>>847282 so tough unless you're a lawyer or a doctor
Of which I am neither, RIP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some of my friends are getting into real estate that's always a thing i guess >>847286 night
Night /moe/
>>847285 Well real estate involves having capital in the first place, which is also a shortcoming of mine. On an ethical level I also really don't like the idea of making a maximized profit off of something which is a human right.
you just skim off the capital of others like a leech ain't it great
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
real estate ownership is kinda two-way for me cuz like i don't care too much for landlords however i admit that like one day im gonna be old and not want to work, and owning some investment properties is probably a sound strategy?? as long as i exist under capitalism and treat people well then i can justify it
>>847288 Oh, right. I knew a guy that wanted to go into agent-ing. I guess it's pretty easy (relatively) to get certified. Personally I think it's a bit too much people-work for me I guess. A lot of talking and haggling with lots of people.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah its too much people work for me too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like at best if i ever really wanted to do it i would be an agent for good friends only
real estate agent/dealing is quite risky practice though
can't imagine a lot of estate changing hands right now but ofc prices and rates are prolky lit biffer over there, especially in cali but still majority of agents deal with "normal" houses for normal people still thst too can be like 2-10k per deal, but nothing as lucrative as dealing say a million to ten deal a month
Especially with how hot the B.C. housing market is. Toronto's in a similar state. Even with the cooldown because of quarantine it's still chugging along pretty heartily.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>847296 people need money and the mortgage deferrals won't stay forever it's actually heating up right now
Even if everyone in the country doesn't have the money to buy property there's still all the Chinese millionares that want to buy up property to overshore store their money.
The housing market's staying about as hot as ever, but at least the rental market is on the downturn. I'm pretty sure the standard now of not letting short-term rental through services like AirBnB is still going strong so that's absolutely flooded the market with empty units. Sure I'm still in no position to rent but if I'm lucky it'll keep things low enough that by the time I can, it shouldn't be too absurdly priced.
>>847310 Who knows, it is a mystery. The statue is kind of dumb in the first place since it commemorates America's Civil War, being of one of the Confederacy's famous generals -- so y'know, the losers. But it wasn't even put up after the war, it was put up in the mid-1900s as the Civil Rights Movement was happening and the South was getting panicky about no longer being able to discriminate against black Americans. There's actually al -a lot of shitty memorials and statues put up around that time by white Americans in a scramble to "memorialize" their heritage
>>847314 i guess it came from fear of losing traditions etc conservative mind srt can cause weird reactions at times
it is bit weird how the losing side is being venetrated nonetheless tho i can kinda see it with say Lee etc
>>847315 There's no way Tony would go around without his trip. He'd probably feel naked without it.
>>847316 If I remember correctly, Lee -- who by all accounts was still also a miserable, abusive slave master and should not be venerated -- specifically did NOT want statues and other monuments to vanity when the Confederacy lost because he knew they'd only serve to let the wound of the broken union fester.
now that is quite ironic well the conflivt was a war to secede due to differences in how to govern and you can easily say the south was in the wrong on many many things, the principle behind is "pure" let us decide how to run things, not you tyrants from far away
well it is a damn complicated ness of issues, with ofc the whole abolition movement painted on top of it too
so in that sense, the "confederate legacy" being valued is not that odd kinda like wales in english history etc but i bet many vslue it for the wrong reasons
>>847319 And the states that didn't split would have probably been fine with the states that did running their things the way they wanted while still the same union if the thing in question wasn't FUCKING SLAVERY Make no mistake the whole thing about the civil war being about "States' Rights" is bullshit. It was about the States' right to employ SLAVERY.
*Insert War of Northern Aggression Joke Here*
>>847321 calm down, all *i am just pondering on why some value it so much aside "blacks are bad" racism nonetheless a movement can have the "right of principle" but still be objectively in the wrong in their actions
Yeah, and I'm saying that still has conceit to it because it obsfucates from the actions by claiming righteousness elsewise. A movement for an awful action is an awful movement regardless.
well i don~t ubderstand the southern mindset anyhow though i do get a kneejerk reaction from histoty being removed/destroyed, though you can argue it being the same as tearing down communist stuff in eastern europe post cw
still a damn weird situation and slmost unique to usa
History doesn't need to exist in an open public space to be remembered and cautioned against. After all, Germany has been very thorough about removing Nazi memorabilia but still has museums to the events of WWII and the Holocaust.
