>>911572 (OP) do u also order chicken tenders at fancy restaurants lol
I don't think I've been to a fancy restaurant in a long time
thats what my friend said to say to peiple who like the hheadphones girl
nice late work call tomorrow i was supposed to be rly busy tomorrow too and i skipped work today because of miscommunication lol so easy thanks taxpayers
yeah its p bad and its got this really bad doujin for it lol one sister gets the other ones drugged and gang r- and then killed then wears them like huh
>>911584 I thought you liked last /// miku nvm - _-
Man the slow data I get once I go over my softcap is like, really slow I can't even listen to a podcast with it constantly stuttering on me I almost want to see if I can buy an extra gigabyte or something for this last two weeks of the data cycle But even that might not be enough augh
Also man it is brisk out there It's been hovering around freezing most all of winter so it dropping suddenly down to -8C is a bit chilly
ya i like a couple mitche m songs i actually sont like a lot of official miku songs lol
I've just been listening to vocaloid playlists because they're just easy to put on except today I forgot to bring an aux and my phone hates the truck's Bluetooth despite the price even my cheapshit could connect
>>911706 i sent ghoat // ghost girl a message now the long wait
I was thinking of putting together a tinder but that would require a good looking resume
i thought about it too but i think i'm gonna wait until i get vaxxed
I think about it but I should wait until I'm back in school. Not having a jjojob and living with your parents is more culturally acceptable if you're a student.
besides, i just barely started lifting i can't talk about how i have to go work out until it looks like i actually do
>>911711 I wonder if people would get mad if you put "corona virus negative since date in Ur bio
wait di d you think i was gonna put anything in my bio besides doushio.com/moe
wait i meant to say "i'm bang"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
today, we are all i'm bang
I also need to lose some weight. Improving my diet is hard
>>911720 i mean i don't know your body but i'm 290 and i'm not really trying to lose weighty i'm just trying to turn it into stone
the guy I live with is also kryptonite for women hmm
i mean being 250 would be cool and all but i'm really just trying to deadlift 500 pounds and then from there maybe 700 will be possible after some years
I'm 5'11" and like 230~ My stomach gers in the way when I bend to tie my shoes
wow 6'1 can I marry you
>>911726 i have a huge frame i definitely look fat but i don't look 300 pounds but it's just pretty fortunately spread out
like my waist right now is 42 but when i was 250, it was like 38 if i was 200 it probably wouldn't be that much smaller i'm a wide boy
Does everyone get her as the free roll? Or did i actually roll it?
I miss being 150lbs
>>911732 Nope You get a random 3* character at the start of the game So if you want to keep rolling for a certain girl you like more than the others, that's the best time to do so.
I was actually about to join a gym right when covid hit. I'm still irritated about it.
>>911737 Yeah no kidding Besides you get a bunch of rolling currency easily enough The rates are kinda ... bad, but there's a fair amount of chances to roll others.
And all 1 and 2 star characters can be improved to 3 and higher anyway.
look this is the kind of thing that people experienced with it will always say this and it will _every_single_time_ be ignored but please for the love of god don't get into gacha smoke crack or something healthier
That's kind of a weak argument though I mean it's not even an argument honestly it's just you shitposting under the guise of concern Even taken in good faith it assumes other people don't have the control to not spend money on the game that outpaces their satisfaction with playing it.
it is absolutely shitposting but there is a hint of concern it's less important that someone actually decides not to play, than it is for them to recognize the danger that games like this do indeed possess
i'm in a discord with some people who are very deep in the hole to games like this a guy who's spent a college degree's worth of cash on two games, seperately i mean i play gacha games occasionally and have probably spent way more than i should've even if it's a truly trivial amount compared to what others spend but when a few hundred bucks is trivial, it's just kinda dangerous i feel someone asking about the basic systems might not know a lot about how these things function so they don't get to make decisions fairly
>>911740 Marsh has played the gacha tables since forever
Yeah that too I think it's a bit silly to assume anyone on /moe/ is unfamilliar with the temptations of gacha We've always been at the -least-, adjacent to the culture.
