Thread #868013
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bang's pre-weekend hype thread
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Search [iqdb] (662 KB, 471x811, I'm Gonna Fuck You Up.PNG )
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 750x749, poggers.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 05:19 No. 868046
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20200820-235903.jpg )
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FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:02 No. 868116
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20200820-235903.jpg )
Oh fuck wrong picture
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:03 No. 868117
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 928x667, Screenshot_20200820-234024.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 780x1135, mayonegg.jpg )
mfw the only other poster on is rei
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:04 No. 868120
>>868119 Don't be afraid of that egg.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:07 No. 868124
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 640x931, qonk53cganr31.png )
Search [iqdb] (911 KB, 1000x1500, EY_baNcUcAEzlSl.jpg )
Do you hear that? It is the soud of a million human voices begging for mercy! Delicious~
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 06:19 No. 868136
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, mugi.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 06:20 No. 868139
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:23 No. 868143
>>868136 Why does she have two sets of eyebrows?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 06:24 No. 868147
i remember /a/
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 491x691, hitagi.jpg )
my favorite thing about /a/ is waifu wars in every harem anime thread
they're always fun
Oh yeah new Higurashi remake anime PV>>>/watch?v=D2ESrHb6utY
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:34 No. 868151
>>868150 Cool
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 06:45 No. 868152
>>868148 wow what a slut
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 06:51 No. 868153
>>868152 How can she be a slut if she never had sex with Araragi?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 07:42 No. 868154
yUOXR XIFU xi @ slty
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 07:44 No. 868155
>>868154 Are you having a stroke?
Samu are you okay
It's kind of stupid how much I can rely on taking a shower to make my eyes unbearable to keep open. While it's not quite sleep-inducing it's like most of the way there. Whenever I try to explain the phenomenon it seems to make no sense to people but for years it's been the most reliable way of trying to convince my body to sleep.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 07:52 No. 868158
>>868157 I'm jealous.
>>868157 i know this feeling and i hate it i nearly fall asleep in the shower constantly
Hm, it's never in the actual shower it's always in the following hours for me. I've called it my eyes drying out and needing to be shut before but that really just sounds dumb anyway. I almost wonder if it's a Pavlovian response since I've bathed/showered before bed since before I can even consciously remember things. That doesn't feel correct either though.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 08:01 No. 868161
Conditioned response would be good. I don't remember off the top of my head exactly what makes something pavlovian but even if it is pavlovian conditioned response would still be correct. It's also correct if it isn't pavlovian.
>>868157 have cold showers
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 09:00 No. 868163
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Yama no Susume - T(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 09:06 No. 868164
Night /moe/
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 09:22 No. 868165
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 12:08 No. 868167
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 600x936, IMG_20200815_092840.jpg )
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 12:09 No. 868168
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x720, [SallySubs] Wakaba Girl - 04 [(…).jpg )
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 12:13 No. 868169
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1920x1080, [Judas] The Quintessential Qui(…).jpg )
i thought I was going to be crushed under the weight of SAD THOUGHTS then i cooked myself dinner a nice curry. Now things are slightly better.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 12:32 No. 868170
hell yeah im gonna make curry tomorrow
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 12:35 No. 868171
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi S(…).jpg )
curry wa psycho da
Search [iqdb] (277 KB, 1920x1080, 20200821070158_1.jpg )
gg crossplay so ez omg I can't stop winning
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 724x1024, IMG_20200821_020131.jpg )
there's not enough t ime in the day it's not fuvkin fair
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 15:54 No. 868174
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 15:58 No. 868176
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 800x1600, IMG_6361.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 16:00 No. 868178
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 16:21 No. 868179
>>868177 im cri>>868178 oh no
Search [iqdb] (366 KB, 720x610, Screenshot_2020-08-22-00-45-11-31.png )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 18:38 No. 868181
its fuckin POURING outside holy f weekend doesn't start till tomorrow
What if it rains all weekend long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 18:39 No. 868183
there's no way this level of rain continues its gonna splurge all its colorless odorless proteinless cummies all over the city tonight
Search [iqdb] (342 KB, 616x635, Disappointment.PNG )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 18:40 No. 868185
oh we in for a big thunderstorm too
Cicadas in full swing again today How nice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 19:13 No. 868187
apple about to hit 500 wat da fak
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 700x508, 1597965294837.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 3968x2240, IMG_20200821_225229.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=4pKJ-NuSjNE This looks like an absolutely gorgeous game.
