple exe, but then other stuff will be like this, and I need to have a bunch of other stuff is so fucking beyond me We'd still be in the stone age if when doom came out it'd be like "oh yeah you gotta run this through a separate thing, but carmack just didn't tell anyone"
I'm not even like, allergic to fucking around with a commandline, but when the documentation's full text is "here's the command", I kinda expect it to just work when I dump it in a folder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well doom is a finished product and this is a random script in development
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll boot into linux and see if i can't run this script it better not rootkit me D:
I'm honestly most worried that it's gonna actually... scrape all of danbooru? That's... that's not something anyone has the space to do, right? There's no way it'll actually do that?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah right danbooru has API limits anyway
yeah, but it might do like hydrus and just pause until it gets a slot again, and keep chugging If it doesn't spit out the sqlite file before it's DONE, this is all for nothing for me cause I just need to know what that fucking file looks like so I can reproduce it with my own files
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then you control C the program and delete the folder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, they do describe the exact schema of the sqlite file there, you could conceivably make it by hand i would sooner write a script tho
I mean, if I knew how to do that, I'd be very far ahead I just dunno if it wants a separate posts table for each file or what Getting to see the file would be really helpful, cause then I at least know what I'm working with
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, there's only one table you'd have a row for each post inside table
Oh, I understand now How would one actually like... do that with a script though? ...I know there was a way to export tags in hydrus before, I just gotta find it again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('big_booru_energy.sqlite') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS posts ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, md5 text NOT NULL, file_ext text NOT NULL, tag_string text NOT NULL, tag_count_general integer NOT NULL ) """)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
python script to make ya table
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then if you have a database cursor you can insert stuff like
post = (1, '00000000', 'jpg', 'bunch of tags here', 69) # idk what these are actually supposed to be cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO posts (id, md5, file_ext, tag_string, tag_count_general) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", post)
Well, I at least know how the database hydrus spits out looks now Basically it's got 4 tables relevant to this One matches the image's hash with an ID one matches the image's ID with each one of its tag IDs, which looks like this and the last matches each tag with its ID
I guess I'll have to figure out some way to automatically convert this to how deepdanbooru wants it
I checked with the hydrus discord and the gist of it is the idea is fucking meaningless anyway, because to even be useful it'd need WAY more data than I have anyway By a factor of thousands
I can still use the pretrained version to some effect though, I suppose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it makes sense they would use integer ids for the tags
>>918935 yeah that thing has always kinda rubbed me the wrong way sits at the summit of aesthetic displeasure alongside some of those cursed image memes except this one's not a meme for some reason
Dude i had to pull out my old year 12 certificate for something and i was reading through the comments one of the teachers i remember liking had written something kinnda complementary but also kind of insulting it was like >his inert attitude belies his keen mind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>918961 holy shit well that's not so bad attitudes can change
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly i might steal that as a tagline irony is dead :) :) :)
whomstever it was who was planning to give Valheim a go, just quit after you kill Moder The next part is the last part and it just fucking blows It's JUST a slog, and nothing else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ew grinds
should write a grindan AI after a certain point, detecting bots becomes impossible
No, it's not "grinding" in the traditional sense It's worse
In every biome until this one, you kinda just go out there, you get stuff you need, resources and the like, you find a stone tablet with the next boss' location, you find that, see what you need to summon the boss, you go get that, you summon the boss, kill it with the stuff you made with the resources yaddda yadda
This biome? You find most of the resources you need, but the most important one is absurdly rare, and ONLY spawns in camps of like 20 of the enemies you kind of need it to make the gear you need to kill the enemies in question Your only option becomes to stalk around for these camps, and without knowing if it has the plant you need, picking off every single one of them from a distance with a bow, because you simply can't handle the whole gang, which will take you several trips as your bow keeps breaking I crawled through 3 of these biomes in full before I found the plant
All the while, you are also beset by mosquitos which will 2-3 hit your dumb ass because you don't have the gear yet They are faster than you, you CAN NOT outrun them because they seemingly just match your speed while circling you, until they lunge. If you get hit, you're stunned for just long enough that they get out of the way so you can't hit them.
