Hi! Thanks for being early today Lemme go get the list
Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-8 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 3-8 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Ochikobore Fruit Tart
oh this may be where bell comes to odds with her like we saw in the OP
Maybe, but I think Bell is still chasing after Weine. He also never met this super minotaur so he might not have as big a stake here.
Ais when she's actually serious is pretty intense. Oh but it managed to get a pretty dangerous hit in on. And one of Hermes' people is coming to its rescue.
That's kind of a shame I was looking forward to seeing Ais' familia's leader fight. He's always been in a commander role so I want to see what his manner of fighting is.
It sure is a good thing to have a legendary mage turned lich on your side.
From her incantation it sounds like there is a price to the magic, wonder what it is.
Either way after what a beat-down the past couple episodes have been for Wiene, I'm happy she's all right. Even if reincarnation magic feels a bit like an asspull. Some times it's fine for something ludicrous to happen for a good reason!
I thought it possible since the gem was left behind
Yeah. And DanMachi does have some pretty obvious tabletop roots to its levelling and magic systems. Some of the most basic revival magic in D&D requires you cast the magic within an incredibly short time after the target's death. It might've been impossible to revive her if Fels had arrived a bit later.
Hm, well I don't blame his mom for being snippy with him about dismissing her as finding work in the sex industry as fine. It would be one thing if she chose it of her own accord, but it's looking like this man who's fishing her is gonna try and force her into it. And that's a whole different matter.
>>897144 From my understanding of the original novel this is loosely based off of, a lot of the short stories in it are pretty mature problems and doesn't shy away from some of the particularly awful shit that can go down in a town like Ikebukuro.
Hah hah hah He brings in his mom to fucking LAY into this dickbag Oh and the cops.
I was hoping his mom would show some attitude to show where he gets it from I guess. But it looks like she was around more for this second half of the confrontation.
Man woman I get you're in an unbearable amount of stress But maybe don't talk about how things would be better if your child wasn't around WHILE YOUR CHILD IS IN FRONT OF YOU
I thought this might be the conclusion it came to. It's certainly not a good solution, but some times it's not about a good solution, but the best one you can find.
Doing a full ballet routine in the middle of a rainstorm like this is pretty dangerous! A slick surface makes for a poor surface to dance on.
That's probably pretty true all over the world. A lot of people go on struggling, not knowing there's options and support systems in place to help them. And if they don't know those options are there, some times they fall through the cracks.
that was a nice story not very related to the gangs though
It's related to Ikebukuro as a town though. There's a lot of predators like the man that was fishing the mom there in a town like Ikebukuro. More often than not they're successful too.
onii-chan seems like a smart guy surely he knows they they're mad
Which is what makes it all the funnier! If he's obviously aware they'd find it a problem then it makes his stubborness a choice. It's a better personality bit than being cluelessly unaware it's a problem.
You must have a real mean spirit if you're a part of a Yotsuba Group and you name your kid Kuroba.
People are -still- trying to arrest Onii-sama When are they going to clue in this never actually works.
Wow this guy has no eyes.
I think these data vampires haven't taken into account the vampire inside the robot got imprinted with Honoka's adoration for Onii-sama. She probably doesn't even want to part from him. Yeah.
Aaaaaaaahhhh Wow they did something really shiny there at the end and just cut to credits without letting us know what it was! That's a real mean cliffhanger!
It looks like whatever Honoka did resonated with Pixie, probably because of how her personality is partially an imprint of Honoka's. But they didn't let us know what it was!
Wow those things look a bit gross. Kinda remind me of jellyfish washed up on the beach-
I guess Riri gets to be a mom now
they dont explain it but honoka got a gene that makes her submissive/a slave so oh ok
Woah please I'm not actually wanting an explanation Sorry! It's just fun to be exasperated.
Looks like the headmaster is a decent bloke though. He got awfully irate with those headless voices because they were being suspicious dicks about the Lilies
Come to think of it that might've been Riri flexing her Charisma skill again. All it took was a bit of a push from her and her squad all acquiesed to her request.
Oh hah hah it took me a moment. I was like "... Did she drop her post?" But yeah I see what you mean. More the big imouto than the small onee-chan though.
I've seen some pages from the manga this is adapting and the artstyle is a fair bit different. There's a lot more softness and curves to the lines. It's a cute style.
Knowing their situation they probably don't have the funds for Wow okay it kinda was approved as an expense. At an expense of being so!
I think you'd really want to do what the fluffy girl does and get really thick tights over just wahtever so nobody can accidentally see
I also think since you're on stage and moving a lot and sweating you'd wear something functional and also something pretty basic and sheer so it won't show under your clothes
but when you're an anime character you don't usually have to worry about your underwearing showing from under your clothes
I wouldn't be surprised if it's just kinda assumed aidoru are going to have to show pantsu while on-stage. Kinda like with tennis pantsu The fact that they were buying actual show-off underwear instead of something that blends functional and okay to show is probably a bit unrealistic though.