One of the few good things about pandemic culture is I can continue to give people on the sidewalk a wide berth as I walk past them and it's no longer me being kinda weird it's just social politeness
getting drunk with my sister >>867229 you should see how i used to smoke i would buy those 3 dollar packs of 20 little cigars empty them by rolling them in my fingers then pack them with that dank using a small Alan wrench
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha sounds like a good timr
i tried rolling joints for a while but i could fit about 1 to 1.5 grams in the little cigar wrapper so it seemed efficient
I'd leave a bit of tobacco as a filter and rip the actual filter off back then
>>867231 it was alright one time I came to smoke with my coworker Dustin and he just kept looking up bleach AMVs after smoking most of my blunt
never hung out with him again
so we gonna smash or what
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dam no im at a party
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
next time!!
fucking shit I don't wanna play for glory
should I challenge w elite smash matchmaking with my current state attack ghosts like a true Chrom main
is there some way to track your progress in ring fit?
Yeah you start a profile based on your Switch profile and it tracks ... some information, at least. I didn't look too closely and I don't know if it tracks things but it does keep a register of your workouts and efforts.
Once they'd gotten everyone out of this house my parents had some people come in before they opened it for selling, who went around the house and hyper-cleaned everything. As a result a lot of the house looks cleaner than I honestly ever remember it being. But when they were cleaning the stove I think they removed the control dials, and when they put the oven control dial back on they put it on upside-down or something. So as a result, it's a bit confusing as to which temperature I'm setting the oven to. I think I've got it where I want it, buuuut.
Also we really need some ... things in this house. Most of the rooms have been fairly entirely emptied of furniture. All these empty rooms are absolute echo chambers for sound so even the slightest thing I try to do ends up echoing into like ever corner of this ground floor. I don't like making noise so it's a little unnerving to me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
own your sound
>>867243 ok like try not doing vork in welfare gear
i accidentally logged into my little sister switch acc gonna go on quick play for the first time pick a character for me to main repping her >>867263 ok
Ice Climbers
>>867243 like what is fucking killing you though that's more important and what's the setup you are using ok match time
oh I've killed him a few times. Maybe I'm breaking even with money but I don't think I'm making much of a profit.
I was going for a melee setup. I had the lance with dfs, bandos, prim boots. imbued salve amy. nezi helm.
It's not like once specific thing I die to it's just like stupid mistakes. Leaving run on for the acid attack Having the wrong quick prayers Getting frozen at an angle/mid attack so i can't crumble the little spawn thing or i just zone out and get KO'd by the fireball.
But that's all in the past. Sold the lance. Bought a dhcb. Now I've just got to play some pest control because even though the acc is 2000 total now I still don't have void.
>>867265 vork with melee is honest pretty fucking hard gotta pay a lot of attention to get it right and efficient
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>867268 do you think learning with range is the right move then?
>>867326 so would they then be fine with you organising some sex ehibit/orgy/etc then?
I mean they'd probably be a bit miffed if any particularly obnoxious noise was made during the wedding. But yes, under their guidelines it seems like any kind of non-visual, non-industrious activities taking place are okay.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@AlexMooreActor/1295024740093001736 >voice actor telling people to just not watch anime if the show isn't available via legal streaming in their country >telling people to go buy old VHS tapes off ebay >somehow unaware that most old anime VHS tapes were literally fansubbed
>>867337 if you pirate anime you're colonizing japan
Wow I must be great at colonizing. Maybe they should pick me to go to Mars.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean technically we're all pretty damn good at colonizing even without pirating anime
>>867340 I don't think I'd be good at killing and enslaving natives.
Ah But Martians don't count
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's more to colonizing than killing and enslaving natives! we all unfortunately uphold colonization in the US by participating in the government we have no choice
>he doesn't kill and enslave the natives before breakfast
>>867345 i wonder if it was cordell who killed and enslaved chaska's people......
