we back oh god i feel like an asshole today oh well sorry random city people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my server at the resto was like the hottest girl i've ever seen i think my perception is just way off balance cuz of quarantine tho IT'S LIKE THE FIRST TIME AAA t break on life
i just played chapter 1 of RDR2 so i no longer remember what "fun" is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty and atmospheric but damn do they talk and ride a lot
i think thats just near the beginning cuz u gotta set that yeehaw tone gta is kinda like that too i think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
longest tutorial of my life and all the controls are random af menus inside menus but yeah i'm finally out of the tutorial zone so i hope it will pick up
i never played myself but ive watched my friend play and he had a bit of freedoms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do u aim with a ps controller tho srsly
hold the aim button then use the joystick probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im just bad with thumbstick spoiled by PC im only playin on PS4 so i can share with my dad
tell ur dad i said hey
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok he's asleep oh no >>892641 what about Part Time UFO
>>892659 Did you know that frogs can breathe through their skin in addition to their lungs? There's even a species of small frog that has no lungs and only breathes through its skin.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty sure i learned that at some point
Are you ever going to add alpha channel support for gif thumbnails?
>>892673 nah I called in sick for the weekend not worth it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i bought a guitar Strapp toda also i tried to refill a lighter with butane and i think i broke the lighter and released a bunch of butane into the city
no like a basic jet flame lighter nothin' too fancy the wind resistant bic equivalent
>>892679 okay I have a zippo but the hinge is sirt of busted It's been this way for like 5 years. Zippo has a lifetime warranty on mechanical parts though so I could send it i for repair. I just jeep putting jt off and forgetting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
OhhHHH there are detachable tips in the cap of the butane canister i didn't see that when i was outside >>892680 would be nice to have a zippo i am very slowly workin on an eighth of weed and it's a struggle to light sometimes
>>892681 Up until my sister got her job at the bank I was the only person in my immediate family who didn't smoke/vape/eat edibles on a regular basis.
>>892685 Right? Honestly I wouldn't choose either. I wouldn't want to date someone who is dismissive of my core hobbies and I also am not particularly interested in dating a stoner NEET.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll take the vampire over the oni tho
Morning moe!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
h0i kannagi im just thinkin about settling into bed how you doin'
>>892689 I'm good! I just did an all nighter well with a short 1 hour nap. >>892691 Morning!
Anyways, I bring that up because the main guy, Pete Shelley who died in 2018 is getting a tribute album in December and all the profits are going to a fund to build a public memorial in his home town. I firgot where he's from though, I think some town by Manchester.
And one of the other founders (who was only in the band for about a year) was born in a town whose name is famous from having a programming problem named after it. Scunthorpe
>>892699 KKek >>892700 The problem is tthtthat automatic censoring software censors it because it contains tge word cunt.
>>892696 I've heard of them but I never really listening to their music. I've never been a band person, I listen to particular tracks that I like. (I guess I've never been an album person) I did watch Never mind the buzzcock on telly.
>>892704 Wow thanks for the compliment. 'ppreciate it. u too
>>892702 I recommend Love Bites Or if you just want song recommendations i recommend "Ever Fallen in love (with some one you shouldn't have) And 16 again Incidentally, ever fallen in love was in shrek 2 They had the singer record a new version just for the movje.
>>892702 oh hey i thought id let u know i called u gay earlier in this thread when u werent here just wanted to forward it
>>892702 I pretty much exclusively listen to albums with the exception of radio, radio show archives and my classical music playlist (it's a bunch of albums on shuffle) and my giant Touhou playlist on shuffle and the occasional song on youtube.
>>892709 I think my music tastes are basically cluttered and unorganised like much of my life, I've never had the organisation to store music particularly well or keep up to date with band information. I'll just listen to something on the radio or somewhere and favourite the track on youtube , spotify or from comiket. I guess for comiket it was more organised. although I haven't got into much comiket stuff in the last few years. My collection of Touhou Jazz and such is pretty organised with my Foobar player
>>892711 I own like 500 CDs and haven't put any of them on my computer.
