Wednesday's here Halfway through the week Spring looks like it might be on its way soon-ish here I'll be happy if winter goes away early this year
Beastars Go-toubun no Hanayome Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 Log Horizon Episode 3-4 SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-4 Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger
Okay sorry Right before starting I remembered I should probably reboot my PC Beastars episodes always run a bit slowly when my PC hasn't gone without a reboot in a while
>But I guess there wasn't that much more to that relationship >Two people comfortable enough to stroke eachother's hair I dunno I think you have to be pretty close to be like that
Hah hah hah The Leo Group were kind of a bunch of dweebs it seems, before Louis assumed control But it seems like he's kind of reimagined them as dark heroes
He's still eating meat though, eh That can't be good
Yeah, I had a feeling it might be something like that Biologically, herbivores can't really digest meat And more importantly, their bodies don't manufacture the important nuitrition from meat Herbivores need vegetables!
Pride, probably From what we've always seen of Louis he's always had an actor's prideful streak Plus he's probably caught up in the mindset that he can't show a millimetre of weakness around the lions Honestly from what weenies we've seen them be it probably wouldn't matter Hell, one of them even went and bought him some vegetables But I bet the other carnivores of the black market would jump at the opportunity to knock him down a peg, any peg they can find.
Also it might be kind to put in Soukou Musume Senki or Idoly Pride or something instead Instead of Jaku-chara In case Bang's still good for the show
oh sorry i was in the realm beyond realms i can watch stuff if you want to but it's no biggie if not tomorrow works just as well
Well Ains still kinda comes off as a bit of a jerk But the argument that the non-player people of this world don't have any representation in the Akiba government is kind of a really fair point. All the governing of Akiba has been done by the players.
Yeah, I was thinking that too The MYTH & ROID OPs that Overlord uses have a similar kind of frantic nature to them
Now here's some claaaassic politicking Who needs democratic assemblies and government structures All you need for politics is a bunch of petty noble families arguing over territory risks!
When the author made an appearance on /a/ in Log Horizon threads years back, he basically confirmed Krusty was named after The Simpsons' character Those were some wildly fun threads
It does kinda feel like there was a bit of a skip between the stuff at the end of the second season and now Maybe they just time-skipped between LN volumes since there wasn't any reason to keep a continuous chronology It's not like there's always stuff happening worth writing about!
But it sounds like Krusty's guild didn't quite disband, but broke down into semi-independent communities Mostly because his guild was a raiding guild and there's not much raiding to be done in this isekai'd game world.
This pale-faced clown really is a tough man to like He seems to be particularly whiny
it doesnt really suit the princess though clashes with her color scheme
Yeah but this is as much about making a statement as being fashionable on her part She was showing she stands with the Round Table and Shiroe's side of this sorta-disagreement
Elections! Now they might have a proper democracy in place
They created starfish and flying snakes so far I don't think I'd ever heard of flying snakes before Snakes so flat they can glide through the air That's practically like a tiny dragon in a sense
Oh they're getting into the weird way male seahorses are the child-bearers of the species hah hah
yeah seems like it there are a lot of strange cases like that in ocean life
There really are Even freshwater aquatic creatures can be kind of weird. I wonder if aquatic life is naturally pre-disposed to weird evolution because it's a much broader biological niche than land and air.
GATTAI animals!
Oh it was jellyfish Another weird aquatic creature
This God feels drastically irresponsible
... Is it going to end up being an elephan- Okay yup When they started talking about a naked giant creature with heatsinks I figured it was going to be one.
getting stuck in a world like that would kinda suck
It does make things kind of interesting though If only the world wasn't under constant attack from robot alien monsters
All their different worlds seem to have fairly divergent minor details though Things like landmarks existing in different locations or different numbers
I was under the impression the difference between the "kin-kaku" and "gin-kaku" temples was degree of ostentatious-ness Like of course the gold one would be more extravagant than the silver one
Their truck AI more and more seems like a bit of a dick That's the second time he's almost deliberately revealed something useful after the fact
There's some good sightseeing to be done in Kyoto I'd like to do more eventually Even revisit some of the places I was before in a different season I bet autumn would be a lovely time to visit Kyoto
Looks like the sightseeing is okay in this world too
It sounded like North Kyoto's the part that's been lost to the robot aliens So there's probably a good number of sightseeing locations that are unsafe to visit But Kyoto's practically encircled and spotted with locations like that. Even losing half the city they'd probably still have plenty of places to tour.
Well if there's one consistent thing between all the sisters They're really just huge bakas
Futarou sure is a bit crazy at times The amount of work he puts into helping the girls with things not even related to tutoring is almost kind of excessive
Hah hah yeah The ribbon trick might've worked on the teachers for that bit in the first season But really all the girls still look distinct enough that if they don't put their hair up like another girl, they still are obviously who they are
It does make her look a fair bit more like Yotsuba Though the hairties do add some extra width to her hair
Honestly if the girls really wanted to make life easier for Futarou they'd lend him a computer or at least a printer/scanner so he could give his hands some relief and save a bit of time here and there.
Oof Most of those are barely passing grades I think, if not actual fails I can't quite remember how grading works in Japanese test structures, but I think they do things differently than a simple "fifty for pass"
>>916434 Well they five of them are the daughters of a rich father Prime candidates for being a bit spoiled and drama magnets
Though I guess they might really be step-daughters? From what Itsuki was saying earlier this season they were originally poor when they lived with their single mother as kids And only got rich once she remarried the man who they call dad now.
It's kinda weird we haven't gotten a straight reason, yeah I think he expected they'd underperform on the exams, maybe?
Hah hah hah oh no not again He seems to have gotten into the habit of slipping into water recently.
I suppose one of the girls palmed the academic talisman as it was floating away there. We'll probably see it make a surprise return some time down the line.
Probably, but i expect it to be underwhelming this show has a habit of building stuff up and then it's not a big deal
It does kind of have a teenager's idealized version of interpersonal drama and conflict feel to it at times, I find. Almost like a soap opera aimed at a somewhat younger audience than young stay-at-home housewives.
I guess most if not all harem romcoms kinda have that vibe but this one's got it real bad