That's also why I mentioned that the dumbass statue above wasn't actually constructed FOR the Civil War, but rather as part of a reactionary movement like sixty or seventy years later. It's not fuckin' history. There's a LOT of ones like that constructed around that time in the States. Move the ones that are actually historic into museums where they can be thoroughly informative about the circumstances around them, and tear the dumbass ones out.
Aside from that one because holy fuck it's hilarious.
Yeah if the statue is just 50 odd years old, good riddance >>847326 oh and to specify, i don't mind moving and preserving old stufg i just mind destruction
i wish i could turn that derb statue into sone kind of ride/attraction like it moving around and saying silly cartoon villain lines >>847329 historical and artistic value are something that can be objectively measured to judge what to keep, i believe
I think after a point you can say "okay we've preserved enough historic shit we can dispose of the rest" though. Total erasure is concerning, yeah, but we don't need to preserve in museums or other similar institutions -every- piece of the dark side of history.
oh yeah, speaking of third reich hitler's birth home is going to become a police station to "avoid it becoming a pilgrim site for neonazies and whisups" bit ironic considering the current events
cops are nazipigs, is a phrase i believe found in evety europian language i velueve and for ages
they're all good points, but don't let them distract you from the fact that Undertaker threw Mankind 16 feet off Hell in a Cell into an announcers table in 1998
I have never watched a wrestling match in my entire life
I was up till 6am and slept till 3 gonna need to adjust my sleep for work
Winding down for the nigh...morning. So kinda in that lethargic fugue that preceeds proper tiredness.
How're you?
If I am super tired I get a weird like fight or flight awakeness that takes over and I can't sleep despite being tired. I become like awake tired. I'm good. I've been super hikkomori these past few months that I am trying to be a normal human bean again. I've also been a weird nerd.
Well most people have probably been super hikki all things considered, even the ones that normally would do just about anything to avoid being so. By now I wonder if we've drifted too far from what was once normal to slide back in to those old shoes.
I have been really unhealthy, I ended barely going out . there were a few days in a row where I kept forgetting to eat and staying up late with like 3 hours sleep. I got weirdly obessed with learning about radio and antennas and ended up setting up an antenna to track planes and get data from passing weather satellites. I don't even know how I ended going so hard down that rabbit hole
Wondering where the construction workers are it is awfully quiet today I was just getting once again used to the daily grind (literally) outside after they took almost a week long break a while ago
>>847346 That's a pretty neat one to dive down at least. Plus with all the kinds of information and noise you can pick up I can definitely see why it incentivizes a continued investment in the hobby. Also probably a decent skill to know your way even halfway around.
>>847348 Well I know how to pick up weather satellite images from NOAA satellites passing by! and I can even use the data bands to get the additional info from the satellites
It is hard to get good images haha. I have to properly time and track the satellite >>847351 but yeah super cheap. I am making a much better one. well I mean I have made a much better one
I also made this for plane tracking: it is a bit slow to get loaded.
Weird seeing all the planes around. MoD little propeller plane Shell oil company with a super expensive private jet. two military training jets. and passenger planes
You manifest the effect of a wizard spell of your chaos mage level, determined by a d6 roll on the table below. 1. Air: Lightning Bolt 2. Earth: Acid Arrow 3. Fire: Fireball 4. Water: Blur 5. Metal: Shield (cast as a free action the next time an attack hits your AC) 6. Void: Force Salvo ... shit
I just got kicked out of my grad school well technically it'll happen in a few days They said the issues I had with everything moving to self-directed learning was a reemergence of the problems they had with me in the past and that they had no choice but to dismiss me from the program. But they want me to appeal the dismissal and show them that I should be allowed to finish in the program and that I can do it. So it's not GAME OVER yet. I can still pull it off.
It sounds like they all really want me to do a successful appeal and I get the feeling that this is a "scared straight" kind of thing.
