Well our water boiler seems proper broke. I can get the pilot to start, the boiler to kick on, but it runs for like seven minutes before everything just shuts off, pilot included. Which is not enough time for hot water and way too much effort to go down there and jump start it every seven minutes Not to mention dangerous since that's not how boilers are supposed to be operated.
Also now wasps are somehow finding their way into my room? There's like two of the bumping against the window trying to get back out.
welcome home
No kidding It's been one problem after another since coming back. Houses sure fall apart when no one lives in them for a few weeks.
i'll be ok i'm just in the part of therapy where you start to unlock things that you've been hiding from and they just start wrecking havoc on your brain while you process them
I'm feeling super tired today. I went to bed pretty late and got woken up early today. And then had to basically get up and start doing stuff because all sorts of issues popped up in this house over the weeks we haven't been living in it hah hah.
I wish! I have meetings right now and then clients until 8!
I heard you've got wasps. That's fuckin scary, yo.
Eh, they always show up 'round this time of year. They like to get into the holes inbetween bricks where the cement has fallen out and build their nests in there. We get a nest or three somewhere on the outside of the house every summer.
Though this time was the first time they somehow managed to get inside the house hah hah Still don't really know how they did.
I'm a bit worried they might've gotten from inside the bricks into the inside of my windowframe and have started nesting in the hollow there. It's mostly sealed off from inside my room but I think there might be some small holes they could climb out from and into my room from the windowframe's hollow interior. Just a guess though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god inside the bricks no thank you
there have been a few incidents where hornets have gotten into my home through unknown methods usually in the summer but it hasn't happened this year (yet) thank god (knock on wood) it's horrible when such wretched creatures get in your house. you never feel safe
I really don't like killing stuff intentionally, even proper useless pests like mosquitoes. Not because I feel compassion or anything but it's pretty squick to have to clean up bug guts, so I try to avoid it if I can. Which of course means if something like a wasp ends up in my room I go to great lengths to just get it back outside hah hah It's less of a problem with stuffl -stuff like centipedes since they leave me well enough alone but wasps are mean bastards that might sting me just because I moved at the wrong moment so I've got to get them out of my room without killing them.
I try to get most stuff back outside but a wasp or a hornet gets in my house I will do whatever it takes to kill it. Not because I'm afraid it will hurt me (with wasps) but because I'm terrified Laz will go after it and get fucked up. And I will kill to defend him even preemptively. I'd kill a hornet in my house Laz or no Laz, but that's mostly because there's no way to safely get them outside. They're too dangerous.
Wasps here are pretty small, and hornets are ... well, I've been told they're present but I can't honestly ever remember seeing one. I don't think these wasps could fuck up a cat unless a whole bunch swarmed one. But either way my cat's kind of a "Bugs? Ew, I don't want to eat that" kind of cat so she wouldn't really go after a wasp.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Adult eastern cicada-killer wasps are large, 1.5 to 5.0 centimetres (0.6 to 2.0 in) long, robust wasps with hairy, reddish and black areas on the thorax (middle part), and are black to reddish brown marked with light yellow stripes on the abdominal (rear) segments. >Baldfaced hornets are distinguished from other yellowjackets by their white and black coloring. It has a white or "baldfaced" head, which is the source of its colloquial name. These wasps also have three white stripes at the end of their bodies. They are notably larger than other species of Dolichovespula, as adults average about 19 millimetres (0.75 in) in length.[4] >Yellowjackets may be confused with other wasps, such as hornets and paper wasps such as Polistes dominula. A typical yellowjacket worker is about 12 mm (0.5 in) long, with alternating bands on the abdomen; the queen is larger, about 19 mm (0.75 in) long (the different patterns on their abdomens help separate various species).
our wasps and hornets are SCARY
Yeah I think it would be rare for a regional wasp to break two centimetres in length.
>>866973 Gotta move north! The cold works wonders for inhibiting dangerous and scary bugs from moving into our ecosystems.
yeah it's nice in winter when it gets cool and the bugs are all gone during cold fronts Although Florida mosquitoes won't touch me even if I'm the only target, so it's not all bad.
Our wasps can be really aggressive, too. Why'd the bees have to start dying, it should have been the wasps! Nanchatte.
