no clue ive been hot a lot lately but i doubt i got a fever havent checked and i have no way to check
>>901591 spread it to the whole barracks super spreader
My left nostril is clogged with mucus. My right is partially clogged but it makes a noise whenever I breathe through. If it gets any worse I'm going to have to breathe through my mouth like some sort of mouthbreather.
i mean its hrd to spread to the barracks i guess theres a formation tomorrow i can cough at
also there is a bit of an immersion breaking element in this game amongst many things that would be too but the biggest hting I have issues with is that you can sell half used paint cans
no one buys used paint no one
The immersion breaking thing for me is seeing a , used as a radix and a . being used to separate the ten thousands from the hundreds.
10,00 the only way to do it you anglicans are just odd
the most horrifying part about the clean up jobs in this game, is how they aren't even overkill this kinda shit happens in frat houses etc, especially when the tenants are evicted and get pissy
>>901647 I think they only did the cover art? not sure r n hmm maybe they actually did
Oh I thought maybe it was their own manga
A lot of artists who do illustration or fanart don't really consider themselves "creative enough" to do things like manga Or know it's an entiri higher degree of hardwork and just don't want to
Oh huh it didn't even make it past the first word. Long Uber ride home today. Traffic was really not agreeable.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this instantaneous burst of vehicles does not agree to my sensibilities
oh shit sephiroth in smash
Is that actually who the fighter is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog i missed it
it was pretty short, I'm sure there'll be a nintendo direct that actually showcases his moveset
They should've put Dante in instead.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that is beeg sword looks like my kinda character wish they would do tifa or aerith
There's enough squenix characters already We need more capcom characters God I fucking wish they'd add Viewtiful Joe, but I know they never will.
viewtiful joe would be sweet but I honestly don't play enough smash to have input on whether the new characters are good picks like I've got no room to complain >>901675 aerith final smash she gets stabbed
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahahaha sephiroth hell yeah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't wait for the one winged angel remixes
>>901676 less squeenix characters more fire emblem characters
Alright so I've just mainlined the main story here, I'm... 5 hours in, and NOW the title drops NOW, the game actually like, begins
This is fucking ridiculous
It's also absurdly buggy Like, ALL plants, and I'm not joking, will render Always On Top if they're close enough to be rendered, but not close enough to have the high quality models load in ALWAYS Like literally nothing goes above them Blood textures sometimes... hover over stuff, so someone touches a bloody thing, and the blood texture is now above the part of their hand touching it
THis is the full release, this is a fucking tragedy
What's messed up is I'd be like "Oh, maybe the bugs are because this is pirated, so some stuff doesn't work right", and whatever, if it wasn't for how many other, even worse bugs other people are experiencing Like, streamers and stuff, even
if you throw a grenade and no ones around to see it does it explode into fragments
Oh there was a new MonHun Rise trailer at the awards show too >>>/watch?v=3pna-XDoVLo Wild to think this is running on the same engine as the Resident Evil remakes.
theres only one rise i care about and its aterlier ryza rise ryza same thinf
>>901711 i ran into a group of criminals/cops with a katana and turned everyone into a meat smoothie and the game awarded me for fighting crime cause one cop survived
this game is great
I look forward to playing it some day. Some time I can again just say fuck it to all responsibilties for a week or so and sink into it.
It's a lotta fun I haven't experience any interesting bugs yet though except for one, some loot spawned on top of a hot dog stand in a weird way and caused it to vibrate violently until I picked up the loot
It was just drawing your attention to some loot you hadn't picked up yet! What a friendly hot dog stand!
Almost got truck'd today Was walking back from Tim Hortons', along the sidewalk, and full disclosure I was looking at my phone, but again, this was just a stretch of sidewalk, not even crossing a street. And right at the last moment I look up to see the backend of a truck backing into the spot two steps ahead of me Asshole was doing an illegal U-turn on a city street, more so because it was a decently big truck and had to swing its caboose over the sidewalk lining the street -- namely the street I was walking on.
I tried to jump into a window in this desert area, and according to the game's distance-to-POI indicator, I flew back 200 meters in an instant Like, less than a second, trying to jump into a window just spat me backwards
>>901856 Actually just because you moved 200m further away from the point of interest doesn't neccesarily mean you moved exactly 200m. Unless you were on the point or your path intersected with that point.
Err, the line on which your path occurred.
