Just as a note, we are likely only getting two shows tomorrow, Black Clover and Cute Girls Doing Fishing Things Which would leave us with them and two episodes of Railgun back to back.
we're probably going to be playing it all together things are complicated
Hm, well if that's the case I can kinda see why. At least you're all adults enough to cooperate in your job that you pay to work at.
>>866004 technically it's today the maintenance is probably gonna end sometime around 6 or 7 hours from now
Does that mean you'll be distracted tomorrow, or just outright not here for anime?
>The top three participants will fight as a team I guess that's why the three pals of the main cast all stick together. They're the Seoul team.
>>866014 Rika's nine-to-five job will probably keep her from getting to it as soon as the patch goes online.
i'm excited there's gonna be a bunch of new story finally and the dwarfs! >>866016 unfortunately my job will also keep me from getting to it until tomorrow night but real world responsibilities and shit > cat girl simulator 2014
You get to go straight from your job to the job you pay to work at!
i work 2 jobs but one of them has cute boys and the other one pays me money
Jan you should check out The God of High School it's got cool martial arts fights and Stands and a really heartwarming mini-arc around episode 4/5
i am checking it
apparently crunchyroll doesn't give a fuck they just uploaded the whole first episode to youtube
It's one of their personally sponsored shows I guess they can do whatever they want with it.
this show seems cool so far might watch it >>866024 apparently it's one of their originals >>866026 living the dream!! i wanna try that unreal trial i'm wondering if it's gonna be harder than the extremes
>>866029 It's original as so far as they're the ones paying the bulk of the adaptation costs. The show's an adaptation of a Korean webtoon, kinda like Tower of God last season. Also one of their originals.
Hah hah oh no What kind of assassin hides in a bunny mascot
We're also seeing what are probably gonna be a lot of the competitors at the national level of the tournament.
Plus these Six who I guess are gonna be jobbers/mentors for some of the cast.
Of the main three at least the MC has a Stand And Daewi has some crazy martial arts moves that are pretty much supernatural to begin with. It's really only the girl that needs to level up.
Too many battle-crazy people here. Makes things dangerous.
It's good fun. The shows interesting stuff doesn't lean too heavily on the fighting, which would be a mistake if it did. Since, y'know Sasuga Maou-sama
His mom and dad are exemplary cloudcuckoolanders They almost seem a bit out of pace with reality.
Huh, I wonder if it might be similar to what happened in Honzuki then. Where the MC reincarnated in the body of Myne because Myne died. Maybe something similar happened to let Anos reincarnate.
>>866048 It just makes it easier to decorate honestly since you have to gather a bunch of everything to be able to duplicate it, really just means it's easy to build fancier looking stuff
Soemone's going around modifying the memories of all the people once loyal to him. Probably whoever's masquerading as the Maou in his place.
>>866050 That's a good point, yeah. I've always been a hoarder so it wasn't often I had to go off and get stuff to build decorations. But being able to skip crafting would've been nice.
Master Mode's some dumb shit though. I beat it solo all the way through to the Moon Lord and I still think it's dumb shit. >>866054 That's not so bad, but having to waste whole days because I die to the Twins in like twenty seconds is rough.
what you don't like getting hit by eye of cthulhu for like 110 damage?
Wow, they've got pet messenger owls. Just like Harry Potter.
>>866053 you can sleep in a bed to pass time really fast if you didn't know helps with that but its still kind of slow
I did learn that eventually, but ... late.
Guess with all the focus they did on the tsuntsun girl because she actually had a story arc, they need to spend some time on the kuudere girl.
Aw, I was kinda hoping he'd be really bad at this, hah hah. It does sound like some new magic developed since he reincarnated. And it would be funny for him to fall kinda flat on a creative magic skill like this. But I guess Sasuga Anos-sama
Wow she gets TWO (2) rings from him. While Sasha still hasn't even gotten one!
Aaaahhhh cat cafe. How cute.
I wonder if it was intentional of the author for this other guy to be ambiguous on whether he's his old right-hand-man or the Hero reincarnated.
>It will be nothing but rough sailing from here! I dunno if that's the kind of thing you say with such a gleeful smile like that.
Rusalka, rusalka
This pink-haired android girl is fun. I played an android onmyouji in Kirara's tabletop game recently and that sort of deadpan you get to do because you're a robot is fun.
Also I still hate those glass-eyed kinds of dolls.
>I see you're a lady of culture as well I see someone in the localization staff for this show knows their Western memes
Tiara's just like >Are doors supposed to slam shut on their own like that? She's otherwise surprisingly nonplussed by it.
Hah hah hah The purplehaired girl and the blonde one seem to be high-level bakas.
Yeah. Got some strands of yandere to her. But well a little bit of that's not necessarily a bad thing.
This android girl really likes fucking with her ojou-sama. She's high-quality bully material though so I don't blame her.
I guess in a world where magic is commonplace it might be easier to believe you can walk through walls rather than that you've died and become a ghost.
After the last few episodes her not-edgy is very refreshing
>We dragged you into our family matters Tohru has been pretty involved in the Souma family matters for like the entire series, hah hah This is nothing new.
She kinda reminds me of Tohru's goth friend with her hair tied up like that.
It's very atypical of Tohru to get so caught up in mothering someone to forget about big picture stuff like the curse.
Meeting the same people over and over seems like the kind of thing that is what you make it
If only it was the same people. From the sounds of it, the people who reincarnate as the animals don't even have like the faintest recollection of being the previous animals. So it's not even a past lives thing it's just random family members chosen to embody the animals.
It really does seem like Tohru has some repressed memories from when her mom died. She's spent so much of the series being a literal beacon of positivity so it's easy to forget losing your mom when you're still a kid is really something that can fuck them over.