I swear every mountain-y part of North America has the exact same kind of design for tourist trap stores.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna ride the moose coaster! MOMMM
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my bro is buying a pellet gun
Ohayo! >>869870 What is he gonna shoot with it? Varmints?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fake turkeys cans
I wish I had something to chuck at these squirrels that go "CHK CHK CHK WHRR" outside my window for like twenty minutes straight. >>869874 I don't actually want to hit them, I just want something big and spooky to try and scare them off. Something that would crash through the tree branches they're perched on and make 'em bolt.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i vant to schüt
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
waiting for covid test now
Finger's crossed
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone at work was tellin me it's gonna hurt ):
Oh I thought waiting was waiting on results hah hah. Yeah from what I've gathered it's a rather uncomfortable procedure.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah waiting for it to happen im my car
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i tell my mom im covid positive maybe i can trick her into buying my groceries
Or maybe she'll insist on not coming in contact with you to "keep your stepfather risk-free". Which still might not be all that bad.
Maybe the tests have evolved. The early ones I heard involved getting effectively a long q-tip getting shoved pretty deep up your nostril. Or maybe the nasal issues you've always had gave you some immunity to the discomort.
i thought about saying to people "the results are positive" and then follow up with "THAT I'M NEGATIVE" but i decided against it because it might send people into a panic and people are dying after all lol
dont worry kirara its only about the same kind of damage that the flu does every year : ) ducker som a fiv rfuxk
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ducker som a fiv rfuxk. amen
i slapped a mosquito dead against a wall despite missing it with my hand like 2-3cm
>>869928 almost true for a real girl as well but she's no kurumi
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it's a new sakura wars project they haven't fully announced yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>869925 i'm sure that's actually the meta on some of these mega yachts lol
>>869930 That makes sense. The redhaired girl has some big Tite Kubo design vibes to her in particular.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i doubt they would do another tite kubo art direction especially for a side game but idk
>>869931 Are you gonna fish. *fish? Are you gonna swim?
>>869933 I dunno, a lot of people seem to think it'll be a mobage, and that feels really right up his character design alley. He loves being able to do all sorts of fashion modelling on his characters.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think probably mobage but kurumi doesn't look very kubo i guess we'll find out soon
Yeah, I agree. But the red-haired one to me -really- looks like Kubo. Maybe it's a FEH kind of game and he's just one of several artists contributing to character designs.
Though it's kind of weird for an in-game idol unit to have a bunch of different artists.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if kurumi ends up kubo designed i will kill myself
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they also haven't released the VAs names yet Kurumi's sounds so familiar but im so bad with voices
She sounded a lot like Touyami Nao to me but not an 100% match. That's who I'd imagine you think she sounds like.
Er Touyama
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm, yeah almost but not quite i don't think it's her but i thibk you're right tht my brain says yes
Anyways, I don't like swimming in freshwater. Freshwater can have bacteria and parasites in it. And also the big freshwater lake near me is really gross. Has a lot of pollution in it. I much prefer swimming in the bay by my grandfather's house. Pools > Saltwater > Freshwater
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
love to fill my eyes with poisonous chlorine
I can't keep my eyes open underwater without goggles anyways so its not really that much of an issue for me. Plus it's not at a high enough concentration to be poisonous.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>869958 obvious fresh water if it's a pond i wouldnt submerge my head
Ah shit. Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer. Man he was only forty-three years old. That really sucks he was great as Black Panther.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>869969 two i don't feel any different really >>869971 what da fuq
He'd been battling it for four years. Which means all through the filming for Black Panther, Infinity War, and Endgame, he'd been also dealing with the exhausting fight of cancer. Man's a fucking legend.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rest in peace i would upload a picture of a fire but i have one bar
>>870000 Yeah, I think the news dropped like maybe ten minutes after you probably were out for the night last night. I saw it on Twitter as I was checking something entirely unrelated and was so "Wait what the fuck" I had to go double check elsewhere to make sure.
Judging from the fact that he'd been fighting it for four years he likely got diagnosed sometime around the premiere of Civil War. Meaning he went through the filming of Black Panther and both Infinity War movies, and the other movies he's acted in since then and now, while battling cancer. Which is, man I don't even know. I can't comprehend what that must take.
Good to know. my SSD is my C-drive so that's got all my essential stuff. Would rather that not die on me, especially since I some times restart my PC fairly often.
>restarting your PC Weak
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i usually don't even restart my laptop until it needs to update or until it gets really slow tbh
I'm cursed with misfortune when it comes to HDDs and some times if the PC isn't restarted in a while I can't do anything that involves writing or reading the drive without it taking an eternity.
