Ah sorry I'm here! Just got a bit stolen by being tired and comfy beds Give me a moment and I'll be at my desk.
hopefully i'll find some time to watch more anime i'm horribly horribly busy these days but it's a good thing for sure i went from jobless for two months to making more than enough money to get approved for a new car and working bang is happy bang
--Erai-raws Akudama Drive Burn the Witch Enen no Shouboutai Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 3-5 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 5-6 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-6 Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
enen burn the witch (isn't it ep 3) senyoku kamisama 3 kuma kuma
Yeah, episode three of Burn the Witch Should be the final one of the batch
>>891956 I got horribly busy recently too hah hah Went from being unemployed to working nine-to-five Monday to Friday But on top of that my family finally moved out of the house we've been living in for most of my whole life. I'm currently living out of the pull-out-bed couch in the condo my mother is renting here in the city which means I don't get a lot of privacy and don't really get a good opportunity to sleep during the evenings. Which means I usually only get like 3-4.5 hours of sleep a night after anime. It really exhausts me
I guess despite humanity's best efforts they still can't stop the population loss of people turning into Infernals and the body count that comes from it. More than trashed that town looks totally abandoned. Like there just weren't enough people left to keep it maintained.
Looks like her brother stumbled on some of the Evangelist's stuf- Well okay that was uncalled for.
Totally did kinda not really think there's more soldier outfits to the empire than just the Fire Force. But on the other hand an empire probably needs a military. We We Fuck We've just spend -spent so much time with the Fire Force that I was kinda lumping them into the army too.
There's been so much world building in this section of the series It seems like we're getting a lot more too
Tamaki is really settling into her role as sister. Though to be fair her original unit was the one that works directly with the church. And all her superiors seemed to act as both Fire Force members and church officials.
>>891989 I think it kinda happens when a writer has a story they want to tell but don't know if they'll be given the time to tell it. She started off relatively small-scale and had the villain group be kind of a vague entity that could be shaped to what the story needed. But as the series kept being popular and it turned out she had the space to tell the story she wanted to, she had to establish the setting better. So a bunch of worldbuilding was necessary.
I don't like it when it's pretty clear someone is being deceived or kept in the dark for their safety and put in a situation that's making them suffer. Maki was pretty obviously told to return to the army to have her be there for something the Eighth's captain and lieutenant are planning, but they didn't let her in on it and that's just kinda mean to me.
I gueeeess I should've figured that the Nether they've been exploring was really the ruins of the old Tokyo subway lines. That map Licht was directing off of was just an old map of the lines after all.
>If a lion speaks, you wouldn't understand Kubo really likes coming up with silly Engrish titles. They're a lot of fun.
Oh her dragon's back to looking kind of majestic.
wow pretty dragon now
Yeah. It was cute as a chick and then started getting all gangly and weird. Also sprouting an extra four legs. But now it's grown out of its teenage phase and is looking pretty majestic now.
Funnily enough, Marchen, being German, is a term used for fairy tales of Germanic origin. But Cinderella is one of the few enduring fairy tales that has its origins in Medieval France rather than Germany/Germanic culture.
Using spray paint as your medium for drawing spell circles is kind of a neat modern take on the practice.
The OST has been pretty good again with this dragon's appearance.
Oh hah hah that was kinda clever too. Cinderella -> Cinderelly -> Elly
Balgo really seems to be a bit broken in the head. His reaction to things is always to be in excited awe rather than suitable panic.
If you've got the chest you might as well go for it!
Oh her Muggle friend ended up being a bit like the guy. They just attract dragons by existing. So I guess the Pipers are going to look after her as well.
>Soul Society West Branch Oh well I knew about this I guess hah hah
It's not really a sequel to Bleach but rather a story that takes place in the same world. Just on the other side of the planet.
Plus Noel's hairclip thing always did look like a horn and skull fragment of a Hollow's skull mask.
Yeah, should be. Like Enen we've had it sitting since the weekend.
There really are a lot of planes. Looks like the big assault they're planning called in a bunch of the Valkyries from other airbases. Oh and her old comrades from Europe. I wonder if we'll see some cool one-off characters.
Her old friends aren't used to this happy Claudia. They're used to the serious and war-exhausted one they were fighting with.
In myth, the Norse gods probably outshone even the worst Greco-Roman gods in terms of capricious nature and self-serving desires. Though I'm still pretty certain this series leans more into the borrowing the names and parts from myth rather than using the actual details. So it's probably just him being ominous and a bit self-serving rather than outright cruel.
There's been a bit of a lack of cool aerial action in recent episodes. So it's a lot of fun to see them all in this big joint mission.
Oh they're all going into the belly of the beast. Wow it's bigger on the inside. And pretty grim.
Oh no Thor is a zombie I guess that was Odin's game all along, some fight between him and Thor.
Oh and it looks like some of these enemy planes inside this hellworld are piloted by dead Valkyries.
