I might have to replace my Joy-Cons before I can play MonHun on my Switch without using my Pro controller I dropped them on their face one too many times and now I can't register the input of pushing one of the control sticks in Which just happens to be the input needed to activate the lock-on camera for the game
oof could always just play bowgun I guess
But I liiiike playing Charge Blaaaade Maybe I'll load up the demo again later and see if the Bow feels more like it did in World than previous MonHun I did like what they changed for it in World.
I haven't tried it yet but I know it has the big piercing move still, it looks super mobile like it was in World too
What Nintendo should really do is sell you Joy-Cons but let you pick the two colours you want. Microsoft does something similar with Xbox controllers I think, you can buy a customizable controller with different colour options and even partial regions of the controller you can pick different colours for. That or just have more options of single Joy-Cons.
hug huh
sea shanties are so hot right now
Who decided 2021 was going to be the year of the sea shanties anyway And why
no idea, it hit the zeitgeist and got popular on tiktok so here we are waiting on the wellerman to bring us sugar and tea and rum
Oh, Tiktok, that's probably why it snuck up on me
No it was me it be time ta brin' back ze time of ze pirates
hmm this new old desk I got comes with a "chord shelf" that is ment to have your chords running/resting on but at the sametime it is perfectly positioned on leg resting height let's hope it is made of sturdy wood
>>910376 Oh no I better tell my friend who is really into sea shanties that he can't listen to them anymore because they've gone mainstream.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this MFer near me really ordered a saucy roll with no wasabi and plain mayo on the side wtf
>>910384 i went to a fancy japanese restaurant in san francisco i think yoshi's or yoshinori's or something i ordered the soft-shell crab, and they brought it to me with a cup of fuckin tartar sauce
water elevators better, I think but you could just use a magma block for that too
>>910389 don't ask me, i have no idea why it traditionally goes with ponzu sauce, and they didn't even have any just brought me out soy sauce after asking
coincidentally, what is ponzu sauce?
it's a sauce with citrus stuff in it and soy sauce you'll have to google it
>>910391 Different effects Magma blocks create upwards bubble streams, soulsand creates downwards streams.
yeah it looks weird as hell but it is an interesting concept
have to still give props to the one(s) behind it, since they dropped like 10-20k on just the gear and programs to get started that is way more than the usual vtuber/streamer shit
>>910397 Upwards water elevators are far faster than climbing scaffolding, and have the added benefit of moving items and mobs. Downwards ones miiiight be faster than falling actually, but I haven't tested it.
>>910401 Items moving along ice will move much faster than normal, more so with blue ice. Putting water on top of a line of ice will have items rocket down it, extending even far further than where the water peters out.
But you can't produce ice can you, i mean it is easily available in ice bioms but still
will items move in chunks that aren't loaded, tho?
Ice is easy to farm, it will break as a block with Silk Touch You can set up a pond of water in a cold biome or high enough in temperate biomes and it'll freeze over, and voila, plenty of ice. Blue ice is harder to get though and might only be available as a generated feature in some cold biomes.
Nothing happens in chunks that aren't loaded but by that extention it doesn't really matter that items won't move in it because anything that would normally make items to move won't be active either.
>>910404 lots of testing in earlier versions I doubt they have changed those figures
once you have tried out the space gun so many times, the falling speed becomes a constant you can easily recognise
welp maybe if you can stack the bubble streams
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are there any more games like 7 days to die? rust? the forest?
forest maybe
Rust is closer to 7 Days To Die than The Forest is. But I think it you're hankering for that "survival-craft experience with regular sieges of ravenous hordes, you're limited to 7 Days To Die
Which is kind of a shame to me because I can't stand the game's visual aesthetic but the concept is right up by alley
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can deal with the visuals but man i wish the perf was better
PNN reporting in hot and live from the scene and this time not just because our top reporter is there but because we have the largest scandal of the decade exploding like the balkans 100 and 10 years ago
Turns out the top idol Kirara was never a mushroom, despite cosntantly saying that they are and have now confessed, after their transformation into a mushroom proper, that they NOW are a mushroom finally.
how will the fans react, knowing that despite their favourite mushroom idol having finally become a mushroom truly, having so far lied about their shroominess. The impact upon and reaction from the mushroom community will be seen.
