The finn looked at his cup and pondered "Why do I not have any tea?" Few minutes passed and once again he took a sip from is empty cup and pondered "Why do I not have any tea?" After the third time, a voice said "Maybe because you havn't poured it in yet?" What was the finn to do? i've only gotten two pages in so far I wanted to tell you all because I found out about this in the most nonsense way
I'm pretty worried about my youngest brother He's always been kind of a weird kid But recently he's been acting like a god damn psychopath
The other day he smashed all the furniture in his room He's almost completely stopped eating food and this morning when I got up at 5:30 to make coffee he was already sitting at the kitchen table with the lights on, hand-writing this huge, multi-page document like his life depended on it. Didn't even acknowledge me when I entered the room and said good morning
It's pretty fucked.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
How old is he?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
turning 21 in a few weeks
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Has he ever done anything like this before? When he speaks, is his tone kind of flat?
No. He seems pretty animated when he chooses to speak to people. He doesn't talk to me much though he hasn't done anything specifically like this before but he's done other weird shit in the past
Based on what you've said, it sounds like a manic episode with psychotic features. It could be a schizotypal disorder, bipolar, or something like that. It could also be a benign psychotic episode, though, which can be caused by stress. You guys should probably get him evaluated if possible because it does sound like it could be serious.
The only real advice I can think of to give is that if he starts talking about weird delusions, avoid challenging the delusions unless they're actively harmful stuff like "i can fly" or "i'm immortal" or stuff like that because challenging someone's delusions will make them resistant to get help.
mizukami just gave me my whole life back everything today is good defeated the shopkeeper read greatness getting more greatness soon things are looking up time to sleep so I can do all this paperwork without falling asleep
this boss in persona 5 royal is fucking INSANE the thing that pisses me off about it the most is that it's not unfair it's just so well designed that it's legitimately fucking hard
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you pretty much have to play perfectly though one mistake and everything goes wrong for the next 5-6 turns until i can manage to recover
I finally get to have home-grilled burgers for the first time since it started getting wintery again.
low key mad that this boss fight is so difficult i started at 3:00 and i'm still doing it only had to restart twice it takes fucking forever
have you considered level grinding
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am actually not even underleveled the difficulty comes from how well designed the fight is basically there are three tenticles doing different things for the two boss monsters if i don't kill them (they each have 650 hp) i do reduced damage to the bosses but they get res'd every single turn and every time they get res'd they have a different set of weaknesses
i actually had the boss almost beat about an hour and a half ago, i was probably 2 turns away, when out of nowhere and with no warning the boss did 1800 damage via megidoloan to us and i assume that means i took too many turns? because my enduring soul didnt activate to keep me alive
>>831942 you can't really outlevel the hard fights in SMT typically. even though persona is a little easier than main line the super bosses require you to be abusing the most broken shit to stand a chance.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
persona is usually way easier than smt this fight is straight outta nocturne though
Nevermind if the solution to a difficult boss battle is level grinding, that's just plain bad game design.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would bother me a LOT less if i didn't have to stop playing before i beat the boss so i could get ready for tabletop i seriously 100% believed 5 or 6 hours was enough time to beat it
>>831946 I guess you don't like classic jrpgs then.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>831948 enjoying them and recognizing that their game design philosophy is fundamentally flawed are different things
>>831948 classic jrpgs usually have really shit gameplay and I love jrpgs. most of them have elements that are literally broken like as in they do not work or actually do the opposite of what they're supposed to. see ff6 for example
>>831949 It was a more primitive time. Game design is pedagogical.
Although in a modern jrpg I don't think grinding should be the only wway to beat a boss but for *but I do think it should help.