>>>/watch?v=UWsYE304k94 Ah gosh the animated trailer's also so good.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 20:28 No. 868192
looks pleasant do you build the boat custom
Yeah, it seems to have a customization feature. Not sure how robust it is but it seems there's a bunch of modules you can set out however you please.
Oh yeah and Untitled Goose Game has become Untitled Geese Game.
multiplayer geese?
Yeah, it's getting a free two-player co-op soon-ish.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 20:58 No. 868197
holy shit everyone gotta get it so we can honk together
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 20:58 No. 868198
let's honk together alright
>>868198 Hey look at this>>868190 >>868191 Because it looks adorable and has a mushroom character
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 21:01 No. 868200
i am bout ta walk into group! i will check it out during the break
Good luck grouping
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 21:02 No. 868202
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 21:20 No. 868203
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1920x1080, [Nii-sama] Slow Start - 08 [10(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 21:23 No. 868204
>>868203 Can you make that face?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 21:26 No. 868205
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 21:48 No. 868206
>>868197 a company named Honk reached out to me 2day it's a sogn
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 21:49 No. 868207
>>868206 Nice What do they do?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/21 (金) 21:50 No. 868208
>>868199 that looks amazing and also nice mushroom>>868206 a good sogn time to become the honkmeister
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 22:02 No. 868209
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1280x720, Mitsuboshi Colors - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 23:01 No. 868210
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1920x1080, [Doki] Hai to Gensou no Grimga(…).jpg )
I'd like to find more anime like this one.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/21 (金) 23:03 No. 868211
>>868210 Good luck
>>868210 Hm, that's a tough one. Grimgar is pretty unique. Know_Name, the group that did all the music for it, both instrumental and vocalised, did the same for Dorohedoro, but that is a drastically different series in about every other aspect. Shield Hero has some similarities in being crapsack worlds and, at least early on, a focus on scrounging money as a dire necessity for survival. It's a different kind of aesthetic but I think Honzuki no Gekokujou has a similar focus on character story and living in the isekai world rather than some big sweeping plot to save the world or whatnot. In terms of visual aesthetic it kinda reminds me a bit of Somali to Mori no Kamisama which is a good series but totally different elsewise from Grimgar. Those are what come to mind at the least as closest semblances. Like I said, Grimgar is pretty stand-out in its vibes though.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/21 (金) 23:55 No. 868213
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Animegataris - 11 (…).jpg )
>>868212 Thanks. I might check out Honzuki no gekokujou
It's a good series! The animation quality is a bit doofy at times but the writing is surprisingly tight and the world is well-realized.
babby soon
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 00:21 No. 868216
Oh no
call me unkie anon
I should hop the border for like ten minutes see if I can score two weeks to chill in a hotel
woke up and there's like two different things playing who even has the attention for dat
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 02:29 No. 868223
Find yourself a woman who will save your gundams
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 940x1000, IMG_20200822_122707.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 02:44 No. 868226
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 02:52 No. 868227
>>868222 Based
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:06 No. 868229
>>868226 You
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:07 No. 868230
thanks for the You
youuuuyouyou eeee ee
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:07 No. 868232
>>>/watch?v=75kHq9cHSEg >>868230 You're welcome
wosh ( Download) whoah woah woah
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:08 No. 868234
>>868233 Whoa isn't here right now, but you can leave a message after the beep. Beep
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:09 No. 868235
oh i didnt write TONIGHT tho but yes old school meme
whoa whoa whoa ass ahoy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:09 No. 868237
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:09 No. 868238
Search [iqdb] (632 KB, 1000x1412, $RUX84W0.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:10 No. 868239
>>868237 Have you ever looked at the cast list of Antz? It's actually kind of impressive.
