Man, I've been so wrong about the Apex tier list I've been using almost exclusively weapons nobody in the big leagues uses, while playing characters nowhere to be seen
Guess I'll learn Wraith
Or you could just play what you're enjoying and not give in to popular opinion
i'm rerwading the essential handbook how to be an adult its funny you internalize some of these things but other concepts you lose and you come back to them, and they're always fresh not new, but always fresh
i cant believe the brown girls not on the genshin banner :/ i hate genshin impact now im never gonna play it again i mean it was a bad game to begin with but now... its wrose...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its such a hollow ripoff of botw its soul replaced with a skinner box and fetch quests sad
oh no not the fetch quests
its too easy all the quests tell u exactly where to go or do its like oh heres a look at picture and find it on the map huge ass pile of books where it is
i feel like a html5 version is more likely to get players tho
Speaking of online games, have any of you ever played Fruit Mystery? I highly recommend it. But don't spoil yourself for the plot because that takes out a good chunk of enjoyment.
a good chunk of fruit
i am a man with 600g of cinnamon rolls and i think they'll go bad at this rate
i just found a friend i went to high school with whom i haven't spoken to in a few years because a vtuber retweeted them and it's really put in perspective how fucked up the world is it's so ridiculous
i don't really get it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't get what
what's so ridiculous about that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reconnecting with an old friend on the other side of the continent because a japanese girl role-playing as a dog on the other side of the world put them on my timeline is def ridiculous so many hilariously amazing things can happen life s is such a circus
I mean it's a hell of a coincidence, I'll give you that I feel like the most ridiculous part is your high school friend using their own actual human name on twitter dot com though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they're a somewhat established animator they worked for Nickelodeon doing storyboards for spongebob a while ago
They're the origin story of a whole subgenre of memes!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sasuga she was pretty impressive when i knew her i hope i can reconnect with her
i didn't realize she was a big deal i remember she got to make official spongebob stickers for facebook or something
>>891650 thanks for the raita friend some people dont like raita and try to bully his art but i like it :) in fact im gonna tell him
oH wait, nevermind, I guess her style is just very similar to the one I was thinking of >>>/watch?v=sPOpqBberD0 This one Not that account, but the person who made that has a lot of other ones that have been equally exploited for meme purposes
back in high school we were part of a group of like 6 weebs in the whole school lol but she had a falling out with one of the other people in the group and then everyone started moving away for college and stuff so naturally we all drifted apart
I feel like the description blurb for Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear doesn't... at all line up with the anime "Until one day she wakes up back at level 1", it says, but that hasn't happened and I'm starting episode 6 now
Or rather, it must have already happened, because in the blurb it alludes to the bear suit being too embarassing to use otherwise, for her And she's not been out of it other than to sleep so far
but she also seems to unfamiliar with the game and its world for this to have previously been her favorite game
i only watched episode 1 but according to /a/ they skipped a lot of the intro world building i forget exactly what it was they skipped but it was with the bear suit for sure something about she didnt have it on and something happened or something
>>891673 They seem to have skipped like, her getting the suit, not wanting to wear it, her getting stuck, her being at level 1
Like, watching just the anime, there's no indication she's actually stuck in there, other than her sleeping in-game, which can be rationalized by her liking the game a lot and being absurdly wealthy offline, so she has no real reason not to be in-game at all times
yeah looking at my anime list discussion forms, maybe they said it in episode 2, but she logs in completes a survey gets given the bear outfit and is thrown into a NEW game that isnt the one before and the log in option is gone
If it was mentioned at all, i ddin't catch it
I guess I'll rewatch ep2 after this to see
theyre just saying epsiode 2 shouldve been episode 1 so i assume it has more world building i dont know if they mention anything
Well, that might be due to episode 2 seeming to take place shortly before episode 1 At least I remember there being some episode where I was like "Oh... oh this is actually earlier in the story?" like I was watching Haruhi again
Kuma Bear just opens in media res, and episode one takes place after episode three or so
think I'm gonna call in sick fair bit of pain which means I have to call them at 4am probably and then organise a doc appointment >>891671 I've been meaning to watch that show
I'm not gonna slag off a show just because it's isekai
i wasnt trying to imply its bad but im not gonna say its good cause its been done b4 a lot
IS a winning formula
To say a show's been done before because it's an isekai is like saying a fantasy series has been done before because it's a fantasy, or a shounen action series has been done before because it's a sho -shounen action series. That's such a braindead way of classifying series. Sure there's some things that might be more generic and stuck in the genre than others but still collapsing all shows down to their genre is just a thoughtless and reductive way of thinking about media. Isekai is just a genre, nothing more.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm behind on KKB ): I'm behind on a few things Golden Kamuy, KKB, coffee cuties, danmachi But I'm managing to keep up on more than I usually do which is nice. I'll just have to give myself some time to catch up on the other stuff sometime. Watching Elaina with ToN every week is nice too.