of course padding your numbers will help it cant not help
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no matter how much you pad your numbers it isn't going to help against a boss that can dish out 1800 damage will overleveling save you a couple turns? probably will overleveling make a well designed fight easier? probably not
im frustrated that i couldnt find any notes about that fight or that megidolaon not that i was going to share them with you since you probably wouldnt want that, my brain just looks at 1800 megidolaon and says “that cant be right”
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just googled it and found it just search character's name his persona's name and megidoloan it comes up immediately
it might be because im on mobile wikis hate phones
one more shift tomorrow until im off a day, then come back one more time, then im off for who knows how long the schedule ater the following week isnt out
>>831944 It definitely helps to be a few levels higher. Having a few extra levels can mean the difference between a demon dying after an attack or being left with 1hp. Re-examining your current demon lineup and breeding out their elemental weaknesses is typically more efficient though
>>831950 honestly thank god they got rid of random encounters in FF7 remake Random encounters is a jrpg staple I don't at all mind getting rid of. It totally kills the pacing when you're trying to explore a dungeon and you get stopped for a battle transition every ten seconds. Crono Trigger had the right idea. That games encounters are seamless
>>831960 she has to handicap herself to make it a fair fight >>831943 megidolol
>>831953 There are games where your enemies abilities are linked to yours. It was a stupid solution to the grinding problem.
>>831959 I really liked the way Chrono Trigger did it but I also don't mind random encounters. The only times random encounters really bother me is when I'm way more powerful than the monsters.
Megidoladyne is Lucifers fuckyou attack in Devil Survivor >lol I get to hit everyone outside of battle and also it gets stronger every time I use it Megidoladyne is hilariously broken
I saw this earlier and can't stop thinking about having my GURPS character wearing a ahishirt like this. She's 8ft tall It would be oouout of character for her tthough.
>>831986 it's actually a pretty fun class, but you don't get an AOE skill until level 35 or 40 or some ridiculous shit so you're gonna be doing garbage DPS on dungeon mobs for a long time also it's a big meme because dragoons apparently jump into boss AOE all the time with their skills
>>831989 yeah i heard i have tons of 'jump' skills but im technically on the ground for all of them in terms of mechanics
yep, and for most of them the animation locks you into place for ~.5 seconds so some people try to squeeze out that extra dps in between global cooldowns at the wrong time and get stomped at higher levels dragoon is super fun though I leveled one to around 60
I put a lot of time into the classic Harvest Moon games that Stardew draws a lot of inspiration from. Those kinds of games are right up my alley. I don't think I play it quite in the "relaxed" way a lot of people do but I do find it pretty mentally satisfying to play. Given the constraints of in-game time and stamina and stuff like that I really like to maximize each day of the game. Not necessarily maximize on profit but try and do everything the game has to offer, and figuring out how to fit that all into the restraints of the in-game time is a lot of fun.
If you have access to a Switch, the remastered Story of Seasons, something something Mineral Town, is one of those games. There's also Rune Factory 4 remade for the Switch, it's a bit more fantasy and dungeon-y than Story of Seasons or Stardew, but it's got a lot of content too.
>Isabelle announces that Nook's Cranny will be upgrading tomorrow Nice, about time >The store will be closed all-day Tuesday meaning no opportunities to check what I can sell my eight thousand turnips for Wait. No. Stop.
>>832162 I don't really like the notion of time travelling in the game. Plus I wouldn't be able to return to my original time until I'd sold my turnips since travelling back in time with turnips anywhere on you or your island makes all of them spoil automatically and be worth garbage.
>>832161 It takes the passage of time pretty seriously. That's one of the main draws the game has for a lot of people.
>>832163 my new light novel premise is here a time traveler who cant return to their own time until they sell all of their wares
MISSION COMPLETE 27.2 we out Staying in Alibaba for the week, I guess. would be great if it keeps skyrocketing >>832175 YOU SEE WHEN I STICK TO THE PLAN THE MONEY LANDS IN MY HAND I am understanding the situation a lot better now.
eating gator isn't just a florida thing it's totally normal
>>832190 It's not just a Florida thing but it isn't normal. It's a regional thing. And even then I have plenty of relatives in Florida who don't eat gator.
I've never had it because the grocery store we go to in Florida doesn't carry it and historically (going back to my childhood) my dad would refuse to get it because he says it isn't very good.
Back when we drove to Florida I'd always ask if we could stop at a place that sells gator jerky (trust me if you're driving through Florida you won't miss them) but he always said no. We haven't driven to Florida in a while though.
Another thing you'll see is people selling boiled peanuts. That's more of a general southern thing though.
Another thing you'll see in the south is stuff like this. I have been wondering for like two decades why he has a scythe instead of a pitchfork. Although this sign is quite a bit more elaborate than most of tge other ones. In the cities you'll see billboards with lies about the development of unborn children. And Bible quotes Or even just like Bible passage references
the year is 2020 i am setting up a synctube room for a colleague so she can show a video to a therapy group i tell her to paste the link i shared with her into her browser she doesnt understand
>just paste it into your browser >what's a browser?
