Brand New Animal Great Pretender Episode 2-5 Arte Fruits Basket Gleipnir Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-24 Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Yesterday wo Utatte
As is often the case, I'm having relationship troubles. I'm thinking about breaking it off. Well, I think it's more accurately described as I'm currently trying to gather the strength to break it off and be okay afterwards.
I'm sorry to hear that. You've been pretty quiet on that front lately so I was hoping things had at least stabilized. I don't know how much help it might be but you've still got friends here that can try to cheer you up.
This is a much more plain scheme on his part than the last one. A bullshit tea rather than a phony water purifier.
I guess it's as bad in Japan as it is in North America. The blemishes of your past can make it all but impossible to find a good job.
I had a feeling his conclusion would be that he wanted to be a con man, i guess we saw that in the first ep but it's very like him to use that reasoning
He was working as one in the first episode, but it did look like it was kinda small scale stuff. Hawking that tea and fake purifiers is probably pennies compared to the money this French guy moves I'd bet.
Yeah I had some similar ruminations in the first episode too. I wonder if the little baggie of cocaine he had on hand though was authentic. But the candies were definitely nothing more than candy.
Hah hah that was some clever prep on his part though. Got the white guy early as an easy payee for their meal.
This kind of has vibes of a less bloody, more colourful Black Lagoon.
Yeah. Studio WIT normally has really amazing backdrops and environment illustration but it's been a while since they've had this kind of poppy look. They haven't really done it since The Rolling Girls.
I guess that's the major divide. The MC back in Japan just conned fools, but the French guy is- Yeah, the MC said it for me. They're acting a bit like Robin Hood.
I'm pretty sure the character designs are by the artist for Monogatari, Grisaia, and some other works. But the anime really makes it look like Uchouten Kazoku. Maybe she also adapted the Uchouten characters for anime though.
BEE ENU EH Last episode was kind of the mid-season climax and cliffhanger. I wonder if they'll reset the intensity a bit for this episode. >>847827 Just expect a lot of animalpeople.
ready i dunno anything about this and that's always exciting
there's nothing wrong with animal people but there's nothing really right about it either...
birds are good animals though
Most birds are assholes. Though most of my favourite animals are birds hah hah
hey i recognize that seiyuu
She's been in a few Trigger shows before this one. Not a lot of work but consistent year-to-year.
This guy's sure got a chin.
Albatross are cool birds though. The vast majority of their lives are spent in flight.
i wonder if we'll ever have a society with beastmen it's not altogether impossible in the future
it'd be pretty arbitrary but certainly possible
Nazuna does make for a pretty wolf though.
>>847845 I guess there's a clear interest in some people to be more animal than they already are. So given the development of technology to permit it, it wouldn't be impossible. Still a weird thing to consider.
owch must be hard to fly with a fat wolf hanging on to you
>>847846 well if that level of engineering is possible, im sure other functional improvements would be more practical it'd just be designer for animals really
Her powers are so crazy lately. It's not really even being an animal anymore.
Yeah, but she is a tanuki. Infamous in Japanese culture for being shapeshifters. I'm fairly confident that's precisely why she can transform. The fact that her and her friend are abnormal beastment and both have transformational abilities. And that she's a tanuki,a and her friend's an inari wolf, another famous shapeshifting creature.
tanukis traditionally have gigantic testicles too they haven't shown it yet but i imagine she does too
Oh trust me we've definitely seen Michiru's huge balls.
The albatross did say the other bird would do anything for money. Rather than get paid to off the blonde human, I feel like rather he got paid to act in that assassination. To give Nazuna a chance to play the hero and sway the opinions of people to let the cult stay in animacity.
pretty cute character designs though... tanuki girl looks really cool
Yeah Michiru has been a great character. The wolfboy is surly but kind of a nice foil to her naivity. As expected of a Trigger show there's been a lot of really vibrant characters too.
I've mentioned this in other episodes but the people don't seem to know what music is. Every reference to musical stuff is obsfucated by trying to explain it without ever referencing music.
At least when she's not dressed up like a proper noble. Those clothes always look more comedic than fashionable.
She's picking some problematic fights again hah hah And kind of lecturing in a bit of a "holier than thou" aspect. At least they're not the ones payrolling her.
This is a cute outfit Arte's put on though. Kinda has a merchant-y vibe to it.
I wonder if this guy has any male heirs though. So far we've only seen Katarina. Without a male heir, honestly his wife holds a fair amount of power over him.