Munou na Nana has continued to be excellent, along with Tonikaku Kawaii. Jujutsu Kaisen has also been a blast so far too
but the formula it uses has been done before its more than just an isekai thats been done before
>>891694 What precisely is that formula then? What about the formula stands out from the broad genre of isekai which makes it a pattern rather than just with the confines of the genre? What about the parts of it that break from that pattern if it does in fact exist?
I got an email saying I need to sign for some of my computer parts when they show up tomorrow. And it said I could schedule it to come at a time I know I'll be home, so I said, sure, I know I'll be home 5-8 so I'll schedule it then! "give us $5.55" you bitch
For me, Sigururi and Nana are my favorite shows this season. Higurashi too, of course. But Sigururi is really fun!
>>891702 I was able to watch the whole thing! I stopped when she started the superchat readings, though.
Higurashi is undeniably the highlight for me. There's a lot of things they're kinda promising on and even if they don't deliver, the way they've been subverting what's expected has been amazing. I'd say I also regularly look forward to Tonikaku, Nana, and Jujutsu too. And also Adachi to Shimaura and Maoujou in a comfy appreciation kind of way.
>>891705 I'm really excited for more Higurashi. Wherever they go, it's going to be exciting. Especially knowing that it's 2-cour.
It being 2cour does make it reasonable for it to be so seemingly slowgoing
Well I think everyone expected them to kick off with a normal adaptation of the original Onikakushi chapter. Plus all the promo material before the show aired hinted it would be a remake. It was after the pre-OP stuff in episode two and the title of the new series was revealed in the OP to be Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou (Karma) that people realized things were gonna get different. Coincidentally that was about the same time news came out it was going to be two-cour. Funny that.
unranked games are p fun, cause I can be kill leader and win even though I'm pretty boozed up just being aggressive will win you most of the engagements on its own
>>891715 >shoulder belt but no lap belt Has this artist ever been in a car?
>>891715 Apex. I've been pretty into that lately. although I'm not great these kinda games.
apex is a lotta fun unfortunately, a lot of players are cowards, and you lose a lot if you play like that You gotta just be really aggressive if you get damage in, you push
>>891720 a lot of players are also overconfident though can't count the times I've had a teammate try to stick their whole dick in-between a fight because they think they're shroud
I don't remember if I ate today, or yesterday >>891725 Sure, but being overconfident is WAY better than being underconfident in apex
I'd much rather have a teammate who fucking bumrushes and dies on me than a motherfucker who sees me take 5 damage and leaves, never to be seen again, and that happens nearly every fucking ranked match because gold is babies, ALL BABIES
oh yeah gold is all trash plat is where you'll find better plays though that's when you run into the wannabes that will just fucking leave as soon as they get downed hey dumbass turns out rushing into the building held by a caustic and wattson wasn't the right move
isn't zoom calls or whatever fine for your job tho? Isn't it arguably better, for you anyway?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like a thousand times worse in terms of me enjoying my job and my job being effective
but you can have like, twitter on the other monitor
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but if i do that i'm not paying attention to my client and they suffer
hm, hm, that's a problem
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you already really struggle to make a connection with these people via telehealth like, people like us, we don't really have that problem. people we know online are people we can make connections with
but most of my clients are like normies and they just struggle to make that interpersonal connection
my own therapist has a ton of telehealth experience and is pretty competent so i connect with her really well over telehealth but randos not so much
although i am getting my new PC and a new desk and stuff so maybe i can make my office into a more comfortable and professional space
>>891727 Oh yeah, but at least in gold I'd rather that because at least the match fucking ENDS, you know Seeing my octane teammate go "oh, my team is downed and there's one enemy alive, I better Q and rush away in the other direction", and being forced to wait for myself to first die, and then 90s before I leave is fucking awful I feel like I should be allowed to report my teammate for that
I know WHY he does it too, he gets RP But I want to put a screwdriver through his eye
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also just like can't get work done at home i can't pay attention
i guess i can come into work and do telehealth from my work office
>>891735 Hmm I guess that makes sense, even if I don't get it Actually, I do sorta get it, in a way
>>891736 I mean, most people on there are bad I only play with at least one friend so I have someone to count on >>891741 fuckin RIP
I have to soloq because nobody I know in EU plays BRs
I found 2 frenchies who play, and they're cool and all but they only drop in one spot and their aim is v bad, so we keep losing, whether I do well or not I just wanna ge outta GOOOOOLD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I mean I'm making steady progress, it's literally just a matter of time, but it's annoying
>>891746 Yeah, we're getting world records every day. But even so, all of the cases we have had are related to one specific group of people who refuse to wear masks and shit like that. If they all wore masks and socially distanced, there wouldn't be a problem.