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1276x668, Amiiboo.jpg )
mario make her
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:14 No. 868241
Make her? I hardly know her!
thank you as always for your service here's your military discount
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:15 No. 868243
>>868242 Domo
that will be 19.75 plus tip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:19 No. 868245
>>868240 pog i thought they were done updating it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:22 No. 868246
Canucks are beating St Louis 4-0 i wonder where moon is
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:22 No. 868247
Yeah, I miss moon.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1604x1372, __ooyodo_kasumi_and_ashigara_k(…).png )
>>868245 I bought ring fit too>>868247 I wonder how they're going O hope they're okay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:24 No. 868249
oh man i wanna get a ring fit adventure goin
It's pretty fun. You end up running for like seven minutes almost straight and barely notice.
Search [iqdb] (4.1 MB, 1970x4160, IMG20200822132744.jpg )
babby hAil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:28 No. 868252
gay bowser jail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:29 No. 868253
is it ok to eat while horny asking for a friend
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:29 No. 868255
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:29 No. 868256
google says: horngry
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:35 No. 868257
Oh no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 03:37 No. 868258
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 03:40 No. 868259
>>868258 I don't know this character but this is funny.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 03:54 No. 868260
>>868253 no that's illegal.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 04:10 No. 868261
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 04:23 No. 868262
>>868238 suzu!
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 1441x1557, IMG_20200822_005954.jpg )
babby has landed I repeat babby has landed
Search [iqdb] (797 KB, 2480x3507, korwa.jpg )
how is babby formed
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 05:37 No. 868266
>>868265 Very carefully
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 05:41 No. 868267
>>868262 >>>/watch?v=YRi6GBF5zB0
Search [iqdb] (540 KB, 866x1169, haruka.jpg )
it's marsh!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 05:43 No. 868269
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 1920x1080, [FFA] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - (…).jpg )
>>868264 Congratulations
>>868269 it was my sister's babby>>868270 thanx>>868266 no it's not
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 06:00 No. 868272
wow good job uncle
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 06:05 No. 868273
>>868271 Oh no
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 06:06 No. 868274
I'm going t McDonald's, anyone want anything?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 06:07 No. 868275
lmfao i didnt sel my call before expiration and it was actually in the money so now i have 1000 shares of corn wtf
how much you sellin for I'll buy
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 06:08 No. 868277
>>868275 Wait Corn Futures?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 06:08 No. 868278
hopefully i dont get delivered a truck of covs
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 06:08 No. 868279
Also Apparently there was an earthquake in Detroit.
>>868274 corn
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 07:11 No. 868281
>>868280 Too late
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 07:39 No. 868282
>>868276 tree fiddy
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 07:59 No. 868283
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1500x1456, 1598081428904.png )
Wg *Wich Chaika wuld u fug?
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 08:29 No. 868284
Night /moe/
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 09:04 No. 868285
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1920x1080, [DB]The Testament of Sister Ne(…).jpg )
Yikes there's a runescape vtuber
Are they you?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 09:09 No. 868287
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1920x1080, [pingpong] Shakunetsu no Takky(…).jpg )
ah man I'd be real good at that.. I'd make my voice as deep and blokely and masculine and bogan as possible and choose the cutest anime avatar Go for some of that HUMOROUS JUXTAPOSITION
Well what do you have to lose?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 09:11 No. 868289
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1920x1080, [Kawaiika-Raws] Machikado Mazo(…).jpg )
no camera
you make me feel my eyes are real
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 11:31 No. 868291
whose eyes are those eyes
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 11:33 No. 868292
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1920x1080, Dororo - 24 (1920x1080 HEVC2 E(…).jpg )
real eyes realize real lies
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1602x822, Wow the history.JPG )
25 hour touhou station stream time
porn on the front page the bad kind
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 1612x2048, IMG_20200822_122754.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 17:05 No. 868298
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, mugi.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 19:36 No. 868300
i swear to haruhi if one more twatter writes "let that sink in"
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 19:38 No. 868301
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 19:39 No. 868302
zup dei
its almost my bday!!!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 20:04 No. 868304
zoop da shoop it's time to fedex a big pack of meat for ma boi
heh how about we just do drugs instead
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 20:24 No. 868306
>>868303 Cool!