>>>/@apoorva_nyc/1299705092178956288 >Some of the nation’s leading public health experts are raising a new concern in the endless debate over coronavirus testing in the United States: The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus. >Most of these people are not likely to be contagious, and identifying them may contribute to bottlenecks that prevent those who are contagious from being found in time. But researchers say the solution is not to test less, or to skip testing people without symptoms, as recently suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
why is this a concern it's better for people to be found positive even if they're not contagious
I feel that's not really the concern, the concern is that the States' testing infrastructure is shit and can't handle the volume of people who are testing, and these people are using the infrastructure too. I mean your second quote even underlines taht the solution is not to factor this in when
Also I don't really know if it's better for people to be found positive even if they're not contagious, unless you're saying that in relation to people who are contagious being found not positive. I would say the better situation is for tests to be more accurate and diagnose people with sufficient amounts of the virus as to be a serious risk to others. People who are actually not a serious risk to others should be informed as such.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do agree but i think too much is better than not enough and this is the united states we're talkin about its gonna be one or the other
>>870016 Yes and no It's good, but also the whole fucking point of like, quarantine and shutdown is to ease the pressure on healthcare services as a result, so false positives definitely might end up doing more harm than good Unfortunately
/moe/ this girl i was seeing for a while, who i really liked we've decided that we have different lifeplans for our futures, and are going our seperate ways i'm a little sad now
We've spent most of D&D planning for a combat encounter with a guy who has sort of brainwashed an entire town and then right when we were about to get started my comp crashed.
>>870049 that's a centipede thing uhh can't remember the name
>>870054 It's a centipede Also I'm not sure which is the front and which is the back of it.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata this is supposedly it
It's a decent price for how much work it seems went into it. Like I dunno if Remedy Entertainment is a AAA studio but they're probably at least pretty close to it.
>>870065 don't compare them to triple AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA culture they are a finnish studio working with finnish working standards no crunch periods here it is illegal
>>870068 the studios for opting for the Epic buyout. >>870070 [Citation needed] Even if a studio had a success years ago, don't assume they're in a comfortable financial position.
Okay nevermind you're not interested in a conversation I see.
>>870068 they couldh ave afforded it they did alan wake with no issues tho quantum break did lose them money
>>870069 this is a finnish studio I can for free as a finn see their tax records their losses their income their individual employee income their ceo income and so on
I can look how much profit they did I can look how much profit they didn't or rather how big deficit they did on non release years and so on
they could have done it without epic, but it would have been a RISK >>870074 do you have a vpn?
Then fucking citate your claims instead of just claiming. Prove me wrong sure but you're just being obnoxious without it.
also why is it that i am the only one on this god fucking site that has to actually site sources and claims and so on?
of course twitter is a source on this site too
Because you -constantly- assert things without actually having the evidence for it. Most people here don't do a similar kind of assertion. >>870078 Such as?
you do the same you are just less asshole about it, like I am
as in I am huge asshole about it
Again, you're asserting things without providing the evidence for it.
and again do you have a vpn to access finnish internet sites?
No, but if you were to go look and report back to me that they are in a stable financial situation. Like not even give me numbers but look at it and give me a judgement on it. I would trust you on that.
I don't assume you're lying to me when they might be in a stable financial situation but I -do- assume you haven't actually done the research on it.
so I have to take out of my whatever I am doing at the moment at his point xenoverse 2 to look into data that I looked into some maybe 3 months ago just to satisfy your DISBELIEF of me
the fun fact is
if any other poster of this site said the exact same thing
you wouldn't ask for proof
well maybe if it was rei
considering their next project is an exclusive for Microsoft platforms I think Control was a failure but then again
Alan Wake, Quantum Break were both initially exclusive for Microsoft
>>870083 If anyone makes a claim I doubt is accurate, I ask for evidence. I've even asked Kirara for stuff that confirms things he's said in psychological research despite it being his field of expertise.