i dont sh*tpost ever nor play gacha
or watch anime
i cant say that cuz my girl played mei tantei conan the other day :/ there goes my anti anime
>>911739 Does getting a 3 star really matter then? If you can upgrade them all anyway
in some games i've played 3 star is the lowest
but getting a 3 is probably not that bad if 1's and 2's exist especially one that cute
>>911775 Yeah, because I really can't understate that it really is a grinnnnd to get a character from 1* to 3* Some of them it isn't even really feasible until you've advanced a fair ways down the main quest I'd wager the skills of the 3* characters are probably a bit more beefy out of the box than the ones at lower rarities
The power surge from each star increase is pretty considerable too So by extension 3* characters start off being at the advanced power level granted by their rarity
>>911783 Not really The game's kind of Kancolle-poi in that the actual fight stages are mostly hands-off The only combat input you're required to do is activate their special skills
>>911785 Crunchyroll's licensed and translated the game for a global audience
>>911786 Clearly an elite game for hardcore gamers
>>911802 Hah hah I've been a bit spoiled by Arknights being an actual game that I was definitely a bit turned off by the battle gameplay But there's a decent amount of strategy in team building and it's fun to collect the various equipment pieces for ranking your characters up
>>911815 why is that biting the bullet they steal ur email?
>>911837 No, because currently I don't spend money on magic cards much more than twice a month on average. Because I rarely go to my flgs or my friend's FLGS. Now I can buy magic cards whenever I want.
Although if I start spending more money on magic cards it will eat into my junk food budget which is probably a good thing for my health.
u have a junk food budget?
>>911840 Ostensibly yes I try not to spend more than $25 on junk food every week.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Handy: Ultimate
Tekoku lol tekoki* tekoki karaoke learned that the other day
I would need to do some research, there are robot lawnmowers under $500 nnow, Ijust don't know how good they are.
I'd probably need like $800-$1000 and a year to make one. Maybe less, I do have some robotics experience.
wtf under $500 I didn't even know they existed
>>911868 The ones under $500 are probably crap. If you are looking into purchasing one you should do your research. Although actually weren't you talking about maybe the *maybe moving somewhere else soon? I know your roommate wants to buy a house somewhere and that you don't neccesarily want to move with him.
how trusty is a robo with blades though the roommate thing is complicated I guess maybe I'm just too jaded or whatever
>>911870 Should be pretty trustworthy maybe That's why you read reviews.
Forgot to close the spoiler.
Could I trust it to kill me Can androids dream of electric sheep I have no mouth and I must scream
so I hear for the first time that one of our co-workers is a few months pregnant then trainmate goes to me just then "you know it's weird to say but I think so and so looks pregnant " like goddamn man you work fast
they're getting me in on all the financial matters of the corp since they want to promote me into a program manager role soon in december we billed out $200k and we only got paid $55k which is less than our payroll for a month lmao these motherfuckers don't know what they doin
nah it's just insurance stuff we provided $200k in clinical services to clients and insurance companies only paid us 55k for all of it it's so funny this corp is so incompetent they don't know how to bill shit
insurance companies make their money by refusing to pay for services and tricking hospitals and treatment providers into working for free so we just have to be sneakier than them which isn't too hard
>>911910 Sounds like a good day to sit at home monitoring the best times to buy and sell
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nooo i don't wanna have to stare at the monitor all day that's not the goal
Yeah but if you stare at that monitor long enough you might make enough money to have to stop staring at monitors for purposes beyond personal entertainment
when i was a kid i listed my location as The Netherlands in this RPG cuz i thought it sounded cool until one day I got a DM from an enthusiastic Dutchman
a buncha clients really liked the incense i brought today and ended up swarming the amazon page for it when i told them what it was while we were in group
I forgot to top off my battery this morning so I've been on battery observation all day today In almost any other circumstance that wouldn't be a problem but I need a working phone to schedule my Uber home, so I was a bit worried about it It doesn't help that I think my network has me on thev slower, weaker cell network right now so it's doubly draining my battery because it's constantly trying to grab at the network down in the basement I work in
Even now my phone's sitting at a slim 7% Thankfully on my way home
i got some injection cluster headache medication who wants it verapamil hydrochloride
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im ok i dont really get headaches but thanks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I could stare at your back alll daaaay And I know I've kissed you before but I didn't do it right Can I try again try again try again try again and again and again and again
wow ur so romantic
u wanna come to yakiniku tonight samu
I the remaining money I had this week on magic cards. *I blew all the remaining
how does that make u feel
>>911946 I think I'll be very happy in nine days when they get here.
