jujutsu majo gochi munou something comfy maybe cut
No it's okay I've got something to do before I head to bed anyway so I'll probably be hitting the later sleep target than usual anyway
I guess since Sunday night's shows are usually always the same there's no need to put up the list though. Tonikaku Kawaii is out as usual so it's a good fifth.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Worth noting I don't think Erai got their usagi release out
Yeah, but there's subs available from SubsPlease They both rip from official sub sources so the only real difference is how they encode, probably.
Yeah It looks like the bad guy thought the inverse of what was going on. That once the clock was up, his power was too. But rather his power goes into overdrive.
>I guess I should dodge this one >Fails to dodge this one
Oh yeah, MAPPA, who's animating this show, recently got greenlit to animate Chainsaw Man, a Shounen Jump manga that's distinctly not Shounen Jump-y at all. It's more akin to something like Dorohedoro or something gritty and violent than your average Shounen Jump manga. It should be fun.
He does seem like the kind of bad guy that is a bit too strong he needs to die quickly
He's probably the big bad Or at least the first long-term bad guy
Wow his mom is surprisingly chill I like her.
Itadori likes making trouble for the adults in his life.
That's a pretty nice way of phrasing the usual "if you kill then you're as bad as they are" problem. Acknowledging that if you kill someone then you become comfortable with the notion of killing.
Ah. Well that's unfortunate. She was a very nice lady.
They're really setting this up to be a monstrous incident Oh but it looks like the big bad fundamentally lacks an understanding here. Sukuna already kinda has an agreement with Itadori that Sukuna has the advantage in. When Itadori was dead Sukuna gave him the agreement that he'd save his life only if Sukuna would be allowed to take control under certain circumstances.
I assume taking over to collect his parts is something he'd do
okay majotabi okay lets start
From what we've seen of Sukuna he doesn't seem terribly concerned about collecting them all. Like he'll take them if they're there, but he doesn't seem driven to seek them out. He just wants to rampage and be a free cursed spirit by the feel of it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
While I've been whining for my book 3 ending and I don't like overhyping things, this episode honestly made me not be concerned with that anymore. We're in for a fun time.
>>902186 But doesn't eating them strengthen him and the curse as well as his chances of taking over?
>>902189 To the first part, he is stronger when he consumes his fingers, but he seems confident or vain enough to not be concerned with more power, he's already got plenty. For the latter, it's a bit fuzzier. The last time he took control Itadori took longer than expected to recover his body, but that might've not been because of Sukuna's curse -his power but rather Itadori having lost hope. As soon as he recovered his spirits he seemed to recover his body instantly.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ordinary beautiful woman
Prison hasn't been particularly kind to that old baba.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Saya's fucking DEAD
Wow it's Shizuka Rin
The imouto doesn't seem to particularly like her onee-chan's optimistic attitude.
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Ma'am this beautiful woman is staring at me while I eat
Oh no that's not a good pair of people to swap bodies of. Saya's gonna go fucking BONKERS
I know our protagonist is probably too oh i guess she's not successfully evaded the danger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Everyone is DEAD
Elaina is not a wise girl She might be a bit smart but she's very dumb otherwise.
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Her curiosity is far too powerful
Oh is this some Narcissus shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Saya is so wonderfully stupid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Elaina now has an imouto who had her siscon flip switched And Saya is stuck in a Narcissus situation loving her own reflection.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
At least Elaina quickly managed to understand they swapped bodies.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Thank you exposition-kun
So they smoke the entire town with a love potion and their big scheme ... is just to loot? Talk about small-minded.
She seems awfully feckless compared to how she was in the past.
Oh I guess this is gonna get Elaina starting to make some connections in her head.
Like a sulky little kid
>I don't want my story to end in five volumes Nice fourth wall
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Considering this is most likely the final chapter of volume 5, I like that. A lot A really fun chapter that also shows some important growth for Elaina, I basically got what I would get from the book 3 ending from this episode anyway. I have no idea what the next one would be, but I believe I'll find out tuesday morning iirc.
Strange too, since by all means it seems like this will be an only twelve-episode series too. So they don't have a whole lot of time to do a big finale. Of course this episode and the previous definitely hit like a season climax, but still.
>>902219 For them to do one more, honestly at this point Book 3's ending might be a step back in terms of Elaina's growth. I wouldn't mind them showing off a certain pink haired girl but I don't know if you could end a season on that. Of course they could just do a chapter I know nothing about! But I doubt they'd do any more bummer chapters or anything dark.
>My chest is not full No need to commit suicide like that Syaro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... actually, the pink haired chapter is an almost perfect amount of shoving the reader into an unknown pool of water, I wonder...
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like that right kind of removed from an importance kind of continuity
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
a whopping 62 yen
I'm more of a black tea than herbal tea kind of person
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no I want crepe
You Can (Not) Escape Cocoa
>All I see is an adult goofing around Yeah that sounds like Aoyama to a T
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
She's got a real knack for it
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I will accept some king melon pan
Ippai nai~
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Shiikureto Santa
Chiya showing off her near-prophetic ability to cold read Sharo
Chino's such a good friend Instantly joining in on Megu and Maya's game without knowing what the prize was.