Ontario was doing really well case-wise all summer but as soon as autumn rolled around we started getting a LOT of cases. I think we passed 1000 new daily cases the other day? Or maybe it was total known infections I don't remember. Either way it's gotten bad enough that we're entering a bit of an emergency call. Not a stay-at-home order again yet, plus we've got a conservative government so they're reluctant to do anything drastic and want to give businesses an excuse to stay open as long as possible. But if the rising infections don't reverse course I could see something like that happen again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
BC has about the same population as norway intredasting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
head pats
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i haev friend stab drink blood become shadow of nihgt
>>891756 yeah it's really toxic britney is cool and she can obviously control herself most people who go through manic episodes don't lose autonomy over their life for the rest of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ok at least they will have another hearing in december clickbait title sorry
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but what a bunch of ASS
>>891758 I guess he has vested interest in keeping that power since she probably makes him a lot of money. >>891759 It is suprising to me that judges keeping do these sort of things, lifetime autonomy taken away over mental health episodes.
Now I'm being told the Health Department might show up and "enforce" me quarantining because I had contact with positive individuals. Even though I have a negative test!!! And nobody can tell me what enforce means in this context.
Is the Health Department going to shoot me for leaving the house?! They started calling our clients and doing contact tracing on them!
I guess if I have to quarantine, then thank god I have all that PC stuff on its way. And that new desk.
I might be able to get everything going by early next week so I can actually do telehealth effectively.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my dad caught something wtf SweatFrog
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is a sweat frog
Probably a sweaty frog Which is an unhealthy frog
monkaS I guess
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do frogs sweat
pepe does
No, they don't. Frogs excrete mucus that gives their skin that familiar oily, slippery texture. If a frog is sweating then something is seriously wrong.
>Only mammals have sweat glands. ... Sweat glands produce moisture that evaporates on the skin to cool the body when it is overheated. Coldblooded animals rely on the external environment to regulate their body temperature, so they do not have sweat glands. Reptiles, amphibians and fish lack sweat glands. humu humu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The sweat frogs begin to despair.
>>891763 That sound so menancing. *sounds I hope you are alright
Did ninomae dress like that before she became an eldritch priestess?
It is a mystery Probably not
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chocolate orange GET my life is immeasurably improved
played college ball you know couldve gone pro if i hadnt hjoined the navy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my bro could have been pro NHL player if he didn't quit to party and smoke
GENSHIT cannot bind jump to a mouse button amateurs
use autohotkey
genshins clikbing and gliding controlling are kinda garbo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
game is ass if you jump into open space but there's ground a lil ways underneath you the glider won't even open
yeah thats happen to me and i died cuz of it cuz it countrd the tiny edge of the mountain then i fell and it still wouldnt open i dunno maybe its just lag or something cuz im asia servers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
naw it's consistently bad the botw ripoff is not very good
chinese knockoff botw literally
this one girl i work with is such a shit bag and spams the group chat with her drama god shut uo i dont care
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she should read How To Be An Adult and do some self work
ya u rite ill post thay in the chat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it actually bad? i hear a lot of people say genshin is great
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you like waifu its good if you like gameplay its bad
i like wifu and im having trouvle getting into it im playing it literally only cuz of brownie and if she sucks im just gonna quit
my friend that has made it to endgame says theres not much but thats to be expected at this point i think
some / alot of the stuff in the games weird or buggy imo like half the time i cant tell im getting damaged
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of the quests is literally "lets cook and eat endangered species, yay you win the cooking competition" so its also chinese propaganda
i did a main story quest where you were suppised to sit next to amber and she was sitting in the wrong chair lol >>891835 ya the chinese girl wins by throwing random stuff in a pot and cooking 100000 year old boar
the only real 'gameplay' as far as i can tell is mashing the character switch buttons and timing cooldowns
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i thought there were like crazy combos with elements you could do and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the same combo over and over you grind to get a combo and then you do it
theres not good character balance like i have all my chars the same level and wep level one does 5k in one move that also shields me the other does liie 6 hits of 50
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then like a billion particle effects overtake the screen and you kreygasm into unconsciousness
you pogasm and then look at ur anime firls butt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meido ass and beeg damage numbers
nah i dont use my meido my biggest complaint is probably how long it takes to switch parties like my main team dont got ice or wind and all the staturs are fricken ice and wind
>>891867 >trust you to make good decisions. Hm. I -- >>891869 Sure!