>>832224 yeah dude look at these numbers Pretty insane And I was harvesting watermelons at the time.
The one time rng is on my side
>>832225 Honestly no idea I think it's a mobage or at least a browser game. But a Twitter artist I follow seems to really like it and I think someone I know elsewhere is playing it.
>>832226 one of my friends got the woodcutting pet at level 17 on an iron lol >>832227 i keep seeing ads for it and thought it was an action game, but now I'm seeing ads where the characters are singing and dancing like idols?
just means i got more time to get everything done really
i have obsessive compulsive tendencies about cleaning my hands so I didn't really change anything in wake of the pandemic i just get to use sanitizer 711 bought for us instead of buying my own
That's good at least. I have a bit of a compulsion to keep my hands washed too so that's kinda helped me a good bit with not worrying as much in these quarantimes too hah hah
On the flipside though I'm also a very unawaringly face-touching kind of person though so it has made me kinda spookd -spooked to go outside since I don't have the focus to avoid face-touching until I can get my hands reliably clean again.
Hearing people end their sentences with "~la" fucks with me since that's an actual thing Singaporean people do regardless of the language they're speaking.
no anime society has evolved past the need for anime
Simply not possible.
cuts on the fingertips are really annoying places to get cuts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so turns out you can challenge battles at the wall market difficulty and set the difficulty for the arena to classic and get xp without pressing a single button
In FFVII Remake?
yeah in FF7R
>>832305 meant wall market Colosseum not wall market difficulty lol
>>832402 for now yeah but they're gonna port it eventually
lot of these big names have worked on this project for over 5 years now and are committed to finishing it before they die so they want everyone to be able to experience it
>>832404 Some won't. Reno's seiyuu passed away last week from cancer. At least he made it past the release date of Remake though.
1. Watch "The Asterisk War" [_] Y [_] N
It's pretty bad. Would not recommend. Watch Rakudai Kishi instead.
hmmmmm how cute are the heroines
Pretty cute. I picked Rakudai since the first season of it aired alongside the first of Asterisk and despite being way better Asterisk got a season two and Rakudai didn't and I'm still kinda salty about it.
watch ga instead
i need a school battle harem give me a school battle harem the kind of kusoani that won't impress me but will entertain me with cute girls and a terrible plot
like IS but not shit
>>832405 that's kind of the reason why they finally decided to do this thing actually nomura was like "we getting old homie you want a remake before we die?" over some drinks and thus ff7r is born
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ai no kiseki wa niji iro wo watatte kimi ni todoku kitto todoku
otome kokoro yuuki dashite :)
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>832411 ok the good ones hmm oh i got one whats the name im blanking
>>832411 Rakudai has cute girls and A plot. Asterisk doesn't even have a plot there's just "Yeah you students all fight each other because ... because ... we don't really have a reason just fight"
you guys remember Keijo i member
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gakusen toshi asterisk thats the name
or if u want nsfw u can do rogue hero lol
wait that's asterisk war wwwww
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah ? theres one more im thinking of >>832423 u said u wanted cute girls and a bad plot...
yeah rakudai kishi is good i like that one cuz of one specific spoiler reason
Jan has a point i could just watch danmachi
just do it better than asterisk not by much tho
and probably not gonna be finished ever
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
danmachi sucks lol
what if i watch (all 3)
Watch the Gun Gale Online Alternative SAO spin-off. It doesn't even have any of the main cast from SAO in it and is written by the author of Kino no Tabi.
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watch momo kyun sword
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>832433 that series sucked AND made no sense as in not consistant
>>832430 Might not actually end up finished but DanMachi is getting a season three later this year. Covid-19 not fucking up production provided.
