They turned a game with lovely assets into such a grindslog It's a real shame!
Great Pretender Episode 8-14 Arte Gleipnir Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-26 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 11-12 Plunderer Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 11-12
Maybe we'll get some clear details on what happened in the past before this all wraps up. I think it's more or less clear what happenend but it's all inference. Would be nice to see it explicitly
Kinda like this really. I wonder if in getting his memories wiped he's actually a couple years older. Though maybe he's a senior even now after losing his memories,I guess The tagline did say it was only a few months earlier
I guess the girl that first discovered the alien held onto her wish and yeah. For some reason took over the other girl's life.
Wonder what happened the girl she replaced though.
He kinda strikes me as True Neutral with a slight mischevious streak. He doesn't really try to incite anything aside from whatever is necessary to fulfil his goal of getting all his coin friends back. And a bit of extra for having fun.
Also Clair's onee-chan doesn't seem to be completely bonkers yet. I wonder what triggers her to go so crazy.
>>851314 She seened very lucid when dealing with protagonist-kun.
Damn man
Ah well fuck man. I guess this girl probably had a bit of a death wish. She could have told the guy who strangledh er about this. But she kinda pretended to admit to killing the original.
Man he really crossed a Despair Horizon there.
If this is the final episode then this is a real heavy climax to end on.
Oh spooky Yeah. The little mascot.
Ah well I guess we get a bit more. There seems to be a lot of thirteen-episode series this season.
They've done a very good job of keeping the mystery and suspense of the narrative tense. Every new episode brings more information that fills in the dark spaces and builds the full picture. It's pretty exciting for me.
It really wasn't a particularly flattering look. The horns were way too big and all the light around her made her seem more pale than usual which made her black schlera and red lips stand out too much. Made her look kinda clowny.
Oh now there's a whole bunch of the human Earless wandering about.
>Even while we continue to change, we wish to remain unchanged I definitely understand that sentiment.
There's lots of weird ears and horns. This was a good series.
Yeah, I enjoyed it. It feels like it could have maybe benefited from a bit more time. Probably not like two cours but maybe a few more episodes. There were a couple twists and developments that i feel weren't really seeded well enough.
Hah hah Singloid
And a book end to close it out. He seems to be really eager to expose himself to her. Too bad he lost his Player jack.
Well like I said, I feel it's probably intentional. As someone who doesn't think highly of himself he doesn't care for looking better. And looking worse makes him dismissed by most.
Honestly Ishigami should have controlled his temper better. But this is really just him getting a lot of shit for trying to do good. No wonder he's so jaded.
They got their faces back yeah, that was a good episode
In the end him joining the Cheer Squad was a really good experience for him. Who could have imagined surrounding yourself with positive people who just want to be happy can improve your own mentality.
Festivals seem to be big climax points for this manga. There was the summer festival in the first season that was done really well. And now the athletics festival for this. Hopefully we get more animated so we can get to the culture festival.
I mean we should get one or two episodes more in this season but I really really really want more.