>>870085 I dunno, Control won a fair number of awards and generally critical and player review seems to be consistently positive. Nothing about the game indicates it has been a failure for the studio.
here is remedy entertainment since they entered stock markets about may 2017
the recent leap is in august basically when the steam releasew as announced
at around the 1 V . thing the big peak in price is when control was released but it wasn't that long lasting or rising
at the hilighted 5V mark is when the steam version was announced at around june the bit before peak and then dive was, okay this is memory work so don't actually quote me, the first major dlc to control in april or may 2020
Stock ratings don't necessarily indicate economic wellbeing of the company in question, but rather the investor's trust in the company to provide a return on the investor's investment.
their deal with Epic had Epic covering 50% of the development costs of Control with Remedy remaining 50% of the wholesales and keeping control of the brand
Yeah, I don't think I can underscore how important that is for a studio like Remedy. Like, Coffee Stain Studios, the developers of Satisfactory, have talked about stuff right along these lines about why they went with the Epic offer too. For smaller, independent or relatively independent studios, some times you just don't know where you're going to get the money to make your game. You need to pay your employees, after all, and a lot of these studios are often formed by people who left AAA studios because they got tired of the low-pay crunch culture of the big studios. So you don't really want your studio to become the monster you escaped from. Epic offering a lot of money for
that is a god damn good deal
https://www.salkunrakentaja.fi/2020/08/remedy-vakeva-kasvu/ this is the article I am reading right now google translate should work?
I spend like an hour last time I looked into their net income their profits etc from max payne 1 to now do you really want me to look into howm uch money they raked in and this is ofc after actually paying all of their employees their due wages
>>870091 their exclusivity deal can help a LOT in taking the stress out of figuring where all the money comes from.
My point in the beginning is pretty much that I can't really fault the studios for taking the deal; especially since if you've looked at most of the exclusivity deals so far, Satisfactory, Borderlands 3 ... other ones I'm blanking on, they've generally had plenty of success in the delayed release on Steam. The studio gets relief in financial concerns, and don't reaaaally face consequences for opting for an exlusive release. Epic is still a pain in the ass for forcing the exclusivity option and I would rather they fund studios without playing the exclusivity game, but that's my problem with Epic, not the studios and games that agree to it.
>>870091 they already sold max payne to rock star to fund Alan Wake essentially I mean, they made the deal so, they could keep basically writing "rights" to it, but still
their next game is crossfire X a new version of Crossfire
Like look at the acquiring that Microsoft has been doing lately with smaller studios. A lot of those games are still releasing in synchronocity on Steam in addition to the Xbox platforms. It's not impossible for an umbrella company to fund development while also not playing exclusivity games.
they are once again amassing funds not something that is alien, but it does prove that they could have skipped this phase, had they sold better on control
but who knows would contorl have sold basically 100% better on all sellers and not just epic
I have done maybe 20 hours into the first game mostly I am a mass effect fan
god the third game got me mad tho
I was looking at some chatter a couple days back and I saw a really good analysis about how a LOT of the third game, not just the ending, was a "Choices matter" game, and disregarded a lot of stuff that you would've made weighty, important decisions on in previous games.
god I hate missions where I have allies >try to do a fucking cool combo <ally ruins it >try to do max damage combo into max damage combo < ally ruins it >try to get enemy into a position to ultimate blast them <ally ruins them why would you program the AI like this
and mind you this is only on your ALLY ai side the enemy AI is perfectly capable of not dicking eachother like this
>>870107 the third game inquisitor? got a good rating overall but this was I think before mass effect 3?
DA2 anyhow got blasted by players and critiqs alike
Er I meant Mass Effect 3 whoops
mass effect 3 is a damn good game untill the ending and even their hot glue fixes doesn't fix it hell oneo f their hot glue fixes made the ending "press dialog option, play credits"
I got into local news for my loud scream outside at 4am that night
even before the ending it has just so much cinematic suck
you can take down REAPERS when you control your character but in cinematics can you take down the ULTRA COOL CYBER NINJA SUPER EDGY DARK MASTER SAMURAI? no you can't NO ONE CAN
i beat him in melee in boss fight i took that as a challenge it was easy as hell i beat him with my elbows I used no special attackso anything he has a fucking space katana I used my elbows
now imagine if you played with a character with super tech abilities or even worse psychic abilities including slow time push pull warp lift slam rush vortex
to start with as abilities that could take down the space ninja edgy macgee and make him a damn easy target for concentrated firing from everyone precent
>>870112 Yeah, the cyber ninja dweeb also factored into the guy's complaint of the game. Seems he was a consistently easy fight to win against and was kind of an obnoxious personality. But whenever things got close to done he activated his plot armor and got off fine.