This has been Perkele News Network
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
canadian mushrooms stonks are gettin spicy cybin UP!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had to chart out my dharma lineage all the way back to shakyamuni buddha i knew there would be a long list but damn 85 teachers between me and the buddha
just 85?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i mean it's only like 2500 years
if each of those lived 100 years old you'd be still in 1400s
oh wait what no hahaha
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i was gonna say lol
hey I have been up 22 hours and am drinking whisky for a bit of a self celebratory
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did the math in my head like "what..."
85 actually makes sense
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's interesting to see the name conventions change all the names are translated into japanese but you can see the names were indian until bodhidarma and then they're translated from chinese until dogen and then theyre all japanese
>>910427 nah names are basically taken from sutras and stuff so there are toooooo many to guess it the teacher gives it based on who you are too
>>910426 imaginary is my word but it's just abstractions misattributed concreteness
btw pasting my discord post here
krrrrrrr if you dare to be annoying, ask Roshi what is the line between imaginary and well not-imaginary and you can say that this is a question from a friend of yours civilization itself is such a weird word anyhow I mean it on its own means basically "living in cities" but there are "civilized" people who don't live in cities and never have like take the bane of the old world for as long as civilization pre-gatling existed "are steppe nomads civilized"
>>910425 you could prolly easily guess your name, if you look up what they use kind of a problem with religious organisations that reuse names etc
>>910425 hmm the bodhidarma legend is one that i am not that sure if it applies but I can't remember how much buddhism had spread by then to the big trading centres or if it had at all
borders of china and india are afterall quite unpassable so there wasn't actually that much contact between them outside of stuff like proto-silkroad etc
searoutes were a lot faster than trekking the wastes
>>910425 guessed so but I get what he means but my question here is, and not because of doubt or anything but just out of curiosity from a learned man way byeond me for years
where lies the "boundary" like insects and animals build "socitieies" but they aren't our shit same when they build structures and so on
so my pondering is where does the divide between man and animal - "imaginary" - and "real" in the end lie what is the difference between a beaver's dam and a man's dam?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no meaningful difference in the dam the difference is that one is conceptualized by the human mind the only real difference is conceptualization >>910431 instinct or not we still conceptualize it
both are built to survive couldn't the man's dam be as much instict as the beaver's
>>910476 could mr king come over here and have a b'day party you guys can still celebrate but we'd like to celebrate too >>910479 is that like doctor sleep
Anyways from what is known about his FBI files there's a lot of sketchy stuff in tthem
doctor sleep king by stephen >>910482 about what the fbi did or what he did?
>>910483 What he did I know he allegedly (according to the FBI) cheated on his wife with prostitutes.
eh that's not really that bad bad for his relationship yeah but I don't really care about that just kind of tarnishes his image where's the real juicy stuff
hes actually a government plant from china set to free the slaves in america
>>910485 I'm not going to go into details because it's not really appropriate for /moe/ and primarily because it'll likely result in a long argument when people wake up and see the posts about it
>>910486 that's pretty good thank you mr king happy bday have a drink on me
>>910485 Google Martin luther King garrow fbi files You should be aabable to find sone articles about it.
fuck I double posted can't remember the other ink oh no wait I remember it was shit anyway >>910513 >>910511 rip ur sleep >>910514 oh fuck not sure whether to say nice or my condelences
>>910514 I know a guy who worked for Hillary Clinton's campaign and footage of him being sad at a canceled victory party was used as B roll footage on CNN for two years.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>910512 ah he didn't do anything. just some more shit about covid >>910515 wow. would suck to be him
my uncles family had a minor part on australian story once because they had some bad thing happen not life ruining but it could have been >>910516 I guess that's fine then people usually are on ACA for bad things unless it's one of those stories designed to pull on your heart strings
go to sleep and stop stealing my images that I right clicked and hit save which was a lot of work tyvm
I would but I'm not tired enough yet. Still waiting for my meds to kick in.