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 20:44 No. 868307
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 21:10 No. 868308
>>868304 let that sink in.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 21:49 No. 868309
GRRAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHAAAAHHHH ANTS ANTS employee asks me "did they ID you already?" i say "no im a spy" they take my ID and look at it and me, i don't remove my mask "NY state eh" obtain product
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/22 (土) 21:53 No. 868310
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:04 No. 868311
i could have said yes easily idk what the point of that question was lol
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/22 (土) 22:08 No. 868312
This manga is good.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:10 No. 868313
cyberpunk 2077 is two digit days away has been for a week or so i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:19 No. 868314
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:32 No. 868315
>>868313 wait really wow that's soon are you gonna get it
Unless it gets delayed again Hoh hoh hoh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:52 No. 868317
>>868315 OF COURSH november huh guess it got delayed from sept i want to be the sombra
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:53 No. 868318
im still pretty on the fence about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:56 No. 868319
yeah? im a little scared in that i bought the witcher collection and then was like "what is this nonsense"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 22:57 No. 868320
witcher 3 gave me like a billion quests and HUD elements and i noped out idk everyone says it's great maybe i need to give it another chance witcher 1 was too outdated and i couldnt take it seriously lol
CD Projekt RED writes some amazing worlds and character stories into their games and they've got a maniacal attention to detail in world construction that doesn't get stupid like horse balls in RDR2. But their game's gameplay rarely ages well and honestly was the weakest part of Witchei Witcher 3. In probably gonna get Cyberpunk because the world is hella cool to me but I'll wait a bit at least to see how the gameplay is. And I'll probably be pretty busy when it's releasing anyway.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:12 No. 868322
>>868319 i played 100 hours of witcher and didn't beat it so i completely lost interest i may return someday but it's so much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:17 No. 868323
>>868322 ohhh wow 100 hours
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:17 No. 868324
i put quite a few hours into disco eysium when the weather turns bad i ought to finish that
I've watched an hour or so of Disco Elysium gameplay it looks outright hilariously engaging. I should pick it up, maybe after I play through Spiritfarer.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:24 No. 868326
>>868323 it's too much for me i was getting close to the end but then there were also like 3 DLCs to play
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:26 No. 868327
3? wow i tthink playin the base game is enough for me i don't do completionist plays anyway
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 900x600, 1376089981591.jpg )
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/22 (土) 23:35 No. 868329
>>868327 I really liked the world so i wanted to do it experience a lot of it at least but yeah it's so big makes me nervous about cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is probably gonna be fuck-huge compared to Witcher 3. If not in map size, in map height. Since it's near-future tech age they can do towering skyscrapers in a way they couldn't really do with Medieval-era construction in Witcher 3.
Search [iqdb] (574 KB, 1500x1200, 1376278139014.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=IhVf_3TeTQE They're doing a Batman game but Batman is "dead" so it's up to his kids to be the crimefighters. I like how Robin and Batgirl fight.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 00:00 No. 868333
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1920x1080, [AnimeFreak] Bokutachi wa Benk(…).jpg )
!Jad kc 2
Are you all right Marsh
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 00:04 No. 868335
Search [iqdb] (206 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night(…).jpg )
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 00:10 No. 868336
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 00:10 No. 868337
i watched every mad max movie for the first time today pretty good stuff
I've only seen Fury Road but that was pretty fun. Australia sure is a hellscape.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 00:11 No. 868339
the only one id say is bad is 1 that movie was....... immensely bad boring and incoherent 2 > 3 = 4 > 1 imo
Search [iqdb] (356 KB, 720x1280, smiling keion.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 00:50 No. 868341
>>868332 oh yeah i saw that on twitters i wanna be the batgirls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 00:51 No. 868342
i wonder if deadpool mode is cheats enabled mode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 01:24 No. 868343 fuckin canadian cartel i s2g
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 01:27 No. 868344
are you serious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 01:32 No. 868345
i'm gonna stream spiritfarer later
It's a good fun game. Though it does keep throwing stuff at you to manage. That kinda kicks my resource management brain into high gear but if you're more laidback it's probably fine. I don't really think there's major penalties to letting anything slack.>>868343 Canadian data prices are the absolute worst. The only reason I get pseudo-unlimited data for like 35 CAD a month is because I've been grandfathered from an old plan that doesn't exist anymore. And I don't even get reception outside of major cities so, I mean, eh.