also also they take the .. fuck Illusive Man and from a very complex character turn him into a basic generic evil guy
and retcon that he always was just that and not a complex character andw as just toying with you
but not in a very interesting way but just that it reads in info dumbs
everything that was made better in mass effect 2 is kinda dumbed down in 3
>the krogan virus which reduces their birth rate to about 2-6 per batch of 1000 (similiar to every other species in the galaxy) >making it a balanced punishment to let them actually learn how to interstellar species as they were uplifted before they had evolved into it naturally
>well let's just fix it, fuck the consequences >let every krogan spawn 1000 kids every childbirth
also the third installment actually removed the access to all weapons instead replacing it with some weird >weight so each gun you carry adds to the weight of your character adding to the cooldown of your ablity well
all that mattered to me was that i just carried an assault rifle and a sniper and had almost 0 cooldown on all my abilities
good design
also they got away with the heavy weapons altogether except when they were needed for a specific mission part
a resource you didn't need to mind again also another less option of weapons
oh and also the controls you had like 1 button doing 4 things with that being the case for WAY too many things
Hm, no, .si seems to be having some connection issues. But if you're connecting fine to it, it might just be a regional issue localized on the NA east coast.
When the original? Nyaa shut down a few years back or however long it was, I think two Nyaa-clones popped up almost at the exact same time. The one that I think was the proper successor was the one in the .si domain, but there was also some kind of domain with "pantsu" in the name. I personally stuck to the .si domain but I think the pantsu one did attract a bit of a userbase because it wasn't affiliated with the fansub cartel thing that really no sane person cares about.
considering that si is the only one that links to the twitter of nyaa tht is the right one but there were more then a few fakes when it initially shut down because of course
Oh I guess all my Frying Witch caps are in my Pictures folder from my old PC. Was that series really that long ago. It was a great comfy series though.
One of the things I've liked watching people discover about Fall Guys is how often it's not that you need to win, other people just need to lose worse. Especially in the 3+-way team games. As long as you're not in last, you're good. That makes for some good fun when watching it.
>>>/watch?v=rIL1rBP1GHw This seems like a bit of a comfy-charming game I might get it some time down the line when I don't have some bigger stuff I want to play kicking aroun
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
How cute
Well I finally checked. And yep My program formally required me to withdraw in May.
I don't really know what to do. I mean I guess I've never known what to do. But I don't think I've fucked up this bad before. I'm just so tired of being useless.
I think you're being too hard on yourself, though. There are differences between you and normal people, and those differences make it harder to participate in the things we're supposed to do sometimes. People can't help being shaped like a square, so when they don't fit into the round box, it's not a matter of blame. You may have made mistakes and probably could have done some things better, but that could be said of anyone. The difference is that the world does not accomodate us in the way it does other people. People face different obstacles and have different resources to deal with those obstacles, so some people struggle more than others. So rather than blame, which is an emotionally and guilt charged word, I think it's better to look at it in terms of responsibility. You're responsible for your actions or your non-action but you're not to blame for them because they aren't all your "fault".
It's unfortunate. But don't beat yourself up for it.
It's more than unfortunate this messes up a lot. If I can't be in a program than all relief I got from the government is due back in taxes at the end of the year, which means I need a job. I mean I needed a job anyway so whatever, but it means I won't really have any kinds of savings worth beans. Plus, it'll make getting financial assistance for any future attempts at post-secondary education harder. Secondly, my parents are now under the very false belief that I'm registered for courses and will be busy with that this autumn. I don't know if I can play out the act of being a student, especially since it would be entirely distance education from home and since at the least my dad is working from home at least until the next year, I don't really have much opportunity of hiding while stuck living with them. And having to save money to pay back the Covid relief means pretty much zero feasiblity of being able to live on my own. If I can't keep up the lie then the ramifications of that terrify me. My parents are extremely gracious but I know my inability to succeed in anything is wearing thin on them now as I get pretty close to being twenty-eight. Even if they don't throw me out (I don't believe they're that degree of asshole at least) I worry it would be hard to get support considering I've failed to accomplish anything in three different post-secondary programs. They'll probably start saying stuff like "Just get a job, wash fucking dishes, you obviously aren't cut out for university". Probably not as callous as that but the undertones would be there. I don't have any confidence in myself, I know I don't do things ever and I can't manage to commit to anything. I'm beating myself up over it because it's happened three times over now and nothing's changed. I try my hardest to weasel out of hard things or over-rely on support people all too willingly give me and then lie my hardest when push comes to shove. But this doesn't actually accomplish anything and just leaves me
with fewer and fewer resources for -actual- help. Of course not that I take advantage of those resources in the first place because I don't know how to ask for or seek help until I've exhausted every other option I have and even then I hold off until it's too late to salvage anything. But like when you're this incompatible with the need to function in real life you need to ask for help but I don't fucking know how to. I don't know how to make people understand I'm not happy with this but I can't go along with haphazard plans to try and fix it just because "it works for me".