Yeah, I'd love to play with you! I've played with someone who is super aggressive, it is pretty high tension play haha. I don't mind jumping in to fights!
>>891915 whenver it happens i'm installing it into my THROAT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we just need a lot of training data ima pay a VA to read a fuckton of text in conventional speaking style uhh what text ??? crowdfund it and then slap some neural net magic on it
god please do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess you would also have to record it for optimal results altho ideally i guess it would accept reasonably standard english
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hopefully moon could do the neural net magic
record my mom speaking but u gotta pay her
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how much per hour
i dunno whats the foing rate for ai speech ill ask ai or miku i guess
why am I watching a fucking debate where maddox is involved man's a clown actually stupid human being not even just ignorant, just genuinely I think his brain doesn't function
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
No It's some chick from king of fighters. I forgot her name. She has ice powers or something.
kula diamond?
in angels outfit?
yep that was it
I have a decent sized SNK folder. I love Metal slug but hate tat it got a mobage AMD that snk got bought out bby te Chinese. *and But I am aware that we wouldn't be ggetting all these metal slug rereleases without it.
umm snk is good havent u seen snk fighter females the game
We'd probably have actually won, too, if we were 3 lmao There were only 2 other teams left, after all, and we had a good position, we just... were only 2, so nearly wiping one of those 2 remaining put us in a bad spot when the last team threw down 15 ults and creamed us
Honestly I always kinda liked the Rewinds At least when they were the mashups of content from the year and not last year's pointing out records and achievements
Also there was pretty much one of two ways Rewind 2020 would've gone down Either they acknowledge the explosive popularity of Vtubers and drag all the normal people into this thing or ignore them entirely and make all the Vtuber fans upset.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no way they would have had vtubers imo they'd still be stuck on among us and fall guys
I paid Fedex that damn $5 yesterday to schedule a delivery time for between 5-8 so I could sign for my stuff without having to worry about work getting in the way. They came at 3:00! Bastards!!
Fedex doesn't even let you talk to real people. I guess I have to drive to the fedex place and try to pick it up there. Or I can't build my PC this weekend.
I guess maybe an advantage of Florida not taking the pandemic seriously is that might be possible at least. Here I don't know if they'd even let me in to a FedEx or similar building.
>>892188 i ordered the parts for my PC in april during coronavirus delays and ended up havin to drive to a fedex distro center to get the parts at a reasonable time
they're sending the guy back with my package haha kind of glad i missed them earlier it was a nice drive and the fedex people were really friendly the FedEx office was cozy even
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the lady there was really relieved when she saw me with the missed delivery slip apparently they've been inundated with people trying to get the PS5 and fedex isn't allowed to give it to anyone over the counter, it has to have a failed delivery before it can be gotten in person and the shipment came in late so nobody here is getting their PS5 until tomorrow at the earliest
apparently it's been a pretty rough day for fedex here!
I guess the PS5 is a global craze I saw a few Japanese Tweets about people who didn't get theirs.
Weird that there hasn't been anything like that about the new Xbox. Three -They both have the same amount of no games
Oh, my package arrived. I'm a little surprised at the different sizes of the boxes these parts come in. The GPU box is like 10x the size of the CPU box. I guess I've never really spent much time looking inside a PC and have only seen what parts look like online so I don't really have a sense of scale.
