Of //Oh hey you made good time today I'll be right along
Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Episode 3-4 Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-2 Show By Rock!! SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-2 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Urasekai Picnic World Trigger
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
Also my harddrive seems to be having, uh, issues So I might need a moment or two to get Urasekai and Tatoeba At the very least I don't think I can start with either
I'll probably be good by that point It looks like it's behaving after a PC restart Even though I only just started up my PC from being shut off like fifteen minutes ago.
Well that's a tad ominous
Oh no and she's developed a habit of making full on conversation with dead people superimposed on stuffed animals
Okay that was an android all along Guess that explains the robot-y eyes
Apparently for the Funimation release of this that we're getting ripped, they swapped out the actual ED that was a part of this episode. Instead we get this placeholder one from the first episode. From what I can tell it features a lot of still shots of the girls in somewhat compromising poses and states of undress. Which really doesn't seem all that big a deal, but I guess they are all like middle schoolers. Still it's rather lousy of Funimation to just decide that for themselves. Like don't pick up a show if you're worried some of its content isn't going to clear your level of prudeness.
Yeah, Funimation is always sticking their nose into stuff
hataraku black okay lets start
I'm not sure why we got two advance episodes of this over the weekend, but it does mean I suspect there won't be episodes this Thursday or the one after.
Yeah This show comes out for Thursday nights So it's kind of weird that episode three and four came out over the weekend
Alternatively, maybe we're getting extra episodes and it was rather they couldn't get an episode or two about sexual functions to air in its normal timeslot
I don't think a state of arousal needs the body's full red blood cell count at attention
>>911036 Oh I know that The alerts they're giving off here act like they need the entire red blood cell count down there though! That feels highly impractical to me I don't think there's a genital out there that could contain all the blood in someone's body after all!
I'm pretty sure this choice of words about experiencing an errection is intentional hah hah
A rare cell in this beat up body that doesn't act cynical, psychotic, or otherwise dickish
I think he's an old guy who has been through a lot
I get the feeling the body's not too old I'd bet in the range of mid-thirties to early-forties It's pretty easy to absolutely trash your body by that age if you've got a bad diet, lifestyle, and if you've got high stress from life factors like work and social environments.
There's an underlying commentary in this series about the Japanese work culture and the "black" companies that can arise in it, that really abuse and burn out their employees through either intentional malice, careless indifference, or other means.
He's gotta be kinda old cause he needed help to get it up
ED doesn't just happen in people that are old! It's not solely based on age-based biology. Mental trauma can induce ED, as well as suffering from extreme levels of high life stress.
That's why I brought up the black companies of Japan above. The sheer abuse they can put their employees through can definitely induce enough stress to have physical effects on the body.
Looks like the owner of the body made some bad choices in who he picked to have sex with though You shouldn't go with a prostitute with an STD!
I don't think it's particularly groundbreaking, but from how it's been received, I think it's got a very high level of quality. There's one part of it I'm familiar with that I think it does a bit differently from a standard shoujo though Who knows how long this adaptation is and it it'll get to that point
Everyone just calls him by his family name hah hah It must be weird to be hanging out and being pretty close with someone for months and only just then realize you don't know their given name
Oh Izumi is a nice first name Though from the sounding it's a fairly gender-neutral name I dunno if how you spell it changes the gendering though
Everyone in this show really are colour-coded for our convenience
Yeah, that kinda all came together I guess that was what she's been working on for awhile
It's some decent writing actually We've known she worked her ass off learning the Disenchant rune under this lolibaba back in that end-game village since episode one And they implied the king was under some kind of spell last episode So revealing she's the princess and wants to use Disenchant to save the king is a bunch of pieces all coming together
... Wow this girl
So there was a reason there were all these giant bug monsters running around the city Something to do with what's really controlling the king
Maybe Disenchant works for transfigurative magic like that too
That was a pretty harsh sound I almost expected him to rip her hand off Since that seems to be where her Disenchant rune is But that feels a bit dark for this series
This body is a lot healtier and is more accident prone I think I also like to think this body is female
Well we're probably never going to see reference to genital organs in this one, so it'll probably be left up to your own interpretation But if the MC of Black is a male red blood cell and the body is male, and the MC of this one is female, then there might be a patter n there. Personally I think it's intentionally vague though.
Yeah, I guess that's whatit was all about I knew vaccination was involved somehow
The stuff with the virus raining down from the skies really screamed vaccination at least I think in previous episodes we've seen similar things for needle-based administration.
I mean I get what White Blood Cell is doing, but you really can't negotiate with terrorists! Someone who's taken a hostage will never release them if there's more they can extract from the hostage's connections
Only if you're an intrusive organism! Or if your body's chemistry goes broke and they start thinking natural cells in your body are intrusive Then they're -really- dangerous