Hi hey hello We've made it to another Thursday Through another week! Almost.
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-10 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-9 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 9-10 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 6-10 Ochikobore Fruit Tart
That hacker boy has been a hanging Chekov's Gun for like half the show. He went off on his own pretty early on, and gave Swindler one of his hack drones. But neither the drone or his going rogue has been relevant so far. I wonder if they forgot about it.
It's really funny how everyone just assumes Swindler's a scheming genius when really she's just got S-rank Luck and stumbles into almost every success she attains.
Yeah because declaring a massive portion of your population as criminals punishable by death is good society.
I guess this is the downside to deifying a train though. When everyone's stressed out and panicking they all want something to pray to.
Oof ow. If not for the Doctor being a good bit of a megabitch that would be almost a sorrowful demise.
Well that was kind of ominous of the bunny and the shark. If Kanto was intentionally letting people board the Shinkansen, then what do they need all those people for.
He's got a whole lotta magic Too bad he's up against the Anti-Mage
>It seems too much a coincidence that she is also there Funnily enough it really is kind of a coincidence Or at least separated by enough degrees that she's not responsible for the demon guy getting released.
Oh it's Raiden again. Or whatever that cyborg ninja from Overwatch was called I forgot his name.
yeah He looks like he doesn't belong in this anime
We've been spending too much time among the magic side of the world. I think his tech is still like secret military tech but it's not too beyond their capabilities.
So he wants to get so much power he pretty much becomes a god-emperor. A bit of a shallow goal for someone so powerful.
Wow she was able to freeze even lightning. That's some cold ice.
i think they'll be rivals even when they're dating
Oh that's a plot point I forgot about. I guess the witch Iska saved at the start of the series, that got him put in the slammer himself, was Alice's sister. It was easy to just assume they were two different pink-haired girls since she was in prison attire at the top of the series.
oh i forgot about love live love live 6 okay lets start
Are we skipping Love Live then
Okey dokes
I think this girl is pretty popular. Since she's got the social anxiety moe thing.
Almost felt like blonde extorting the coupon from her for a moment there.
I like how in addition to having the reflective shine in the eyes, the white part I mean, they also put in a contrasting colour highlight as a reflective shine too. It's a nice way to add more colour to the eye.
You need your boice training if you're gonna be an aidoru
Being able to get into your apartment complex with your phone is pretty cool, but I can't say unlocking your own front door with it sits well with me.
I can kinda sympathize with not being able to express how you feel. Though for me it's more I find it hard to properly explain myself at times. I find it impossibly hard to find the words I want. So I just end up not saying anything.
I'm a bit envious of people who can just spout words off the cuff when they're emotionally fired up.
It's actually kinda high-tech. Though also pretty weird.
I think they've been uploading these song bits to YouTube after the episode airs. And this one cleared a million views in like a few weeks after it was put up.
Pretty much every episode has me waiting all week for the next one
In the original arc this is what makes Keiichi decide to go a-murderin' Satoko's uncle Though by the time he commits to it he's already got brainworms so deep he ends up just hallucinating it I think. And maybe Shion kills him instead? Not 100% sure.
This feels like Rika trying to break the loop. But at the same time it's been so long since I watched the original arc so maybe she did it then too.
Oh here comes the real Berserker.
I think overall throughout all the fragments, Shion is the one that most often gets violent with people.
This situation seems hard for Rika to control but I guess K1's residual memories are kicking in
Yeah, in both the first arc of this new series of framents and now, he's avoided going down the BAD END path because of them. It looked like it totally threw Rika for a loop there too.
i think they'll come close to fixing this but not completely and they'll end the season on a near-win
Even if they rescue Satoko from her uncle they're still stuck with Takano trying to make herself a living god. And they don't have Hanyuu around, who helped in the big triumphant victory arc in the original.
Ultimately they're still a bunch of kids being talked down to like kids by an adult here.
Oh hah hah Shion's threatening other people now too.
She's been a -lot- in Bernkastel mode this episode.
And unlike the previous arc -- actually both previous arcs, which were almost indistinguishable from the original arcs right up until the end where they hit us with some twists, This arc has gone pretty far off the rails of the original arc.
Yeah, she's going all out. Well, this is the last arc of the season so they gotta go wild I bet it will have a wild ending
It's two-cour too, so they can jump right into whichever arc they're doing next in the new year. If they're keeping with adapting each arc in order it'll probably be the one where we see the events of the second arc but from Shion's perspective. But they might also do the original arc where Rena gets terminal brainworms.
This is really one of those moments of extreme technicality bullshit. Like "technically", her uncle never abused her in the past. But he abetted in the aunt's abuse by not stepping in. As a legal guardiant that's absolutely abominable regardless.
For the record I don't really have a whole lot of wiggle room this late at night. Waiting like eight minutes between shows is cutting it really close for me.
Sorry I'll try to be a little more wakeful next week
Just pack all those feelings of sleepiness and save them for after anime! Wouldn't it be better to get it all in one nice longer sleep than scattered bits and then a short sleep?
They act like their producer has a hold on this assistant girl but the assistant girl is just as happy to ogle the girls as anyone.
I've been thinking about this. Why exactly does she have spatulas on hand like that. Who just goes around carrying spare spatulas?
Mengo mengo Couldn't they bring the outfits in storage or something and change at the venue though.
The coloured hearts patching holes in the shirts are a nice touch though. Even without the holes they would've been a good addition.
Oh I guess her parents run an okonomiyaki store. I mean that ... still doesn't explain why she runs around with okonomiyaki spatulas just as prop, but it does contextualize it.
The style of the show is consistently really cute. I'd've liked it if they kept a bit more of the original manga's aesthetic but it's not bad the way it is.
Real aidoru activities You'd almost mistake them for proper idols!
A real scheming cat is stalking all these mice it seems.