>>868338 it's a pretty good representation of the Australian driving experience
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 01:53 No. 868348
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 02:08 No. 868349
ayy we're goin to bendygo morty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 02:19 No. 868351
GUH game didn't download cuz smash was open every freakin' time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 02:55 No. 868352
here we go
Ah, finally
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 02:57 No. 868354
Search [iqdb] (4.0 MB, 754x555, 1598070415323.gif )
the chef asked me again if i was interested in culinary school but this time got incredibly specific by asking if i was interested in The Culinary Institute of America in new york>>868356 i am line cook yes
pan are you a cooksman
i was a line cook for a few months once it was aight
i really really enjoy cooking, so that part was cool restaurants are horrible businesses to be in though
>>868355 Might be he's got an afflliation with the school. It seems like he thinks you'd be worthy of it though.
>>868355 become Chef
Destroyer of Worlds
>>>/watch?v=qQQXJkYvGfU .
yo i'm so tired of my friends thinking its fucking comedy gold to act overly gay and pinch my nips and touch my butt
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 03:55 No. 868364
>>868363 Have you tried asking them to not?
>>868364 no i dont want it to happen morr but i'll still be annoyed by them being gay towards eachother and thinking they're kings of comedy
Thanks for streaming Samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 04:26 No. 868367
woot thanks for watchin i am increasing my harem
Atul is such a jolly guy. I like him a lot.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 05:00 No. 868369
>>868365 Get better friends.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 06:22 No. 868370
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 07:19 No. 868371
Night /moe/
It's the middle of the night and I'm stuck in a weird sort of melancholy. A whole lot of feelings and not really the capacity to get through them. So I guess I'll just marinate.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 09:41 No. 868373
>>868372 >>>/watch?v=QjotuoPXIvg
ok im almost done celebrating my bday then its back to the daily grind...
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 12:01 No. 868375
Happy Birthday.
Search [iqdb] (389 KB, 1200x1869, IMG_20200822_013903.jpg )
woow it's your birthday shoulda said so earlier happy birthday
no on tuesday it is in just celebrating today sorry for the condusion
rise and grind gamers time to get this birthday mone
i spent my bday money on hookers and blow
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 12:07 No. 868380
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1280x720, [Anime Kaizoku] Sankarea Episo(…).jpg )
>>868377 Well happy birthday for Tuesday. >>868376 cool image thanks for posting.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 12:11 No. 868381
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 12:15 No. 868382
>>868379 did you get summer bb?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 12:16 No. 868383
>>868381 He should have used a baseball bat.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 12:20 No. 868384
the evolution of QTEs
quicktime was a mistake
Search [iqdb] (4.0 MB, 1334x750, C2652EB2-00D8-45AC-9638-15AE108C2F35.png )
>>868382 hey
ya my summer bb is level 99 i need only accouple more exp fr 100 and shes got like 1700 with gold fous
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 13:31 No. 868388
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo (…).jpg )
>>868386 oh nice! now be honesthow much did you spend?