The holiday spirit is like the only good part of winter. And anime always scales up the charm by a lot.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
What if all the secret santa names were Cocoa
And then Cocoa makes good on her intent to give everyone a gift anyway.
A gentle snowfall isn't so bad though.
Holy fuck Cocoa that was like a five-minute nap Oh well it looks like it didn't last though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Tippy powered power nap
A somewhat unsurprising solution to Rabbit House's labour issues. Honestly I thought something like that was going to happen earlier in the episode, when Syaro and Chiya were talking with Chino.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Once again I am filled to the brimg with fuzzy feelings
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don't worry about that unnecessary g, it's just riding the comfy train
Fire and brimgstone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and with that it's time I went to bed I get to see a dental surgeon for a consult tomorrow well today at this point
Are you going to get your canals rooted
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No I gotta get at least the one wisdom tooth out, it's basically sideways and as a result it's cavitied and broken and awful. And my new dentist suggested I get the other one out too. >>902259 thank fortunately the pain has gone away for now, but I've got some cavities that the regular dentist has to take care of soon too. They might be the source of the pain I was having. >>902260 Yo I have no idea and my pediatric dentist didn't really say anything about it. I can't imagine it was never not doing this. I don't know what's exactly going on I honestly kind of let the dental talk flow over my head aside from it's gotta go, but I can tell you that I can feel how what should be the bottom of the tooth is at like a 45 degree angle!
>>902258 What the fuck how did your jaw do that to your teeth Or well tooth but still. But yeah if you're getting a tooth out on one side might as well do the one on the other. It would probably be a weird sensation otherwise.
Magnetism would be pretty dangerous, really. There's a lot you could do with the ability to move metallic things.
The astral projection guy seems to be able to interact with the environment since he flushed the toilet, so he could be a pretty extreme stealth assassin.
And the guy who can imitate voices could be a powerful disruptive force if he wanted to be.
>My power is useless against poison I guess Nana might've gone through with her intent to dispose of her poison, but that really lowers the threat Michiru was to her successfully killing people with poison.
Yeah that was pretty tasteless of Michiru. Though a pretty normal thing to do. There's a lot of people who have people like Nana confide in them about stuff like her parents' deaths, and try to resolve it by giving them what they lost. But that's not what they need.
Ah and here's another big slip-up of Nana. She got so distracted by that older guy pretending to be Michiru and then the new murderer that's running about that she totally forgot about the poison
If Michiru was able to discern the bottle was poison, then I think it's pretty standard deduction to assume Nana's up to something. Though with a story like her parents' deaths then I might suspect Michiru might think Nana might intend to use it on herself. Which is what drove her harder than usual to "save" Nana and make a tasteless suggestion like Nana living with her loving and caring family.
I love detective crime scene analysis moments like this. They're just always so rich with details since the author is both trying to seed the real clues and the red herrings in the description.
A culprit that was taking care to be silent doesn't really fit up with the green-haired girl who can make air blades though. Her Talent seems to be kind of noisy, especially in a small room like these dorm bedrooms.
Yeah I had a bad feeling. When people are showering/bathing in silence for a long time in anime it never bodes well.
well it's the kinda thing where she'll probably be saved next ep
okay tonikaku play okay lets start
It'll make for a nice bit for the finale Though we also will hopefully get resolution on who killed that random dude too. That would be a mean mystery to leave hanging.
Oh nevermind Nana's one of the thirteen-episode shows of the season so they might dangle the mystery of the new murderer for a bit longer.
It's not like Tsukasa could do anything about the apartment burning down while she and Nasa were in Nara.
Oh but now she's absolutely messing with her sister.
Though really I don't fault him for not recognizing the takoyaki plate. Most households that do something like takoyaki would probably have like an electric one or something. Plates like those probably only see use these days in restaurants.
This episode has almost entirely been one long chain of gags involving Chitose's extreme gullibility and ADD
Oh shit a Mega Drive
They could just trade onee-chans The bathhouse onee-chan could go with Chitose and Tsukasa could stay at the bathhouse.
Hah hah hah When she acted like Tsukasa couldn't cook because she was a "young kid nowadays" I was thinking "But Aya is probably about the same age too" And she even admitted it herself!
Ah man pizza I haven't had a good fresh pizza in a while. Now I want some pizza.
Oh the onee-chan's outfit there was a bunch of Hololive references. I saw Pekora's hair braids and Coco's top.
Hah hah Tsukasa is getting a bit salty now. How cute.
This was one of the few chapters I peeked in on a while back. I think while the Street Fight V segment was an "obviously-not-Street Fighter V" game, the retro game instead was an unrelated retro game with a custom controller But the events proceeded pretty much the same.
Geez Rika it's just a kiss. No need to get so excited.
As I've been feeling all season I hope they deliver on it for the season finale. A bit of a long wait but it'll be a nice climax. In more way than one, hoh hoh hoh