It just... it just fucking sucks Like everything until this has been great, but this whole biome is going to kill the game's whole career
breakfast biffet soon im gonna fet so much bscon u have no clue
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>918972 wow well sounds like the game isnt fone yet
I mean, it's not, but this biome is supposedly the last one that is done It is the 'next one' Like it's where you're supposed to go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you sure there's no like upgrade you need to make it smooth
I mean you can upgrade your gear if you want to spend half of those hours in the mountains mining for silver and hauling like 20 of them back at a time Which'll take you a while, because the mountains aren't super dangerous, but the wolves hit pretty hard, and there are flying drakes that shoot ice, who aren't really dangerous, but will flinch you out of your mining if you don't deal with them anyway Once you do get the plant in question, you still need to go get more iron though, and that's the number one most annoying ore to acquire You either go through these crypts in the swamp, which is alright but there's a limited amount of them, and you get a lot of other garbage so the yield is low Or you dig into the ground in the swamp, and you'll know where with an item you already have at this point The issue is it's the swamp, so the water level is above the ore you're digging for, and if you get such and such deep into the water, you begin swimming, and can not mine. That depth is roughly 1 milimeter below the top layer the ore tend to generate at
You're STILL going to have to spend a ton of time looking through these huge biomes for a fucking plant though Once you do, it's probably gravy, but even after I found it, I didn't have the totems I needed to actually summon the boss, so you still gotta look for those >>918981 haha, he thinks you can parry all the attacks without having grinded block skill against all the enemies you don't need to block
I was block 10 or something until the third boss, because it was never relevant Then suddenly it was So after a lot of grinding by holding M2 around a buncha enemies, I got to block 20 of 100
Well, it broke off in my mouth, so I ran to the bathroom and washed my mouth out. Because it was small enough in my mouth that I couldn t feel it really. And I don't think it came out when I did that, so I'm almost certain I swallowed it.
But I think it'll probably be okay. I'm a little worried, naturally, but I'll probably be okay. Probably. I don't think it's large enough to get lodged in my intestines or anything so it should pass through alright. Worst case scenario, I get an intestinal infection or something I guess.
>be a garrison army in total war game >your life is to die as you are free respawning units god that would be worst isekai experience
Honestly, I shouldn't have been biting needles. So if I do get hurt, I kind of deserve it, haha. I probably won't die or be permanently disabled so it'll work out I think.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea. that's real shit but chances are you'll be fine
>>919013 worst is some kinda intestinal wound human body can pass lot of undigestible shit through it with no issues, but if it gets stuck in there it could become a repeating stabber I guess
game... I can't attack the army on the left because the control zone of the army on the right is blocking my movement there and i can't attack the army on the right because the control zone of the army on the lefti s blockng it you can only go into control zone when attacking the army but because I am not attacking the OTHER ARMY i can't step into it at all
I wish this could be done to the AI too, who btw just ignores the control zone mechanic 100% as the fuckers at CA can't code their AI for shit
>>919017 Yeah, that's how I see it. If this were enough to kill a healthy human, then humanity wouldn't have survived this long.
so I guess I shall cheat too the game amusingly has a long unfixed bug, where if you hit backspace you skip the AI's orders so you can prevent the AI from doing anything on their turn
>>919019 well if I swallowed something sharp I wouldn't worry about dying, but just rather painful intestinal injuries especially if it gets stuck
Well, the thing about sewing needles is that they're sharp but they take a lot of force to penetrate something. So I don't think it'll get stuck. Might just scrape things at the worst. I think the biggest potential problem could be that if it scrapes something and then causes an infection.
But I don't think that's likely and if I do get an infection, well, those are pretty simple to treat.
I was sewing, and I was having trouble pulling my needle through the fabric because I couldn't get a good grip on it with my soft, delicate, idol fingers. So I just grabbed it with my teeth to pull it through. Usually that works. This time, it didn't!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you eat a needle
apparently some astolfio cosplayer is trending??? anyone got the deets
>>919030 Oh, it'll probably be fine. It's not like the needle is just going to sit inside my body forever. It'll get stuck and cause problems at which point it'll have to be surgically removed, or it'll pass through without problems. I just won't get an MRI in the next 48 hours or so.
>>919068 i have poured my wine and i'm ready to hear the explanation behind your name
>>919069 When I originally came to /moe/ (well technically not originally but when I came and stayed) I wwawas initially uuusing Rei#clones which is a public trip got into a conversation wiith Rene about music I decided to stop using Rei#clones because it is a public trip and decided to use the name FormerRei so that he would know I was the person he talkkkked with previously. I have a vanity tripcode but I don't use it anymore.
Also I am addicted to my smart phone so I post from it like 99% of the time these days. Honestly I haven't posted on /moe/ from my computer since like 2019.