>>901861 I mean I moved in a direct line away from the POI
I managed to get my paws on a sniper rifle that penetrates like, actually all obstacles There is no such thing as cover, and the game contains built-in wallhacks
I've barely used my assault rifle since finding this sniper
Very long Uber ride home again today Traffic's been horrendous lately
I want some crystal meth to get me through this semi charmed kind of life
baby baby
damn I thought I had got that song out of my head guess there's no escape
>>901877 rika was so good in the newest ep i'm getting hyped
The episode went totally off the rails of the original Tatarigoroshi-hen arc too! The previous arcs have mostly stuck to the general plot of the original arcs right up until the finale where they've dropped some great twists on us. But this one has gone completely off the deep end relative to how Tatarigoroshi went It's no surprise Bernkastel-Rika's spirits have been roused. I can't wait to see how they get crushed.
its my anime night 2nite!!! maybe ill sleep thjo this time and just watch it in the morning
>>901900 LOL DUDE hold on let me get samurai to add +1's to posts u deserve it
>>901898 dunno can't see what song is "escape room" genre don't listen to escape room music
new oda non pic nice girls in sports clothes nice x 2
anime soon :) i hope its a fight episode i like the fights
Watching someone play Outer Wilds for the first time really is kinda fun It's a really great game, but unfortunately it doesn't have much in terms of replay value
the game is a constant replay anyhow, wasn't it it was that loop game rite
I mean, yeah, it is And technically, there is no such thing as "progress" until you beat it Well, your ship computer updates, I guess, but that's it >>901908 Yeah I get them mixed up all the time
It is pretty cool in that if you know what to do, there's nothing really stopping you from beating it on your first expedition, I think I don't think there's anything that like, unlocks as you go, except meditation\suicide
also doesn't help that there is that Outer Worlds game to confuse it with
>>901907 i think sheer "I have no idea what I am doing" beats pretty much everyone from beating it ont he first loop
I mean if youc an somehow in the first few minutes basically deduce the logic behind the intended gameplay then maybe
isn't the single loop like 20 or30 minutes tho?
yeah, but like, there's a few things you need to do to even get there, and some of it isn't super intuitive
Like meeting that remaining guy on the quantum moon Well, technically that's not necessary
But the quantum stuff is \\\ actually I'm not certain you NEED to get the quantum stuff But you do need to figure out the towers on the sand planet, I'm pretty sure And then you gotta do a thing on the sun station
always fun to open up a game and notice a campaign you initially have no memory of playing and then go "ooh rite, I played this drunk"
It does have a TON of cool thingies though Like the projector pools or whatever you wanna call them, and the quantum moon owns
It's also, apparently, for reasons unknown to me, actually simulated Like, the orbits and stuff, they're not hardcoded, they're simulated in real time I do not know why
Also the fact that you have a timer on you for each life, and death is kinda inconsequential, it does make it so once you land somewhere it's like "Might as well just explore the whole thing and take my time." Cause you're not gonna do something else that life anyway
Like, after a while I just did harsh landings all the time cause why would you bother being careful If you die, whatever, you just go back again
...this sounds like me complaining, but it's actually praise
I do wonder though, if the interloper's cave is on a timer, or if it's proximity to the sun based Either is the same result, since like, you can't actually change its trajectory anyway But in terms of code, I mean
Outer Wilds is a 12/10 game to play There's so much richness to discover in a game that's honestly pretty small. I will sing the praises of this game to pretty much anybody who will listen
>>901932 Well, Night City has 7106 murders a year, so
Which, for comparison, puts it at more than twice the highest murder rate of any country in the world presently. Granted, it's a single city But it does place it as number 2 in comparison to today
>>901934 There was a town with like a 40% murder rate in the US one year iirc.
Well, if you include areas with low populations, you can very easily end up with funky statistics The vatican city, for example, has more than 2 popes per square kilometer
see cause the vatican city is under half a square kilometer in size
>>901936 well yeah cause only people living in the vatican city are all clergy the swiss guard for example "don't live in the vatican city"
This ended. It's really good.
