
Thread #866750

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You showed up early again!
I can put together the list in a moment but I might need five or ten minutes.
Unless there's something junky we can put on while my attention isn't 100%
Koi to Producer - Did you know that LOVE backwards is EVOL
No Guns Life
To aru Kagaku no Railgun
Episode 17-18
Yahari etc.
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Still need a min?
No I can start now!
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bang around tonight?

railgun 17

I doooon't see him anywhere but he knows we were watching stuff tonight.
And I don't know if I want to wait all the way 'till Sunday to watch it.
So I dunno, his loss I'd say.
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okay then

lets start!
Seems like the boy Juzo was protecting got memories back or something.
And he was working with the anti-Extended terrorists ... I think?
Something I wonder about though is in a cyberpunk world where technology can do so much.
Isn't it easy to chalk "getting your memories back" to brainhacking fuckery?
Also I'm finally back home.
It's comfortable to be in my own room again.
I know I've commented on the noir inspirations in this series before but this lady's case is -has some super noir vibes about it.
In addition to the cyberpunk aesthetic.
It's a real fun combination though that would be cool to see done more often.
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wow she's creepy looking
Yeah this is the kind of gritty side of cyberpunk that gets more unnerving and kind of disturbing.
It's not all cool metal arms and doofy gun heads.
There's some real weird shit when you start hardcore modifying a body.
Lefty sure acts like a dog when he's not the conscious of her older brother.
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They do have really similar heads.

a fight broke out fast
From the way Edmund and Juzo were staring each other down while inside it felt like they were gonna beat on each other.
Though it kinda feels like they're angry with each other for different reasons.
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This guy just seems like he's lost it.
He kinda seems to have anger problems, but he also seems to be legitimately worried about Juzo.
Sounds like Juzo's previous job might've almost had him executing this other guy.
Hah hah hah oh RIP
With a name like Juzo I bet he's the tenth of the gun head series.
This other robot was partners with a Five, and I think we've seen a Seven or something earlier.
These metalheads all seem to be really bad with sappy romance stuff.
I bet Juzo's job was after the war was over to go around and eliminate the other gunhead cyborgs
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Makes sense that he's last since he was tasked with killing the others.
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he seems to not care much about doing his joke
lets start!
Though considering there's at least one other gunhead running around he wasn't too successful with his mission.
After a couple of them went down the others probably went into hiding though.

Also episode SEVENTEEN (17) of this!
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yeah, I'm on 17
Oh right some good news from earlier today.
Round one
PriCon's had a season two greenlit
Round two
This got greenlit way back but considering the absolute misfortune KyoAni suffered it's comforting to see they're confirming release dates for Maidragon's second season.
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Both those are good series. Looking forward to them.
Looking at the new OP this time it seems like some characters are making a reappearance for this arc.
I saw Frenda in it, and also that girl with the X-marked face mask who I think was originally in the Accelerator series?
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Yeah, I did notice Frenda.

The plot has to kinda be getting close to the point where Frenda dies, though.
Index is already well past it, I think.
Yeah, the countdown has begun.
She died right before WWIII kicked off I think.
Which was some time in winter.
And judging from the backgrounds and their uniforms, I'd estimate they're somewhere in mid/late-fall.
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I wonder if we'll see her die this season.
She got a pretty prominent spot in the OP.
Maybe if this Railgun arc ties into the one she died in.
Which doesn't feel paaaarticularly connected, though I am a bit fuzzy on the circumstances that lead up to her death.
I think Mugino was just being a mega-bitch and got too pissed off that she didn't perform up to her standards.
Oh shit Kuroko's got a SCANNER now.
How high-tech.
Whenever someone in Raildex needs to visit the hospital they always seem to interface with the good ol' frog-faced doctor.
Honestly fault is really hard to pin when it comes to being able to predict the future.
It's not like the future isn't ultimately inevitable since everything is pre-determined by physics.
But once you predict the future you make that inevitable thing observed where previous it was unknowable but inevitable.
Which means you're fault for it being known?
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That's an interesting idea, that he causes the bad things to happen
easy to test
I don't think that's what is happening, though I don't blame the girl for saying so.
Also from what they were talking about earlier in the series, it seems like so far he hasn't found anyone that could change the fates he predicted.
It's only been Kuroko that has interrupted what's so far been inevitable.
Maybe because her power happens instantaneously there's no way for causality to resolve as it was supposed to be.
But that would require some allowance of sentience to causality.
Though of course in a world of literal gods like Raildex that doesn't feel too far-fetched.

I dunno when you involve complicated stuff like causality and changing the future in a series like Index that tries to ground stuff in some degree of science it gets ... wormy.
Way beyond my comprehension.
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Looks like he got his happy ending too

I remember there were two ways to teleport in index too
but i can't remember the details
I know Kuroko uses an alternate dimension
Looks like he'll also be a bit of a kouhai to the girls at the Judgement office too.