>>832435 gun gale online alternative the spinoff manga is perfectly consistent with the fucking garbage sequel of sao except the characters aren't written by an emo preteen
>>832433 wait WAIT DIFFERENT AUTHOR damn that's a big selling point
watch bofuri
i'm remembering an anime where a girl rode around on a motorcycle with some kind of pet and visited these towns in a post-apocalyptic kind of fantasy universe what am i thinking of maybe it wasn't a motorcycle i can't remember >>832445 does tabi mean journey is that why i thought of it
>>832469 to have good taste you must know what is bad and why that may mean you enjoy what is bad because you know it is bad and any
and why
>>>/watch?v=4ry0TtSxKco I really liked the Ping Pong Phase tracks from the OST. The way they set up the beat with the ping pong balls is 10/10
i really liked when smile was humming big feelies
>>832473 they did a lot with the ping pong ball sfx >>832474 seeing smile grow into a guy with a big heart was so healing he never really had it in him to be a takkyu champ but loving what he liked ended up making him a good person one of the wholesome ass messages of ping pong
Bang you should watch Inuyashiki and see what a REAL Edgemaster Bang is like.
watch a good show instead like dororo
Or Dorohedoro
haven't actually finished that so can't comment
enjoyed what i watched though but feels it falls short of the og manga probably
I think it consistently delivered. Moon's a long-time fan of the series and gave it a pretty good review I think.
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how about u watch me crash moe with no survivors
man i just watched this >>>/watch?v=pK-4217yNQo and it gave me insane goosebumps had to sit up in my chair
>>832480 probably not much they can do about that it's like trying to make be rs rk anime look good compared to miura
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did it get your heart pumping are you gonna fall asleep on me
im gonna get some food and then we're gonna get married
>>832485 i have slept for like fifteen hours in the
armys not bad especially if you know how to take advantage of what they offer but its not really something id recommend its for the LOSERS of the world who dont know what to do
i was gonna sign up for mil try for rangers but didn't feel like killing none of our current political enemies need a better rival military for me to Murder
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ok u barely see combat in current military sorry
even rangers unless you went ranger bat even then
you can get ranger tab to look cool just by doing the school
and through thick and thinn we have the EU campaigning to ban diesel, biodiesel included, thorugh all of this trace the money
its going down at my house today my sister's decided to take full custody of her son and i know the dad is gonna show up at our house today and its gonna be a situation
A shame I was too tired to put my two sided order in, this is looking like an actual money day.
>The latest: The price of a barrel of WTI crude to be delivered in May is still below zero. The contract closes on Tuesday, which means trading is light and most investors are looking ahead to June >The contract closes on Tuesday oh my god oh my goooooooooooooooood
damn, it's always crazy days like this that my orders aren't in. I mean, at least I'm not losing money but this is about to be a SHOW I wanna see where this goes. I don't know if buying both ends at open would be profitable though.
true true did you see the acnh update theyre doin soon wit da boat
ya, art gallery is gonna be fun gonna get a bunch of statues to fill out my nightmare bathroom
Got an A on my paper and my presentation. I'll accept the A on my paper but the teacher definitely graded super easy on the power point. I'm happy I got it though.
>>832613 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Oh gosh I can't wait to play the "Is this a FAKE?" game with Redd again. Time to flex art knowledge
The shrubberies with Leif are great too, especially since it looks like some even act like fences and form walls if put together. A nice more natural way to form borders for island design.
Though it looks like at the least that Lady With An Ermine is the real deal.
>>832637 I also noticed there's another new app in the phone. At the least the one that looks like the shopping function from the Nook machine is new to me. Maybe we'll be able to access our catalogue from the phone or something. Which would be nice when I'm a t the Able Sisters or something and want to make sure I'm not buying something I've already bought before.
>>832637 If you're an art expert do you think you'd be able to figure out some of these painting parodies? This guy parodies specific classical paintings with Touhou characters and a lot of them haven't been identified.
>>832641 or people who do don't have and refuse to make accounts to tag them
Nintendo's really spoiling its players during these quarantimes though. Yesterday they dropped a huge-ass expansion update to Super Mario Maker 2 and now they're like "Here, take THREE holiday events and a whole expansion to the museum in Animal Crossing".
I have firefox plugins to bypass the premium stuff, but nowadays it doesn't show thumbnails. I scroll over things and see if I'd be interested in them, but most of the stuff that's blocked on danbooru is also trash.
wish safebooru was better
>>832645 I used to edit translations and do some simple translations.
I wonder if Nook's Cranny will eventually get more size expansions like it did in previous games. In New Leaf eventually they got big enough to also have a gardening centre that Leif would man. It would be a nice way to transition him from his visiting stall to a permanent fixture on the island.