>>847390 What the fucking hell. Isn't this like the eleventh hour of your time in the program too. Awfully late to be going "Oh yeah, this guy is no good".
i in my program, we are allowed one skip day with no repercussions, as long as we notify the instructor. the morning of, i send her a text message saying that i'm not gonna be showing up and i go back to sleep. a few hours later i wake up, check my phone, and see that my text had never sent. so she sent ME a text asking where i am. i explained the situation, but she told me i was truant and will be put on academic probation. only after i went to the program director with screenshots of my failed text (like, i did hit the send button, but had no service at the time) did i manage to avoid punishment
>>847393 Deshou? I've successfully defended my dissertation. That's why I think they are trying to scare me into behaving the way they want me to (even though I don't think I've done anything wrong other than some understandable mistakes). Everyone keeps telling me I'm so great, I'm so smart, I'm talented, I'm more competent and knowledgeable than my peers. There's no way that they'd actually just toss me out like trash at this point. I'm pretty sure as long as I appeal properly and acquiesce to all their bullshit, I'll be fine. But damn, it's pretty annoying.
I made a deal with myself like two years ago that if I got kicked from the program, I'd just go relapse but I don't even want to anymore. I have too much I care about now. What a weird turn of events, huh.
>>847394 That's so lame. Universities are so annoying, they think they know everything and never listen to reason
Thank goodness I don't have any more clients for today. I'm stable and fine but I don't think I want to work more today!
At least independently of the program you've built up invaluable relations with places like the clinic you're working at. Old boomers just always want to control all the little details.
Right? Bastards. If my appeal fails, I can still get licensed as a master's level clinician, but I really want this doctorate that I've gone $180,000 in debt for! I'll survive anything they throw at me somehow.
I'm actually handling this a lot better than I expected myself to.
For some reason it seems like the faculty at school is also upset that I get paid where I work, too? They were like "you should have communicated that with us" How is that my responsibility? I've been paid at other places that I worked at through the program, and even then, shouldn't it be the responsibility of the person in charge of the site to communicate with the program if he's going to start paying me?
Honestly regardless you're DOING WORK Shouldn't the presumption be that you -are- getting paid for it, rather than not
Deshou? Most practicum sites don't pay, though. It's just free labor. Even I am only getting $1k a year despite working 40 hours a week and more since I also work on weekends handling emergencies pretty frequently.
Even if you're inarguably underpaid, at least you're getting paid. Even prison labour still gathers a wage -- pennies, sure, but literally more than nothing. Using university students as free labour for the workforce, and hanging their graduation on doing so, is more of a modern-day slavery than almost any other modern system in place.
Like sure, uni kids should go out into the workforce and experience that it's often a lot of shit for little reward. But at least fucking pay them for it.
dude when i was training to become a nurse aide a while back, the nursing home staff was so amped to see us because of the workload we'd take i hope to never be like that/be in such a position
on a less dark note, the hospital i work at now takes students and we are nothing like that because we have an appropriate amount of staff and aren't as miserable as nursing home employees
Nursing homes are probably incredibly stressful on the employees, I bet. Like it's an important service to provide but damn I bet it wears on the people working there long-term.
i view nursing homes as hells, and i think we should all do a midsommar-esque cliff jump when we are of age one of my patients recently used to own a nursing home, and he admittedly knew nothing about medicine, health, or nursing. it was rather clear that it was a profit-based intitution (all healthcare facilities are, really, i just try not to think about that) but yeah residents pay all this money to slowly die there and most of that money goes to owner/administrator/investors or whatever the fuck so the facilities themselves become run down and shitty and there's not enough workers which leads to even less people wanting to work there and so on and so forth // i'm ranting rn you get the idea, hospitals are mainly nicer to work at because they're less depressing, which leads to more people wanting to work there, which in turn makes it less depressing, and so on
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, I hate the for-profit nature of it all hospitals creep me out though those long hallways idk
At least here it's structurally impossible for hospitals to be for-profit. Nursing homes though, eh, still probably just as bas.
newer hospitals are embracing more curved/round hallway designs, so you're not just staring infinitely into the abyss when you're standing in the halls. it's gr8
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i haven't been in any hospitals like that, that sounds great ofc we dont usually build new hospitals in this area lol 80 years old is good enough for today
Most everyone that uses them down there is eighty anyway, why not the hospitals too
Haha, you might be right. I'm getting all excited. Having an obstacle to overcome is a lot better than having some sword of damocles hovering over my head, you know?