>>868388 only $400
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 13:37 No. 868390
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 13:38 No. 868391
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 848x480, [HorribleSubs] Denki-gai no Ho(…).jpg )
>>868389 You know some people might say that's a problem But not me You're on my friends list and I can use your BB I think it's fantastic.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 13:41 No. 868392
>>868389 hey youre not me but youre actually not that far off
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 14:12 No. 868394
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 1920x1080, [Lazy Lily] Yama no Susume - 0(…).jpg )
i was fooled because it seemed plausible
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1357x1461, IMG_20200823_234138.jpg )
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 15:15 No. 868396
>>868394 im pretty good at it
id habeeb it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 16:45 No. 868398
>>868384 ugh
Search [iqdb] (♫, 12s, 3.6 MB, 1920x1080, 19d32e5554e6c135.mp4 )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 16:55 No. 868400
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1301x693, $R6WQXEM.jpg )
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 17:03 No. 868401
>>868398 isn't it great
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 17:07 No. 868402
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 650x366, $RK429DA.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 17:09 No. 868403
Search [iqdb] (491 KB, 1080x1080, $R87KMH9.jpg )
apparently ring fit adventure is "almost out of stock" at a walmart on the edge of the city hmm seems like a bait
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 17:21 No. 868404
why is this even allowed tho horse tranquilizer
house tranquilizer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 18:11 No. 868406
king tranquilizer
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 18:48 No. 868407
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 18:57 No. 868408
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 19:46 No. 868409
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 20:08 No. 868410
>>868404 america
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 21:35 No. 868411
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 3024x4032, 45A33D04-32D4-4E39-8045-F81C2E13351C.jpeg )
windy day must be at least 50 sailboats in view
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 22:13 No. 868412
Isn't the NY Post kinda tabloid-y
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 23:01 No. 868414
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Keep]_Nodame_Cantabile_(…).jpg )
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddee Rs made me change my account name Not semen princess the other one.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 23:02 No. 868415
>>868414 RIP What was it?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/23 (日) 23:02 No. 868416
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1920x1080, [AnimeFreak] Bokutachi wa Benk(…).jpg )
So Kwuarm is a herb in the game that you use to make potions And thee account was called 'Kwuarm Rag' kind of like a play on words
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/23 (日) 23:03 No. 868417
Wow I can't believe they made you change it. That sucks dude.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 23:11 No. 868418
Search [iqdb] (457 KB, 900x900, 2BD8E2B2-A485-4960-BCB0-0759F349F4EC.jpeg )
fuck da policia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 23:12 No. 868419
windforce returns BRRRRRR
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/23 (日) 23:34 No. 868421
wind 🌬️
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 00:09 No. 868422
ain't no laws when you're the god of wind godnado
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 00:45 No. 868423
Search [iqdb] (552 KB, 809x1693, Screenshot_20200823-204442_Twitter.jpg )
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 00:45 No. 868424
Search [iqdb] (415 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20200823-204508_Twitter.jpg )
>>868423 It's almost as if the words all are made up and the meanings don't matter. Isn't this something that's been obvious for a long time now. Or are people still chasing the philisophical idea of intrinsic meaning. Do we really need a computer to tell us otherwise.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 00:51 No. 868426
i guess there are still people who are chasing that idea........ somehow?
imagine having to submit a REQUEST to follow somebody on a public platform
I think it's fine to offer privacy if people want it.
>>>/watch?v=P5LLhoKfI1E This looks like a cute movie.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 01:57 No. 868430
nice thumbnail
i wanna watch it
Yeah hopefully someone picks it up once it gets a hard release. Can be a bit of a toss-up some times with movies that don't have something attached to them that gives them western fame. Like Makoto Shinkai's still will always get subbed, or a KyoAni movie. Bones is a bit of a big name but even then an original movie by them might get passed up.
these companies always make such good-looking PVs and then even the parts of the anime that are in the PV can look much worse on release how do they do that
Search [iqdb] (15s, 1.8 MB, 960x658, f6aNHOJ.mp4 )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 03:12 No. 868576
boop cold day at the beach
Summer's winding down ;_; I didn't really do much during it. Though I guess few people did. This sure has been a hell of a year.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 03:28 No. 868599
we'll have a few more nice days i hope
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 03:29 No. 868602
September here is usually pretty warm and sunny. The lake effect off Lake Ontario is pretty strong. We get into summer late but keep it pretty late too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 03:29 No. 868604
toight like a taiga
i don't work until noon tomorrow happy dayyyyyy
anime >>868657 →
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1200x1600, 80049732_p0.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 05:35 No. 868766
I just watched all of Conception. It was much better than I expected.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 06:12 No. 868791
vinny's streaming AI dungeon again
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 3968x2240, IMG_20200824_093717.jpg )
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 06:57 No. 868806
anime and vodka
Not a bad combination.
i will miss my double insect net
Ah, August 24th this year marks ten years since Satoshi Kon's passing. His movies were always a great watch. Too many people sleep on Tokyo Godfathers.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 07:30 No. 868810
Big F
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/24 (月) 09:25 No. 868811
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1920x1080, [EggPain-Raws&ANK-Raws] Sansha(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 09:25 No. 868812
>>868811 Have you seen Conception? I recommend it as a mediocre anime to watch while playing RuneScape. Although if you do that you may miss some funny details.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/24 (月) 09:26 No. 868813
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Zero - 03 (…).jpg )
Alright cool I'll add it to the listalmost finished Dual
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 09:27 No. 868814
>>868813 >Almost finished Dual I had thought you finished it like a month ago.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/24 (月) 09:28 No. 868815
i watched like 10 episodes then stopped
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 09:28 No. 868816
>>868815 Ah
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 09:53 No. 868817
I accidentally spoiled myself for some really deep Tenchi lore related to Dual just now ;_;
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 10:10 No. 868818
Night /moe/
I accidentally soiled myself
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 12:02 No. 868821
>>868819 gross
ready for more Apple calls, Sam?