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wasn't that a meteor
yeah it was but it could have been cordell riding a meteor like a space cowboy >>867349 wow lee didn't even appear until episode 2 where he crashed into that house and destroyed it!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so it was LEE
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lee was born to destroy that's why he became the silver surfer
The creator of the pixel died last week. F
>>867346 bruh cordell defected from colonizing the injins that would be so fucked up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@archillect/1295133875967004672 this bot is supposed to tweet aesthetic / trending pictures with some kinda secret mechanism but sometimes it just tweets hentai
There's always some skunks that move into the neighbourhood during summer and almost nightly there's a dumbass dog or some other pet that agitates one that just floods the area with skunk stink. It kinda sucks.
today's probably one of the nicest days of the summer and i spent it mostly hung over
Coming back to the city alone means there isn't really a lot of food in this house. My mother was kind enough to give me a lift and spot the money for groceries before heading back up north but I made a point of only getting essentials. Which means there isn't really any sweets or snack-y food here. Maybe I should bike out to the cookie outlet shop tomorrow and see if they've re-opened with the city entering a lockdown lift phase.
>>867361 You plug cookies into it in order to charge them.
>>867361 I dunno if you've got the concept of outlet stores there. Here they're shops directly affiliated with a factory that you can often get goods from the factory for a bit cheaper. The better part of this store though is that they also sell the reject cookies, so stuff that's too damaged to make it into the actual cookie packages, for quite a nice price. I once got like six or eight kilograms of cookies for something like five dollars. That one bag lasted me a year.
>>867364 Yeah this store's pretty much right next door to the factory in question. I'm just fortunate to have a bit of an industrial park close to my neighbourhood so the factory's a quick bike ride away.
>The stubborn fact remains that, no matter how deeply we probe into the nature of bacon, eggs, oatmeal, and avocado toast—to say nothing of shakshuka, grits, bear claws, or dim sum—or the interactions between these fundamental building blocks and, say, orange juice or coffee and the morning paper, we simply have no convincing theory to explain how such disparate, seemingly inert components give rise to the phenomenon we subjectively experience as “breakfast.”
I think breaking your fast is a suitable name for the first meal of the day.
funnfact word for lunch - lounas is also south-west in finnish
lunch does stick out as a loanword, tho there is another old one puolinen - "halfsies" referring to it eaten at half-day/noon aamiainen - bfast, lit. morninging(morning meal) päivällinen - dinner, lit. dayingning (day meal) illallinen - supper, lit. eveningning iltapala - evening/night time snack/meal bite, basically breakfast but eaten bit before going to sleep
aamupala also means breakfast and then additional one välipala - snack, usually similiar to say (three o'clock) teatime or well afternoon snack but can mean any snack between the main meals lit. "in-between snack"
>>>/watch?v=J8SBp4SyvLc Factorio's finally out of early-access and the devs put together a new trailer for the release that amazingly encapsulates the dizzying complexity your factories can end up becoming.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's some very dramatic thunder rn we hardly ever get lightning around here
Ifi -If it ain't dramatic it ain't thunder!
It only took like two or three years but I finally tripped the power switch on my power bar with my fidgeting feet. I mean I've been tempting fate pretty much this whole time by having the bar sit almost precisely where I rest my feet, so it's on me really. But I guess this is a good chance to stop being dumb and shift it over a bit so that risk isn't there anymore.
So apparently this exists. I never thought about it before, but comic book based novelty records make a lot of snse. Err The fact tgat they exist makes sense.
nah she doesnt think it in that way lol she just thinks she and my dad got abducted by aliens and then they impregnated her i guess shes saying aliens cucked my dad
>>867547 yeah i've talked about it before i was talking to my therapist about how many people with power over me have abused or manipulated me and we were processing my anger about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
papa elon blease
Whole lotta rain today
rain would be nice fire hazard country wide
so apparently brushing your cat's teeth is a thing
Yeah, I've seen advice for brushing both cats and dogs teeth. I mean it kinda makes sense; their teeth aren't that fundamentally different from ours and suffer the same kind of degredation from use and lack of cleanliness.