Let's see, the case and the power supply are still supposed to come in today. Oh, and thermal paste. Oh, I need my RAM, too. I guess that's supposed to come today, too.
I have so many boxes right now. Maybe I'll lay them down and build the PC on them to avoid static from the carpet.
I just really wanted pancakes and bacon today, but I don't actually have like, the stuff you need to make them myself So I just got this pack of 15 pancakes
Is a good way to get pancakes, takes only 5 minutes in the oven so like, you can have them as snacks if you wanna
Peanut butter and chocolate chips I put the chocolate on after I flip the pancake so they melt a bit
That sounds awful, but I'm intrigued
Peanut butter is a family secret of my family for pancake toppings The rest of my family do peanut butter and maple syrup but I don't like how the syrup makes the pancake all soggy, so I don't.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I usually just do buttermilk.
But peanutbutter, chocolate, and banana is god-tier
I don't put much I put honey on them sometimes but mostly have plain pancakes
I am hungry for a crepe though.
i dont eat pancakes anymore... im too fat...
last night i spatchcocked a chicken and salted it to cure a bit overnight and now i'm about to stuff the skin with herbed butter and roast it i'm going to turn the spine and some veggies into a broth to make a mexican caldo, within which i'll make albondigas, which are like boiled meatballs stuffed with egg but instead of egg, i'm going put mozzarella balls
I usually just go with jam Like, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry SOMETIMES, but very rarely, sugar
I wanna go to IHOP Try the pancakes of a business confident enough to label itself the international house thereog
Think I'm gonna get that place that does karaage takeout again today. It's really tasty.
I've lost my actual appetite but I still like the imagination of food but not terribly hungry when it comes to eating >>892240 Karaage is deep fried foods in Japanese. Like chicken karaage >>892241 Yeah kinda. but it is covered in like potato starch as a breading kinda
Other countries are so exciting, you have all sorts of other types of eateries
You've got a pancake place, a chicken place, a deep fried place We don't have such things >>892243 I'm gonna stuff myself with every dumb American food there is
If yer come over here you can enjoy a deep fried mars bar :3
In the UK we don't have that many different places. we have like pizza places, chinese places, fish and chippies oh and curry places. well we are seeing a lot bubble tea places pop up around the UK
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if we're talking chain breakfast food, denny's is what it's all about
It's not even THAT much bacon You should be able to order a pound of bacon to go with like, your pancakes and stuff >>892253 American pancakes are so cursed, I need this
How long do people usually take to eat something like the grand slam anyway? is it the kinda thing people like, take their time with, or do they wolf it down?
Ugh, I just remembered a restaurant I like a lot but can't go to because all the restaurants are carry out and delivery only.
>>892259 Yeah, into the spiderverse was a lotta fun
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seeing spiderverse with moes was one of the best things and then like driving around with them listening to the OST such good shit that philly trip was the best
I missed my plane and had to crash with Rook for the night and then we had a mini Philly deito while we killed time for our planes the next day.
Ah shit the WRONG WAY sign that was hanging upside down, the photo I took of it is still on my old phone. I hope I didn't put it in the electronic waste pile when we were moving out of our house. There's still a lot of great photos on that phone, like the Philly road trip up the Eastern Seaboard and the Japan trip I took with some other friends.
mozilla changed the icon for the tiny pip player in firefox, and I dunno why the little blue banner was fine
>>892266 Don't let your cpu fan nosedive your graphics card :3
Nice nice There's a hardware stores near one of the places I'm trying to rent Computer hardware I mean. If I can get the place I'm gonna try and walk over to see if they've got the stuff I need for a better PC I want to get a better CPU but that means probably replacing motherboard too. Which I kinda want to anyway since I got a motherboard with no radios in it and that has been a bit of a problem so far hah hah
who does your motherboard radio to? it might b on the wrong freq
oh no did you not get an HDD in addition to the SSD?
oh wait you said you already had one nvm
>>892270 It doesn't radio to anyone because it doesn't have a radio!
I was messing with my radio It is fun listening in on different signals.