>>901938 It doesn't actually matter who lives in the vatican, as long as the pope does, for that statistic to be accurate
anime time. >>901970 do u watch animes anymore or did it end with ping pong the animation youll never find a anime again...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
MAHARI YUWARE GAAIE SAVANARE >>901971 i watch movies
ok download mahouka episode 11 lets watch it together
ur too slow nevermind im watching it alone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's mahouk a
some bad anime where the mc is super strong and everyone loves him and his sister calls him oniisama
>>901975 I think it is the "this is our fight, oniichan" meme source
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah mahouka is tryhard wizard school anime
this is our fight senpai is strike the blood mahouka is heh im oniisama and i can do every magic and also im a nuke except im a person i also dont have feelings boo hoo
>>902018' well I have tunneled at below 16 for so long that I have actually either encountered all of the random spwans etc or encountered my other tunnels
I didn't really watch a lot of the game awards hah hah Since I slept through it and basically just caught up from chatter afterwards what had happened.
>there's no keybinding for dodge >only way to do it is doubletapping a movement key This fucking sucks, dude Not just because it makes dodging kinda annoying to do, but also because adjusting your position slightly runs the risk of accidentally dodging, which is more like a teleport in a direction than anything else
I fucking hate consoles for what they do to game controls
It seems kinda unsafe, but it also does sound kinda good Lotta stuff gets good when you put some onion on it
That sounds delicious.
The problem with traditional raw meat meals like that is that factory-processed meats are at a higher risk of spreading diseases like that. Maybe if you've got a local butcher you trust, sure. But I'd really recommend cooking properly any raw meat you get that that;s been processed in a factory.
>>902097 Yeah I know Ground meat is especially dangerous because it has a much larger surface area and touches so much more machinery. I still love the taste of raw meat though I stopped eating it for the most part though. But when I was a teenager I would even eat raw bacon (don't do this). I never got sick though.
Okay if I actually get tge pcie tpu I'll use it to run this and finally tag all my anime girl images.
>>902119 Does this interedt you? >>902122 *interest I'm assuming you have a giant anime girl image collection. Err, a giant collection, not a collection of images of giant anime girls.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I kinda just sort my anime girls into folders
>>902124 ToN, it's 2020 Why do that when you could have a neural network tag them for you?
Because a neural network will tag them way more than I'd want to
>>902126 Yeah but then you could pull imges by tag instead of having to go through your folders.
Just because it tags them more than you'd want to doesn't mean you personally need to use all the tags.
Somewhere along 2020 I got my calendar crossed (big surprise, really) and got it in my head that Christmas and New Years Day fall on Saturdays. But they actually fall on Fridays, which probably means I'm gonna be getting two three-day weekends in the bottom half of December. Guess I'll have a bit more free time than I thought I would.
Cyberpunk really is absolutely riddled with strange shit that you can't even really tell if it's a bug or not Like I just stole this car, right I get to my mission, leave the car, do the mission I come back 2 minutes later The original owner is now in it Just... sitting there
Also it doesn't have transparent windows or windshield, and I can't tell if that's the textures bugging out or if it's like "Oh, cool future tech"
Oh, naw it actually is tech, just noticed turning the ignition makes it see-through from the inside
also police dont' like, spawn somewhere and then hunt you down They will outright spawn behind you Lik, 2 meters behind you
there's a guy named floop here i wonder if it's floop
like in a discord?
What the fuck happened to him anyways. Like I know why he left /moe/ But not why he left tano The original reason I went to tano was to confront him about the Kirara thing.
he was never the same after the red key incident
Are you going to elaborate or is that a joke I won't get?
>>902193 this short end we were playing some wc3 rpg map once and floop attacked a red key item on the ground and it destroyed it and bricked our progress
my leave got denied now what :/ xmas alone i guess ill have to get like 3 hookers on xmas
>>902303 OH not *no Can you get a refund on your accomodations?
i chose pay there for hotel but ill have to see about my plane ticket its some cheap never heard of it airline so probably not i think i paid the 30 bucks for cancelable ticket tho
man i dont even feel like gaming anymore i just wanna do something cool like go to the aquarium :) but its half closed :(
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
go to the zoo
thats closed not even half closed
hmm i want something i can afk play while i watch anime
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dark souls
runes cape
ya if i still played ff14 then thatd be a good one but i dont so maybe ill do atelier im gonna try siege first and see if the game makes me not want to paly
wtf u gotta subscribe to read now lol gay
Because my character wears a hat, she technically doesn't have hair when rendered, right Well, here's the great part about Cyberpunk: when you are in first person, your hat doesn't render So whenever I look in a mirror, I am bald
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol wtf
I guess it's because rendering the hat would like... make it be in your camera But it's still really fucking dumb >>902363 It's literally every hat I've worn in the game up until this point
At present, I'm wearing a cowboy hat I mean, I haven't looked in a mirror with THIS specific hat, and I do see my hair existing on this one, but for all other hats I've worn it's been this way
i guess its cause the game SUCKS
what kind of hat is it like a beanie?
well, I would check that out, in fact I'm trying to, but I think mirrors stopped working now It could be this specific mirror, it's kind of a dump I'm in, after all
maybe its black mirror...
maybe its actually part of the game ur cyborg chip is being hacked so u cant see that ur actually the last boss!!!