I think it's just in the past pets lives didn't last long enough for the teeth to be a consistent issue. As we work harder and harder to keep pets alive they're gonna have to have help for a lot of the same stuff humans suffer as we age. Good dental hygeine is probably the simplest one.
Dogs can die from infections caused by cavities. My friend's dog died that way because his mom was too cheap to pay for a professional teeth cleaning and the infection spread to the dog's brain and it died.
Err, actually it wasn't a cavity I think it was a gum infection.
>>867555 seems to be a larger issue for full indoors cats apparently crunching on mjce and birds helps a lot
Same way they need scratching posts or otherwise nail maintenance. The natural environment an animal evolves in usually accomodates their needs well enough. Funny thing it is, that taking them out of that and putting them in an artificial one throws everything out of whack.
When Gran/Djeeta start empowering the archangel weapons, they start getting dreams of chit-chatting with belial where he starts warning them about how no one person was ever meant to have that much power. Since Belial is a bastard, they ignore him. And continue to ignore him until they obsessively work towards completing the weapons. When they're done however they're no longer in control of themselves and Belial's like "told you." But eventually friendship power fixes it and you get the Alter Ego Conjurer class outfit, a symbol of having that kind of power to use as needed.
That outfit is from the upcoming Granblue Versus Belial dlc, and is the Malicious Alter Ego outfit instead, so it's similar I guess but more Belial-y which is why Gran looks like a fuck and Djeeta goes full thot I suppose.
and while I'm at it this is the class that description is from, the Tormentor
during the side quest to unlock it, Gran/DJ are in a fucked up interrogation dungeon and there's someone who would be nice to get answers from Gran/DJ can feel alter ego popping into their heads which means it takes place chronologically after completing the seraph weapons.
still amusing that they collabed with a megadeth guitarist for one song that was op of moretsu pirates
>>867581 Kek I think the dude from megadeth was also in some American cartoon The dm mentioned ut at D&D
Yeah, he ws in Duck Dodgers. Also Reminder that Dave Mustaine ws kicked out of Metallica for being an alcoholic asshole and started Megadeth out of spite.
> You summon Epona. You go outside to the stables, but instead of seeing your beloved horse, you see a strange man standing by her with a flogger in his hand. He's wearing black leather and... spandex? What the hell? "What the fuck are you doing?" you shout. "Gettin' paid," he says. "Now turn around."
>>867591 Are you gonna put your mini refreshments in your mini fridge?
i'm gonna put gallons of water and about 24 cans of sparkling water in my mini fridge (i might even sneak some soda) oh i guess i can put my liquor in the freezer compartment since i don't really need to it to freeze, just be really cold
well my gin at least my whiskey stays on my desk at room temp
se no demo sonnan ja dame
Mou sonna ya mada
hey /moe/ i was just thinking you know how there's like elongated toilet bowls, which are mostly just the standard now and then there's the normal ones, that are almost circular and the toilet seat is like really small i feel like there should be a specific word to describe the part of the toilet that your dong always hits when you sit in one of those i hate the feeling, and i feel like i need to clean that part of my toilet regularly because i don't want my chongus slapping up on dirty porcelain like that i can't really think of a name though but it probably deserves a name either way fuck small toilets and whoever thought to themselves "yeah this tiny toilet is definitely okay"
today i learned that some people piss first and then pull their penis out of the bowl yeah i'd rather just buy an elongated toilet pulling it out sounds like an easy way to piss all over yourself
>>867598 >piss first and then pull it out the bowl As opposed to leaving it there forever?
they sit down with their dingus on the toilet seat
one of the caged cats is actually out of the cage now but we at least know where he is he's so fed up with our shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cat GET
>"I'M ABOUT TO COME TOO," you hear Ganon scream from afar. "SHOOT!" For a split second, time stops as you see a little yellow ball of light form deep inside your mind's eye.
th-thanks ai dungeon
Well that's plain horrifying.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I knew you'd like it
I don't!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah i got the triforce what do i wish for
The annihilation of the cosmos!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You wish on the triforce for the annihilation of the cosmos. You gently place your hand over the Triforce mark on your left palm and wish for the extinction of all sentient life. The Triforce glows brightly, before suddenly you are hit with an unimaginable pain in your head. You scream in agony as you feel your mind breaking under the pressure of the wish. Your Triforce mark begins to burn, as your skin and flesh begin to burn. Blood drips from your nose as you collapse to the floor from your bed and writhe in pain. Finally, all sentient life in the cosmos ends with a tiny chirp as a last lone cricket dies on some faraway planet.
