Heyo Congratulations getting through Monday There's some good stuff to pick from today
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-8 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 3-8 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
will prob cut mahouka orange for 100 okay lets start
I still insist this fantasy continent they've isekai'd into looks a lot like Australia.
Fall Bad!
These two are making some interesting questions aside from the first kiss one. Is this a virtual world? Are the weird interfaces we're seeing all magic or something else? It definitely seems like a realistic world but there's the odd glitch here or there which makes it seem unreal.
Maybe, but she's not inherently aggravating like the MC was being. That said it still seems like these guys are being pretty sensibly cautious around her.
oh I see she kinda expected it oh she ressed and they caught her
iT /It looks like she was just a time waster.
The MC really plays the act of being a deranged lunatic pretty effectively.
You'd think as a heat mage she'd have some innate resistance to heat.
Yeah, his game to make them think he killed the religious prisoners went about how I thought it would. Made it look like he killed them while they hid in the wagon. Then when he set the horse's rear on fire the wagon bolted and they escaped.
One of the soldier guys that was escorting the prisoners. The girl lead two of them away while the other remained at the wagon on guard. Then the MC bonked him on the head and tied him up, gagging him so he would seem like a panicking prisoner rather than the guard.
He's really all over the place, mentally. Like he thought of one of the soldiers of the sword lady as a friend, but sees the other isekai'd people as merely people trying to work together to not die. But also is totally unfazed by "the life of a character in a game" despite referring to one of those characters as a friend? The way he thinks is really contradictory to itself.
Yeah, he's probably not made his mind up. It's a confusing situation though. And all of them really just want out of it.
okay golden kamui okay lets start
Well the MC kinda doesn't I don't think he likes being strung along with these weird missions but he HAET TOKYO so much that he seems to love this isekai world in comparison.
Okay good for Kamuy
I think Lt. Headplate is misunderstanding Asripa's dad's plan for her to be able to decode the tattoos though. He thinks it means the code is fundamentally simplistic. But rather it's more likely probably that it requires an application of knowledge you'd only know if you were Asripa. If you have a key to your code as narrow as that, then you can make the code pretty complex that only makes sense with the key.
Looks like we're getting an episode or at least a bit of one from the old guy's team. He really got left behind with Asripa getting abducted north and Sugimoto rushing off after her.
There's been a lot of focus on side characters and such, too. I assume it will swing back hard to the two of them soon
There was that one prison in the way north of Hokkaido that both Sugimoto's party and Asripa's party seem to be converging on. I wonder if there's enough time in this season for them to reach the prison and potentially reunite with each other.
Hah hah hah oh shit Looks like the old guy still remembers what it's like to feel a blade in his hand and the threat of being killed before him
It's a bit exaggerated but that is kind of what mental degredation diseases are kind of like for people. Even after decades of suffering from them, if you provide the person with the props or other sensory recollections to things they practiced or studied for their entire lives, their body remembers. He might be old and senile, but his body remembers how to kill.
>Hokkaido must become independent and protect the north Well that certainly didn't actually happen. So I guess this old man doesn't arrive at the gold.
EVERY TIME We cut to these guys. It's Sniper-kun killing some wildlife.
Yeah she does that a lot. I like them, they're kinda like what a Japanese person making a weird face would look like, opposed to the usual anime weird faces.
Did a quick check, this isn't a re-cap episode like the title in the PV last week made it feel. Though I do believe there is going to be a one-week hiatus next episode.
Their vain attempt to take out the big boss enemy really backfired. Plus these big pillar things seem to go in and out of hibernation cycles and with the retreat I think they'll run out of time for making another run at it. Even if they had the resources and manpower to go at one.
>This is why I hate gods. Has she run into more than one? They've seemed to only ever talk with Odin.
You'd think as someone from Northern Europe she'd just know enough about Norse mythology to recognize those words. But maybe this war with these pillar monsters has been going on so long that cultural traditions like those are starting to get a bit hard to keep track of.
this is kinda a recovery episode after the whopper last week
They've also given a bit of a hope spot in this portal to Valhalla they discovered.
I like that despite the crushing losses that Miyako hasn't lost her unflappable spirit. I was worried she'd be a target for SUFFERING but she's remained stalwartly positive despite everything.
Seems like this Valhalla has a bunch of pantheons involved. She was talking about Titans and Olympians, and I think Vritra is Hindu? Hell yeah it is.
Looks like that's how these pillar monsters propagate. A bunch of the mooks combine to make a second-level on. One, even. I wonder if they can upgrade to the big boss pillars like the one they got stomped by last episode or if those are just what popped up in the first place.
The last countdown I saw for this show had its next episode at over ten days away. So it's probably not going to get an episode, or at least a proper one, this week.
Yeah, I guess we'll be waiting a bit. okay maoujou de okay lets start
Time for slep
is the order a bang?
Not tonight, no. Could you deliver tomorrow? I don't have enough sleep stocked up to stay up much later than this last show.
i can arrange for bang to exist within this space tomorrow, if necessary
Thanks! We can do another episode of Kamisama tomorrow then.
are you guys all caught up on higurashi now?
We're pretty much always caught up on Higurashi. That's one show that gets watched every Thursday it airs.
oh it looked like you had a lot of episodes last time i looked maybe i misread
well definitely kamisama at least tomorrow
Yeah you were probably looking at the episode count of the show that was above it in the list. That would've been Kami-tachi and we've got quite a few of those episodes piled up because it's a so-so show.
If you're ever caught up on Higurashi we watch it every Thursday. Probably wouldn't hold that one because you can't comprehend how impatient each episode leaves me for the next one.
Hah hah hah She's just inserting herself into the Maou's council now.
wow she's had a lot of bad experiences wit the hero
It sounds like this might be a nightmare. So not sure if it's based in her waking experiences. Wouldn't be surprised if it is though hah hah
Well for how genre-savvy the Maou normally is Oh I thought they all realized she was talking about the Hero. But they all just assumed it was some random kid from her past/dream
I think she's the one that will defeat him in the end
Maybe she'll charm him and bring peace to human and demonkind. And that way she doesn't have to marry this bore of a Yuusha.
The merman guy seems to be the only half-competent guy in the Maou's council. At least by this scene he seems to be the only one not intentionally or otherwise ruining their chances of beating the Yuusha.
I really like that ED ORESAMA has a great poppy sound to their music.
Okay time for me to speed off to bed and hope I can get an okay amount of sleep in. Tuesdays are always a hard day for me.
Go to bed too Rika you'll sleep better there than your chair/couch