Arte Episode 8-9 Fruits Basket Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 21-23 Listeners Princess Connect Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
If we don't want to watch Honzuki without Moon we've only got eight shows between tonight and tomorrow night to tide us over until Wednesday. Honestly I don't think it would be a big deal if we watched Honzuki and I wouldn't be surprised if saving it is both something that Moon likes and is also kind of put off by. But four shows tonight and tomorrow night is probably fine. Even with the stuff we'll be getting on Wednesday and Thursday we might still be running thin by Thursday so maybe we can crack into Honzuki at that point regardless.
I'm fine if this is the case but that line-up will leave us tomorrow with Arte Epsiode 8-9 Railgun Yesterday Unless I've missed some news we won't be getting anything new for tomorrow night so it'll just be those four shows left.
Oh wait, no there's also episode six of Brand New Animal out. I must have missed it's release since Asenshi's postings on Nyaa don't stand out too well against HorribleSubs'. That's convenient I guess.
Oh neat. Both Tanuki and Kitsune in Japanese folklore are notorious shapeshifters. So there's kind of a narrative duality in Michiru and her friend getting turned into those species.
>>845932 I think I might've had the wrong idea earlier. People don't get turned into Beastmen, rather their -they're a race that have been pretending to be human and hiding for all of history. The fact that these two girls have gone from being human to Beastmen seems to be an anomaly.
I guess her friend is much happier being a Beastman than Michiru is. Seems like she might've drank the Kool-aid this cult is serving a bit too.
I don't think that's the case! There seems to be literally thousands if not millions of normal Beastmen out there. Two becoming them unnaturally isn't common it's outright abnormal!
Her friend's animalistic form though is much further down the furry scale than Michiru. Michiru's got some pretty human features still but Nazuna looks much furry-er when she's in her Beastman appearance.
Hah hah hah Yeah I figured she'd have gotten this notion in her head. I don't think prophets and aidoru are quite the same thing.
If I remember correctly BNA came out in two batches on Japanese Netflix, split evenly down the season. So this episode would have been the cliffhanger on that first half.
BNA is pretty good. can't wait for more okay lets start
It's got some really great aesthetic to it and the story has been interesting so far. From what I've seen in chatter from people who've already watched it all the conclusion doesn't quite deliver, but they might be splitting hairs, as anime imageboard users are want to do.
In fairness Trigger doesn't do a greaaaat job of concluding their stories, but the overall product is usually fun enough that it's fine.
Something about this series that snags me is they don't seem to ever reference music as, well, music. Like it's not like they can't make music, after all there's that tune that Mu hums all the time that is apparently ingrained in all Player's brains. But it gets referred to as "that thing" and not as a song or anything musical.
Yeah this guy with the lame-ass haircut turned out to be a real bastard.
Echo's good-natured insistence on trust and honesty really doesn't do him many favours. Yeah this is like the third time this episode he's gotten in a tight spot because of it.
Gassing an entire city with a hallucinogetic drug sure is a lot. I wonder what even the point of it is. Like he's already got Mu hijacked by Jimi.
Man Echo's really had the shit knocked out of him this episode.
>Just leave me in the trash where I belong
Oh this song is really melodically a Jin song. He has a certain sound to his lyrics that kind of remains consistent. It was much more noticable in the songs for Mekakucity Actors.
Well, a beach episode in a show like this is a given.
... I thought it was Pecorine's armor that gave her all the stat boosts that makes her the monster she is. But even judsfadasad Ah oh no.
But even with just a swimsuit she can still lift whole boulders.
Oh shit a kraken.
Though a kraken is usually more octopus-like than a giant squid. But I guess squid is more suited to Japanese cuisine.
Yeah I dunno about squid ink ice cream. Like nevermind how it dyes your mouth black, if I remember correctly squid ink has a certain funky flavour it adds to things. I dunno how that would mesh with ice cream.
Yuuki is the male lead and probably the self-insert from the mobage. But the anime really kinda makes Kokkoro the main character. We get the most internal perspective from her point of view after all. She's a nice girl though so it's fine.
"Flowers in Eternal Darkness" really sounds like something out of the brain of a chuuni.
Even meidos aren't immune to Catarina's powerful charms
>Secretly has feelings I dunno how secret Keith really is about it. Just because Catarina is black hole-tier in density doesn't make him subtle about it eleswise.
Mary really has transformed into quite the extreme gay.
>What is it about Lady Catarina that draws people to her? She's just so absolutely dense, lady. People can't escape her gravitational pull.
Compared to the others Catalina's pyjamas are pretty modern. Maybe a bit fanciful, but like you wouldn't really be surprised to see someone wearing them, right. The rest of them are proper noble lady nightwear.
Sophie is pretty adorable when she goes off like that. Excitable nerds are cute.
I want sophie to get her memory back also this is a nice story about the maid
Yeah. It's a nice and concise demonstration of why Catarina is so endearing. She just bullies her way into everyone's hearts.
This series kind of bounces from fanciful, kind of fantasy-y character names. To ones utterly mundane like Anne Shelley and Mary Hunt. Oh and Maria Campbell. Names like those are really weird in isekai series.
Those are the names that they think that europeans have.
>>846039 A couple looked excited. Sophie looked happy.
Well honestly Anne, Mary, and Maria's names are pretty in-line with what you'd expect from British names. Like I'm fairly certain there's , or maybe was, an actual noble family of Hunt and Campbell. And Shelley brings to mind probably the best known Shelley, Mary.
Oh I guess the other girls are finally gonna team up on Catarina for being too friendly with too many guys. At least that's a pretty human response.