Great Pretender Episode 8-14 Arte Fruits Basket Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-26 Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 11-12 Princess Connect Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 11-12
I think the Japanese still like to use traditional tools like sickles for stuff like this. Plus her family seems to be exceptionally old-fashioned and traditional.
>Somehow, he was always with me Just like a proper dog.
I guess there's already a magical curse that has people turning into animals. But the whole memory suppression thing always feels a bit extra for the series. It's mostly grounded in psychological reliance and interpersonal drama so when something impossibly magical just gets thrown in it kinda sticks out.
Her features are so sharp. big contrast to protagonist-chan
She kinds reminds me of her mom though.
Honestly wearing a full suit like Hatori in the middle of the Japanese summer must suck. It's been exceptionally humid and sticky here for almost a week it's been a lot even in casual wear. Something like what he's wearing would be a nightmare.
Even the Souma house staff perpetuate the whole "Akito is God" thing. It must be an exhaustingly toxic environment.
Pretty much all the guys have sharp features lots of dangerous guys in this
Hatori isn't dangerous! He's about as placable as it comes. Honestly a bit of a dullard but not a bad person.
Kinda feels like his emotionally-dumb way of trying to express interest in her. Though with the fiasco with his first girlfriend he's probably also really cautious about romance.
Honestly I've got a lot of thoughts about this but things just keep getting weirder and weirder it's hard to stay on top of all it.
Lovely focus here.
Her radio scripts always feature quite the reliance on ad-libbing Though she seems to have the real talent for spouting off whatever's on her mind at the drop of a pin. So it works out pretty well.
It's pretty accurate. Like I said above she's got the talent for ad-lobbing. Which is pretty important when you're trying to entertain improv. She's good at telling a story in an interesting way.
Ah I guess that'll be the final climax of the show. A show she has to come up with and write herself.
Plus she's got a sharp wit. No matter the material she seems really good at always having a retort.
Hah hah I feel like sharpening a knife because you're stressed is a liiiiiiiittle bit of a red flag. Associating stress with sharp objects is probably not the most stable option.
Also good news Season two for Hamefura's been confirmed
>>851579 I think it's been received really well. Like just not here it's been doing well in Japan too. It's funny too since it marks the first time Silver Link's done a second season to something in ages. They almost never do multiple seasons.
I guess he's not really a Serious Dick Just a Bastard Dick
This woman really is crazy. Kills two people and uses another in order to keep her son alive.
This still doesn't really explain why he hates Catarina so much though.
Oh she's taking advantage of her meta-knowledge again. You can't just cheat like that Catarina.
Now's really the best time t ocheat. She hasn't really cheated much yet
Guess that means the school council president seat is vacant. Which means I bet it's tiiiime for E L E C T I O N S
Also it's funny that even in this fantasy world the law arrests people in the typical Japanese fashion with a sheet over their hands to painfully highlight while trying to hide the handcuffs they've got on.
She hasn't really done anything criminal or malicious so it would be kind of weird if they all tried to off her.
Yeah. Her good karma will easily defeat the doom flag.
I don't even think karma is necessary she literally has done nothing wrong to the people that try to kill or exile her. For them to do so would be huge breaches of character!
I wonder what it's gonna be like in year two of the school life though. With Nicol gone their little group's going to be kind of unbalanced.
And in typical Bakarina fashion she's too dense to realize the game's gone way too off its tracks. Plus she still thinks the reverse harem is revolving around Maria!
Hah hah hah wow. She really turned Maria totally gay.
wow more dropkick too they really love that project
It feels like they don't exactly know the path to making it but are determined to find it. I do hope we get more it's a great show.
Yeah this might be interesting thuogh. The game only covers to the end of this school year. So from here on out Katarina is as clueless to the dangers and developments as anyone living in this world.
I bet that's why there was probably a bunch of anime-original stuff too. Because they wanted the season to end on the big game climax.
And she's got a business as a fake snake artisan. What an enterprising young girl.
Pecorine is a real food monster after all. Poor sisters though. Feeding her all she can eat must be a challenge.
This shadowthing's gotten much worse than the previous ones.
Huh, I wonder if there's a bit of a plot here like the one from the show with the cautious hero. Yuuki and a previous party went up against some Maou in another world and got floored. Now he's lost his memories. But the emotional scars run deep.
D'aw There's all the stamp cards they've been stamping at the ends of the episodes.
>>851618 I think this show is too goofy and fluffy for something like this.
Well we did just seem him and presumably a party all get beat up in that dream/memory Of which we've only seen him as a survivor of so far. There has to be a reason they're not around anymore.
Honestly yeah. If this is a royal capital why does there never seem to be a city guard or knights around.
Whatever his powers are he seems to have some interesting self-defense mechanisms in place.
This is a cute good fluffy series. I wonder if this will get more.
I haven't seen any sales threads recently so I don't really know how well it's doing. Though well I expect any sales numbers to be a bit off-mark these days anyway. Cygames seems pretty enthusiastic about giving its mobage adaptations more stuff though. Like even Shingeki no Bahamut got a second season despite GranBlue already dominating the mobage popularity. Though at the same time Uma Musume's only gotten skit shorts since the first season.
It would be fun though, it's been a great show so far. And considering all the worldbuilding they've been doing I feel like they could do way more story than what they'll be able to do with one more episode.
Yeah, it can be hard to tell with second seaosns for stuff like this since it's so promotional.
Mobage adaptations do also tend to get inflated sales numbers too since the BDs always come with codes for in-game stuff. I dunno. Some people swear by sales numbers are everything, others insist there's firm evidence it has no real bearing on whether or not a show gets more. Maybe they won't do more since the mobage's been promo'd enough, but maybe they'll do more in hopes of continuing to build interest in the game.
All you can really do is hope what you like gets more anime!