Back Arrow Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Episode 3-4 Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-2 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mushoku Tensei Non Non Biyori Nonstop Show By Rock!! SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-2 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger
We can probably get Bang later tonight For stuff that we watched with him last weekend
>>910685 Yeah, I napped earlier in the evening so I've got some wiggle room for how late I can go tonight
Also for Hataraku Black, there's a good chance that episode three and four are advance release episodes Since we watched last week's Black the day it came out So it might be that we just won't see new episodes of it until three weeks from now.
They really have a lot of greenery for somewhere just scraping by
Can't eat trees! And generally fruit-bearing trees need high nutrient soil to produce good fruit If the land is kind of barren then both farming and tending trees is probably not very productive.
Yeah, she is kinda like that I guess I forgot, this is the same character designer as geass isnt it
Nope, director Code Geass has character designs by CLAMP, who're also well known for stuff like Cardcaptor, xxxHOLiC, Tsubasa, and a bunch of other things.
Geez that's a bit heavy-handed
Her mecha/Kamen Rider is still very cute Even better out in the daylight
The girls' mecha all have really cute designs Good choice on the designers.
Who just sleeps at the bottom of a well
bang bang bang
Heyo Bang There's still probably another show at least before we get to stuff you're watching. Unless you want to jump into the middle of Jujutsu Kaisen with us
you're lucky i slept in really late last night and that i don't work until 9am otherwise i'd have to post pouting anime girls
I did say "not immediately but in a show or two"! My timeline is still accurate!
i just mean in general most sundays this is close to bedtime but i made a poor life decision that i'm able to compensate for with another poor life decision
They took a week or two off this but it's nice to have it back I think there'll be a new OP too
>>910722 Also do you want to put Mushoku in for the third show tonight since we've got Bang around
The grey-haired guy has more of a power level suitable of a big bad, but that black-haired priest feels more a chessmaster suitable of being a last boss
finally seeing some of those old characters we've all forgotten about
Speak for yourself I haven't forgotten about them!
Oh no Itadori is totally in that box.
Yep that's about what I expected from this reunion
And the old man who wanted Itadori dead already knows he's alive again
That's true yeah If you remove the cursed powers, Itadori is insanely physically powerful Other people need cursed powers just to play on the same field as him
That tough guy from Kyoto definitely seems like a good person He got pretty pissed with the old fogey for trying to set up a backroom hit contract on Itadori
>>910767 I know the novels get to the point where he's a bit older, I'd hazard a guess of maybe fourteen or sixteen
I was wondering if he might have some kind of trauma. In the first episode when Roxy first insisted they do a magic lesson outside he was acting extremely agoraphobic So his hikikomori nature in his previous life might've been grounded in some kind of protection against that trauma.
I think the tone is important Kids are dumb and can't always know right from wrong They act on some of their most basic impulses I'm not saying it's right to do that, but that regardless of right or wrong, they're going to do it Because kids are fucking stupid
This is of course, somewhat a moot point since he's a fully-grown adult in the body of a boy
man i was defintely upset that there wasn't a Mushoku Tensei - 03 file in the folder when i opened it
spiderchan >>910799 i was getting pretty sad when i reminded myself somewhere around 15 minutes in that i was going to be left wanting more at the end of the episode and also i hope we get to meet new characters, so far i've really liked all of them i hope there's more roxy too there has to be even if it's some plot shoehorning i will forgive it
how' s log horizon? oh ok
That'll be next Sunday!
>>910798 Next episode is titled "A Friend", so I expect we'll see a new character at least yeah
And yeah, Roxy returns at some point down the line. Don't know the chronology of it though
>>910798 No recap, they drop right into the plot Might want to go back and watch at least season two to remember what was going on.
spiderchan spiderchan spiderchan oh dang, episode 2 we get a little more knowledge about their pre-isekai life as the episode starts hmmm
>>910800 i just was wondering if log horizon was good enough that i should go back and do that i can't really remember but maybe that's my answer
alright who was that chick who just ate the earth and wow was that some imagery or what
this dude's earring and demeanor are givin me big gilgamesh vibes
He seems a bit more laidback than Gil
well he's not in the middle of a grail war
Oh, looks like the bully girl is at least somewhat repenting for being a bitch
I was under the impression the MC in this is unnamed Maybe the girl that was getting bullied is somewhere else in the world, stewing her time
idk why but it always catches me off guard when you swear
I'm much more carefree with my words when typing rather than speaking
i'm gonna watch this from my bed so if i stop phoneposting it's b/c i fell asleep but that's also the goal nothing better in life than falling asleep to cute sol anime
i remember when i used to watch hidamari sketch before bed every night two episodes a night good time
Hah hah don't forget meeeeeeee
I can't believe she'd fucking murder Ren-chon like that
hotaru's shaky "soudesuka" falls to hide the fact that she was almost certainly trying to sound grown up by liking bell peppers
Ren-chon tackles things with the excited passion only a child can muster
Oh right Bang, you were wondering it last Sunday Maiddragon got an announcement for its second season Should be starting in July, providing things keep going well
we drove past a huge greenhouse complex recently on our way to a jobsite there were tomatoes as far as the eye could see that building might be the biggest structure land-wise I've ever seen
Gotta grow a lot of tomatoes to feed the people of Texas
Really though Hotaru is probably the kind of girl who will always be a bit like that around her parents She might get a bit tetchy once she hits proper puberty but I bet she'd always be a spoiled child around her parents
poor hotaru
The other girl is really relishing this
oh oh no
well that was something
Dumbass dogs Just eating at literally anything on the side of the road
they eat grass on purpose tho
poor hotaru....
Really though doesn't everyone act like that around their dog or cat or respective pet Nothing embarassing about cuddling and being silly with your dog!
not everyone, i don't think
Well those people are LAME
yeah but those people probably think that acting silly like that is lame