wow wow wow no my heart is not present at the moment please leave a message at the tone
hey tone-y talk to the hand lol
my coworkers kinda a ho lol shes straight up tells me she shows her cleavage with push up bras so that people will look at work like ok thanks for sharing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hehe that's ok there is no shame
ya i told her "ok if yoyre showing cleavage just know im not gonna look in your eyes once now"
im not wonder woman saying im wonder woman im just wonder woman saying no wonder woman has bo wonder woman me ever dy wonder woman and seen wonder woman in the same room together hm this was funnier in my head
now blackberry is doin the thing too is this the end of Rome
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll tell ya one thing that's ending tokyo 2020 i mean 2021 i mean RIP
Did they release a public statement yet or is it still just rumour? As far as I've heard it's only "there's backroom talks amongst Japanese officials considering cancelling it" Publically they're still insisting the Olympics will take place
>>912136 didn't it used to be like muted though unless you opened it in a new tab
A kind of big problem I've been having with my data being slow as fuck since I'm way over my softcap is that it's actually making it kind of hard to do even basic app functions Like scheduling my homeward Uber ride tonight kept getting stuck in the "looking for drivers" part of the process before bouncing back to the start of it, despite my phone notifying me that a driver was on the way And I don't know which to trust, but since it's like -5C outside I don't really want to risk waiting for ten minutes for a driver that's not actually showing up. So I'm standing there just queuing another ride hoping I'm not double-dipping
>>912139 My phone can't use mobile data if I'm in the middle of a phonecall which has lead to some uber issues. Also Fuck Uber drivers who don't speak English, if anything ggogoes wrong its nigh impossible to deal with it. I had someone cancel on me in tge middle of the night because I wouldn't meet them on the highway. I accidentally set the location at tge trainstop in the middle of the highway and called the driver to let him know where I'd be but he couldn't understand me and I didn't have enough money for another uber so I had to walk three miles in the middle of tge night during the winter.
>>912141 Technically no, since I'm not paying here, the company I'm working for is But if Uber bills them for two rides taken simultaneously they might start asking me questions, and it'll probably be a pain to have to explain I don't have the cell data to reliably order an Uber ride
My neighbors are a couple that I hear all the time. Arguing, fucking, watching TV, etc. I live in a pretty fucking nice building, the walls are thick, I never hear anyone else except them just being loud as fuck.
Recently they got a dog, probably to save their failing shitty relationship. I can tell it's a yappy little rat dog because the barks are pitched high enough to break glass. This thing barks constantly - when they vacuum, when they leave for work, when they do fucking anything. Recently I left them a fairly polite note on their door saying their dog was being a problem and the guy came over and yelled at me. I told him to go fuck himself and that I would be emailing management. The problem is management says unless it barks after hours they can't do anything. Useless pieces of shit.
I don't think it's possible to poison it and doing so seems a bit cruel, but this fucker has got to be silenced. I'm thinking of buying one of those ultrasonic dog whistles that people can't hear and blowing it late at night to bait the dog into barking, so I can record it and turn the video evidence into management.
Any other ideas?
>>912145 Kek That's pretty devious. Have you tried sound canceling headphones?