Personally I would lump having a Sword of Damocles as an obstable but I can see where you're coming from. Though I think generally I prefer not having obstacles because with or without I don't really have much energy to commit to things in the first place.
True, true. I guess this is a much more straightforward obstacle to overcome.
I think a little bit of suffering is good, though. I'll overcome it and become even stronger. It's been a while since I've had such a high stakes problem to deal with. I'm anxious about it, but I'm excited too. All the weight that was on my shoulders is now blocking my path forward instead. So it's time to punch the boulder
Oh, one of the things they brought up against me was that they said I needed to be told to do things and don't do them on my own? The example was that I had to be told to go to the doctor when I was sick but I did go to the doctor on my own as soon as I started getting sick, and they told me it was viral sinusitis. Like a month later, a professor made me go to the doctor. Again. And they told me the same thing and didn't really prescribe me anything! And I hadn't gone again because I had already been to the doctor and had consulted with another doctor about it already!
Not to mention going to the doctor isn't exactly a cheap option for people in the States. They're basically asking you to not just do something, but pay potentially hundreds of dollars. I mean sure university is already highway robbery but I don't think it's their jurisdiction to make you pay a seperate entity.
For real!! This is the same professor who didn't give me an extension after I had a concussion and had a doctor's note and made me go to the doctor again before she'd help me out. I don't get it. Being wealthy must warp their brains.
I bet being tenured probably comes with pretty good benefits that makes stuff like doctor's visits a non-concern too, really.
The weirdest thing is that none of the professors who have made life hard for me have been tenured professors. But maybe that just means they have to be out there to prove themselves or something.
Yeah. Nothing perks me up like a nice crisis. And I can't say no to helping people haha I'm helping intern-chan with a suicidal client, our nurse practitioner wants me to talk to a client about Judaism, and all kinds of good stuff. Not really crises but it's a good way to get out of my head.
And it's kind of proof that my school is wrong about me.
time to go to a backyard socially distanced party dis gon be weird
I dunno man she doesn't look very animated to me
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah she's not even a gif
Oh yeah Kirara did you see episodes two and three of Great Pretender have subs now?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, they're so good did you watch them yet?
Nope, Rika was AWOL last night, so haven't watched anything since Thursday night. If she's a no-show tonight I'll get to watching stuff myself, plus Moon if Moon's around and wants to watch.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn the newest hamefura was really something unexpected, too
Yeah I saw there was some chatter about the episode, but I didn't dig too deep because, hey, I'll get around to watching it soon. Plus we usually don't get around the Hamefura until Monday anyway since it's fun to put it up back to back with PriCon as Rika coined "Baka Hour".
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeah priconne has been really great, huh?
It's like the doofy chaos charms of KonoSuba but with much more wholesomeness and a crazy amount of quality animation. Honestly I could watch probably several seasons of the show with just what's been going on, them travelling out to locations and getting up to dumb shit while saving the day. Totally an unpredicted smash hit for me.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Right? I agree. It's comfy, it's funny, it's cute. the pacing has been really nice And it does it all without being meta like mobage usually have to do to be really good adaptations
Of course the other recent mobage adaptation of note, Last Period, definitely went meta as fuck and was amazing for it. The whole short subplot satirizing gacha addiction was amazing.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Haha, yeah. Last Period is probably the best mobage adaptation I can think of. Nothing has even come close until now.
I know we've got police on bikes here but I think I've only seen them maybe once or twice. My only real experience with bike cops was when I was in LA, on the way home after visiting a friend in Pasadena. I think I was asking directions for the easiest way to get to an airport? They were pretty useless and said they didn't know directions. I'd imagine if they actually did local beats it would have been easier for them to know it. But as bike cops you'd imagine they'd maybe have a better street-eye understanding of the area, at least.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Bike cops are so weird. As a concept they make sense but everything about it seems inadequate to do what they want to do.
