Giving a robot your dead sister's name doesn't really sound like a great idea.
>When the girl you're crushing on starts giving more attention to a literal robot than you
Seria kinda still feels pretty crazy though And more than in the way she's imprinting on the robot Like the way she kinda just totally dismissed the other girl trying to talk about the kiss last episode. She's got some kind of emotional deficiency problem or something.
Yeah, it's a very strange show Kinda makes you nervous
Yeah I'm just waiting for someone to go totally psycho Either Seria, Airi, or the robot that's probably now convincing itself that its a real person named Alice.
>I see your leg has not improved Come on dude did you think she was feigning the crutch or something
Oh no that doesn't seem good
bang is here and stuff
Ah sorry I meant to ping you about it This episode of Gekidol has been a bit engrossing
no worries, i was gonna check moe at some point tomorrow is a late day for work
Was almost certain that robot girl was just gonna strangle or knife her there or something
Everyone is on the ropes this episode and it's barely started
I had a feeling the girl that groped might've been fucked up by it like that though The way she was acting with Momo in the train was a bit weird.
Oh the tentacle lady is a bit more persistent.
Tomboy-chan is cute too
Those two were so peppy right up 'till the end
Wow she's acrobatic
Oh shit Ai's getting RIPPED
Neiru turning on the FLIRT
These two guys (?) are funny I'd like to see more of them
ah souka
These two really are oil and water
Wow, that's, uh That's sure a generalization
D'aw Momoe dropped the deeper, more masculine voice she's been using
no.... i didn't want the episode to end yet
The way they all met up at the end there was really sweet Very human and relatable conversation And Momoe getting to drop her boyish attitude was adorable too.
lots of feelings and stuff and it doesn't feel cheesy or awkward it feels a little awkward sometimes but only when it's supposed to
Yeah it's not as if real conversation doesn't some time feel like an absolute fish in the desert
i just mean it's not like stiff nor is // does it feel like a way it shouldn't ever hmmm awkward not in the sense of like human interaction awkward but like storytelling awkward nothing feels shoehorned in the characters always say things that feel like things they'd naturally say, but without being predictable oftentimes in anime you can guess how a conversation would go word for word and then it plays out like that in this case the characters' uniqueness makes dialogue flow in a dynamic way but without feeling forced, or like it's desperate for that uniquity the monogatari series actually struggles with that sometimes
this show is probably my favorite this season if it keeps it up, it might even be 3x3 material
It's definitely one of the strongest contenders Hard for anything to beat Higurashi for me though because of how absolutely crazy it's setting up to turn out I'm always excited to see more Wonder Egg but Higurashi has had me regularly throughout the week going "Oh yeah I need to get more of this"
I don't think you understand this is a BIG exception because of how it's gone Higurashi's still airing this season after all. >>916060 Categorized by who? >>916060 As if Since when was the Internet always united behind one idea
>>916061 I do have a consistent rule for what season a show falls in Whichever season it's currently airing in
yeah, i just mean the "best of season award" is always categorized by the starting date of the show sometimes they call a 2nd cour a 2nd season but then you gotta use discretion >>916059 the internet
if you don't have a rigid rule for what season a show falls in, you can just say a show is the best of the weaker season it aired during, or you can say it was the best in each season it aired, etc
This is kind of why the British distinction of seasons and series is kind of nice
well then you're wrong, and one piece is the best show every season
Well it's not because One Piece isn't -that- good.
We've seen more of the main trio in the OP than we've in the entire actual show
The guy controlling those mobs is pretty clever Picked up that she's pre-planning those lightning movements quickly.
I'm still kinda in that place where I have no idea what's going on we haven't seen the protagonists in so long
Here's what I think I remember from it So towards the end of the first season, there was that big invasion by some humanoid Neighbours, right? Earth was able to fight them off, but in doing so attracted attention from other worlds/dimensions in the weird interdimensional space that this series takes place in These guys are a smaller world than the first invasion but seem to be a bit more elite. I'm not 100% certain why they're trying to invade though.
In the meanwhile there was also the inter-organizational battle tournament the main trio were taking part in Doing well in that seems to have earned them the change -chance to board a ship that's going into the interdimensional space between worlds/dimensions for an exploratory mission I think that might be where they are at the moment, but they might also just be resting up to be in good condition for the mission.
>>916074 I did make an account and I did play a bit I haven't logged on in a few days it feels kinda grindy and I run out of stamina very quickly
Yeah that's fair I've kinda settled into it and I'm enjoying it a fair bit, but the grind and low-ish reward rates are kind of a drag The pseudo-PVP arena is the best part of the gameplay Marsh and I have been having a bit of a friendly competition climbing the ranks in it I asked because I found a Yuu around rank 3100 who reminded me of you Their character choice was even kind of Rika-poi
This lady says she's a spy here to evaluate the risk of Rimuru's nation But it does kind of feel like she'll end up being charmed by its people and culture
I'm a bit surprised Rimuru is surprised by the notion that his nation might get invaded They're obviously an economic powerhouse and kind of a powerful threat On top of being composed mostly of monsters
I don't think he has anything to worry about if he gets invaded though His nation is super powerful
I'm under the impression his nation is powerful, but the only reason they've seemed so strong is because they've gone up against uncivilized, relatively uncoordinated threats Like a rampaging army of Orcs or various monstrous threats aren't -that- big a deal in the broad scale of things
Plus there are even more extreme powerhouses out there in this world. Like Milim, the pink-haired girl, she could easily curbstomp Rimuru if she wanted to He's just lucky she made him her best friend.
If another powerful nation in this world organized a legitimate attack against Tempest, I think they'd have a harder time Plus if you think about it, they don't have any defensive infrastructure Their city doesn't even have walls after all!
Looks like there's a lot of people who've gotten isekai'd into this world though Here's three of them just hanging out They seem like kind of problematic people though.
Might take another episode or two though Honestly titling a weekly series' episode "Prelude to Disaster" is just plain mean though Like now we know we're not even getting disaster next week, we're just getting the wind up to it We'll have to wait a whole two weeks for the actual disaster!
Yeah no kidding If I found a random hat wandering an otherworldly dimension populated with all sorts of crazy paranatural things I'd be extremely cautious about putting it on
Well that's probably not good.
Now they're just wandering into the Otherside without even trying Something like this sure must be a sobering experience even if you're really hammered though
I don't know about thaaaat After all the elevator is scary but at least they're in control of using it If anything the fear that at any moment you might just walk the wrong interdimensional direction and trip right into the Otherside is way scarier
Who'da thunk the paranatural world, already pretty dangerous during the day, would be incredibly worse at night?
A whole squad of Stalkers hah hah Wonder what they're doing in this neck of the woods
What a ... nice giant antler man Drawing the attention of the automaton
That guy really wanted to shoot some girls
Sorawo's mouth agape face is always a bit hard to tell if she's excited or terrified by a situation
For trivia's sake, the station name they were talking about, Kisaragi-eki, is a classic Internet urban myth It's been on Japanese social sites for years now