Well I wasn't planning on ending it there but my net is going on the fritz again And my brain was starting to get a bit too spirally anyway.
I'm just tired of being me. But it's not like there's any other option to be.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I know you wanted to be a writer, are you able to sit down and write when you want to or do you have problems with that?
>>870379 I haven't put words to paper in close to half a year now, I think. Neither fiction nor non-fiction, as my total bombing of my courses at the end of the Winter semester would indicate. Can't even remember the last time I sat in front of a page or text document to write, honestly. Part of that is I haven't really had the spontaneous want to go and write something, but I also know I could easily psyche myself up into a want to write if I just tried. But then even if I want to write something it's hard to actually engage it because I always find something that distracts me before I commit or I say "I'm going to do it later" and then never do because that would require me to actually be able to keep a schedule. Even if I say "I'll write after I finish X" by the time I'm done X I've forgotten I wanted to write and I've already started doing the next immediately-accessible shiny thing which distracts me from the constant anxiety of never doing anything I know I should be doing.
And then some times when I'm trying to write, not recently of course because not actually trying, I'll be sitting there and I've got the ideas in my head and I can't translate them into language. It's not about trying to find the right word or turn of phrase but an inability to either translate the thoughts into words or fill in the space between one fragment and the next. But that hasn't really been a concern for a while. I just haven't been doing any writing, after all.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What do you think would need to change or happen for you to be able to sit down and write without getting distracted?
My knee-jerk answer is a life not so full of stress and anxiety that I don't feel driven to distract myself from it with stuff that satisfies a short-term reward cycle in my brain. But I don't know. I'm pretty sure even in a less worry-filled environment I'd still just "happily" distract myself until the worries piled back on again, like I pretty consistently do. I'd have to be able to care about doing things that might be hard or a serious time commitment, or at the least care about the consequences of not. I just don't think I do. I know I should care, I think I feel aware that not caring is bad, but then I just ... don't care. Or at least don't act on the care, which functionally indicates at least to everyone around me that I don't care and makes me doubt that I care. Give me a mile and I'll just waste that entire mile away doing stuff that doesn't benefit me in the long run and worse, makes the long run a miserable experience for me overall. And I don't know how to not do that. I'm told I need to just do it, but I don't understand how to change so that I can.
>>870382 I think I get that. You know, I still haven't done anything about getting dismissed from my doctorate program. I think about it all the time and "know" what I need to do but I just can't sit myself down to do it. It's so important, but I just can't get myself to do it. I'm always doing something more immediately rewarding. It used to be like that with everything, you know, I'd get so pressured to do the things I need to do that it would overwhelm me and I wouldn't do them. Even making basic phone calls.
I thought for a long time that if I could handle stress better, I would be able to do anything I needed to do. But through my zen stuff, I've gotten so good at handling stress that even really important things don't get done sometimes because there's no stress to motivate me to do anything about it.
Executive dysfunction is a bitch to live with. All the things you manage to do to help with it give you more reason not to do the important things. For me it's like, if I'm going to be happy with or without my doctorate, what's the incentive for me to go through all this trouble and stress to make sure I get it?
But it sounds like for you, it's kind of like, "If I'm going to be depressed and anxious whether I do this or not, what's the incentive for me to do it?"
>>870384 Yeah, it's quiet these days. Even I'm not here too often now!
To motivate you to do the boring chore, do these other boring chores first
I actually hate blaming or attributing my laziness to ADHD, but it's not like I'm unaware either
>>870386 That's probably pretty accurate, yeah. Add in a hefty dose of I-know-it's-irrational-but-that's-not-going-to-stop-me-from-thinking-it-fatalism because I'm just going to screw up anyway since I
-consistently- screw up in ways that make things worse for me or some times others, and like, why. I dunno. Why.
It kind of becomes like a learned helplessness. The human brain is so stupid, honestly. It's amazing to me that people believe God designed them because they can just learn not to do the things they need to do, even if your mind wants to do those things. And then you have this conflict between your mind and your brain, where your brain is like a car refusing to start and your mind is just a frustrated driver.
Neurologically, we're such messes.
This is a video about addiction, but really at its core it's about how the brain works neurologically, how certain things are rewarded and others aren't. It's a really good video that helped me understand my ADHD a lot, and my addiction, but also just how stupid my brain is. >>>/watch?v=zYphZvRHm6Y#t=7s I don't know if it will be helpful, but I do recommend it! It might give you a new perspective on it, at least.