I can see my hat when I go third person though, while driving ONLY then, but still
mister oh mister wtf i cant find the original just shitty english dubs >>>/watch?v=VQgwVuTShzk ok this one works
'Lo and behold, not having time to eat breakfast and getting barely any sleep last night has me really in zombie mode this morning Hopefully I can get out to Tims right around when I want to our otherwise I might collapse.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like i might have a nice window of clouds in which to bike otherwise we're deep in the rainy season y'all
It's kind of weird all the spectacle around the vaccine that's happening recently. I mean I'm of the opinion that it should be gotten if you can get it and I'm really happy the Canadian government is footing the costs for getting it but man It's still so weird seeing all this fanfare around a vaccine.
i wouldn't get it based on my understanding & knowledge of biotech and pharmaceuticals not unless i really had to
Ohayo! >>902378 Hisashiburi We've been worried about you.
Did you hear about these? There's USB ones and m.2 ones too.
moon has returned
>>902378 The one in particular that's rolling out, or a Covid-19 vaccine in general? Because I dunno man, the exhaustion of not being able to do anything is wearing thin on me. I just want to be rid of it.
I'm definitely getting it. You can't get concert tickets without verifying you had the vaccine.
Well Not from major ticket sellers anyways. I'm sure you can still get concert tickets in Florida.
I was messing around with DeepDanbooru the other day and discovered that it can correctly tag photographs of anime figures and cosplay. Not sure if I mentioned it here, bt I'm looking into whether or not I can run the deepdanbooru neural network on the coral edge TPU. Unfortunately the edge tpu has some limitations that the regular google tpus don't have.
When you're in a car with an NPC in cp77, you can hear the car tires screech because they're keeping the speed to like, a legal level I think the game just doesn't...
have levels of gas, so it's all or nothing And the NPCs break to keep the speed down?
Also there's this questline of races, where you can bring your car So naturally, I bought the caliburn, fastest car in the game ...turns out there's HEAVY rubberbanding, so I actually caught up to the other caliburn even after crashing And then suddenly, I jumped from 1st to 4th place Turns out, the other cars teleported further ahead, like, 10 checkpoints ahead
how come moe crashed when u posted u change something?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh just internet connection fluctuations im sure
yeah ur right a leaf mustve blown past my wifi signal sorry for doubting u
>>902388 >>902389 moe had a hiccup in the middle of and right before these posts, too I thought it was my internet at first, but it's usually stable as long as the cable's secured So I checked that before I started the first post
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok then i blame cloudflare
dang cloudflare stock has gone up over double since 6 months ago
Couldn't ya do direct links similarly to how a lot of sites do, where they don't actually put the link itself in the page, but run it through some redirection site? Like bitly or whatever
yeah just make it so that a tinyurl link pops up anytime i post a link
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it should definitely block redirection sites
>>902415 This Oh also I was looking at other AI acceleration hardware There's an intel chip that can do 1 TFLOP and supports normal tensorflow instead of just lite. You can get it in a USB stick for $74.99 on amazon and I found two companies that make single chip cards in mpcie and m.2 formats. There are also normal pcie cards with like 8 chips on them for $1400 and up. Oh the pcie/m.2 cards are each $116.
On the other hand though, it's not like it's a necessity or anything There's not a lot of link posting on moe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't even use tensorflow where the torch support at
I only brought up tensorflow because the nn i want to run requores Err I don't know if it can be ported to tensor flow lite. But I'm pretty sure the intel chip supports torch. >>902420 DeepDanbooru
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what net do u wanna run?