>>847453 Did you hear that the erratad companion Well "erratad", they actually just decided to change the mechanic to make it work and gave a bizarre justification for it instead of banning the problematic cards. Oh and they're reprinting ugin spirit dragon in standard, and Azusa
No. It's fine. I'll get over it. Just This was the ONE application out of several that I wasn't indifferent about and was secretly really really hoping for
Sorry to hear that! I hope you get something better though. Remember jobs lose out on you. you don't lose out on them. fuck corporations
>The result we intend is to reduce the metagame share of companion decks while still capturing the spirit of the mechanic's design and still having companions be worth building around in many cases. We expect that this new version of the companion mechanic will result in a deck-building challenge and means of self-expression that some players can opt into, rather than being a huge part of the competitive metagame.
Someone / well actually the builders razing this empty lot are burning a crapton of stuff and my house is covering in smoke. It is surreal.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That doesn't necessarily sound legal!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think most cities don't allow you to burn garbage or construction materials within city limits
Well this is a little village. and they are burning plastics, wood, garbage whatever was in there way it seems smells pretty unpleasant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch ouch call the fire department
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jk i dont really mind i mean the plastics entering the atmosphere sucks but i am more concerned about industry ruining the environment than everyday peeps
Down 8k today ...but it's okay because I went up $12k yesterday so I'm just relaxing as money burns
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's about time for a biggu revasaru
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or are we just dumpin all day
anyone wanna play escape from tarkov with me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
portfolio droppin like a rock but that sounds fun
i drop bars like the nasdaq ya ppretty much ever since rbin hood came out stocks have bein funny
makes it so casuals with no idea whats happening can lose money too!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
excUSE me SIR i am Notte a Casual, eye am a Retail Trader which is a farrrre worst fatE
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hold on imma let u finish but robin hood just gave me an update on the top stock to buy right now!! better buy it no way this commission free app would recommend something wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
indeed sir be sure to deposit the max allowable balance daily
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes master
i used robin hood when there was a error and u could buy as much as you want cause the robinhood gold was messed up you signed up for a 30 day trial and it loaned you money expecting to transfer it the next day but u just bought a trillion stocks anyways and hten sold them before the transfer LOL then they banned me :/ im not biased against robin hood i promise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
LOL you used the infinte money glitch nice i wonder if anyone managed to transfer those stocks away and liquidate before RH realized
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they let people keep the money i think? mine wasnt that much cuz i only used what i could cover if i lost
but people were losing like hundreds of thousands with it apparently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rh just had to eat the losses?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think so let me see if i can find the article on it
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the startup's estimated losses totaled less than $100,000, oh thats not that bad guess i was lied tgo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow escape from tarkov looks complex and Tactical
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya i like it the gun play is fun and i like the looting system cuz i like gambling
and the gun customization
its got only a couple maps tho right now but thats ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's the angle on tarkov? is it a pubg?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kinda its a small short pubg kinda
as a normal char u spawn in a map with like 35 minutes to loot anywhere on the map and theres CPU enemies and like 10 other players that can play with u
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
THIRTY FIVE MINUTES ain't nobody got that attention span on twitch
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can leave whenver you want its called extracting u gotta go to a certain location and stand there for 5 seconds
then theres also where u play as the CPU people and the CPUs are on your team but u dont get any experience and you only have like 15 minutes to loot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so you loot n shoot and its sorta hybrid multiplayer and then what, do you keep grinding like an MMO
setting up the Roth IRA just gotta fund it now >>847665 i'm going to manage it myself my 401 and 457 is managed but I'm going to self manage this account
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make sure u choose which fund they trade with
i got that c fund and ive got 14% returns past 12 months :)
my work matches up to 5% im basically rich
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would get a roth ira but ive always been scared that like id leave the US forever and have to pay some big fee to withdraw
>>847702 this will be some fine entertainment while i stare at this dead stock market
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hello hello
I got a new chair it was the worst putting it together. I have never put my body in the positions I put my body to get the chair into place. The back kept falling off, the arms would stay in long enough. I managed to get it all together and done but I hate this chair I like I've got a million bruises.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chair assembly 2020 for wii the new weight loss sensation
The effort I put into this chair I envision it to be amazing to sit in. It is good but I feel let down now.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
charging the chair with gamer energy for 48 hours straight (LIVESTREAM)
In other news both the class I wanted to take and my two back ups were full so I couldn't get registered. This wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't have to wait two wweks for an appointment with the single academic counselor they have working at the moment.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw shucks i remember the class signup scuffle those were more innocent times
>>847716 >>847717 Yeah they limit interference on radio recievers because electrical cables can put out a crapton of radio-frequency interference (RFI)
>>847720 >>847721 Check this out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nilometer
>>847759 YYeah I heard about that. /v/ is going nuts.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sasuga /v/ getting so excited about the worst persona
>>847761 They're going nuts about 3 as well. The concept of Atlus games getting Err Persona games getting pc ports is really pissing a lot of people off.