Oh, my client isn't in zoom yet. I'll probably disappear soon.
>>870394 Yeah, there's a difference. You're not your mind or your brain. But they are different things, even though they're so similar and connected.
If you've ever been critically trapped in your own head as your thoughts rage uncontrollably and twist knives into your gut, you probably know what it's like to be a mind fighting against its own brain.
>>870395 hm I mean the thing that thinks it's me, and I kinda am definitely sees itself specifically distinct from this thing that's been labeled Brain, but it's also not like literally the organ we're(I'm) talking about I don't see myself as like, distinct from more than one entity up here Even though I mean, I do recognize that 'me' is both Sorta
>>870423 I think most of moe would like it in the same way I did, honestly >>870424 Okay~ Just (You) me when you're ready so I see the notification in the tab while watching this youtube
>>870422 i'll have to agree tbh, unless you're actually interested in it you're better off reading a book in that time instead.
That was a really good session. The client had a couple realizations that I was able to capitalize on.
>>870428 To be honest, I am and have been uninterested in DDLC for a while, mostly because I'm aware of its status as a shock and meme game. Also, I'm ready when you are. Do you wanna watch on /moe/ or discord
>>870579 Are you gonna get moon remix rpg adventure? It came out today i think
Oh it came out a few days ago.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no idk what that is
It's an anti rpg The premise is that the main character is sucked into an RPG he was playing, and it turns out that the hero if the rpg is actually trapped in a cursed suit of armor, the monsters he's been killing have been innocent animals and he's been forcing his way into people's houses and stealing teir stuff, but the armor is making him hallucinate Anyways the actual main character goes in a quest to stop him The game originally came out in 1997 and there was going to be an American release but it was canceled Toby Fox claims that it was one of his primary influences for undertale
is on switch btw
I don't remember much else off the top of my head There were a few fan translation attempts over tehe years but they were never finished The main guy was also the guy who made rule of rose.
tehe~ years
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this gaming bar is a poor fascimile of a ... gaming bar
is my berf dae my girlfriend made me a BLANKET it's so pretty this is gonna be the first time in 7 years i haven't gotten drunk on my birthday >>870642 it's super comfy! and it's got all my favorite colors on it
>>870641 I know well the value of having a well-loved blanket. I've got this knitted blanket from my stepgrandmom that I've had since like ten or so. I still layer it on top of my covers on my bed when I go to sleep. It's not heavy so it's not like a weighted blanket or anything but it does add a nice bit of comforting weight.
I want a blanket that cools me off.
>>>/watch?v=ZEiqZWw5vYs I'd like to see this when it comes out or at least whenever a good quality version is uploaded
>>870651 I've been looking forward to that for a while.
phone batteries last around 2-3 years, tho I bet they are purposefully made shitty laptops are 2-4 depending on how it is used
makes you think how long does a tesla's etc electric cars batteries last and how much it costs to replace the cells
and I don t exactly mean "no longer charges" but more like "as new it lasted 2 hours of no plug in (laptop)" but three years down the line, you are down to 1 hour or 30 minutes
All batteries within our current technological feasiblity are finite (relative), but larger batteries are easier to make last extremely prolonged lifespans. The kind of battery that can fit inside a car will last much, much longer
Graphene based super capacitors > lithium polymer
>>870734 than the kind of battery that can fit inside a laptop or phone.
>>870734 this actually did made me think does the electric cars use similiar batteries as very modern cars as far as I know, most compustion engine cars still use those liquid stuff batteries well all batteries are liquid stuff but i mean those big cubes
>>870762 hmm that one manga I've been putting off reading
It hasn't really appealed to me in the pages and panels I've seen from it. I'm just familiar with the artstyle since it gets talked about often enough.
Anyone planning on getting a new nvidia card? They're priced really well.
>>870769 What do you think of the new nvidua stuff? *Nvidia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's cool i might buy it if i can get it in canada at a reasonable price and sell my AMD card
I'm waiting for next year's msi laptops to get a new oe *one I'm planning on getting a 3080 But honestly i might just get a desktop and get a normal laptop.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
desktop is nice that freakin gamer PC company still hasn't gotten back to me with an offer lmao they keep saying like "yup we're workin on it" every two weeks i have given up on that job too bad i would have gotten free PC parts probably
>>870773 The issue is my room is really small and m desk doesn't have a lot of space
WWhat would you even have worked on there? Their website?
Unless circumstances have changed since when I was shopping around when the 10XX line came out, hah hah. But you should probably expect atleast a 30% markup on the US cost of the card when looking for it in Canadian retailers.