I would also like to sleep I think I'm buggin out on a caffeine high
>>910523 What kind of buggin? Insect or arachnid? Or gastropod or uhh whatever worms are i guess there 's the mote general term arthropod But that might include crustaceans but I wouldn't consider them bugs
they're probably one of my favourite I remember seeing a documentary in primary school at the IMAX and the mantis was my favourite part >>910528 yes I just read that on the wiki
What did you think they were if not insects? >>910527 Did you know that they're closely related to termites and cockroaches?
I don't think we have one in Australia Melbourne has the largest IMAX screen supposedly
I saw that there was one in Townsville but it closed a few years ago.
Huh Townsville apparently has a high crime rating And is full of bogans Thanks google
I wonder if those two are related.
would you consider yourself an audiophile?
Don't have the money for audiophile tier stereo equipment Although speaking of stereo I have one quadrophonic album so maybe when I replace my turntable I should get one that supports quadrophonic records
oh neat what album is it? I wouldn't consider myself an audiophile at all but i've been on a dankpods binge and I'm tempted to buy one of his reccomendations
damn I'm sure I posted this vocaloid song stuck in my head >>>/watch?v=EKhIt7ZLZao that's it >>910552 okay I haven't listened to new order before but I liked joy division
They're coming tto Chicago in october on a double bill with the pet shop boys I might go see tththem. >>910556 It was made by a weird guy who was classically trained as a mime Fun fact, he reused themes from this video for the 1992 winter Olympics' oopopeoopening ceremony
what is this video I do feel like I have heard this but maybe not
Also the sign language is french sign language
oh yeah I've heard this chorus although it doesn't exactly feel like a chorus >>910557 weird
>>910558 I think the directior mightve been french
>>>/watch?v=kR0xiIYvOSw these are only 70 something dollarydoos and made in NY also they use this review on their website >>>/watch?v=QgfKiR4X4II these are made in Melbourne they seem really expensive though
Really the hotter take of that tweet though is "by doing nothing we're actually fixing everything"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
embrace mediocrity!
drug tester turned up wonder what's gonna happen
damn wish I had failed some other guy did though so I get a run of childcares and other places that order big instead of the nice cruisy run I was gonna have
>>910608 We were visiting my cousin in Long Island and I didn't sleep the entire three days we were there and in general acted autistic (moreso than normal). My mother told me that I had been acting like I did when I was much younger before a lot of my profoundly autistic behaviors had been mitigated by therapy and learning social skills.
Also I had to "sleep" on an air mattress in the middle of their living room and could hear their baby cry all night.
are you pastin like music.youtube.com links? musicyoutube.com?
it's from the youtube musix app I guess the way they do their streaming is they have those automatically created "topic music" videos and they just grab those
psycho human enjoys their Own Life [NOT CLICKBAIT]
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im jelly i can't sleep on a reasonable timeframe gotta do more exercise wear out these bones
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im an extreme morning person usually i sleep 9-7 or roundabouts though i used to sleep 8-5 but it's impossible to maintain that and be an adult with a job
I've just got too many things I want to do And so sleep takes low priority to that Also a generally a lot of sleep doesn't really make me feel all that nice I feel most refreshed waking up for three or 4.5 hours of sleep
>I have lost everything, and I'm not sure how to continue. This summer I invested $17,500 (six months salary and my entire life savings) into ornamental gourd futures, hoping to capitalize on this lucrative emerging industry. .After watching a video about Vincent Kosuga and his monopoly on onions, I decided I'd try to do something similar with another vegetable. >I did some research and found out many agricultural forecasters expected this year's gourd yield would be far smaller than the past, due to deteriorating soil conditions in central Mexico and a warmer-than-average spring. At first, demand soared around Halloween and prices skyrocketed, but the gourd bubble burst on November 12th. a classic blunder
>>910966 It's a "safer" bet than using man or woman Since man and woman are contextual on gender while male and female are contextual on sex At least conventionally.
After a few weeks I can say Bluetooth earbuds are pretty nice But only really good for audio-only stuff unless you don't mind a very noticeable half-second audio
delay up against the visual visual s you're watching
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have somehow developed a reputation as someone who can reunite families broken by mental illness???