>>>/watch?v=u77M-oANRtQ the madman used hallelujah again
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1800x2560, 21562v5.jpg )
>>868823 wait this is a new movie or just recut/shot of the justice league?
speaking of bad cape movies that new suicide squad looked really bad lol they got some dude in a polka dot suit like wtf?
polka-dot man that apparently is a real character
I've got a toothache comin on I think
>>868828 have u been brushin a flossin?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 15:36 No. 868830
>>868822 \ whoops i missed open damn there was an entry point 40 min ago eh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 15:44 No. 868831
yeahhh if TSLA could get back above 2000 that would be greaat
>>868829 been brushin a bit never floss though
oh shiid
>>868830 yeah. i should have waited a little longer. I'm on the border between positive and negative but it's probably going to jolt in a direction by the end of today if not tomorrow
a direction, as in, i've got no clue if this will work out wwww
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 15:56 No. 868836
gamburu~ if it jolts downwards today i'm gonna be hurtin for a few days
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 15:58 No. 868837
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 15:59 No. 868838
AAPL movin on up >>>/watch?v=6BUV8zf20_U
probably wasn't the best idea to turn trad talk into memes
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 1447x2039, 82536766_p0.png )
budweiser is quite bad tho not the worst beer but quite bad so what is bud light even?
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1700x1538, hayashittedare_kyoukosayaka.png )
the colonies are united in their low quality beer, it would seem
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 16:11 No. 868843
lol "take canada back" is supposed to be the new maga are these guys jokers
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 16:17 No. 868844
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 16:19 No. 868845
what's new rei
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 16:20 No. 868846
I have class in 40 minutes.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 16:33 No. 868847
I just realized I don't know where my notebook is.
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 622x320, asw-logo-622.png )
this can't really be a logo
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 16:34 No. 868849
>>868848 Why not?
it's an ms paint squiggle if I ever saw one
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 16:36 No. 868851
I've seen worse logos.
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 739x559, __kadotani_anzu_girls_und_panz(…).png )
>>868848 that will be 29 000 dollars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 16:49 No. 868853
burn me six feet deep pls and cover me in concrete
>>868852 >>>/watch?v=gYHR8XyaqsE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 16:56 No. 868855
these stupid corn shares made me 200 bux somehow lmao
corn the great staple
3am ricecream time
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 17:51 No. 868858
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH My class started 50 minutes ago and we've only done attendance and introductions. And introductions aren't even over.
konnichiwa rei d esuwa
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 17:53 No. 868860
There's a guy with the last name Butt. And another one with the name Espino which is one letter away from Espio, like the chameleon from Sonic.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 18:11 No. 868861
guh everyone has to do intros? freakin academia
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 18:12 No. 868862
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 1240x1754, IMG_20200824_065814.jpg )
sometimes professors gotta fluff for time
>>868862 I want this wait beep boop
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 18:37 No. 868864
>>868862 LLuckily we ended 45 minutes early. She had some interesting rational for making the
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 18:38 No. 868865
Students introduce themselves but I don't remember it because I forgot to take my adderal. She seems like a cool teacher.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 18:42 No. 868866
I'm still surprised about the guy whose last name is butt.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 19:03 No. 868867
haha die leafy die
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 20:37 No. 868868
oh shit i found ring fit for MSRP bois
FormerRei@mobile 2020/08/24 (月) 20:51 No. 868869
>>868868 Omedetou
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/08/24 (月) 22:35 No. 868871
>>868870 → >>868870 →
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/08/25 (火) 09:52 No. 868966
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 01 [BD 72(…).jpg )