Do you oow the song Relax? *know
I have like maybe 20ish CDs. I still have my walkman CD player.
i have 2 idolmaster cds that i bought cuz it had cute anime girls on it i own 0 other music >>892720 no? i dont watch anime that stuffs for nerds idolmasters normal here in japan :)
I'm so tired but I feel like at a certain point where you push past tiredness it is like adrenaline is kicking in and then you are part wide awake but you can in the background feel how tired you are.
im gonna and im gonna run two miles i think but first lets talk about parallel universe s
>>892727 I'm gonna get into using my exercise bike. I really need to properly get a routine.
there talkin about sending me to airborne school so i gotta be able to do a 5 mile at like 9mile pace probably more like 9:30 but i hate running especially distance runs but i gotta do it.....
>>892729 Man, I am so out of shape but I love the idea of trying to do that. I've gone for long distanced walks before where I've pushed my self hard.
Anyways, her touch rots all living matter or previously living matter Basically anything organic Except for silk Because the writer was dumb and didn't know that silk was organic.
no we were like 5 squads left then got sandwiched by two teams or more we didnt see anyone all game so we were all like 350-400 damage
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn you suck
yeah lol i kept clicking f to ipen chests frrom playing genshin but it pings enemies in alex apex too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wwwww Well at least you didn't get meleed at the start in your first game
the new maps confusing also im the bst at melee from all the train drops i did bck in the day 草
someone at the dfac was wearing a monster musume tshirt it was a black dude and it had the zombie one with her shirt torn so u saw her bra and boobiirs
Thinking I might spend some time in the firing range just working on movement Apex has a LOT of movement trickery you can pull off, bunnyjumping exists, even Not as strong as like, you know, OG bunnyhops where you'd just continuously build speed until you were a SPEED DEMON, coming through ivy, through our connector, etc. But it's good for healing and stuff, cause hopping doesn't stop the heal, while running does
yeah, loba's really good for early game Drops in usefulness after a while though Mostly because her ult is fantastic for looting, but once you're kinda done looting, it stops being that great other than for ammunition, really And her Q is OK, but everyone already has really good mobility in Apex, so it's not an ability you'd want rather than something else, most of the time She also can't do anything else while using it, so it's not really great for disengaging or engaging the enemy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's that song that goes dooot doot DOOT doot doot doooot. dooooot. dooot doot DOOT doot doot doo-doo-doo dooooot.
doo doo DOO doo doo DOO
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no there's a sharp piece of metal in my mouf
>>892833 This feels like me trying to google any song I can just about remember
are you gonna jump out of planes i had to pay to do that
ya maybe theyre talkin about it most jumps will be lame tho its called static line and it automatically pulls the shoot for you as they do a lowish fly by
>>892842 Your cabling go loose? *got I knew the real samurai was replaced by a machine! doushio servers became sentient and took over!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892847 >a cord attached at one end to the aircraft and at the other end to the top of the jumper's "D-Bag" idk jumpin out of a plane was anything but lame for me even tho i was strapped to some dude >>892848 my ingest vent be jammed, arrr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my actual orthodontist is in san francisco not goin there maybe i'll just have to have this ripped out fuckin rip
I hope it goes well. tooth pain is fucking horrible
anyone know what that japanese sitting position is called not the like apologizing one the on where ur just on ur knees
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
zazen? no that's meditation
i googled it and seiza was what they gave me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
caesar is dead
but yeah for jumping theres static line and free fall and static line is a lot more boring free fall u get to go higher and u get freedom to do tricks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892851 thanks! fortunately it's only annoying and i'm constantly aware of it should not have eaten that fuckin apple >>892856 oh jesus how scawy
>>892852 Dogeza It has various levels of formality from on your knees with your head bowed to on knees with head on floor
lacking the tv for now also my shelf building stopped suddenly, when i noticed i had 0 nails and nada usable screws thank hoarding i had this table gathering dust
I've had to buy a couple HDMI to Displayport cables in recent years since my monitors are both HDMI ports but I've only got one HDMI port on my GPU and I need it for my tablet.