Since state of emergencies and increased lockdown means my mother has no reason to be back in the city until early February the earliest, she convinced me to sleep in the condo's bedroom instead of the pull out couch I've been using But the bed in there is way nicer than the couchbed and without alarms to wake me up I sleep for literally nine hours practically uninterrupted. Though that might also be a product of a week of sleep deprivation and finally not having any upcoming responsibilities during the weekend. Still I didn't want to take any risks sleeping through anime or morning alarms last night, so the couchbed didn't get put away.
>>911139 setting steam/magicpunk city, currently in lockdown/ruined/occupied due to undead plague locals very racist towards magical beings current city area occupied by "coalition" forces that moved in to "save" the city (equipment level varying between 19th and mid 20th century depending on what is funny/cool) city still hell during nights, but part of it is safezone, but fought over by various factions (locals, the army, mafia, elf mafia) party just arriving here with low intel about it all
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha elf mafia
They run the slums in the east city *west
The setting is a city state that is split between two ports, a major canal connecting the two ports and the central city built about middle of canal, on north and southbbanks, with main rich/admin zone on an island chain in the muddle - this was starting/adv zone
The two ports are the final exit zones, since xampaign goal is survive/exit
East city is also known as old centre, since it was buikt around the original floating city that crashd there
The main inhabitants are either locals with little magical abilities, due to local effects or proper wizards descending from other flying cities or the origibal one has large elf population as well inthe west, with bunch of neverdowells from other neighbouring areas gathering in the slums
Ofc there are other outsiders, but these are more tourism/business/etc and not locals
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how is the plague transmitted
It's about 1 month into zombies and 2 months when lockdown began >>911144 like any disease initially but nowadays it just ressess any dead bodies as a foul mist
The dead also disappear with the mist and reappear
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright alright Germaine, a middle aged human dude obsessed with fightan the undead in hand-to-hand combat. he fights only with his fists and he is super stupid but his wife can't stop him so she just tries to make sure he wears protective gear when he goes to fight his hobbies include punching slabs of concrete , chopping wood, and pounding on steel with a hammer
>pekora is a rabbit that doesn't trigger flags >proceeds to almost get showered in lava
>>911147 is he a local (gradian, think russian) or from other parts?
is he a local (grandma, think old) or from other parts?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he's some slavic motherfucker add squatting to his hobbies
I think he could be a fun npc vendor
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just selling random shit he finds on the undead he fights lol
And punching them
Wat i havevan idea, pair him with the slingshot channel dwarf that should be a fun combo
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah make him tall to contrast with the dwarf better
i cast flare
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the kumo desu ga nani ka adaptation is pretty good
i have to ask my mom for permission to watch that
>>911147 so i guess as an added backstory, has worked for dwarf, due to just brute str being suited for blacksmithing etc
>>911157 The CGI spider and other mobs can be a bit doofy at times but the rest of the art is really polished And the plot strikes a good balance between fantasy worldbuilding and isekai mechanics learning
is it just slime ni natchatta except as a spider?
Not really, no, but there are parallels But that's not because one is riffing off the other, but rather both use the "eat things as a monster to gain powers" trope that I think first got established in Re:Monster or whatever it was
Remon, slime and spider are all very different slime and remon are more similiar but even theybquickly diverge especially onnhow remon's mc isn't exactlyba nice guy
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Isekai is kind of a weird genre where it grows so quickly. As soon as one or two isekais add in a new idea, you start to see it everywhere pretty soon after all.