Anyways Coral edge tpu is 8bit int only The Intel one supports 16bit floating point
And even then the coral edge has restrictions on what operations it can do based on the dimensions of the tensor.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
8bit is plenty for a lot of machine learning algos tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if you can build a huge array of corals economically or is it better to have a rack of TPUs
deep dark danbooru
>>902424 Google doesn't sell their regular TPUs Also the coral has no onboard RAM or some small amount. >>902427 Good luck getting drivers.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely someone must have scavenged or stolen a TPU by now and then posted it for sale on tor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess it's still arrays of GPUs then if i had access to lots of capital and chip fabrication knowledge i would launch some kinda pytorch compatible m.2 board
>>902428 Here Pytorch compatible Cheaper than a gpu and better at tensor computing too There are boards with RAM on them but I'm pretty sure they're more expensive.
It uses the same Intel chip that's in that stick.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm looking at the product sheet but i can't find anything about pytorch looks like it's compatible with openvino
ok so you can convert pytorch networks to openvino networks probably with restrictions but still possible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like that wouldn't work with pytorch's immediate model tho i wonder if it has a deferred mode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ oho it works
>>902436 YYou think you're gonna get one lf *of those cards
Also I'm nt sure if you're following the AI community drama but the head of AI at nvidia just tweeted out a massive list of twiitter users (many of whom are researchers themselves) and said that they should be canceled because they support some other AI guy who started complaining about cancel culture.
I'm not intending to get into a long argument about this but the raw statistics do support those types of conclusions. But there is an additional context (police persecution of african Americans) and a gajillion other things that contribute to more Africa americans ending up going to prison.
I mean, the statistics don't, like, support the conclusions of the people who bring them up in this way, but they are technically accurate statistics, yes. Because the conclusion is never like "black people are being fucked"
Surprised the Nvidia AI guy even said anything though Oh Well still surprising tbh
She's Indian too Anyways It is incredibly irresponsible of her to public tweet out a list of people she thinks might agree with this guy and say "these people should be canceled" Because she is head of AI at a major industry player some of these people could lose their jobs or be kicked out of gradschool. That's also asking for a class action lawsuit (I can't think of a class action lawsuit against an individual but I think you can do them) if any of them actually do get fired/kicked out of school.
It definitely is unconventional
Oh wait it probably violates twitters rules on targeted harassment.
People also mentioned in the replies that it violates the ethics code/code of conduct in some research organization she is a part of. I hope for her sake she has tenure.
Oh I forgot to mention she also teaches at caltech.
That seems like a side-gig, if she's the head of AI research at like, NVIdia
>>902455 It's not uncommon for people in the tech industry (or even science/engineering) to simulataneousl hold academic positions and industry positions.
I'm sure, I just figure what puts the real money on the table for her is the nvidia position Is all
holy shit. i thought this group i have to stay up late for was gonna be like 20 people. but it's only 2 people. i'm getting $250 to entertain two people for three hours.
i was thinking i would only do this for maybe two weeks but if it's gonna be easy laid back shit like this i might do it for a while easy fuckin money
i told the girls that since we have a very small group we should keep it casual and just have a conversation and asked them both to tell me about themselves and their length of time in sobriety and stuff like that and one of them was like "my name is xxxx i'm a sagittarius in case you were wondering" lol
thank god she has informed you of this pivotal piece of information you now know she's a psychopath confirmed
Makes sense Patio sets are usually quite non-lethal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's time to test a code change in production muahaha
I found something cool on Craigslist. I also found something weird. A 24 inch android tablet that requires an external power supply.
another false positive on amphetamines/ methamphetamine
>>902473 you can buy the tablet then go watch a sox game its a win win
>>902474 what meds are you on? some SSRIs can cause false positives for mdma, meth, or pcp
have you considered just true positiving instead
>>902476 it never used to be a problem when I had drug tests from work >>902477 none really, apart from the occasional hayfever medication you can get from the shops
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on the bright side I get paid time off until the lab results come back
maybe my body just produces mdma naturally
Probably better than naturally producing alcohol
yeah, crazy that there are people who do that
diphenhydramine can cause a false positive if theyre using cheap drug tests guess they just gotta get good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i wish my body produced mdma naturally can i get a body mod for that
6 of them died of some disease that got to the farm one lived and we showed it at the 4h fair didnt place // by we i mean my step sister uhh then it died of old age eventually the end
>>902630 SSo do you think you're gonna get one of those AI accelerators?
I've been thinking about building a pc these past few days but right now cpu and gpu prices are really high. Although I have a 1060 I can use. Ugh I really want to get one of those accelerator cards and run deepdanbooru on it.
>>902630 This article is highly informative. Although you should probably read it when it's not in te middle of the night.