Yes hi hey hello I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was a hunker down inside all weekend kind of weekend.
We also got our first serious snow of the winter today and that suuuuckssss It's gonna make things a pain tomorrow morning I bet.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was at work so my weekend starts now!
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-8 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-6 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 3-8 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
I //When I first saw the episode count for this show it was only at one cour. But I was looking at what's lined up for anime next season and I saw it was getting more episodes for that season too. So looks like it's gonna be two-cour. Which is nice.
Sounds like the Kyoto principal might be one of the soft villains or long-term ones. If he's one of the people that likely arranged for Itadori to get killed on that previous mission. He's one of the people Blindfold-sensei wants to pick a fight with.
oh that's the guy who does the cool pose in the OP
He seems like an interesting bloke. At the least a whole lot less confrontational compared to the girl he showed up with.
But yeah it's unsurprising an inoffensive, plain answer like that would offend the fetish guy.
Man this guy is just trashing everything in his beatdown of Megumi.
Oh I guess that's why that guy with the grey hair can only speak in onigiri fillings. Because otherwise his words have an effect on reality. That's always a cool superpower.
I like this spear girl. Her fashion sense is kinda eh but I can respect her wanting to stick it to her family who look down on her just because she doesn't have the innate powers of one of these sorcerors.
oh sorry I've been quiet distracted by issues with other people
Person A again or some other people?
She forgot his drink RIP
They kinda dropped some stuff this episode without really explaining it. Like that blonde guy with the small glasses has been the OP from the start but they had him show up with Itadori at the end there without any introduction. And that Shinto priest guy who's been hanging out with all the cursed monsters seems to have been at the head of a big incident in Kyoto from before the series began. But they haven't explained anything about it and have just been dancing around it. I like storytelling like that, especially when they finally drop the shoe and show what it was.
Well you'd probably go crazy too if someone snuck into your room at night to cut off your hair and stick it on a doll.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
She's Elaina but mad!
>I'm actually a witch Unsurprising, considering her dolls seem to have some autonomy.
See? Look what kinds of marvels you can work with time-reversal magic!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm sure there will come a time where time-based magic can't solve all your problems!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's a small world
She totally knew telling Saya that would set her off.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
aaaaa what a fun chapter
Alright here's the ton stuff for thsi week for one, doll witch is Ueda Reina who, among being a voice actress specifically sings to OP. *the
The key differences here are The townspeople weren't all obsessed with the dolls Elaina hates the smell of Sheila's pipe Sheila already knows about the auction The doll's hair isn't in the closet but is just gone during the morning The doll witch was originally just a boring old hag who only liked people's sad/angry faces but the changes here are good. She was also less into and more scared of Saya at the end.
It's always better to have cute women rather than old hags
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm really looking forward to the preview, according to a tweet the director believes episode 9 to be the darkest we'll get which means I'm predicting one of two chapters, one of which progresses to book 3's ending However, about my book 3 ending prediction, they've kind of messed with that as this episode's chapter kind of needs to come after a chapter they haven't shown yet.
of course they could just move on to book 4 or later and crush my spirits!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm ready to embrace the coffee
U sa gi Pyon pyon
Halloween time! I guess at the pace they're going they're probably not going to get to the next school year and Chino graduating into Cocoa's high school this season. But we might get like a Christmas climax which is also nice.
Actually there's precisely a Christmas tree in the OP there so yeah I bet the big moment of the last couple episodes will be Christmas.
That would be comfy if they synced the Christmas episodes up with Christmas
Yeah! The other thing I could imagine is they fast-forward through November and we get Christmas in the next episode or two, then move quickly on to the New Year and maybe graduation for the final episode. Since just like up here in Canada, NOTHING happens in November. It's one of the dullest months of the year.
Syaro's cafe has some cute outfits for the Halloween event.
! ! ! Oh I LIKE this Chiya outfit. I really really really like this Chiya outfit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Chiya please
Bare shoulders, Japanese-style kimono-y take on a witch's dress, witch hat, lovely colour choices, loose twin braids 13/10 outfit design
>You need to have a fleshed out backstory for this to work properly! Chiya is one of my people
Sharo losing her house key and having to sulk outside her front door is a very Syaro-poi thing to happen though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh good.
>Emissary of Hell >Cocoa
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
adds up if you really stretch it
I can't hear the way they pronounce "SHAA" without being reminded of a certain shark
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I hear Shaa and go to granblue personally but I don't exactly think you'd get that one.
It's also inevitable with your hopeless addiction to that soul-sucking game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
jokes on you I've been losing interest in it steadily!