In a way it echoes the way memes propagate on the Internet
Especially sincevquite many just go "oh that was an option"vrather than "jump pn bandwagon"
Yeah, true I got enough left to have a snack before bed, and cold pizza for breakfast, too regret making one half of it this weird "mexico style" though Shoulda gone full beef
so whats on the sauce plate today
i never get a larfe pizza might as well get two, price is
the same pretty much
https://mangadex.org/title/60511/her-life-is-comicalized fun meta
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like i might get a promotion to program manager in a month or two at work
It allegedly will yeah But we'll see sooner or later I guess
>>911191 That's not the case here? Two medium pizzas would run me close to twenty CAD A large would be more like thirteen or fourteen
>>911197 well this is true here, but about all joints have "delivery free after 17~" so large is say 14+5 and two is 20-25
welp after serving me for... ages my tablelight finally burned out these modern bulbs last for half eternity
downside is ,that I don't anymore stock bulbs either guess my kitchen is illuminated and as well as my main source of backlighting by a christmas candlelight
>>911198 which is kinda weird, when you consider some sets like say a burger with fries and drink and say you add extra bacon it ends up at about 16 and then the delivery fee pumps it up to 21 but if you add additional items for let's say precisely the 5€, like drinks you still have 21€ but no delivery fee you'd think the various pizzakebabas would figure out a compromise in these cases, like "orders cap out at 19 when delivery added if below 17" etc but guess not
Well campaign one happened the same way Starts off with a bunch of thieves, misfits, and one kinda-convict bumming around a swamp town Ends up fighting an arch-lich on the actual precipice of ascending to unkillable god-dom
>>911203 I just find it pretty funny how, storywise, this current situation is a direct result of them meeting up to begin with After all, Molly would presumably still be up and running if not for this group coming together
>>911205 I'm sure one dead Tief wouldn't stop an otherdimensional sentient city from getting hungry and chasing Exandria The false god on the island had been there for decades after all
I mean I guess Vess was on the trail, too, but NotMolly certainly seems to have sped the process up a lot
>>911210 Tried to jumpstart my mom's car with a jumpstart device (big battery with clamps) but the car alarm went off whenever I tried to open the car door or turned it on with the car door open so I couldn't actually start the car.
curry soupu
this girls asking me to get a c*ck piercing lol wtf?
I think I might have to really look at updating my phone plan My regular use of data now blows through my softcap with still like two weeks left in the cycle I don't get extra surcharges but it does really slow my speeds. But I also don't particularly want to give up my archaic plan, because technically unlimited data with a 5GB softcap and unlimited call and text country-wide for 36 CAD is a fucking steal these days
man i've missed all this GameStop insanity inanity it seemed to crazy to get in and i'm not capitulating now got plenty of other stonks to focus on too crazy* but what if gamestop turns out to destroy the stock market the day biden gets sworn in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people been tryna short $GME for like a year now but it just keeps goin up it doubled in price from 20 to 40 bux last thursday
how? 1 then again how did musk become richest in the world is a damn good question too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea fuckin 4chan meme store gamestop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're in an impressive financial bubble right now it could go on for years or implode tomorrow who knows
but what is so attractive about... tesla I suppose what have they done recently that would really bring in the investor money?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a short squeeze when the market crashed in march i signed up for Robinhood and they gave me one (1) free share of GME worth about 3 bux at the time i was like 'this is a joke right???' and sold it and a whole bunch of other investors were like 'this bidness is dooomed'
Or is this one of those yeah like some begin it because muskkult others join in cause it is rising and then the masses go BUY BUY BUY
My most smug moment was back in the 2008 crash when I at almost 1 day accuracy predicted, atleast for finnish markets Nordex or something, shared scandinavian stuff when the shit would start rising back up and then on a week accuracy when they would crash again
too bad I wasn't of legal age to buy stocks back then
Hell had I actually persuaded my pop and been serious about it i would have had 6k to play with back then and I could have doubled it bare minimum >>911269 yup 100% luck but it was based on looking at stock prices in news for like 10 years+ and memorizing when they go up or down
not why or anything else just basically learning the trend of "when most people start selling" etc
I 100% can't do it anymore, cause I don't follow stockl prices like that anymore
Fun fact one time I was 12 or 13 and on a cruise to estonia with my brother and mother m e and my bro were hanging around in the slot machines, playing them when the staff weren't looking
