No danger here, only anime Give me like one sec and I'll have the list
--Erai-raws Akudama Drive Episode 4-5 Burn the Witch Episode 2-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 3-5 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-6 Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
Ikebukuro's the one thing I didn't have finished torrenting hah hah We can either wait like five minutes or switch Witch and it around. I can definitely do it second at least.
Vumans sounds like Kubo's been getting into Vtubers a bit recently.
It seems like it's tied to her in some way too. Hah hah she got blasted
Wow his name is actually Bangknife No wonder he likes his explosions.
The fact that people don't go around in kimonos or weird sleek white suits as mandatory uniform does probably mean Kubo gets to experiment with fashion in this series. Judging from the title pages and other stuff he always drew for Bleach fashion is really a passion of his.
did somebody say bangknife
Well his name is actually Bangnyfe or something so it's not quite accurate But it's close enough.
The dragon designs have been a lot of fun so far. Their broom dragons are cute, that one from the first episode that went dark was definitely unnerving, and this pink girl's dragon has like, just the right amount of off-ness to it that you know something's up with it. And the diejob guy's dragon was kind of a standard-looking dragon design but it still looks cool.
It was much cuter as a baby. I wonder if they pair themselves with a human or something and as they grow, reflect the person.
>>891548 Ah RIP Well if you've got time tomorrow night we can probably do episode three if you're around.
tomorrow night should hopefully be easier if we get the amount of work done tomorrow that we're planning then thursday should be ezpz
Extra points if you can squeeze in the episodes of Higurashi that are out in. Because it's been GOOD so far.
thusday being ezpz means that wednesday night i can be around
Oh I just totally wasn't keeping track of the nights hah hah I'm really exausted by work these days.
The SMOKING KILLS shirt returns!
Looks like the MC got roped into acting in a silly indie film.
Wow talk about distracting. Going into the R-18 section to talk about serious issues. How do you focus on anything while looking at DVD covers like those.
>Eighth grade >500yen What a miser this guy is. It's probably been at least a decade since these guys were in eighth grade.
yeah they're probably a bit older than that this guy and his smoking kills shirt though that's the kind of shirt an eighth gtader would wear
It's also kinda the style you'd expect out of an Ikebukuro guy though. That kinda doofy Engrish comes up a lot for shirt patterns and logos. Though well this one isn't Engrish but it's definitely in the same pool of "we put English text on our fashion because it looks cool and we don't really know what it means"
This buzz-cut guy has seemed like the G-Boys' right-hand-man so far But it looks like he's getting a bit too ambitious and wants to expand control more than what the G-Boys' leader is interested in having. Probably in part because their leader knows about that stuff the MC was talking with the miserly guy about earlier. That the kids in the gangs getting too out of hand would make things chaotic and make the adults (read: Yakuza) step in.
Yeah it's more of that cutesy-punk fashion you get out of some of these districts of Tokyo
Oh I didn't like seeing that hand. Nope. Fingers bent ways they shouldn't aren't pleasant for me.
Well this was pretty transparent. Though that buzz-cut guy doesn't really strike me like someone who'll make a good leader of his own gang. Not much of a leader personality.
Episode four (4) of this! Train heists always make for fun content. They've kind of taken a quintessential Wild West thing and transposed it into a cyberpunk setting. That's actually pretty creative.
Imagine if that's actually just an ordinary cat and it's actually the MC with some super-ventriloquism playing them all. I'm still banking on her being a proper Swindler in the end.
Even if she's actually innocent and is only learning the ropes of being an Akudama she is definitely leaning into the mindset. She was awfully enthusiastic about Cutthroat going to fight the Executioners.
Yeah he did just spit a bullet at flesh-penetrating force. I guess muscle power is as always a strong power.
This oji-san policeman sure has some style. He's got like a kind of intimidating aura just shouting at people.
Yeah that's fair. Courier acts like a crass jerk but he hasn't really been trying to hit the policelady.
Looks like Brawler's gonna brawl
Wow I thought it was going to just be, like, nuclear wasteland. But it looks like it's actually kind of Eldritch. What kind of bomb can have that kind of devestation.
The boy had the same voice as the cat. I guess we've found hoe -who was pulling the strings.
Even if they've accomplished their mission, the lot of them are still in a pretty tight spot hah hah. They're stuck in a non-Euclidian nuclear wasteland, probably several hundred kilometres out from habitable society.
I feel like Bell can always just do whatever he wants
I'm less thinking about whether he's doing what he wants or not, but more that it's surprising no one's noticed him. Like a hooded cloak like the one he's wearing does kind of just draw more attention to yourself. And he's kind of a small guy to begin with. I just think someone would've noticed him even if he tried to join the party incognito.
I wonder if these secret passages lead to up to the surface. Who was it last episode, the old man? Someone was assuming there was a secret route in and out of the dungeon that didn't involve going in through that tower.
feels like we're within a few eps of closing out the monster arc
The author for DanMachi did actually do some pretty good research for this series though. Or at least was a mythology nerd before they started writing.
Even in Greek mythology, Daedalus is the one who built the Labyrinth at Knossos, the infamous one that the Minotaur roamed.
Oh I guess I got some information crossed. Sounds like the dungeon existed even before Daedalus came into the picture. And then he started working on a manmade one himself. Still, if him and his descendants have been working on it for a thousand years then it's probably fairly large itself too.
Bell going up against someone above his level again.
Oh looks like this man-made Labyrinth is gonna get its own Minotaur to boot.
bell always wins though he'll probably get a nice powerup
Sounds like from what the Lich lady was saying that the guy Bell's fighting is suffering a penalty for using that spell that's making the monsters go berserk. So the difference in power is probably not as broad as it normally is between levels in this series.
To be fair this castle is horribly managed. Despite being a prisoner she basically has free reign of the castle and its grounds. And despite having all these treasures they're never well-guarded and at times literally just laying around the castle.
the quest for warmth I know that feel I put my electric blanket on my bed last week and thne it got warm again
Yeah, it almost got cold here. But I think I'm a bit more sheltered by the lakes and it takes longer for it to get proper cold here. But then also yeah it got absurdly warm again here too. It's been like 16-20C during the day here.
These poor magic sheets really get the rough end of the stick. But where else are you going to get quality fabric around these parts?
>I wonder what kind of weapon the princess is making? Well to be fair, pantsu are a powerful weapon for girls
She's going up against the demon lord earlier in the series than i expected
Well she's not fighting him. Or well not trying to fight him. Just trying to get him a good night's sleep so her bed doesn't get crushed under the rubble of a collapsing castle!