oh I can finally go on those valentine's dates with Rise
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why would anyone get mad about more people being able to play more games
>>847764 I don't know Brand loyalty maybe? People who are really loyal to one brand of consoles are weird.
>>847764 If I wasn't secure in my ability to play PC games already I could see me getting a bit salty they're coming to PC before a Nintendo system like the Switch. At this point it feels like there is a deliberate avoiding of putting Persona games on Nintendo systems.
The beauty of this farming comp Guaranteed 3 wave clear against almost anything Is that it doesn't depend on any outside supports It's entirely SELF SUFFICIENT.
>>847790 My friend sent me this when I told her about it. I'm only near sighted though. It just makes iit a pain to watch subbed anime because the tv is so far from my couch. And now I can't play videogames properly. ;_;
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>do you want to enrol in an online cognitive behaviour course Lolno just give me the drugs
>>847792 If the drugs don't help as much as you'd like it might be good to try.
>>847912 Depends, do you like Roguelikes? As in like actual roguelikes, cause Nethack is really similar to Rogue.
It's really good though. Can be frustrating at times. It's normally text only but there are tilesets. But the text looks weird on Windows. Normally I'd give someone shit for playing it with tiles but I actually am trying to sell you on it.
Also I hope you have a numpad.
Here's a website with a bunch of quotes from articles about it. http://www.thegreatestgameyouwilleverplay.com/
>>847944 It goes alright, I'm more hikkomori than ever. I have no idea what a flat-glass tinter is but sounds better than amazon! >>847945 Itterasshai!
>>847957 what kinda data like format does the antenna give you
>>847961 The transponders on the planes are transmitting ADS-B and I pick up the radio waves on a makeshift antenna and decode it with a program called dump1090. it is a easy thing to set up. the data format of the signal is afaik not too hard to write a decoder for. I have a python script for gettingn raw data but I don't really care enough to do anything with it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neato burrito and then it tells you just plane gps coords, other info too
Depending on the transponder the newer ones give lat, long and a lot of different info. The older models just give callsign, registration and altitude.
>>847975 yea i shoulda bought these last week what a braindead play
Also that video was not directed by Spike Jonze but Spike Jonze did direct some Fatboy Slim videos. He also starred in one as a dancer.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Gamers waiting for more official PS5 news will not be happy to hear rumors that claim the company won’t unveil the console’s design during the June 11th event.
>A person who posted on Twitter several details about the PlayStation 5 says the PS5 design will be unveiled on July 7th.
hmm july calls ?
It's supposed to be pretty expensive.
According to rumors and an amazon listing that got taken down. >>847982 Yeah Reminds me of the PS3 release.
price is everythin is probably gon inflate anyway with all this stimulus well unless the economy crashes again but if it don't >>847983 ps5 749 why not
I guess they weren't doing well enough in specific places?
Really it's probably just that there's an oversaturation of Starbucks. Which becomes -very- apparent once there's a depression and people aren't frequenting them as often.
