Hi hey hello How'd your weekend go? After like half a year of checking I was finally able to pick up Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch. Because of the accessories stock in it is always really hard to find. It's a surprisingly fun game, while also being very tiring, hah hah
Appare-Ranman Enen no Shouboutai Gibiate Kanojo, Okarishimasu Koi to Producer Lapis ReLights Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 18-19 Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
I think it's a useful pick-up for people like me who don't really get as much exercise as they need but lack the executive function to get into the habit. Something externally game-ifying the activity is a big help.
I've talked about it in previous epiodes -episodes hah hah It's very distracting to me. Also kinda looks some real half-assed lipstick.
Kosame really threw some chaos into the mix by naming that ... ferret? whatever, Hototo.
I get the feeling that masked guy who's supposed to be Gil is an impostor the actual driver's suited up. Since it's always the driver who's doing the talking. Maybe the real Gil's been dead since the times they were actually bandits.
Ah wow this crowd's a bunch of assholes. I guess it's probably par the course for how most Americans would've treated natives at this time though.
Well okay I guess the reveal wasn't far off. Oh they're both impostors.
Well I suspect the real Gil//
Hah hah wow Appare.
But yeah I suspect the real Gil is probably in this race too then.
Time for them to go to CHINA Or at least what's left of it.
"Spatial rift" sounds like a whole other degree of fantasy than what we've seen so far. It's all been fire and creative extensions of the fire-creating process for phenomenon so far.
Oh shit this other guy has a real cool pyrokinetic power. Plus he uses the fire spears to give lift to a snowboard.
Oh no going into a boss battle high as a kite does not sound smart.
Hah hah the crows talk to. What is this development.
It's just a few animals, huh. They do kind of have a distinctly different look to them than other animals.
Ah yeah it must e pretty surreal for people like Shinra and a lot of the Fire Soldiers. That were born and lived their entire lives in the mega-city Tokyo, to come out into the middle of nowhere like this.
Yeah, I guess that's why most of the remaining population has clustered into cities like Tokyo. The uninhabited world seems like a proper hellscape.
Interesting coincidence that the only part of the world that we've seen totally flush with natural life has been here, and around Tokyo. Both of which have these nuclear reactor looking thingies they call Amaterasu.
Oh looks like that weird lady who slipped into Shinra's brain still seems to be around in some form.
Man this took a sharp swerve into left field and hit the gas.
Interesting episode bust it still really just setup
Yeah, we got a lot of questions and not really any answers. It's cool to get a story shake-up from the monster-of-the-week stuff with the Infernals and the faction warfare though.
I like that even though he is like a crazy powerful reincarnated demon lord, he's really good to his parents.
Oh his bitchy teacher is related to the person he just walloped.
>>867426 He's a really nice guy overall really. Like he treats everyone with respect, as long as they show it to him. And he definitely has a part of his heart reserved for his parents, yeah.
What a nice kid.
Wow he just took the sword in his arm and pierced his skin with fingers alone.
Yeah it looks like his raibaru is being forced to be evil to save his sick mom.
Considering they just drew clear attention to the rule that you can't compete in the tournament without your registed magic sword. I'm worried someone might try to go for his mom to steal his sword.
Speaking of series with good worldbuilding, this one does some pretty interesting stuff with its fantasy elements. Spirits eing -being a fantasy race whose physical existence is linked to the perpetuation of their spiritual existence is a neat concept. I might have to steal that idea.
He did another "Sasuga Anos-sama" moment there. Just composing a brand new magic spell on the spot.
That's another pretty neat thing about Anos. He seems like he tries to find solutions that don't end up with someone permanently dead even when he's trying to punish them.
bakemonogatari is so goddamn good
This author seems to have a real soft spot for mothers.
I hope we see more of the reincarnated bitchy teacher. She could have a fun character arc if the author wants to write that.
After going to the trouble of doing that, I'm sure we'll see more of her. I imagine she ends up in the harem since whatever he did also made her younger.
rewatching bakemonogatari has been very dokidoki for me i feel like maybe i'm too easy my heart is too malleable maybe that's why i've been afraid to respond to her text
>>867452 i'm guessing that she shows up because MC-kun is a dumbass and things can ONLY get worse b/c of it
I think we get to meet girl three this episode. Wait yeah we saw her in the PV last week.
>>867448 Yeah that's more or less in line with what I'm expecting too. The Asuka of his duo didn didn't end up being much of a tsundere so maybe she could fill the role of being a proper bitchy tsundere for him.
do you use classic /moe/ theme? i've been using ashita for so long that i forgot about orange
Yeah. I've experimented around with the other themes but I find the classic theme the best. I can't really do white-text-on-black like Ashita does. Discord is about as dark as I can take dark mode UIs before looking at the white text gives me more eyestrain than black-text on white.
I mean she's obviously not put off by him all too much. But I don't think she really has strong feelings for him yet. Just the sparks of something.
The MC is really a "one step forward, two steps back" kind of person. Every iota of moral and mature development he takes seems to be accompanied with wild flailing backwards in addition.
he's said her name in a questioning tone so many times in this show
Oh she's got to put up the act while their on university campus now too. What a pain in the ass he's making this for her.
if you're gonna do it, go all out if not, you could play this off well enough
Well first kisses in romcom fiction like this tend to be Very Important moments. I don't think it would've flown to throw it away for a deceit like that.
if they actually end up dating by the end of the story, or if god forbid he actually grows as a person by an amount worth caring about i'll eat my own hat and my boots too
Well Chizuru is First Girl. That carries a lot of power in harem romcoms.
Though I will say that there's recently been a lot of upsets in romcoms. BokuBen and Go-Toubun both ended their manga recently and had some surprise winners.
well yeah, she's obviously the Yukino of this show but like there's no way in hell he actually becomes a decent human, and their romance can't actually come to any sort of meaningful fruition it would require a complete paradigm shift in the show's format
One of the best manga in Shounen Jump ended last week because the author got arrested for groping middle school girls ;_;
well there was basically no dokidoki for me this episode only anger
You really need to learn to enjoy the process. These kinds of shows are great popcorn shows.
there's shows like this i enjoy! but this guy is just a mess he barely hangs on to believability mizuhara and mami showing even a little bit of interest in him despite the rather obvious mental issues he has is also barely clinging on to a thread of suspension of disbelief Kibe was cool though honestly mami is probably the most relatable character in the show, even if i think she's a total bitch
Yeah I think I saw that Kirara dropped it because of how unironically incel the MC is hah hah. I don't blame him for it but I can handle all sorts of horrible characters. As long as they have a personality I don't care how awful they are.
mami's the only one whose motivations make sense, even if they're morally bankrupt
I can kinda understand Chizuru. Once you get caught up in something messy and weird some times it takes a titanic amount of energy to slam the brakes down and stop it, as opposed to just going with the flow. Even if going with the flow is exhausting in the long run.
i guess the pressure from the grandparents also forces her hand quite a bit she's in a weird position overall she also needs the income to live
but her damage control is rapidly deteriorating if anything this show is a tragedy about how a girl who would otherwise likely lead a successful and fulfilling life became a rental girlfriend and got caught up with scum
Yeah. Isn't it a lot of fun?
no ;_;
i like when hanekawa is like "shiteru koto dake" i don't like when hanekawa is like "nyaaaa"
thanks for anime! i'll try to be around for deca and yahari this week