>>892039 I still haven't listened to anything he's put out. Didn't really like his antics that he got up to before he debuted as Joji so I haven't been in any real rush.
oooooooooooooooooooooooh teach me love just to let me go
>>892038 i mean i understand inasmuch as the words you say make sense in a sentence but they aren't really the same person if it wasn't for knowing otherwise, it'd be very difficult for anyone to think they were it'd be like saying hulk hogan and prince are the same guy
You can't un-know things you know though! I know that unlike Hulk Hogan and Prince, they were actually -are actually the same person. And that knowledge is going to affect my opinion.
Whenever Hina/Odin tries to help people it never actually goes over well.
that back kick made me feel pain
Oh yeah both the OP and ED are sung by Yanagi Nagi. She and Maeda Jun have a really good working relationship. He brings her on for a lot of projects he works on.
Wow he actually looks pretty sharp in the suit and glasses.
I was worried with a name like "Heavenward Ramen" it would be, like, filled with ominous things. But it's just normal ramen.
i like his businessman voice
Yeah. He's doing a really good job of stringing her along too. Guy would make an accomplished conman.
this is bad i sense it
This has to be a bunch of stuff Hina/Odin drilled into him before starting this. I can't imagine he'd actually know all this stuff about ramen just on his own.
this girl's braids are nice too I don't know why they always do one behind the back and one over the shoulder though the pink girl from the chuuni show was the same way
i'm personally not a fan of the one braid in front and one braid in back either a lot of shows do it
Her braids are loose and kind of messy too. I like that better than tight braids at least.
Honestly as far as virality goes, that notion of concentration dripping the ramen stock would probably be a good idea. Though I don't know enough about stock cooking to know how good it would actually make for ramen broth.
now i'm worried after hina's revelation about the tv crew
Come on dude don't just break one of her bowls like that.
oh geez how is he doing so well
I'm half-convinced this is the real effect of relying on Hina/Odin's foresight. And my personal theory is for some reason or another she's deliberately messing with his chances with his childhood friend.
loki loki it's gotta be
Yeah, good chance of it. We've got an Odin so a Loki is a logical next step. And this guy is showing all the indications of a trickster.
what the....
He hacked into the mainframe!
did he time-stop as well? or was that just an effect?
There probably is a contest for forty-year-olds with babyfaces.
she's blowing bubbles in her soda
Honestly she might not be a god but her power is pretty impressive.
"for you"
here comes the jun maeda stuff
Oh his house is that kind of rundown-cozy aesthetic.
Seventeen days remain! I wonder if the so-called end of the world will be a mid-season thing or a climax thing. At the rate they've been going it looks like it will hit within a few episodes.
or time travel
you can't really bar anything out honestly
well i was upset they didn't say his first name so i looked it up and it wasn't Loki but that doesn't mean he isn't
Well yeah, Hina's first name isn't Odin either. He doesn't seem to like his given name too so I bet like her he could just insist people call him Loki.
but also maybe it isn't actually a story about gods question mark?
i really do feel like Maeda has become too self-aware at this point and he isn't going to let it be figure-out-able but also there will probably be more baseball at some point
thanks for anime! i can do most nights but it can be rought to be up this late i'll probably pick another show as well but i can't take too many on
I assume we'll get more hints dripped our way in future episodes. Even if he's self-aware he's been in the writing business now for like twenty to twenty-five years. Guy probably knows just throwing twists at people without seeding them is lousy writing. Now they don't have to be good seedings, but they ought to be there.
>>892093 Higurashi is a strong contender for best show of the season. You were interested in DanMachi and it's been solid so far. Munou na Nana is a cool show that keeps you on your toes and sets up a fun cat-and-mouse game. Tonikaku Kawaii is cute and wholesome and very satisfying to watch.
If you're looking for more to pick up you wouldn't go wrong with any of those.
i'll try higurashi but there's a chance i'll end up wanting to watch it on my own time sometimes i can't handle waiting a whole week and i'll want to just save it for marathoning i'll catch up on danmachi but it might end up in the same boat i'll try the other two you just mentioned tilde
I wouldn't know! But it's probably similar to the notion of you only really get to know someone when you start living with them. A lot of relationships, both non-romantic and romantic, develop a lot of stress points you only see after you've been stuck in close quarters with someone for a while.
Maybe fix it with magic before people start crossing it! There's no need to cross a worn-down rickety bridge if you can just fix it first!
I don't really see how that rock formation looks like glasses. I mean sure it's got two holes through it like lenses. But it looks more like an animal to me than glasses.
Hah hah hah Giving a married couple a Blue Feather for engagement. What is this, Harvest Moon?
I'm personally not really a big fan of pudding. Neither the goopy one you generally get when you get pudding here in North America, nor the custard-y one like they're eating here. If I had to pick one I'd probably go with the custard one though.
I do like pudding this was kinda a slow episode but it was comfy I liked the famil y
Yeah, the married couple spat took up most of the episode. But it was a nice little story.
Next up she gets to do an escort mission with the duke's daughter though. So we'll probably get quite a shake-up of characters and location than what we've been seeing so far.