>>912145 Maybe try not being a dickbag of a human where you reach for poisoning the dog and only considering it "a bit cruel"
>>912146 I just bought a new pair a few weeks ago. If I had known I would have gotten better ones but even then I don't understand why I should have to constantly wear headphones/earplugs to cater to rude, shitty people
Continue to ask the owners to train their dog better Ask around other tenants and see if they are also bothered by the dog and try to be persuasive in numbers Do literally anything that doesn't risk the dog's well-being at risk. Just forcing the owners to have to get rid of their dog means it likely going into a pound/adoption centre or worse, and that's an extremely cruel and usual punishment for an animal that doesn't know better
record the dog barking then play it on max volume while you leave for work
I'm afraid fighting fire with fire will turn management against me. I guess I should just ask around but I have lived here for literal years and never talked to any of my neighbors cause I'm autistic
Im working from home full time because COVID which is mostly why this is such a problem. I get on work calls and have to apologize to people for the background noise
Most of them are probably working from home too and understand the
difficulties in not reliably having a professional work environment It's not your dog, it's noise is not your responsibility, you hold no blame with it disrupting the workflow Therefore, you rationally have no fault in this situation A once-off "sorry for the noise" is all the politeness you owe the people you're in a call with. If the problem is primarily your concern that it's a problem for the people you're in a call with, it either isn't, or it's literally Not Your Responsibility, so I would advise you let the problem go.
>>912152 https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/neighbors-noise-faq.html I'm assuming you're in the US.
ok thanks for the advice.
Seems like from that link I have to check th elocal noise laws and see if they are being violated, and use that to force management's hand
Honestly I don't really want to make them get rid of it. Seems like a shock collar or some training would do fine. But I also don't care I just want the noise to stop It's super annoying and disruptive
You could also try putting stuff on the wall to block the noise in the room you work in.
Man I've got a friend that wants to meet up But I can't seem to get him to understand that there is nowhere to go even if we do meet up, all restaurants are takeout-only And that it's gonna be like --5c outdoors, which maybe isn't a problem for him but I really don't want to sit around in some dark park or side of the road eating takeout in that kind of weather
And I can't quite invite him to come over here, not only is there not really anything to do in this condo, I've also been reaaaally slacking on keeping the place tidy and clean. Plus I'd normally be winding down for my evening nap about this time of night and anyway it's the end of another exhausting week I kind of just want to rest and maybe play some games or draw or something.
But I'd already said I'd be good for meeting up because I'm a dumbass who for all my anxious worrying about the future has absolute garbage foresight skills and generally don't like outright saying no to people
>>912145 if the dog is barking late at night, why don't you just record it then? why do you have to go out of your way to make it bark if it is barking all the time? the people do sound like assholes and i can understand being annoyed for sure
also you could just set a clock for like midnight while it's barking and take a video of the dog barking and then show the clock to imply that the dog is barking at midnight
you also might talk to other neighbors. if you all confront them together, you might make progress. or you could go to management as a group.
The Doom soundtrack in Eternal wasn't bad but it was just kind of there. In the background. You don't really notice it much. Definitely not memorable.
Whereas the Doom 2016 OST slaps hard
oh ok
>>912201 https://loudwire.com/doom-eternal-address-soundtrack-controversy-mick-gordon On that topic
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>912203 yeah. I was aware there was a bit of backlash around it, although I hadn't read the details
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>That said, from our perspective, we didn’t want to be involved in the content of the OST and did absolutely nothing to prevent him from delivering on his commitments within the timeframe he asked for, and we extended multiple times.
I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories and the things that I've seen Will be gone, with my eyes with my body with me
60 gigs? what is this, 2007? let it take up space you got plenty to spare what if you suddenly decide to play it again next month? you'll have to download it all over. better to be safe and keep it
lets think about this realistically how much time does it take to download 60gigs in australia? five days? a new drive costs a fraction of the time (converted to money) just buy a new drive and don't delete anything
>>912259 lmao i only got my SSD and a 2tb HDD right now since i just built my pc i'll rival you someday
>>912258 I mean, the download itseelf would probably only take about a week but I need to write off to my member of Parliament if I want to get the internet license and that takes time too.