No this definitely seems like the perfect result of such a wish.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man the AI really gets going when you start wishing for destruction
If it's been learning from participants I could imagine there's a lot of people that do destructive power-tripping runs with it.
Late summer's really punctuated with the MIIIINN MIIN MIIIIN of cicadas 'round here.
my cats or something must have knocked a saucer off my desk cause theres porcelain all over the floor but do i really feel like cleaning it up? I don't need my feet that much anyway
sir please think of the cognitive dissonance you'll be accosted of by allowing the mess to remain don't give up!
Man even with headphones on and audio playing I can hear the sounds of streetracers tearing down the parkway that runs through the valley. That's like half a kilometre from here, and not even in the direction my window is facing, cross a pretty densely forested segment of valley too. These motherfuckers must be racing really irresponsibly.
Though I will say as muted as it is it kinda sounds like faint, ominous violin playing, which at 02:30 at night sure is an interesting ambience.
>>867779 I feel this isn't going to do much to bring people in to Oculus. And rather them to flock to alternatives. Maybe if the Oculus held a dominant position in the VR market space it would be an evil-smart move. But I think there's more than enough competitors that it just makes Oculus less reasonable.
>>867779 this definitely would make me choose a competitor
>>867780 i got a gun no girls girls gotta die wake up in the morning like hau hau auwu auuwu auau
>>867784 Yeah it's neat after I was able to pinpoint the fuck that sound was. I'm generally pretty contemptuous of people who drive that recklessly on roads used as regularly as the parkway but I'll concede it makes some nice sounds late at night.
>>867789 I actually like the sound really distant cars make not like, freeway traffic but the occasional vehicle is kind of nice reminds you there's civilization out there
Doesn't happen much these days but when I was a kid, late at night you would hear train horns drift out from the valley, since there's train lines that run through there. That was always a weird kind of comfort to listen to. Even to this day I find distant train horns calming.
The flipside of this is that I really miss those train horns these days.
Maybe I should just take the plunge and get a new pair of headphones. There's not much left in mine that can fall apart without them literally falling to pieces and I'd rather not wait for them to be totally unusable before I can replace them.
>>867791 I know that feeling, used to hear the train horn every night when I was a kid myself Now there's too much urban sprawl between us and the train. You can't hear shit anymore. it's a shame
For a while i was in my alcoholic hikiNeet phase and didn't leave the house then I was working almost every evening, including weekends then I was overseas and now it's Corona.
So I've almost never been around live music.
I just realized This year might be the first year of my life that I haven't been to a concert.
>>867807 Would you go or are you just not that into music?
No way dude I dress like the Heath Ledger joker when I'm buying my erotic furry merchandise
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as expected of yoy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a bunch of losers on twitter to watch joshiraku and they don't understand it because their power levels are too low lol "i feel like a lot of this wordplay isn't translating well" no shit it's about rakugo
Yeah but the fansub group that covered the first batch of episodes was pretty good at getting the episodes out quick. The show was releasing between three and five episodes at the top of each week and the group was usually getting all the episodes out before the next set came out.
Had to bike out to the store to pick up a prescription for my mom and while I was there they had some really good sales on chocolate and cookies. So I've finally got some sweets to snack on again.
Also while I was out of the house I swung around to the outside wall my room borders and it looks like there might be some wasps at least still snooping around the crevices they were nesting in when I got back here. Hopefully they're not just nesting super deep where the spray didn't reach.