Yeah it looks like Lexington has like 16 of them granted some are in other stores like Krogers or whatever
The biggest Starbucks in the world is in Chicago. I will probably check it out at some point. I remember hearing that they have a really wide variety of pastries.
Only time I have goen to a star bucks, I paid something like 5,5€ for 4 dl of ice and 1 dl of ice tea andi t wasn't even that good
and only reason I went to it, is because I mistook it for a finnish chain/franchise due to it originallyh aving been there and same green colour on logo
i have physically been to many a starbucks but ive never gotten anything
When I was over in america, I had an ice tea in starbucks. it was mostly ice and was expensive. but I wasn't paying for it so eh. Also was suprised that you can't go to the toilet without a passcode for the door.
in the end I didn't mind the ice, since I had a bottle of water with me which ment I could have ice cold water in the cup instead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>848047 if you're willing to shell out the ~5 dollars or so , the drinks are pretty good ofc the coffee ones might be not your thing unless you like coffee, but they've got non-coffee drinks too.
>>848050 i do not like coffee in any form other than hot
>>848051 then I suppose the sweet frappes or their hot coffee drinks would be the way to go >>848052 cost aside it's good stuff my guy so's the not-starbucks around here too though they had like a frozen green tea thing and it was awesome
>>848072 a damn nasty disease, but not epidemic levels since apparently, it can't breed enough in humans to allow human->mosquito->human spreading so avoid horses
>EEEV was one of more than a dozen agents that the United States researched as potential biological weapons before the nation suspended its biological-weapons program with the ratification of the Biological Weapons Convention how am I not surprised
also what is its actual human mortality rate, as it is a mostly animal disease?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>848074 i automatically swipe left on horse girls so im safe
I was thinking about doing it every fight since I got the snap
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>848092 no as a rule i dont allow player killing in my games unless it's agreed upon by all parties or if one of the parties is no longer playing the game
You probably would have gotten Tony pretty cheesed with you too if you just decided to go ham on his player character. For no good reason aside from "I don't like this character".
oh yeah since you three are present /talktomyself_on/off to only have messages visible for yourself useful when trying out shit you don't want others to see, ie. testing out a new ability
>>848129 Maybe because it's also a real pain the ass when most of the party is doing one thing and you've got one player trying to do their own thing. DM-ing requires a lot of task juggling and that only gets more complex the more split entities there are.
>>848131 In my defense, it was just Noto planning to visit Orochi and Doraku so he wouldn't require much micromanaging me as much as how it affects the party come combat >>848132 needles in the rubble
I am STILL annoyed that lag caused so many issues with my game last saturday I had to cut the boss fight short due to that and just let It get killed instead of messing around with dimensional shifts teleportation time shifts etc all the fun stuff eidolons can do
>>848152 make an eidolon boss "Split reality: The eidolon splits the party into different realities. Each player rolls a d4 for their character. That PC can only perceive and interact with the eidolon and with other characters who rolled the same number. That means PCs in different realities can’t communicate or affect each other in any way. For the rest of the battle, each player rolls a d4 at the start of the round to see which reality their character is now in. At the start of each round, the eidolon can choose which version(s) of reality its allies are in. Warp time: At the start of each round two combatants swap places in the initiative order as determined by the eidolon. Alternately, the eidolon warps the momentum of the battle and the escalation die value is determined at the start of the round with a d6 roll. Reshuffle space: The eidolon swaps the position of two creatures in the battle at the start of the round. Alternately, if you are using minis and some sort of map tiles you can rearrange the tiles with the minis still on them."
for split reality, I went with, that the eidolon is in just ONE reality at any given moment giving raise to plausible 1 player vs BOSS situations
>>848152 I feel the same way However, while on your wild ride that is your space japan, I've been very spooked on some occasions. I want to try and get thes same level of thrill, or at least get close. >>848157 As resident person who kept getting knocked unconscious I legit worried about dying on a couple occasions.