Well, it is the genre of games I've played my whole life, so A lot of it comes down to practicing tracing and stuff, though
Like, I've just sorta figured out that in apex, sure ranged engagements happen and snipers are strong, but most fighting happens at close range, so if your loadout is just for that situation, and you focus on that, you'll do pretty well Cause very, very rarely will sniping pay off with a down, much less a kill
There's 'games' for practicing that, if you're interested Like aim beast and stuff In CSGO, I spent hours and hours in one map made JUST to practice twitch aim and tracing
But you'll see a lot of improvement quickly
The more you play, the less your shots stray
>>892293 lol I've played hours of apex and i can make good shiloettes of enemies with ease :3
Well, that's generally true, but Apex and BRs are kinda different in some ways Engagements are very unpredictable, so you can't easily develop strategies like in more traditional FPS like CS
Like, in CS you know where the enemy will show up, you know where their head will be when they do show up, you know where and how to throw down a nade of your choice for maximum effect, etc in Apex you're not even sure you're gonna have a gun that's any good in the first 2 fights
>>892295 yeah, it can pretty hectic trying to find a decent weapon AND ammo for it. some weapons are pretty powerful too like R99 is basically BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTT
Also, while headshots ARE better in apex than bodyshots, it's nowhere near as drastic as other FPS, so you don't have that advantage of just getting good at that You have to get REALLY good at it before it's better than going for center mass >>892297 Yeah the R99 is fucking absurd, but the dark secret is you HAVE TO be aggressive with it, because at midrange and more it's not very effective anymore That's why you pair it with a mastiff you unload the mag, pull the shotgun, and fucking destroy one bastard, then you remove yourself as you reload, and then you go back
If you're more comfortable at midrange, a flatline or a spitfire is probably better spitfire probably better, just for the ammo capacity, a lot more forgiving if you're not confident in your aim
yeah the recoil on it is not great at longer ranges
i forget which gun i like theres that orange one type 95 or whatever single shot thay ones ok i giess im best with the shotguns i think
I still remember when I couldn't close my eyes without seeing flashing lights of mainly blue and green cause I was on far too much ritalin That shit was WILD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What's up danger >>892320 how do you make yourself throw up?
the old fashioned way, by sticking my finger down my throat i had to throw up a few times and it's kind of hard because i guess i dont have much of a gag reflex anymore
sleep can suck sometimes, I wish I could take something that'd knock me out without REM sleep.
No, I haven't thrown up since maybe the end of 2016? Aside from this time, as far as I can remember. But when I was a kid I had a really bad gag reflex and couldn't even do x-rays at the dentist without throwing up sometimes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892326 i never had the guts to try that or the need you just keep shovin it down till you reflex? i gotta try it one day just to know
I just shove it in as far as I can and then sit there and wait to throw up. It took me like maybe 15 seconds to throw up once it was in there this time. It's a psychological thing, too. If you are worried or anxious, your gag reflex will kick in faster. Throwing up really gets your heart pounding! It's not like an adrenaline rush though so it's not that exciting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Too bad in -I'm not good at feeling things
>>892330 Yeah it's pretty easy. I've only done it a couple of times though.
fuck i wanted to watch criticalrole but I'm already really tired guess ill sleep
Besides, leg cramping Painful to sit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine getting married at Furry Creek (Golf and Country Club)
Man I'm actually feeling pretty good this morning. Maybe that's the power of actually getting something to eat before heading in to work for the first time in a while. Even if it was just a handful of pretzels though hah hah I'm also sure I'll still crash like around two since I'm still not sleepingb much.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you gotta eat keep it up
My KD is barely above 1 What a fucking tragedy
I guess it only counts it if you actually kill, though, so downs aren't counted
I definitely didn't get all the amphetamines out last night when I threw up. I think I got maybe 50-75% of it. But since I still had some in my system, I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned from 10:30 when I went to bed until like 1:30. And now my body's outta whack because of being on amphetamines for 24hrs and not sleeping.
Nah. I just wasn't paying attention and went into autopilot, just grabbed it without thinking. I was preoccupied with watching a stream haha
This has never happened before now I don't think. There have been times where I almost took the wrong meds but I stopped myself. First time for everything!
Well good thing it's the weekend and you have some space to realign
>zoom tells me the meeting is over >start singing judgment (yakuza) as i move to the next thing i have to do >meeting wasn't over and colleagues all saw me gesticulating dramatically and singing
>>892486 They're lucky, they got to see an idol sing!
Oh, someone in the rentals department at this store tested positive for Covid. Thankfully rentals is its own detached part of the store and the employee hasn't been in any of the other parts of the store recently. But that's the closest I've knowingly come to the virus I think.
