
Thread #892370

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Finally made it to Thursday
I don't know about you but I'm about ready to collapse
Probably just going to sleep the weekend straight through.
Just gotta make it through this last day!
Adachi to Shimamura
Akudama Drive
Episode 5-6
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Episode 2-6
Kamisama ni Natta Hi
Episode 4-5
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen
Episode 5-6
Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
Episode 2-6
Ochikobore Fruit Tart

--Team Confidence
Great Pretender
Episode 16-17
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kami-tachi 2
kimi to boku 5
akudama 5
It's getting to the point where we might start tackling the shows that are really built up.
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We're making progress

Time for more of this shota and his slimes
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lets start
You could do a lot worse than becoming a childhood friend and probably fiance of a duke's daughter.
He's a real slime nerd
>Tamed a big slime
Sounds more like he made a big slime.
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I would watch out around slime lovers
As far as gifts as thanks for help go, a clock is a nice one.
It's functional, so doesn't feel wasteful.
And it's not so precious and valuable that it would make the receiver feel awkward for accepting it.
A lot of "solving the world's problems using/regarding slimes" this episode.
Fortunately everyone here seems to be slime lovers.
The whole duke's family seems to be down with slimes too.
Travelling the world is a lot of fun.
You should take advantage of it if you can!
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dangerous family
slimes are the enemy of women
Even the ones that clean all your laundry for you and do nothing else?
For a guy who was previously a middle-aged salaryman he sure seems to have grown into a cheerful and enthusiastic young boy.
Maybe that's just all we need in life to lift our spirits.
A fresh start in a younger body in an exciting isekai world.
Oh I was being a bit spacey because I'm a bit tired but the butler's name is Sebas.
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kimi to boku 6
not6 but 5
lets start
Does everyone in that family wear silly masks
Oh right the cyborg guy from Overwatch.
That's who this guy has been reminding me of.
Really though the witch princess is supposed to be a famous witch from her side of the war.
It shouldn't be that surprising that the blue-haired girl would recognize her.
For once Iska and the princess aren't quite on the same wavelength.
Though also they kinda are.
They're both charging the enemy's base.
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Lady Kissing is such a funny name
Well that's some kind of spooky magic.
Kind of like magic locusts.

As far as I can tell her uncle's name is Masked Lord too.
So the whole family seems to have funny names.
Oh the princess gets to square off against Genji now.
That's some cool magic.
She gets to both eat things and restore them when they're needed.
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Wow she just blocked attacks with her dress
I guess the outfits the princess and her meido are wearing are both as functional as they are classy then.
He's very good at being gentle with the witches.
Oh I was gonna ask, is his power really just *teleports behind you*
But it looks like it's teleporation in general.
They got torn apart again!
So much for holding on tight to each other.
She's really gotten a bad case of the swooning for him by this point.
Though she doesn't quite seem to have realized what it is yet.
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She's had it kinda bad for the last few episodes
But at some point she crossed some wires in her head and it seems she concluded it was a thing of equal rivals and not affection.
For the time being at least.
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akudama 5
lets start
>I'll beat him, even if it kills me
Is that really beating him then
>Were you not listening during the hotel briefing?
Knowing the musclehead, no, he wasn't.
Hackerboy really wants to make it to Kanto.
Can't blame him really, I'd like to go to Tokyo too.
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I like this lady's manner of speaking
She's the most ... driving? of the Akudama.
Like most of the others kinda just don't give a shit or go along with things because it's fun.
Hacker kinda was in the same boat, rather than just agree or go along he'd press with questions.
Now that he's gone his own way I think the Doctor's the one that will actually have to say/do things to get anything out in the open.
Wow a magic bento
That's some crazy tech.
I want a bento like that.
The kids are cute though.
I guess despite being weirdos they are still kids.
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the food looked kinda good
weird but kinda good
would try
Takoyaki can be pretty nice!
I think you need quality octopus though otherwise it's kinda ehhhh
Even good octopus has a bit of a rubbery texture to it and if it's low-quality it kinda just feels like chewing a slightly flavourable knot.
But at least the doughball it's fried in is consistently tasty.
With the mask off this old guy of the cop duo doesn't really look all that old.
But he doesn't sound young either.
Funny enough she's un/lucky enough to fool everyone into thinking her normal personality is her Swindler swindling.
Or at least for the people who care to think about it.
I don't think Courier cares to figure out if she's swindling or honest.
Wow they've got the whole police department on the hunt for them now.
Well it didn't take him long to find them again.
Come to think of it we haven't gotten names at all for anyone in this series.
They're all referred to by their Akudama codename, or by things like Boss or Sempai.
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oh sorry I drifed off for a sec
higurashi time
lets start
Kita kita kita kita kita kita kita kita kore
Aaaah Rika wake up
I'm fine if we want to stop at four shows tonight if you're really tired because I'm really tired too.
But I've been looking forward to Higurashi!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama
Come to think of it, I wonder if this is actual folk legend from Hinamizawa's past.
Or something Takano cooked up to help achieve her Become As Gods plan.
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It probably was an actual legend since it was involved in the dam incident
Yeah, plus Shion doesn't make any kind of remarks to her story and goes along for it.
If it was an -a fabricated legend then she'd probably be surprised she never heard of it before.
Wow Shion you can't just go kill Oyashiro-sama like that.
So far we're hitting most of the original beats of Watanagashi
Shion telling Keiichi that them, Takano, and Tomitake are the likely victims of Oyashiro-sama.
And Rika making a mistake that tips the friends off that Keiichi isn't being entirely honest.
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Rika is checking up on them.

this mion is definitely shion
It would be kind of weird for it to be Shion though.
Like why would she be asking him if he saw Shion if they only parted ways maybe ten/fifteen minutes earlier?
Unless the Shion he broke into the toolshed with was actually Mion and the Shion that asked him -and the Mion that asked him about Shion was Shion trying to find Mion.