>>892873 yeah surprised me that a laptop from late 2014 or 2015 (bought in poland tho, lol) didn't have hdmi 2.0
>>892881 wtf didnt know robot msnko was llegal on moe now
>son have you heard of this nose salt water washing, is good for you, will help your chronic stuffy nose >son, you have to try this >son >son >water >salt >into nose >good >salt in nose good >stuffy nose bad >"okay okay okay, I will try it" >I bought one >I now have a salty taste in my mouth a very weird, not at all refreshing feeling in my nasal canals thanks dad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
put the amoeba in your brain son
>>892885 That just strongly makes me think of cocaine. I can't imagine have salt in your nose would be fun
i thot that said haruhiverse i dunno what hauler i
i h8 the follower limit on twitter
There's a limit?
ya its 5001 unless u have a certain aount of followers yyrself
the follow limit* not follower limit they dont tell yoy how many followers yoy ned to get more either like my accounts from 2015 or something wats the issue with fllowing
I really like having even a basic window to look in on my PC Seeing the fans whirring and having a visual comprehension of how everything's interconnected is an aesthetical delight for me.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mine has a nice window side to it very cool maybe i'll fill it with LEDs and then turn them off forever in a week or two
Hah hah I deliberately try to choose PC components that don't have LED stuff to them but it gets pretty hard with some things. Like it's kind of impossible to find a GPU these days that doesn't have some kind of RGB functionality. Or like a mechanical keyboard that has a backlight but not excessive lighting options like a rainbow for each keypress.
I don't get leds really I get them in some giant lanparty event where flashiness is the point but why would you want a fucking discorave at your home whenever really annoying
4k tv is weird you get people in real life size or even larger on your screen
The first time I watched something on a 1080p60fps television my brain went "nope don't like this" Everything was moving just too smoothly for what my eyes were assuming normal for a television.
man imagine if this was 60gps and not 30 or 120 but vlogs etc become so weird when you have a fucking giant torso just standing on your desk
I imagine a lot of things become a bit weird if you have a giant torso on your desk
Your only real good excuse would be if you were a sculptor.
hmm come to think of it I can easily just switch where I keep my laptop and where I keep my drinks and that way I can easily plug in to the 4k tv to use it as movie screen whenever with 0 effort even when I move it away from main monitor position
too bad this fucker can't do 3 monitors, tho but I am still bit disappointed that I did not have hdmi2 on me I so wanted to try some games with 4k60fps
but I did watch winter soldier winter/soldier experience on 55 inches
now I am sliiightly tempted to keep this going on for tomorrow gming roll20 on 4k
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>892908 woomy nice cable management system they got there
>>892953 Wow I wish I could sleep for days on end until Edritch horrors devour my small coastal town. Because that means I get a) a lot of sleep, and b) live in a small coastal town and that sounds comfy as fuck
I feel like the eldritch horror is unlikely to stop at your small coastal town tho
Don't care got sleep and got to live in a small coastal town. Two things that have been missing in my life.
Entirely fair tbh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ima stream a run of the gaem https://twitch.tv/samuraiLALC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gaem is confus
Almost had a bit of an evening nap Dunno why I got so tired all of a sudden.
i made a bot that mkes a shitposts every time i post weird
I am building a tank battle as part of the adventure finale with the players taking over a tank's roles of maingunner spotter/machine gunner loader driver radist/commander this should end well
Pocari Sweat is sometimes branded correctly in anime, isn't it? Like, unlike 99% of other brands, I'm pretty sure I've actually seen a bottle with that label in an anime once or twice
I fucking hate aiming down sights in Apex, because your teammates have nothing visible that marks them when you do
The amount of magazines I've spent trying to blast a fucking teammate in a chaotic teamfight is absurd, could probably fuel a whole squad from drop to champion
why play it then?
cause it's fun
well then #d2 (2) this is the better end
4k ULTRON here we go as soon as I navigate myself into this fucking site huahahah i hate my pop's passwords
>>893119 SK can you imagine with a fuckinfg 80 cm wide face of Robert Downey?
Man this light rainstorm suddenly turned into a windstorm.