>>870775 laptops in bed??? thats against the rurrus dont break them everyone'll be MAD
man the battle stations
>>870775 I got RSI from using my laptop in bed in positions I found comfortable I've stopped using my laptop in med because of that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>870776 fuark okay plan B take a flight to las vegas and order one to my hotel room then put it all on red literally can't go tits up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
THEN fly back and quarantine for 14 days in an airbnb all to avoid a 30% markup
Oh, the conversion rate is seventy-seven US cents to the CAD. That's closer to par than I was expecting. Maybe it won't be that bad of a markup then. Whatever the US price of the card is, you should expect it to translate into the usual ~25% increase because of the conversion rate. And then there's usually some kind of little bit extra since the retailers probably have to import.
Computer parts in general up here are kinda pricey ;_;
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah USD CAD has been dropping :// bad 4 me i need to buy some more CAD
but no bed is not a good position but it is sometimes fun to do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
projector on the ceiling (large brain) tv mounted on the ceiling (galaxy brain) covering your ceiling in LED strips and homebrewing your own display driver (transcendent brain)
it's actually nice when they add like a soap or something similar to the sanitizer the pain's still there but at least it smells nice and not horrid
I had to use hand sanitizer for the first time in like ten or more years the other day and man it sucks as much as I remember it sucking. Give me soap and water any day and I'll happily scrub both my hands over thoroughly.
>>870805 I find having stuff on my hands pretty discomforting, even if hand sanitizer evaporates pretty quickly I'm not going to enjoy the process of it evaporating. And I find I can feel pretty acutely the feeling of it evaporating too, like a dull itch all across the surface it was applied to. Soap and water is by far a more comforting experience for me and serves just as well for germ/virus extermination as hand sanitizer.
>>870827 Oh, I dunno. Just antibacterial hand soap. Nothing special.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think ring fit trainer is trying to give me a heart attack jesus
oh no she started again S T O P
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cease your activities, citizen
I I was supposed to put down the groceries and take a photo but instead I did the former and took a picture of their dog REBEL >>870833 fi figures, that's the good stuff some of the santizer you can come across can smell pretty close to vodka it's uh unpleasant
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
We use non-alcoholic hand sanitizer when we have hand sanitizer
Bit of a long thunderstorm tonight. Though the rain's only really picked up in the past fifteen minutes or so. Guess the heart of the storm's passing overhead.
I don't know why I get so excited about high performance parallel computing and cuda cores when I basically just download other people's libraries and write my own shitty code that barely takes advantage of it.
I love the idea of programming and technology but I never get around to doing it Most of the programming I did for fun was back when I was in uni
wow posting bad images has never stopped me before
I just found a website that ssells emu meat for similar prices to beef I hope their shipping is cheap.
Huh One of the founders of this emu farm started it because he got bitten by that tick that mmakes you allergic to mammallian red meat and discovered that emu meat tasted similar to beef but didn't cause a reaction He was disappointed in the lack of availability of emu meat in the us so flhe founded his own farm. That's pretty based
I told one ofy friends about this website amd now he wants (and actually will soon) purchase this. https://amaroohills.com/products/steak-loves-choice-20-discount
>>871003 it's so exciting!! im getting really hyped up new sakura is really cute
is Kurumi-chan a villain, though?! ): i want her to be romanceable
Yeah I couldn't really tell if B.L.A.C.K. were being set up to be villains or rivals or whatnot. Maybe if I could parse the dialogue better it would be more obvious.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well they attacked the third imperial theater which implies they're villains to me but idk they said that sakura in charge of the theater was nisemono
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when sakura shino asked the dude if he was a stalker, Senchou was like "wakaru" haha
I guess it doesn't help that I'm also totally unfamiliar with Sakura Wars in the first place, hah hah. So I'm totally lacking context here. I'm just along for the ride here!
>>871018 The Koubu did seem kind of outdated. I'm not proficient in Japanese of course but I think that was kind of the gist the girl who was fighting Koubu earlier in the video was getting at.
Of course the cute mechanic's along for the ride too.
But they were replaced with Mugen models in SSW so idk
But either way I'm really excited! It looks like it won't be mobage!
I was kinda thinking that, yeah. With all these production values it would be weird if it was just a mobage.
>>871018 tbf, we too do use quite a lot of 70 year old weapons irl
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh the white wolf girl showed up i think fubuki?