Man whenever things really start getting tangled with Mion and Shion things get confusing FAST.
I don't remember if that bit about them stealing a truck was in the original adaptation.
It could still be a plausible trick Takano and Tomitake play to make people think they're the victims though.
We know if things progress as normal then Takano and Tomitake fake their deaths so they can move around hidden and accomplish Takano's plan.
Them stealing a van and pretending to be berserk fits that story.
Though I think Keiichi used the kittens as a mask for his story in the original chapter.
Oh but she's
Rika's really going ham this fragment.
Though I'm of half a mind that it might be Keiichi that's losing his mind this fragment.
After they played us all in the first loop I keep expecting them to subvert our expectations of who's going crazy.
In the original Watanagashi it was Shion that goes crazy.
So I've been expecting it might be Mion that loses her mind this time.
But so far she's actually been kind of irrelevant to the chapter.
So maybe Keiichi is getting his brainworms just a fragment late this time.
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Yeah, Rika is working hard to keep things fro mgoing bad.
She'll probably fail this time too.
I dunno if what she was saying there this time could be her trying to keep things from going bad.
If Keiichi is more or less sane and that was just Bernkastel-Rika venting at him, then it sounds like she expects this fragment to already be in a failure state and has given up on it.

Though I'm a bit curious about the discrepancies.
She talked about not yet finding Tomitake's body after all, and while I think Takano and him prepare a body double for him for it, that's all things Rika should know about the rules of this game.
And she should know that Takano doesn't actually die.

Or maybe I don't remember Wataganashi properly and Shion kills both of them after she and Keichi part was on -ways on the night of Watanagashi.
That might've been how it went down.
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It's hard to tell if it's proto-bern or just despair mode rika.
Oh I'm talking about despair mode here at the moment.
In the original Higurashi VNs the Rika that took over when she was in despair was referenced as Bernkastel.
At the end of each VN there was a letter written by someone named Bernkastel lamenting the failures and casualties of the respective chapters.
After the reveal of Rika's looping it became pretty clear that the someone was just her.
So when talking about Higurashi specifically, Bernkastel-Rika can be considered to be the mature Rika that's looped like a hundred times now and is a bit jaded and cynical about everything.
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The fact that her eyes are going red is weird.
Bern didn't have red eyes, though.
Yeah I don't get that one yet either.
We've only seen it twice so far, when she was looking down at Keiichi and Rena in the dump towards the end of the first episode.
And then now.
As a visual cue it seems to have something to do with Bernkastel-Rika stepping in over the usual cheerful nipah Rika.
But it's hard to tell with such little evidence.
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Yeah, could just be stylistic
I'm not sure

Also I wonder when Hanyuu is going to appear

fruit tarts
lets start
Aidoru activities!

Yeah, since they're not hiding her in this series, I'm a bit disappointed they didn't have her sneaking around or insinuate she was ghost mode in the toolshed, watching the four of them.
Though I guess they kinda did since she would've told Rika about them breaking in, which is what she confronted Keiichi about at the end of the episode there.
That's probably a nightmare though.
One bathroom in a house for five girls and one slovenly manager.
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How is that supposed to reassure her
Oh the signatures ended up looking all pretty classy.

But they are probably a bit over-designed for signing over a few thousand times.
Gosh there sure are a lot of stalkers in this series.
>The audition I placed first in was for the best black-haired pigtails in Japan
Well that's a bit of a bait and switch.
They played her up as a high-qualifications newbie idol but it turns out she's just got good twintails.
I guess if she's damedame when it comes to idol stuff she'll fit right in with the rest of their unit.
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twintails and heart eyes
No one's even commented on the heart-eyes
Well even if you're a good musician it doesn't make you a good singer.
Though it would mean you would probably know you're a bad singer since you can hear your lack of control or pitch variety.
Oh that went by quickly.
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Fast episode
The content is kinda average but the character designs are so good
I like watching this show just to look at the characters
Granted my brain is also probably not focusing on things very well right now hah hah.
I've gotten such poor sleep this week that it's definitely having a pronounced effect on me.
Er sustained effect is probbably -probably the term I was thinking of.

And honestly anything that follows Higurashi for me is probably gonna only get a fraction of my attention anyway.
Every episode of Higurashi just kicks the theorycrafting corner of my brain into overdrive.
Well enjoy your weekend!
Feel free to say hello if you're not busy and interested
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thanks for anime