>>832659 Someone is probably going to have to do a really good job at roleplaying a Touhou character being a virtual streamer before I get into it.
Also someone did a deep datamine dive in AC the other day and a lot of what has been announced in this update confirms some of the things the dataminer speculated would be added to the game. Which is exciting since the same datamine discoverd -discovered that the museum will get an additional aquatic expansion to make room for the return of wetsuit diving from New Leaf and all the various underwater things you can fish up during it.
>>832654 i have toyed around fixing some setz stuff, but meh
Oh interestingly while the Lady With An Ermine is authentic, the tapestry the bit on Redd's boat focused on is actually a fake. The real one has blue hydrangeas compared to the fake's purple.
Ah man having not really been outside in like two or three weeks. You forget just exactly how bright it can be out here
One of the more surreal things about walking throught -through the neighbourhood is seeing all the little ways people are desperate for communication despite being cooped up in their own homes. Every six or eight houses I pass there's a poster up in the front window or on the door wishing people a Happy Easter or just a nice day in general, or thanking healthcare and other essential workers. Someone even had what looked like paintings propped up facing the outside in their window. The outdoors are so desolate, the school is shut down proper, playground locked off from access, the streets particularly grim in this blustery, overcast weather. These little bursts of communication seeking are some of the only signs of life out there.
Greetings and welcome to another random PK's finnish lesson today's word and topic is Noita - witch and this totally was not randomly inspired by me buying the similiarly named game.
Yeah Noita is pretty neat. Last I checked it was a bit barebones at least in like length content. The game's incredibly polished as far as the mechanics go and has a lot of depth there. But there isn't a lot of stuff to put all that depth towards. Or at least there wasn't when I looked at the game like three or something months back.
On the word itself, it amusingly stacks with the demonstrative nuo, in its conjugated form "noita" - those Noita noitia - those witches in use
the word is a common word in finno-ugric languages and not a loan word, with similiar word forexample being noaidi in sami, who are called "lapinnoita" the lappland witch in finnish
A Noita can be male or female, though it is in more modern times indicates a female (oft evil) sorcerer
Noita has almost always ment an evil sorcerer in finnish, even before christian times, tho ofc this is hard to definitely prove, as there are no written sources.
>>832675 That's nice Also very stereotypical Canada
idk if it's because the weather is warmer here or the restrictions aren't as strict but it hasn't really felt isolated in the same way There are still people out and about walking their dogs playing with their kids talking to neighbors.
If anything, there's actually more people around now since nobody is going into work during the day and everyone is doing everything from home.
>>832676 Welcome to Marsh's Finnish lesson todays word is Viitu it
The last time I was outside the weather was much milder but even despite that there weren't too many people out and about. It's Tuesday afternoon so I bet a lot of the adults in the neighbourhood are doing work-from-home stuff. This is for the most part a fairly well-off neighbourhood so I bet most of the people that live here have jobs that are either essential or can transition easily into work-from-home systems.
I did see a couple people out walking and two kids biked past me. But like if this was a proper holiday there would probably be a lot more activity even in this kind of mediocre weather.
>>832678 On witchery itself, amusingly another word for a witch is "kade" which nowadays is a word for envy or jealosy Kade being a witch who used their powers, oft the evil eye, to curse someone who they were envious of and bad luck would follow Amusingly, as bad luck was common there is a saying "katehia koko kansa" - the whole world is made of witches (lit. the people are all witches) Amusingly, neighbour jealousy is still a common trait in finns, no one is allowed to do better than you, especially your neighbour.
Going back to the noaidi, the lappland witches/shamans, who are bit more polarized than the common witches. They might be mighty good wizards or healers or conjurers of evil, who want to bring forth death and disease wherever they go
Basic rule of thumb is, that if you lived in lappland, you thought of them as good and if you lived in the south, they were the worst villains as were all northeners.
