hi yuu im roasting a plump chicken right now i'll try to join after a show or two
Pretty late at night to be roasting chicken. Or do you not really stick to normal eating times. I had some rotisserie chicken for dinner earlier. Good stuff.
i cook when i'm anxious
Ah yeah I can see how that's a factor.
Arte Episode 8-9 Fruits Basket Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 21-23 Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
Oh yeah that Cute Girls Doing Fishing Things show has been set to return to airing come ... July. I'd bet there'll probably be announcements that a lot of the shows that would normally be one-cour and run April through June will probably be shifted down to the July through September season. Dunno about long-running shows like Black Clover and a lot of other shounen staples that have been taken off air though. They probably don't animate much more than a couple weeks ahead of their release date, if that even, so who knows what's keeping them from resuming production.
Well Yuki and Kyo are the two male leads. Tohru's character arc was mostly complete by the time this series began. So their drama kinda underpins a lot of the story.
Though well now that we're into the third act Akito's drama comes to the forefront too. With all the manipulative scheming toxicity that brings along with it.
For all Yuki's talk of looking down on Kyo he quite willingly helps him lie to Akito though. Plus if Yuki had confirmed to Akito that Kyo is hopelessly crushing on Tohru that probably would have easily cleared that obstacle in Yuki's way of courting her. He had everything to gain by revealing it but he kept the secret. What a contradictory kid.
I'm pretty sure this show's going on another production-related hiatus too. It started back in January and we're only on episode fifteen. I guess it's good that they've at least been able to keep episodes coming out but man it's had a weird release schedule.
Oh it's that girl again. I guess the metal girl was the first person they pushed being a friend to her on to before Shokuhou came along.
>A lot of little sisters I guess tha cinches that this was the prototype Misaka clone then.
Kinda puts into perspective why she wanted to destroy the city's board of directors.
It's all just one big plan of Aleister Crowley's, after all. All the little parts serve as cogs towards some grand objective. Not that I think we've ever really seen what it's supposed to be hah hah.
But because of that as long as it isn't something that needs micromanaging most of the city is allowed to be as immoral as it wants to be.
Ah yeah, with all the memory-wiping that went on we went a long time this arc without Kuroko calling Misaka "onee-sama" So we didn't get any of the annoyingly localized "sissy".
I think some of this special Shadow Metal got made in the end anyway though. There was some weird metallic stuff at the ground zero of Misaka almost going nuclear.
When Shokuhou first started showing up she was pretty antagonistic and seemed she might be a bit of a villain. But she's had a lot of good guy moments. The Level Fives generally split pretty clearly on the divide of good and evil, or at least good and self-servingly destructive.
It must be annoying to be the adult around a kid like this.
oh shoot my bad what's the time on it
2:15 2:20 2:25
You didn't get here too late for it.
thanks oops... i got spanish subs again my eyes are so bad that's fine though i dont need subs
Oh yeah. Apparently this manga is one of Ilya Kuvshinov's favourites. They even did a PV for it, fanmade, back when the manga concluded. >>>/watch?v=aXFW6d3l6FM You've posted some of their images in the past Moon so I thought you might find it neat.
she really does feel inspired a lot by nhk's misaki >>846287 this looks neat, thanks saved
Sensei or Haru? I've never actually watched NHK so I'm not to clear on the comparison hah hah
I think Haru -er, Sensei looks a lot nicer with her hair long like that. I'm a sucker for long hair though.
Feelings are hard work.
Hah hah for a second there I was thinking Rikuo was getting a bit better at being a casual person around her but then he gets all jittery. And I guess he's still being an insenstive jerk to Haru. These girls could really do better than him.
>>846292 haru i guess it's a general concept but still some of the scenes seem like homages
sensei looks like misaki though just an older misaki
That's what was making me a bit fuzzy. I had a feeling you were talking about Haru but from what I've seen visually Sensei looks visually much more like her.
She does make for a good portrait model.
Good call. Being alone in an apartment with a horndog like that is just asking for danger.
When she balked at having to learn music I thought it was just gonna be something she never studied up on before she isekai'd. Which kind of conflicts with how much of a book nerd she was, but I guess she at least knows her basics.
the chicken turned out great tender and really juicy made fritters too
I don't really like the whole caste system of the church here but the retainer teaching her music is kind of acting presumptous. She's acting like she's above the work she's responsible for.
gil needs to brush his hair
Giving an ultimatum of agreeing to your terms or going back to the orphanage probably isn't much of a debate though. Like maybe it's in better state now that Main is serving as director but it's still probably worse than being a retainer, even if you have to put in some light work for it.
>Offer her flower to him Well that's a very culturally appropriate way of putting it. Especially for a dainty, artsy lady like her.