Yeah, Fubuki.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
please shut up fubuki and senchou i want to hear what they're saying
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
smartphone game rpg??? nooooooo
>Smartphone RPG Eh.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a pretty street
Yeah, the environment design is really cool. It's like they made a kind of retro-futurism design but instead of being the 1950s it's the Meiji Restoration. Which is hella cool.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, Sakura Wars has always been really cool with the environmental design. It's always been like 20s steampunk stuff.
From the look of it, the timeskip ahead adds in a bit of digi-electrical elements too. Everyone in the city part of the video had smartphones.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah, the project black twitter changed their bio to セガとディライトワークスが贈る、iOS/Andoroid向けドラマチックRPG『サクラ革命』公式アカウント。『サクラ革命』に関する最新情報をお届けいたします! #サクラ革命
sakura revolution for smartphones
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>871036 In SSW, they had a sort of smartphone but it was limited to a map, texts, and a minigame and that was in the 40s so their smartphones now are probably pretty high tech if its the same timeline
I like Fuuka's hairbun. It's very Shimarin-poi.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeah i was thinking that too
Oh Fubuki is streaming too. She's sponsored by Delight Works, who are the devs I presume of this game. Where as Marine is sponsored by Sega.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, I guess that's why they're hanging out together for this. I don't know anything about Fubuki, but I follow Senchou.
I don't mind fubuki but I don't really go out of my way to watch her
Fubuki's got some pretty good interests too. She's big into Touhou like Marine is and does a lot of Vtuber crossstreams.
She's also apparently a big tabletop nerd. The other day she played in a Call of Cthulhu campaign I think she she's got a history of playing too.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
finally! BLACK time
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit prana is lynn
Lynn is great. She's got such a clean voice.
Man I guess it's day so it's time for my Internet to be shit again.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, she's the perfect choice for someone who looks like Prana does. Very serious, direct voice. Like you can feel her speaking directly into you.
I wonder if all of B.L.A.C.K. is gonna be somewhat veteran seiyuu like Lynn. Kind of making them the formidable sempai to the the hero cast, which I think the two girls shown so far at least are relatively new.
More than that! He's legendary he's been involved in gunbuster and tons of toku shit
Yeah I googled him and checked out the Wikipedia. He was also the "Music " for Hyouka and the composer for Planet With.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they said on twitter it's gatcha i expected as much but i was kind of hoping it wouldn't be
At least it means you can roll and roll until you get Kurumi. Though if the story is initially setting up B.L.A.C.K. as villains or anti-heroes she might not be a player character from the get-go.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they changed the BLACK website into https://sakura-kakumei.sega.jp/ as well
>>871063 That would make a good patch to put on a bag or jacket.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am gonna buy so much merch
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
senchou getting a sponsorship from SEGA is pretty amazing now that i think about it that's like super big
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
activating coca-cola... COKE... ON
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha oh no
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
look at their faces i'm making the same face this "how do they have so much energy" face
>>871066 Considering they both got sponsorships for this project I wonder if Sega initially wanted Fubuki (she's got ~840k subscribers to Marine's ~580k) I could see Fubuki insisting on taking the "smaller" sponsorship because it's better for Marine to get the better one.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That could be. Although Marine was tweeting about working with Tanaka Kohei last night so that might be part of it too, since Senchou is pretty musical and Kohei is more associated with SEGA than Dreamworks I think
god damn i love the sakura wars music
Oh they are giving us some of the actual game content in this event.
Oh SHIT there's a witch robot girl.
Since it's a gatcha and there'll be plenty of girls I wonder if Marine and Fubuki will lend their voice to characters. I feel that's a pretty short step away from being brand ambassadors for the game.
There's like no good still shot of the witch-girl from that last video they played in the event. I guess I'll have to wait until they've got character designs posted somewhere to get a better look.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't wait to see who the character artists are hopefully they'll start posting chara info soon
Apparently Kyarl from PriCon and Keanu share the same birthday. Coincidence?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah you were right about kurumi nao is her seiyuu
oh yeah it's karls bday
what are you watching
Marine and Fubuki got to promote an event for a new Sakura Wars mobage RPG.
>>871083 we finished watching! the project BLACK announcement i was excited about
>>871081 Well I'm proud I picked out Nao's voice, but I thought she was the focus when Meisa was at the front of the three.
Wait no I'm just dumb. That is definitely not Nao.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeah
wow nao is a major character in another mobage she sure has her work cut out for her
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow, marine was so happy that she apparently cried the whole way home good for her
I bet with how old she is she probably played the original Sakura Wars as a kid. And now she gets to be involved with the franchise. That would make her really excited I'd bet.