Last bit of Noita stuff is "noidannuoli" lit. Witch' arrow it is a word nowadays used for sudden case of backpain, especially lower back
and as the name implies, it was ofc caused by the spell of a witch
and that is everything I can bother to come up with on the spot, unless someone wants to hear more about the folklore on witches, especially lappland ones
man that was a night came back from my mother's wedding, so a friend and I, both who had been given the honour of using sofa's in the living room to sleep decided to start to marathon this and to make it funnier, we got the good idea of philtering a 80% bottle of vodka, making a big pot of tea and then replacing good chunk of it with that booze
it does also dungeon meshi is fuckin good everyone read it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it is really good i'm super behind though
it is getting an anime this year I think also I should catch up in it I
>>832722 what's the last bit you were at? the most recent ten or so chapters have really started moving the story forward instead of just having them fight a monster and then eat it
>>832723 I think you in particular will like some of the backstory revealed in later chapters good worldbuilding for what started off as a wacky cooking manga
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>832724 last thing i remember was red dragon i'm really far behind
ah yeah that is far big recommend you catch up
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i shall do just that soon maybe i'll sit in my hammock and read it
we've got a client that's obsessed with our treatment center she came about a year ago and then discharged after never really participating in treatment even though we did a lot for her then she went to a place where she had an arrest warrant to see her kids even though her husband said he'd have her arrested // ex-husband // and she went anyways lol then after that she started obsessively stalking some of us trying to get back into the program now she's having medication delivered to our center in an attempt to have a reason to come over
get a life lady shit she also caused a bunch of trouble to our other clients and stuff
>>832729 did they already confirm your check and send it out? ive been getting this message that the status isn't available and after reading the FAQs i don't understand why
my mom hasn't gotten hers either and she's on disability so it should have been immediately deposited... and they say DONT CALL so idk
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>832732 i filled out the online form and got an email saying my request was approved
wait why did you all have to request it? mine was sent automatically to the same account I used to file my taxes
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2018 i only made $4000 income so i didn't file taxes myself my mom used me as a dependent so i could keep my insurance 2019 i haven't filed yet but i officially made $5000 or something
>>832733 yeah i can't for some reason i filed 2018 taxes, not 2019. they say you dont have to, but they say i might have to anyway it puts me in a really weird spot though i guess i need to try and file my taxes today and hope that updates their information
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the online tool says not to file your 2019 taxes if you haven't already
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Do NOT use this tool if you will be filing a 2019 return. If you are required to file a return, using this tool will NOT speed up your Economic Impact Payment and will likely slow down processing of your tax return and receiving any refund.
>>832745 it also says that if my address has been updated since 2018 taxes that i need to file 2019 taxes with my updated address in order to receive a check at another address there's so much inconsistent information and i get confused
oh yeah im usinng the other program you didn't file that's right
if i made 200 less dollars i wouldn't have had to file but ultimately i do
i hope i get the money soon though since i can't work at the jails and stuff right now i'm losing 1000-1500 of my expected monthly income so my budget is messed up now i'll be okay for one or two months but if i can't get things back on track soon i won't be able to pay my bills in probably three months since my primary job just gives me a 1k stipend a month
if things get really bad i have people i can borrow money from but i would really hate to ask my colleagues or my boss to borrow like a thousand dollars even though i know they'd help me i have stuff i can sell if it really comes down to it...
my dad had to sell his gold chain which he // which was the last thing he had from his own father to pay for my diapers when i was a baby if i have to sell heirlooms and shit to survive coronavirus it's gonna feel really empty at least my dad sold that stuff for me selling it for myself feels weird and would be really disappointing
i sold anything i still had back in 2014 to help my mom and to help a friend's family pay for their funeral it really sucks to do i still get sad about it
i dont think i have anything worth anything now though i could sell my personal journals but i dont think anybody'd want them
my mom just keeps manipulating my grandma for money she's gotten like $70,000 out of her it makes me sick she put it all into house renovations, a $5000 convection oven, new windows (the windows
were replaced a few years ago), all new bathrooms, an entirely new kitchen, etc
i can't imagine being so shameless my mom doesn't work, she basically started a fake business and then just claims she doesnt have enough work and she needs money
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she also spent $30,000 on guns
idek how much money my grandma has but i wonder why i never got any of it growing up >>832757 it's a ridiculously obscene amount of money you might get an especially expensive modern gun for like $2000-3000 if you're getting like some ridiculous high end firearm for most guns that you'll see you might spend $200-500
That feels like an obscene amount of money to spend on guns but I also am as distant from gun economy as I can be so I don't actually know what a normal amount of money to spend on guns is.