>>912260 the drive name is a misnomer any (h) content worth downloading locally is of a quality that requires offline storage to archive it for the future
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>912263 just move to the US you can do anything you want here
>>912271 it's a vermont stamped kalashnikov it just has polymer furniture i did get a dovetail rail system and a red dot for it tho because ak ironsights are the pits
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>912272 have you had a chance to shoot it yet? is it comfy?
>>912273 nah the only rounds i could get were steel case and ranges don't let you shoot them i gotta wait until the roomies and i do our quarterly saturday gaturday to go shooting out in the desert
i did get to shoot my xdm 10mm because i'm one of four people in all of arizona who actually ever purchases 10mm ammo
>>912274 ahh nice i havent been to the range in like 6 months because they dont monitor people who are drinking and then going to the range anymore
>>912275 the range is great now because it's nothing but crazy old people who don't believe covid is real (because ranges have a no mask policy for safety)
i also overheard a crazy old lady at the gunstore when i got the ak saying that china shot down 3 of our fighters over american soil so she was buying a gun for the first time
>>912276 my mom called me the other day and said something like that and told me to stock up on food that will last me if i have to hide in my apartment for a few months
i like nozomi chan :)
>>912278 i have a filipino survivalist roommate i'm covered on both "long standing food" and gunsmithing needs
why are people thinking china shot down fighter jets in america? that would be impressive and a state of emergency if it actually happened
>>912280 idek i havent even found like alternative news about it we'd absolutetly never hear the end of it if it happened i think china shot down an indian plane in like november or something?
lazarus just shut down my PC while i was playing a game causing me to lose two hours of progresss
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so much for my goal of finishing yakuza 7 today
RIP I'm gonna see if I can finish Control today I think I'm getting close to the end, or at least in the third arc But there's still a lot of mystery going on.
It's like, when that happens, you don't even want to play anymore. Or when you replay, you don't want to explore a second time since you just did it so you end up skipping 90% of the items you can get because it's so boring to do the same thing you just did without any differences whatsoever.
There are autosaves at like really important scenes, and you can manually save outside of dungeons. But inside a dungeon, you can only save at specific points. And even though I was 2/3rds through the dungeon (probably), there weren't any save points.
The game wants to recreate a DQ-type experience because the MC is obsessed with it, which is why dungeons are like that, I think.
Oh huh they're releasing the Underwater Ray Romano games on Steam Maybe I'll pick those up some day
from everybody loves raymond?
No from Utawarerumono
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hi hi
>>912301 Hey Samu did you see Bill Wurtz has made a return
>>912307 Miso can make the soup kind of thick and slick Also the standard vegetables and stuff that gets served with miso ramen are generally less to my liking than what gets served with tonkotsu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm gonna show up at ghost girl's work pray for me
Samu that makes you a stalker Please restrain yourself
if you go to her work make sure you act surprised to see her "are~? you work here? what a surprise!"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive been there once before, we saw each other at a distance but did not talk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
didnt make eye contact tho or anything i was a cowars coward she thought i was made mad probably just the RBF or the stress
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that was last year now this month i find out thru her blog, she misses me
Oh if you've been there before that changes things kinda Yeah I think if you both want to see each other it's probably fine to swing by and have a cawfee
>>912324 ohhh! you should definitely go! what a romantic way to get reunited!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't want to like compel her to make me coffee for cash tho i don't think she would like that unless she genuinely wants to but who could tell?
Is it likely she'll be the only barista that can serve you? Either way it's her job to make coffee for paying customers You're both that someone she's crushing a bit on If she was a responsible adult she'd do the job all the same!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure she'd do it if asked but like idk she wrote some stuff related to this about being a worker obligated to serve it's maybe a sore apot spot
Hm, well if she wants to see you but ghosts you when you ask her out But also might not want to take your money for coffee I dunno man I think you just have to take the gamble on her not being that put off about taking your money If you strike up conversation and make her enjoy your visit then she might even just ignore the sore stuff.