Steadily too slowly!
Wow THREE (3) Lapins
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh I see where we're going with that.
Ah that's a cute costume for Cocoa. Tiny hat magician girl is very cute.
We didn't even get to see what her actual power was! All she said was that her power requires her to eat the reptiles.
I feel that's going to come back to bite her.
>Omae sa >Hey, kid Honestly that's not a bad translation. By calling her "omae", the guy is being pretty rude and disrespectful to her. English doesn't really have strict language to talk like that, at least in the way these two would talk to each other.
This island really does give her a lot of aces in her pocket though. First there's the fact that everyone assumes she has a power because she's on an island where everyone has powers. Second, that everyone believes there's enemies of humanity somewhere on this island.
I wonder if these powers manifest as the kids grow, or if they're there from birth. Because a detective who can't die is a pretty powerful detective. He probably was a bit of a detective from the get-go since he's kind of autsy. But I bet his imouto coming to this island and disappearing kicked his detective instincts into overdrive.
Oh I wonder if Nana knew the snake-eating girl's actual power then. Because otherwise it really is a stroke of luck that her power is poison saliva. It gives her a motive to kill that girl they were just investigating. A petty one, sure, but people have been killed for less.
Hah hah hah He finally caught her in one of her lies.
What's neat is Kyoya obviously hurts real bad when he's getting injured or otherwise, even if he can't die. So the fact that he was still able to notice Nana's familiarity with this room despite the pain is a real testament to his tolerance. He also really seems like the kind of person who would've gone and killed himself over and over again in the past to build a pain tolerance.
>>896507 It's definitely a double-edged blade. Especially since she established it as something she can't really turn off. She's done a good job of playing like she can always hear people's thoughts so far but it's probably hard without actually having it to factor it in to all her excuses and attempts at an alibi.
I did catch her fidgeting around in her pockets all episode though, so unless she was deliberately trying to catch Kyoya's attention to her pockets -- not unseeable, she's used red herrings a lot -- she really didn't have a chance to dispose of the phone.
That's her out if he finds the phone, I think the show will change tone substantially cause the jig wil lbe up
tonikaku okay lets starT!
Yeah, and by this point she's killed off the real dick-ish kids. I mean that chubby fire guy and the ice dude and kinda arrogant pricks but they don't really seem to be bad kids. But of course neither really did the necromancer girl until Nana tore away her facade and showed her as the yandere she really was.
The show could pivot and have some of the students understand what was going on, but ultimately I don't think Kyoya would forgive her for her murder spree. So I'm pretty sure the jig has to continue or else an ultimatum between Nana and Kyoya will happen.
>>896512 Yeah, I don't know what they will do if she actually gets found out
I can maybe hazard a guess that she chucked the phone out the window when she went to open it as Kyoya was writhing from the poison. But I dunno even that seems flimsy and would need a massive sleight of hand, and they've already established that he was watching her as she opened the window.
Yeah, that's what I mean. She opened the window since Kyoya was asking for it, and might've taken the chance to chuck the phone out of it too. But he made a point of telling her he was watching as she went to the window.
Nara is a nice place. The deer are cute. It's easy to make a brief stop-over in Nara if you're going to or from Osaka to Kyoto.
Hah hah hah His mom's a bit of a spaz. I guess the whole family is.
Can you really blame his parents though. Your son calls you late at night for the first time in years and what he tells you is that he's gotten married. I think any parents would be a bit on edge in this situation.
His mom's got some lovely eyes though. Too bad he couldn't inherit those.
Ah there he goes. Now he's putting all the pieces together.
>That's embarassing, but also super exciting! He's really developing some interesting tastes.
Hah hah I sleep on my own arm all the time so I kinda understand what he's going through.
Oh he's getting his own bullying in on her for the arm teasing.
It is! Even Tokyo is absolutely chock-full of things to experience that are really tourist-y. Kyoto is probably the crown jewel of tourist activities, especially if you like historical places.
I don't think YouTube will be around in a thousand years!
Oh Aw There was so much comedy around the truck scene at the start of the series that you kinda forget. Hearing that your son got hit by a truck must be absolutely heart-rendering for a parent. Him being beyond thankful for her saving Nasa's life is a totally human thing. How sweet.
It's the kind of show that always leave my heart both emotionally satisfied and an envious wreck.
Oh hah hah oh no Their apartment burned down! He even lampshaded earlier in the episode that he would be fine if the apartment burned down since he didn't have any important possessions in there. And then it went and burned down!