>Very strong winds with gusts up 90 to 110 km/h Yeah that sounds accurate. Oh. Hope my power doesn't go out.
Yeah, unlike the UK we use kilometres for measuring distance, including distance covered by winds. I mean maybe the naval people use naval measurements but weather always measures things in metric.
"Okay since I wanna spread my 4k weirdness awide damn Cap Am has a GOOD ASS OF AMERICA in 4k!"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he does
you should see it in 4k
imagine tony stark face being 200% larger than it normally is now this for Cap Ass
also black widow
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive seen it in 4k ive had a 4k tv for like 2 years
God it is so jarring
Winter Solduier >cap gets pushed back by grenades and punches Ultron >he does thor hammer reflects
.... >>893133 yeah for sure but you have not plugged it into your computer and also 55 inches
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mine is like 60 inches lol
god damnit
but still imagine being me
I get a message about 55 inch tv I DON*T ACTUALLY WANT IT but no one else does he doesn't want to sell it rather than giving away to his sons (or alternatively, if I don't accept, step sons) than selling it for maybe 100-300€
so what am I to do? but not get it
my aniki has 70 inch already
and now I have a fucking 55 inch 4k tv
that I can't use as a compuiter monitor
as a ps3 monitor is half useless
and as a tv monitor is a tv monitor, I don't watch tv
I guess I will ahve to get a hdmi 2.0 gpu
priviligede meeting with no income
Well the nicest thing about getting a 4K television you don't need is that you won't need to get one in the future.
but this is 3 years old already anything post 00s doesn't last more than warrantry so
I dunno every television we've gotten in the past decade has lived longer than its warranty. I think televisions exist in the niche where people replace them more often than they use them until they break so you only really hear about televisions breaking if, y'know, a kid shuriken's a controller through the screen.
>>893142å my pop kept not replacing his shit for YEARS then lightning happened and fucked his in 2017 and then he got this
and now he replaced it because "it was cheap"
That's my point. Televisions get cheap FAST, after the initial expensive hype of a new resolution. So it's pretty easy to just upgrade.
And I mean, lightning fucking with electronics is an inevitability. At least with sensitive high-tech stuff like modern televisions. There's nothing that can be done on the television manufacturer's side to lightning-proof the television.
it is so weird being my parents' son My mother is "never throw anything away" my father is "keep shit if you can repair it, but throw everything else away"
how much can you actually personally or even through repair shops get repaired anyhow?
>>893145 the lightning wasn't any kinda point it was just to illuistrate how my pop had the same tv from like... 20... 11
on another note I am lucky that movies stick to 24fps rn HAHAHHAHA since my laptopt can't even handle 30
problem is that
I can't see anything on my laptop screen when I am at perfect view distance of my screen
>>893164 show me an idea prove to me ideas are real
>>893167 okay so why is for example the idea of "no one can harm me other than myself" a thing?
and why is this a something that atleast on paper almost every constitution of civilized world has on it
>>893166 He looks like one of those mall-ninja shit guys distilled down into its purest essence.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i booted up Rocksmith and the audio immediately started skipping, like, the bg music and dialogue of the game hoo boyt this is gonna be another adventure in mining Crystallized Regret isn't it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>893170 hahayeah another twitter reply posted a picture of Shredder
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>893168 >>893169 because people think ideas are real things and have fooled themselves for generations in the west at least
Khyrash was the King of the medes, the king in asia and king of the universe
he was the one who took on the declining empire of the medes and babylons and conquered them he conqured most of what we now call middle-east save for egypt and he even laid his eyes on greece but decided not to, as it was a far away barbaric lands
he was the king of kings he made the first and the greatest persian empire and made most of the basis of laws and rights that us to these days reflect through them being passed to us through persian empire that was conquered by "alexander the great" >>893199 wat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
none of that is cyrus the great
that is all cyrus
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not though how do you know any of that? all of that is your idea of cyrus the great
okay written proof is ideas
we never landed on moon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know if we landed on the moon or not. how can you?