Oh, I forgot about the PS5. Now I understand why my colleagues asked me if I was up late gaming when I said I didn't sleep before I explained the whole amphetamine thing I'm dumb
But what games would you even be playing on a PS5 Bugsnax?
I am aiming for that DIAMONDO baby And then I'm gonna aim for whatever's above that And then whatevers above that Somewhere along the way, I'm bound to find someone to play with consistently
Maybe since I've got the condo to myself for the weekend I'll start the download for Apex when I get home. I ve been wanting to pay play it since it came out on Steam but between working full-time and having to be considerate of my Internet use during the week since I'm living there off my mother's charity, I haven't had the time to be -time to do a big download like that.
Can recommend It's changed a bit since release, there's crafting stations where you can upgrade your armor and stuff now, and you get armor once you do 100 damage, even if you haven't found one
Yeah I played a bit on the Origin launcher a month or so back since I was curious and wanted something new to try anyway. But I've been champing at the bit to scrub as much of EA as I can from my computer and wound -would much rather consolidate it into Steam. There's literally no reason for me to have Origin on my PC.
Jujutsu's also pretty good because it doesn't take much time going from zero to one hundred Pretty much as soon as the main cast is introduced shit immediately gets real.
Also it's animated by MAPPA and man when they bring their A team the fight choreography is amazing. My fingers are crossed we might get a Hero Academia style adaptation of Jujutsu so they can keep bringing back MAPPA for it. Since they don't really do long series like ever. I think the most they they've done is two-cour stuff like Bananafish or Dororo
I haven't read the manga and don't know much about it. But I love how stupid the MC is. He's just my kind of guy. No thoughts at all!
no thoughts head empty belly full of curse
You'll probably grow to like him even more in upcoming episodes.
I don't actually know anything about the manga either I haven't been reading it. But it gets a decent amount of hype each time a new chapter is posted on /a/ and I've seen more than once people compare its vibes to early-series Bleach. Which is a pretty high praise to give a series.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Someone said it had a lot of Yu Yu Hakasho vibes too. Which I can sort of feel.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
This is the author's first major serialization or something, right?
>>892525 Yeah, they 've only had one-shots published previously, including one that kinda exists as a conceptual prequel to Jujutsu. But this is the first actual series.
>>892532 I guess we don't actually know hah hah She wrote a Tweet yesterday about getting fan mail from August (about the time Act-Age got canned) and wanting to reply to them but being unable to because she's "doing a lot of stuff" So I guess maybe she busy with non-work things but considering she was also Tweeting about Clip Studio problems she's probably working on illustrations of some kind.
They rent you guitars without including a strap? Acoustic guitars are one thing but I've always found electric guitars to be too laminate to hold comfortably without a strap. Seems weird to me to provide one for rental without a strap.
use some 550 cord
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892533 Good for her. She deserves some new opportunities.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892535 it came with a soft case idk i think they expect you to buy one too cheap to rent and unlikely to be a barrier i been just sitting and brnding over te bass but apparently rhat is Bad
I can imagine why! That's got to be unhealthy for your back.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ye but all tha cool bassists hold it real low and slum it anyway im 20m away from guitar shoppe
Ye Olde Guitarre Shoppe
My brain fuzzed for a moment there and went "Twenty ... metres from a guitar shop?"
What probably happened was she'd been pushing for unionizing behind the scenes and got caught or outed. And so as she was leaving the meeting where she got "released" she sent off the Tweet. Regardless firing people for wanting to unionize is always a dick move, fuck off WWE.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, for sure. Fuck them.
It is time to cook and then eat a somewhat inordinate amount of pasta and then crash probably some time around 21-22:00 as the carbs sink in and the last of the afternoon's caffeine leaves my system. And probably sleep for almost as much as I've slept in the past three/four days total.
I just finished dinner, so I will probably go to bed around 8:30. I'd like to go to bed now but you can't get good sleep on a full tummy, you know?
Maybe not a full sleep but I have had some excellent post-meal naps in my life. Hearty meals like lasagna or chili really have a kind of power to just conk me the fuck out. But that's probably also in part that I usually take large portions of them too.