Yeah it's stuff like that, the series always tries to have a "scientific" explanation to how esper powers girl.
Esper powers work, even.
But when you try to explain causality scientifically...
Whoo boy.
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There's a level 4 that teleports in a different way
the one that is what's his face's doorwoman
cause she teleports in a special way

lets start
Time for BUGS!
Huh, well I guess I was incorrect.
Kaburagi's not dead as doornails but imprisoned.
I'm still a bit concerned spending too much time on his story takes away from time needed for Natsume.
I guess since they're all machines if they've got personalities that make them have a hard time being efficient workers or amenable to socialize with, that could be a bug in their software.
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Looks like they're working in the salt mines this episode
More accurately shit mines.

I think the episode indicated he got shuttled off to somewhere on Earth though.
So if he can somehow break out of here, he could maybe get back to Deca-Dence?
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Wow suddenly we're underwater
Well the junkbot talking to Kaburagi did say they're trapped in a place underneath a big lake, where the factory that grows Gadoll is situated.
I remember this purple guy from -yeah.
He was an old friend of Kaburagi's who he had to hunt down because bugs.
This anime likes its D-D naming scheme.
Deca-Dence and now Death-Dive
I guess that is liquid in that pit.
Being made of metal they just sink in it.

Ah unless you have jets I guess.
This one-eyed girl bot is the nasally seiyuu Trigger likes to get onboard for their shows.
Nonon in Kill la Kill, she's an engineer girl in Promare.
I'm drawing blanks on her other roles but she frequents a lot of their projects.
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This is a pretty good show.
One of the better ones this season
It's a really high-quality original project.
A lot of care and design has gone into the world.
The characters are interesting too.
And the animation so far has been pretty high-level too.
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lets start

It looked like last episode Hikki was gonna put together a B-team to save the prom.
It's nice to get more Yanagi Nagi.
She hasn't really been doing much anisong lately.
Honestly red bean soup warm out of a can doesn't sound that bad.
Adzuki beans have a very mild sweetness that's not sugary but still sweet.
That would make something that would probably be hearty and warm.
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Yeah I think that would be really tasty when warm
needs a drink though I think
I wonder how much of the series we haven't seen from just watching the anime.
I know the first season cut a lot of content even from the novels they adapted.
But I don't know if the second season cut stuff or just didn't adapt novels/chapters.
It felt not cut though.
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Oh, do they cut a lot? That's a shame.
I know in the first season Saki, that standoffish blue-haired girl, had a lot of content that wasn't adapted since they focused on the stuff that revolved around the main trio.
And just now it seemed like Iroha's pestering of their Sensei was something that had been observed by Hikki, so I'd imagine it was written down in the novels.
Hah hah hah
I'm amused but I guess not entirely surprised the concept of vibes has made it into Japanese teen slang.
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Yeah, that's a pretty common pop culture concept now.
Oh I get it now.
He's planning on making such an AWFUL, stupid proposal for the prom that could still be done but ... would be a terrible idea.
So that the PTA takes a look at it, then sees Yukino's more sensible, classy proposal and goes "oh maybe this isn't so bad".
Yeah look at this B-team of characters.
Did we even see the chubby chuuni in the second season?
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Oh you're right
it's all those irrelevant side characters

maybe the first?
I don't remember
I remember seeing him but not which season
He was in the first season, yeah.
It's just in the second that I can't remember if he even shows up.
But I don't know if that's cut content again or just that he really is that irrelevant.
At least the trap always pops up to be moral support for Hikki.
And Saki got some screentime to make up for being a nobody in season one.
I wonder if Disney in Japan rents out for events like that.
Don't think there's any chance Disney in the States would.
Oh gosh a night pool.
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Renting out theme parks seems to be that status symbol thing ridicilously rich anime characters do
Plain theme parks, sure.
But I'm pretty sure the Disney park in Japan is ostentatiously big like Anglosphere Disney parks are.
Maybe not the size of Florida's, but some of the other ones.
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I bet it's still really big and high budget yeah
I've seen a few videos from there and it looks big
Poor girl
She knows by now what the OTP is.
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This is the kinda show that they struggle hopelessly until the end
Well it's a feeling I'm not entirely unsympathetic to.
Okay it's more a feeling I'm definitely sympathetic to.
Some times you just can't refuse to give up, eh.
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Sucks for her because she's best girl

Don't tell Bang this but I do really like Yukino.
I'm not lying when I say I find Saki really charming because she's got Onee-chan Power but Yukino's kind of bullish and ram-headed and that sorta thing charms me too hah hah
I guess I just like girls that call people out on shit.
Well enjoy your weekend!
Don't sink too much time into the new patch.
And don't be a stranger.
