Oh you're pretty early tonight Though you missed last night!
Brand New Animal Great Pretender Episode 1-3 Arte Fruits Basket Gleipnir Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-24 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Princess Connect Yesterday wo Utatte
Yeah, drug use is something you don't see that oftne in anime.
The last time I saw anything like that was Sarazanmai with the weed one of the kids was selling. And that probably only went through because it was Ikuhara directing.
I wonder why he's freaking out so much about the gold watches everyone's got. They're probably pricey, sure, but not that weird a thing to have.
Oh yeah this ended on a totally not much of a cliffhanger.
Ah maybe it's just fate correcting itself. Or trying to, at least. The main characters all like her so they won't prosecute her so some mooks are filling in.
This defense of hers is kind of more abuse than anything.
For a moment there though the plot almost corrected itself and returned Maria to her heroine status. Catarina's kinda swiped it from her.
I guess? She's been intentionally avoiding doing the things that made Catarina a villain in the game though. I dunno if that's karma or if she's just being a good person and therefore isn't really in a spot to be punished. But maybe that's all karma is in the end.
Man someone's out to get Catarina. Though also abduct Maria. Kind of a weird set of objectives.
Oh okay. That's a bit of a shoehorn-y explanation but it works.
Well things sure got dark fast.
You'd think she'd remember a story arc in the game though where the player character gets abducted. And if she didn't, it would kind of be an indication she's REALLY taken this story off its original rails.
Sounds rather like he's a Serious Dick
Hah hah wow Catarina. Maybe not be so impulsive around potential murderers.
We've spent a lot of this episode in one delusion or another.
Iino's imagination is great. She gets so carried away.
This is really swinging SHARPLY the other way though.
Back to the movie PV
Iino is not the kind of girl who can really understand complex emotions like that.
Ah man Kaguya's seiyuu goes so squeaky when she's playing flustered. It's perfect.
Ohhhh That's what the weird thing she does with resting her cheek on the opposite hand. Er that's what it's all about. It's such a weird way to hold yourself.