I had lost all my change and wasn't going to break any bills to play more but I was looking at this one guy, prolly late 20s early 30s playing the slots so first he looked at me like "wat, we fins go away" but then stopped doing it but then the first time he won I went, I think it was cards game, where doubling the result had you guess big or small (8 king or 1-6 respectively, 7 would be "though luck and return the money orh ouse wins depending on machine) well this was one of those weird lucky days and I started calling out "big will win" and big won etc and eventually the guy started to listen to my doubling predictions and won big and gave me a 2€ coin for my trouble
also another fun fact about old finnish slot machines they actually had a pattern to them it wasn't RNG it was a pattern how they dealt the "double or nothing" thing once you actually learnt the pattern and could see where it was going as long as you kept winning, which was based 100% on how full the machine was, you could easily go maximum prizes
too bad they patched that way before I became of legal age to use them machines
All finnish slot machines, owned by a monopoly charity organisation actually have a return rate of bit over 50%
note return rate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i once went into a casino in amsterdam and immediately lost 100 euros on the first poker hand and then left
anyhow the charity is non profit and it donates all of its income to support youth sports, youth activity etc being one of the main sponsors of well almost every big sport name we have had past 40 years
>>911286 in actual casinos i'd only play black jack or texas hold'em former the house can't cheat (or shouldn't be able to) and you have some math to help you with
the latter is really based on just skill but ofc hold'em isn't really played without an entry fee and a tournament tho
roulette technically is most fair going black/red has you at like 49% win chance no matter where you play, unless the house itself cheats with breaks etc but even then, it is quite a skill to exactly NOT stop it at red or black, which atlerante 50/50
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
craps is actually very very fair if you do the right bets well 1.4% house edge
craps is also social and fun well roulette is too but not quite the same energy hence why i seek it out first that said i haven't been to a casino since that amsterdam trip
i go to target and cvs at night it's the only time i feel alive
btw i have no idea what craps is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
roll two dice in the big round spiky table 7 or 11 = instawin 2, 3, 12 = instalose otherwise it gets more complicated then when you lose you pass the dice to the next person around the table
the rules are not actually that complicated after that if you rolled either a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, you just need to roll it again to win but if you roll a 7 then you lose
roll the same number or roll another number that isnt instalose
well as long as X is at least like 16 it's passable
16 is literally the shortest password i use
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i use a password manager and i put mostly xkcd style 4 word passwords in it
cancellations or no shows are subject to a 100% fee wtf? hows that a fee thats the whole thing
>>911342 fun bonus of speaking elf language you can use your actual words and it still is impossible to machine break not that I use outright any word without muxing and maxing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean xkcd passwords are already impossible to machine break and very easy to type if you have to resort to that
one time all passwords me and my brother used were based on a poster with characters on it but each of them caem with a logic twist like say it was tenshi it would be written as t3NSH1 and so on depending on which letter was the first name and so on
so if we ever needed to tell passwords of some things to eachother, with other people present we could just point at the poster and go like this, that and then this and no one else had any idea what was going
>>911365 no she beats up cops most of the time but it has a damn fine ass about one of the best soundtracks in scifi/cybepunk a damn amazing setting with damng amazing set pieces and a decent enough plot
just turn the audio to french to avoid the fucking awful english voice acting
what about japanese also i played a lot of it i wonder if i still have a save i downloaded it ILLEGALLY tho
>>911367 if it has it try it I just always go for "country of origin" the studio that made it was 100% french at the time so I went for french it later went on to make "Life is Strange" so... yeah not that good of a studio
also I am just going to point this out finns don't have any specialised ROTTEN FISH/MEAT DISHES those are all scandinavian we have adopted some of those, like lutefisk but not the actual rotten shit
and we don't have any of those of our own
it is the germanics that go weird and eat rotten food when exposed to cold look at scottish etc with their haggish as a comparison
My tinnitus is driving me crazy. There's a promising treatment that's been developed but its currently only available in Europe. By the time the FDA approves it I probably won't have health insurance that will cover it.
sorry but trump isnt president anymore ur not allowed to make fun of him on twitter anymore
>>911534 I think the cat in that photo passed away a few years back But the locals commissioned a statue in that spot to remember it by Making that exact same pose
some japs were hogging the arcade machine with the bride dakimakuras :/ i wanted to try for one but they won a nee san one and told the worker to replace it with a headphones one like ew? gross?
man my cuts goin so good heh look at my bod yeah thats good stuff tright there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn son flex baby flex
The lightbulb that burnt out earlier is working again.