One time I was leading group, and I was giving this lecture on the concept of the self, and I pulled out my lighter and started it to use as a visual aid, and someone asked why I had a lighter before I finished. Then before I answered, another client said "fire calms him down, burning stuff. he told us about that before" and I was like "huh?? that's absolutely not true" I mean it's kind of true, setting things on fire can relieve stress, but I'd never talk about that at work. What's with stuff like that? Where do people get those weird ideas?
Well stress relief through burning things isn't a terribly uncommon thing I'd say. I think enough people find it that way that it can seem like a pretty normal reason for a non-smoker to have one on hand. So it might be that they were transposing someone else saying they liked stress-burning things onto you. Memories of who told you what can definitely get mixed up like that.
burning stuff calms me down... heh... heheh....
>>892552 It's going to take more than a food coma to upset my digestion! I am running a bit of a high CON build after all. Plus I don't do it thaaaat often.
>>892555 Do you think it's not uncommon? I guess that's possible but I don't know many people like that. Unless.......
Anyway, I carry a lighter because I offer incense a lot.
Well it's like how watching a candle burn down can be kind of therapeutic, right? I'm not talking about roaring infernos or anything. But like watching the way someone smoking a cigarette or etc. has the paper and leaf/other junk inside burn up and turn to ash. It's kind of relaxing to watch.
It's also kind of a different feel than like a campfire too, I think.
I have a metal pot that is kind of rusty so I don't want to cook with it that I burn things in sometimes. Go out on the balcon and just burn some stuff. Mail I don't like and stuff. Hypothetically, if I ever recieved mail from the IRS that I didn't like, I'd burn that. Of course, that's never happened.
You underestimate for how long I've been getting poor academic results! I've always been more of a "I turned this in (when I did turn things in) and got my grade back? Cool, into the bin it goes" person. Didn't save up anything for an end of year/semester throw-out. Only real exception was stuff from like the creative writing class I took because those were actual stories I wrote so of course I'd be a bit more proud of them. Wouldn't want to burn them either though.
I wasn't allowed to throw anything out when I was in high school or even college. My mom would get mad and say "you might want to go back and read your notes!" Yeah mom I'm sure I'll need the notes I barely took in high school in 10 years.
Anyways, I burned that stuff when I moved out. Except for my philosophy and logic class notes from college, those were important to me.
I've never really known how to take notes, so I don't. Like, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do to abstract what I'm being lectured on down into written form concise enough to do it fast enough. So even when I do try, I just end up copying word-for-word what's either being written by the teacher/professor or what's on the Powerpoint. Which of course is entirely unfeasible, I don't have fast handwriting and you're not going to outpace a pre-written presentation in the first place, no matter your handwriting speed.
On the other hand, I think it's why I've got such a strong memory for conceptual stuff and memory by association. I never offloaded it onto paper, so my memory built itself on remembering the concepts I was lectured on. Downside is that I do forget precise details like dates or proper names or fiddly things like that from time to time though.
I don't really know how to take notes either. But I have a nearly perfect memory when it comes to things people tell me. So I just write down keywords that trigger my memory, so I can look over notes if I need to and recall pretty much exactly what was said. Of course, my notes are totally worthless to anyone else thanks to that.
Oh you really went at those episodes eh We probably won't get around to episode seven until Sunday. But at the least Rika's really enjoying it so it's pretty much a consistent first-pick of all the weekend shows.
>>892573 I like what they did with Sukuna in the more recent episodes he popped in for. That first appearance at the start of the series he was just kind of a generic evil personality. But when he had a chance to play with that Curse in the detention centre and when Itadori tried fighting him after he died, he was much more of a character. They set him up as a good anti-hero kinda character.
Character character character brain please stop being mush
man my BIGGEST BIGGEST complaint about genshin is how all these early game enemies are immune to my favourite characters you literally have to use hydro ice for everything im killing but i dont cuz i like babes more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892581 yea i made her and her mans wait in the cold for my walk in ass
theres donut drama on the twits guess im a donut expert now >:(
Doughnuts are superior though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wowww what a plebian take allow me to explane the history of donut steele it all began like most things in feudal japan
Oh I thought it was literally doughnut drama on Twitter My first reaction when seeing that word isn't actually the steely OC
Also man I'm glad I didn't conk out from the food and tiredness like I thought I would earlier. Because leaving a stove burner on (albeit at a fairly low temperature) and going to sleep is probably not a safe decision.