I don't know I don't know if you even exist this is internet that is actually 100% based on complicated mathematics, research and so on a lot of shit is at right now a billion billion calculations is happening in servers around the world to make me just post the basis of human knowledge language here
so the end result is you don't exist
nothing exists outside of my head I am the only one that exists I am the one and true being
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
knowing is confusion not //// not knowing is confusion knowing is delusion
memes aside why are you trying to be a fucking 9th grader learning about eastern philosophy?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you do realize i have been a buddhist for years now right
I know but right now you are just being that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, i have been saying ideas are fake for a long time and you were being annoying so i decided to annoy you back
yeah but your ideas of ideas being fake are also fake
so what ever you actually say by your logic is also false
the big difference and the ultimate between western and eastern philosophy
the approach
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i never made any statement of true/false so not sure how my logic says anything about those
no you did
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did not
any time you say something that I say is not true is a statement of true/false
That's you saying the statement is not true though, not Kirara?
a drop of water falling into the ocean pays no attention to the ripples it makes
well blame me and yourself but not him
I never blame nobody except everybody
I needed to take the recycling out today but between making note of that and now I also remembered I needed to do laundry and threw all my clothes in the washer/dryer. So now I'm hoping the dryer's better with decently-sized loads than pretty much every dryer I've used in my life and my pants don't come out damp-ish. Because I don't want to go walking the halls of the condo in my pyjamas.
so what is it called when you want to do a thing but doing that will cause others to suffer so you don't really want to do it?
but you till really really want to do it
so is it a yes or no
and in the end it doesn't matter since there aren't ideas or anything
A shark and the titanic are pretty much the same in terms of power. Although some might argue that a shark is stronger than the titanic, I think they're about the same.
I'm just playing games I know it's plastic love
to country roads of goblin love
This condo didn't have any classic metal baking sheets and I needed one for the freezer meal I wanted to heat up. But it did have a silicone baking mat/sheet that purports itself to be safe for baking up into the 400Fs. I've never used silicone for baking before though so I'm definitely a bit anxious about this. A quick research said that it -should- be good for oven-use, but still. New things make me anxious.
>>893253 I've got a freezer meal I'm heating up in the oven. It comes in one of those wax-cardboard containers that you can't really just have be sitting on the grill of the oven, so I needed some kind of baking sheet for it. But I've only ever used metal baking sheets.
din't yout ovens come with this grill sheet as a default anyhow
We're renting this condo we don't own it. There's a wire grill in it but still, it's inadvisable to put wax-cardboard directly on the oven surfaces like that.
>>893255 I don't really like using the microwave for heating up things more complex than pasta or a cup of tea.
twitch betting is so great, because usually the chat will go "POGGERS" whenever the streamer does something good, but with betting, half the chat goes NotLikeThis every time the streamer scores because they have twitchpoints on him losing
u got it just lets not take a gypsie cab this time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lessons were learned
anime was watched
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait are you actually gonna be in kyoto
yeah hopefully just waiting on m leave to get apprived ill be near kyoto from the 21st -24th then ging to saitama for a nye prty fr aweek with my friend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Japan is experiencing an outbreak of rubella. wtf dropped
lol who cares just get diseases
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do they have anti vaxxers in japan too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
canada is recommending all non essential travel be suspended i need a business reason to go
can you fake a job interview? how much do they check also i dunno if there are ativaxxers
u gotta come to shibuya 109 with me youd be prfect for the gyaru girls then id get one for sre im getting a decent airbnb cuz there so cheap for some reason
dang theres a cute girl fressed as a conducter in this tv show
nooOOO ok im gonna go watch the subtle knife now :)
ok whats that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a bbc serial its based on a trilogy of books i liked as a kid so im following it
ok i hopeu enjoy it
His Dark Materials was a really good book series. I want to watch the TV series at some point.
I started reading the first book in the sequel trilogy a while back but once we started moving and I had to start working it became hard to find time to read it.
ton maximum coward kirara got me killed and after making a full lap of the school as a ghost i came back downstairs and ton still hadn't taken two steps in
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey just because i had no sanity and continuously pissed off the demon by using the luigi board doesn't mean i got you killed
>>893345 that one earthbound song is really popular