I'm making some Thai curry for dinner and my family really likes to put bok choy in the curry instead of something like broccoli, but like. It's really hard to get smaller quantities of bok choy here since they come in pre-packaged bags. I mean there's probably asian supermarkets that do by-weight or smaller bags but I don't think there's any that are easy to get to from my house. We don't make Thai curry too often and don't really use boy choy for anything else so it kinda has to get all used up in the curry or else go bad, so the curry always ends up with a fuck-tonne of bok choy in it. Which isn't much of a problem when there's other people in the house since at the least my mother tends to take more bok choy than other ingredients. But when I'm making food just for myself ... I like boy choy but I don't like it -this- much!
A tale of windows yesterday evening at around 22:45 after finishing gming a rpg session i noticed a paper hanging from my mailslot >tomorrow we will install new windows into your appartment, please clear a 1 metre minimum working space around any windows you have immediate murder rage mode activated and just go angry sleep call the guy responsible for the construction and give him a piece of my mind manage to get it done later, they later on the day pop up to ask if tomorrow is fine and by that time I had done half of the clearing work (dismantling a bookshelf, emptying three bookshelves, dismantling my xbox, ps3, tv, desktop and laptop set ups and emptying my work desk and ofc moving all of this stuff somewhere else and ofc having that somewhere else to move them into) and I said yes, tomorrow will be fine as long as you come as early as possible
and now I got a new notice down my mailslot >due to sickness/sick leave we will be postponing window installation to 24.8 sure fine but now I will have to suffer it on monday I intended to do *to start some major cleaning and waxing of the entire appartments floors, since I now had cleared half the floor space anyhow
I really should have stolen those unguarded industrial drills few months back
I'm really missing my slippers by this point. Not just for comfort of walking around, but even in the middle of summer when it gets cold enough at night my toes just end up frigid despite wearing socks. They're not thick wool socks sure but they're also not thin-as-fuck cotton socks either; more kinda in the middle. I've requested my family bring the pair I left up north home when they return but that's still like a week and a half out, if they remember. I'd hate for the cold season to come around and I'm still slipper-less.
>>867862 I'd wear a welcome hell shirt if I could find ome that actually had the real design. I've only seen ones for sale that miss the part on the sleeve.
A client was just describing to me some of the worst abuse I've ever heard at a treatment center she went to in 2014. Stuff that made even me distressed to hear about. After the session, I looked them up, but all I can find is a facebook group that says it's for survivors with people talking about their experiences there being abuse. When I google the place, the first two pages of results are all links to their center's website.
I just introduced one of my friends to the daily dose meme.
yeah exactly There's no news articles about the law suits, there's nothing.
In fact, when I look it up, the wikipedia page for the hospital doesn't come up until at least the second page. And then the wikipedia page is really small and doesn't mention any of it either.
It almost looks like the place // like everything has been scrubbed of information of the place. I can find a few mentions of it in the news, like "welcome so and so to the board of directors" and stuff like that. But that's really it. It's frankly bizarre.
>>867931 i could hop into ai dungeon and give that a whirl it might get confused with all the different levels of AIs tho gotta give them different names and personalities
Or you could just let it be absolutely confused and enjoy the chaos
Apparently the director for Deca-Dence did an AMA on Reddit According to them Kaburagi's original character design was supposed to be more of a Doc Brown kind of visual appearance. And the robo-people keep getting referred to as cyborgs so I wonder if there's still supposed to be a human component to them. I though they were pretty much all robot AI by this point.
>This past weekend’s extraordinary weather event, with thousands of lightning strikes, wreaked havoc and destruction on California’s forests and communities and choked our air. Tens of thousands of acres of land are ablaze, hundreds of thousands of people are in communities that have been harmed, and millions are breathing smoke and ash at a time when they are already vulnerable from the global pandemic. It feels apocalyptic. where were you when big basin was kill?
i was chillin on the computer, there were lightning storms here in BC too can't believe how fucked california is hope they recover and somehow find a way to mitigate these fires