and yeah I had a special #d5 (3) die for split personality rolls untill inaranth became a thing each time inari died, he became less inari and more inaranth
I've never been worried aside from when PAN and I were duking it out and taking two of our players out of a BOSS FIGHT
I was reverse worried when I got Last Gasped and it still took 3 mobs coup de gracing me to // for 3 turns to knock me unconscious
I think most worried I ever was, was the initial mansion thing where we faced Yukitsune? I had used way too many abilities in that long encounter and everyone else was unconscious save for me at one point and I was lvl 2, so I had barely any funny fateweaver powers yet and I actually DIED
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>848162 s-sure is a good thing I sent our good friend to swap places with you
I think we can all agree, that Inari turning into his final form actually weakens the party
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you have good deeps
In-Aranth is a solo class it is min-maxed maximum damage+hp build, with the idea being, you get odd hits to heal and heal 30+ hp per turn and since there is no unconscious with that class it can only die
lmao this girl's photos all have her face obscured it's just body shots what is this even supposed to MEAN why are you on hinge if you want to reveal nothing about yourself
damn dragon age is a good game tho I do wish it had the mass effect interrupts >>848263 but are you?
blue collar bang
what is a window tinter was it anyhow
so windows that have any kind of UV protection or tint to them have it applied as a very very thin film that takes a particular set of skills and tools in order to apply effectively and efficiently, and a good amount of practice to do it without mistakes so usually towards the end of a construction project, or sometimes much later on (when companies realize they shouldn't have skimped) then we go in an apply that film to the windows so while if asked in general what field i work in, i'd answer "construction" we do have a lot of benefits of non-construction blue collar work but also some downsides as well and some of the downsides of construction too but overall it's a pretty cool job, and right now i'm a helper but pretty soon here i'll get to become an apprentice and learn how to actually do the tinting part and when it's all said and done i'll have a trade
>>848265 sounds fun but is there a point to that film really?
I can't really say since 1) finnish windows most likely are different 2) finnish windows are always at the very last double layered sometimes quadruble layered and at times octalayered
>>848267 yeah usually when people ask that question, it's because they've commissioned a large project and think they should skimp on the film and then when their electric bill is absolutely nuts and their employees are complaining about heat they come to us and ask for it
it's mostly for temperature control and appearance private homeowners are also a large chunk of business
also Texas is unbearably hot in the summer so it's much more important here than finland probably
but I guess when you talk about offices, yeah that most likely is a thing, but wouldn't they have them layered from the start, if possible?
because UV protection as in like sunlight protection is already done with a window like no burn but heat yeah
can I fly you over and have you do both of my patent's houses?
yeah just give me like a few months so i have enough experience to feel confident
i am kidding ofc but maybe not
but seriously my mother's place could do some heat reduction
i mean if this whole thing works out i might be middle fucking class by the end of the fiscal year so maybe i can visit finland and we can have a drunken bar fight over anime waifus
i'm drinking one of these it is very easy very tame and very very refreshing
but seriously marsh lived in FINLAND for half a year or more and didn't meet up with me what gives you the balls to come here and think you can meet up with me? >>848281 he is the same + climbed all the mountains except the finnish ones cause he is a bitch >>848279 this looks good maybe tastes bad but the aesthetics is done well and the name ALIBI fuck the circle just paint ALIBI there
because i'm bored and my life has little purpose
it's hard to say that it tastes amazing, exactly because it's very simple and easy-going it certainly doesn't taste bad though i like it it's a very simple, straight-forward blonde
I have a pole hanging from my window for my antenna, I keep wanting to make it taller and taller but eventually it might attract attention.
>>848399 I don't think that is likely. I think it might get trouble since it is a not grounded for lightening? so if it gets struck by lightening it'll fry stuff but there are taller structures around. I just wanna get 200 miles radius with my antenna I got 150 miles but not full coverage
Yeah hopefully no one starts thinking you're a terror fist
>>848401 With radio you can do a lot stuff. I can decode pagers if I want to which would be a crime. I don't do it because I don't want to go through the effort. I am too obsessed with weather satellites and planes >>848403 Yeah, that is part of the reason too, I don't think it is very ethical to do. too much medical data is sent by pager. but it is shocking how it is all unencrypted. It really should be encrypted.
I think it's also fine to not do it out of politeness to the people paging. Privacy is nice.
Ain't no one got no time for encryption these days