I've studied how to speak ANIME for fifteen years now
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
same. now i know all the things lolis say
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Toronto Public Health has alerted residents that they may have been exposed to a worker with COVID-19 at the Brass Rail strip club in Toronto between August 4 and August 8.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does toronto have strip clubs open lol
I mean we've got all of maybe ... five strip clubs in the entire city. I know of two or three, Brass Rail included.
That's not really an answer to the question but I guess if you've got only a few there might not be legal classification for the kind of venue so there's like no blanket "no adult entertainment venues are allowed to open" rule so it's up to the venue themselves. I do think either them or Zanzibar did try to say when they re-opened that they were ensuring they were taking all possible actions to ensure the venue remained as sanitized as possible and their employees were being checked in on regularly.
I found something really interesting in a Wikipedia article but there's no citation for it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NexGen >the processor would translate code designed to run on the traditionally CISC-based x86 architecture to run on the chip's internal RISC architecture. >to an extent most x86 processors today implement a "hybrid" architecture similar to those used in NexGen's processors.
>>867002 every day the weekend for my unemployed ass but hell yea market's closed let's party
>>867000 It was in development under a Japan-localised studio when they announced it. Though the creative overwatch that worked with Retro when the original Prime games were being made was a Japanese person from Nintendo anyway and they were returning for Prime 4. But then there was the whole thing in ... 2018? 2019? about them realizing their work wasn't up to par with what they wanted from a Metroid game and they were starting from scratch. Maybe that was in part them deciding to hand over production to Retro again.
>On August 4 - two months after the order - the port sent a team of Syrian workers to fix the warehouse. Sparks from their welding work ignited a supply of fireworks, which had been stored next to the ammonium nitrate cache.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what could possibly go wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is a good example of survivorship bias but like fuck lol how absurd
No I think this is an example of why clear labelling and smartly storing stuff is pretty important and far better than just throwing stuff in a warehouse.
but what about all the warehouses full of fireworks and ammonium nitrate that DIDN'T explode
That's still stupid because volatle chemicals are extremely dangerous and efforts should be made to keep them stored apart from anything which might threaten their volatility. This is like high-school level shit we learned in Chemistry class with SMALL SCALES of chemicals. It obviously scales upwards!
>>867024 This isn't opinion motherfucker this is education
now they're gonna try to blame the welders maybe that's a cynical voice in my head but yes fuckin ACME warehouse lol
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's cartoon shit lol
>>867029 Precisely why they're gonna do this is why I'm getting up in arms about proper classification. Motherfuckers just throw whatever into a warehouse without any thinking things through and then when things go wrong they try to push the blame. People need some fucking foresight. This isn't advanced chemical knowledge you can learn this shit in HIGH SCHOOL
one of the things i've sort of been working on with my therapist is allowing myself to be angry or sad around people i trust like at work and stuff so i was going /// so i avoid doing that because of stuff with my mom as a kid and i'm learning to open up now and i have this core belief that i have to appear composed at all times i was gonna be open with this woman at work and talk about some of the stuff i'm going through, since she tells me everything about her life, it's the woman whose brain fell into her airway and right before i was gonna talk to her, she walked out of another office with another colleague and the colleague said "doesn't that make your head rattle" referring to a white noise machine and the woman i was gonna talk to goes "nah, nothing phases him" which triggered my need to appear composed at all times and i guess i looked like a deer in the headlights because she goes "or maybe not. are you okay?" and im like "yeah haha i'm just tired" then told her to have a good weekend and she left
It all just went wrong so perfectly that after they left I had to laugh about it. Like, what the fuck man.
Next time I see her I think I'm gonna apologize and tell her that I really was feeling crappy. I've got a pretty good relationship with her now. Although she keeps saying she wishes I was her son's therapist lol
Just give her a wink and say "I could be your son's therapist for life if you want"
hahaha Honestly if I ended up in a relationship with her, it'd be kind of awkward. She's 10 years older than me and I'm only 13 years older than her son. I did offer to teach her son how to meditate, though.