Show up and make your own cawfee. If she complains, explain that you refuse to let such a beautiful woman serve you because she's the one who deserves to be served
sometimes it be like that maybe next time you should make yourself impossible to ignore wear a bright green suit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like both of us are a little too passive to make anything work my social skills such yhat they were have atrophied over the last year and it's a weird situation, too public not intimate at all oh well goodbye ghost girl
started my Genshin account on the NA servers dropped 20 bucks because I wanted to play the game with some new, interesting characters this time instead of just using the freebies
got fuck all All weapons and that 4Star China fire girl who's obsessed with cooking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof that's why #NotEvenOnce
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
if you're dissatisfied with the outcome you can just ask the casino for your money back, right?
guiness just one (1) for the weight and a tequila shot for spice
Take the night off And then hit the ground running tomorrow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's funny i asked her "do you have any openings?" and she said "it's just the seven of us" ... and then a customer came in she said some other stuff too but man MAN
the 8 of us :)
>>912378 If it makes you feel any better, haven't been on a date in about ten years.
i was talking to this girl recently who got ridiculously excited that i knew hatsune miku and then started saying "im so glad i met you" even though we hadn't been on a single date and had only been talking through messages for like 4 days and i got freaked out and ghosted
I wish I could find someone how gets ridiculously excited I know my shit about weeb shit
Who gets even
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for some stuff that would be cool but miku is like the lowest bar outside of naruto even normies have heard of miku these days she's all over the net
>>912391 have you ever heard of this thing call anime?
>>912393 I would much rather have Miku has -as a jumping off point than Naruto though From Miku I can work in the more obscure Vocaloid and do stuff like Vtubers or online artists that cover their work Plus it' it's way more fun to talk about music than shitty decade-old shounen series
i don't disagree really it was the "im so glad i met you" shit that got me to bail the hatsune miku thing was just a silly little thing
Yeah but I've got an extremely long time now without any relative stranger showing that much enthusiasm for my existence I don't know if I'd be able to refuse that kind of attention at this point. There's definitely a good chance it wouldn't be a good idea But still.
i do want a girlfriend just not enough to deal with that and also im scared to get involved in romance again so ill take any excuse I can get to sabotage potential romances!
I bet she feels like she lost the perfect boyfriend.
>>912399 My problem is that I'm also scared to get involved in romance so I need someone who isn't to pull me into it Otherwise I'll just do a good job of running away.
>>912402 Same. I've been flirting with a girl at the grocery store who likes my hats and still flirts with me after I hit her with the "I'm something of a hat guy" line but I probably won't ask her out
you mustn't run away get in the fuckin relationship shinji
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck off dad
>>912404 I don't know to thoooough Romance is way more confusing than climbing in a giant robot!
>>912407 bro have a little tact Samurai is crying rn over dropping his spaghetti and now you're bragging about how you gotta beat back all this unwanted puss
speaking of gorls i heard that both of fish's parents died of covid uhh this is the wrong image to say this with oops it's quite sad also fish got covid apparently but i heard she's ok
>>912415 all composite things are like a dream, a phantasm, a bubble, and a shadow are like a dew drop and a flash of lightning and are thus to be regarded
i used to drink these all the time but they only have 200mg and i usually have 3-400 every day so when i drink these i usually drink two or one in addition to something else
ive never seen those b4
they're relatively new stateside they prototyped them in 16 oz cans a few years back they haven't been very big until the last year or two though
they're cool cause it's like gatorade but also caffeine they taste ok
the flavor is somewhat watered down but that's kinda the point one bottle is either 70 or 140 calories depending on the flavor the two in the black wrapper have a very small amount of bcaa's in them that isn't worth caring about
i think it's just the mango and melon flavors that are 140 and the rest are 70-80 not per serving, but per bottle it's like ~23 oz per bottle which is a lot of extra water compared to other sources of caffeine but you could also just drink a bang and a bottle of water which is my normal morning
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang I found a picture of your nicest poster of 2017 trophy
hm im gonna be honest gender reveal parties seem really weird to me
yeah i'm pretty sure they're top candidate for dumbest trend