Yeah I remember the circumstances. It bewilders me there's people who can look at situations like that and go "yeah this man/woman is still attractive enough to me to override how weird the family dynamic would be"
I had this really bizarre dream last night. We went on a road trip to Wenatchee, Washington to buy apples. And we kept stopping at all these stores to buy apples and we were comparing the prices and talking about different types and everything. And then we were driving home, and I was in the back seat for some reason, I forget who was driving. But I looked behind us and there was just like, a woman's leg hanging down from the side like someone was sitting on the roof, and they had bright red shoes on. And I was like "that's terrifying" and pretended I didn't see it so I didnt say anything. Then we stopped somewhere else to look at apples, and then we started driving again and this time, when I looked behind us, the woman was just straight up hanging down behind us and looking in through the back while we were driving. She was wearing this white dress and a white veil and red heels. And when I looked at her, I was filled with so much dread and terror that I actually woke up. It was really weird.
I've kinda forgotten the content of the dream but I was napping earlier today and right at the end of a sort of story arc inside the dream I remember thinking "well that was a solid bit of tight writing" and I like immediately woke up and went "wait I'm stupid I literally just dreamed that". It might've been that I was viewing some kind of narrative inside the dream? I dunno like I said I've kinda forgotten what the dream was I just remember that lingering thought and the bemused feelings I had waking out of it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dreams are fuckin weird anyways let's go on an apple road trip you in?
apples are pretty top tier
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you have not lived until you have had cosmic crisp, man i swear that's the best apple ive ever had in my life and it's gonna be years before it's on the market en masse so you could say i got in on the ground floor for that one
>>867065 Yeah, sure. A few years I went with my family out to apple orchards to pick our own apples. It's a fun, novelty thing that's great to do every now and then. Plus you can get a lot of apples for a pretty cheap price.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wenatchee is a whole apple themed town it's amazing everything is apples
I'll have you know I'm extremely proficient in speaking ANIME
i just ordered almost 200 dollars worth of groceries starting from scratch feels weird man
I'm a bit surprised you were able to find a place to stay at such short notice
i was already planning on moving here things were already in motion for it to happen but it was supposed to happen like, this weekend or next and not in the span of two hours yesterday
>>867113 my roommate told me that they were positive for antibodies so i got the fuck out
fortunately i don't really interact with them and hadn't for a while different schedules, different floors, and i almost never leave my room except to go to work but once i found that out, there was no way in hell i was staying another night especially because her kids were gonna be there that weekend
i won't find out until wednesday if she has an active infection or not but it doesn't matter either way if she has antibodies she could have been infected anytime in the last few months she never had any symptoms there's a world where me and the landlord and her kids all got it and were all asymptomatic and my boss and my supervisor and their families and so on and so forth but that's way too many people so i'm relatively certain that i never got it
The asymptomatic nature of the virus is one of the scariest parts of it really. It makes it hard to not be suspcious of anyone for just being alive.
you have to be suspicious of everyone but also, she was gone for a couple weeks and i hadn't interacted with her at all for a week previous to that, or a week after so i'm thinking her active infection might have been then not because it suits my mental stability better (which it admittedly does) but because if i were to have contracted it then, it's nearly _impossible_ that i would not have spread it to my supervisor (with whom i typically share the front two seats of our work van for 10+ hours per week, and work in extreme proximity to) and then that would mean his wife, his daughter, my boss, my boss's wife, my boss's son, my boss's father, my boss's step-mother, my boss's brother, my boss's brother's girlfriend, and another co-worker have all had a very very high chance of contracting it, and each of those persons have not experienced any symptoms or even been given a reason to be tested considering the elderly nature of two of those people, it seems unlikely to me that every single one of us contracted it and was also completely asymptomatic even if the current narrative is that only ~25% of people are asymptomatic (i personally suspect a much higher number) and even if it's a very small sample size, it just doesn't make logical sense to me i could've had it
i worded part of that last sentence strangely but i think the point still gets across
but yeah i hate this shit and we're gonna have to deal with it for years
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's nuts glad to hear it seems you're safe from it what are you gonna do now?
issue is, that the grill is just a block of concrete pipe it counts as open fire basically and for the foreseeable future, open fires are banned due to risk of forest fires
anothet worry is, that guy who missed our cabin trip last time due to corona quarantinr is now being tested for it talk about bad luck if he now misses it due to getting the wuflu
Ah another wasp in my room. We sprayed the wall outside where they were nesting but I can still kinda see a couple buzzing there. Though where are they coming in from.
my controller died i guess i have to get another one?
hmm got a card with uuh wireless paying? whatever it is called in english