ive never owned a gun worth more than maybe 650 dollars, 700, and ive had some nice ones
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my mom will get like a shitty AR and then buy a $2000 fucking scope for it
gosh i keep dropping >>832758 an average gun that the average person probably thinks about when they think of a gun is usually like 150-300 dollars so 30,000 would be a decent investment if you owned a gun shop or had some business around it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think her walk-in safe is $5000 which i included in that number now that i think about it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
speaking of which she keeps it in an unsecure garage with no alarms so if you ever want to steal a massive safe i can tip you off
my grandma being so obscenely rich makes me really mad because my dad had to sell shit important to him to buy me diapers and my dad worked until he was forced into early retirement because of our poverty and then we were even poorer
the other dad my mom was in the area and said she'd buy me anything i needed so i asked her to get me milk and she gave me a gallon of spoiled milk
we were really deep in poverty too it's a bit hard to reflect back on though
i would love to have a child but im not gonna bring one into a life of poverty too cruel
i was reading earlier that scientists are saying the novel coronavirus has already mutated into several different strains that the high potential of mutation means that we may have a new strain every year from now on
in a world like that how can anyone bring someone into this world
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all i really want to do is summon my persona
i just want people to see what i see
>>832759 How many ARs does she have? I don't think I'd ever spend more than 5k on a gun. Not that i have anywhere near the kind of money to even consider spending that much on a gun.
Although if I were absurdly wealthy and could get NFA stuff I would totally buy guns worth more than tthat.
>>832768 probably 3 or 4 idk, she hasn't shown me inside her gun safe and ive only been to the range with her like four times she usually brings a shotgun to the range not a rifle she's scary with a shotgun though so i stopped going with her eveyr single time she pulls the trigger she just starts laughing
That woman needs therapy
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but she wont let me get her therapy ):
>>832770 3 or 4 sounds excessive but not too excessive. Like in theory it makes sense if you needed to arm three other people during an apocalyptic scenario. That's not really a good reason though.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i were preparing for an apocalyptic scenario i dont think i'd go with ARs
Practice archery Or learn how to make a firearm that can take some cobbled-together ammunition. Mass-produced guns and ammo are only as good as supplies last.
shotgun shells are pretty simple to make and you can make a shotgun out of PVC pipe i mean you can make a rifle out of pvc pipe but shotgun shells are easier to make
it's probably easier to make shotgun shells than arrows
>>832775 it's not too difficult to refill ammunition my dad and i used to keep all the brass and refill it ourselves
2 and a half hour timeout on internet thank you telia
never trust a swede
>>832774 Literally the only reason I would is because its really common gun and plenty of people hoard ammunition for it.
>>832776 make an instant legolas bow it can fire bolts, which are lot easier to make than arrows
if I was hoarding prepper guns, I'd get a rk 62 or 95 we got billions of ammo for it and well russians have more 7.62x39 is a damn common ammo in this part of the world
>>832794 Yeah imagine not helping your mate when they just broke up
>>832796 Yeah the friend is an idiot OP is a good guy but the friend is the only one who can save themselves
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey guys i just left my job so i'm paying my boss $250 an hour /// a month because they expect to have someone there making money for them and i'm just not there anymore but my friend says i'm being stupid. i told my friend to fuck off i'm doing the right thing am i the asshole
Maybe the friend is actually just in a weird findom relationship and he gets off on being exploited
someone in my work group DM said something about coronavirus leading to blood clots and i mentioned that it also can result in permanent lung damage and the oldest person in the group who was really mad that her favorite food festival got canceled got mad and said "this is not a good forum for this discussion right now" lol we talk shit in the group chat all the time karen why is the coronavirus talk too much for you
>>832817 and Congo which is kinda amusing, since they would have prolly welcomed any other overlord with open arms after Belgians had had their way with them they were a quite a handful to deal with afterall
>>832823 Reminder that they want Belgium to take control of tgeir country again. Because before Belgium gave them full independence they gave the citizens money and help maintained the infrastructure.
Moon linked it to me way back. I never got rid of the tab because I didn't really properly digest some of the more complicated stuff in it.
>>832992 Yeah it's super comprehensive. Not only does it explain the rules, it demonstrates all the niche hands you can win with, and then also goes into detail on how to calculate points a hand would earn you. That latter bit isn't entirely necessary if you're playing in a game since it'll calculate your score when you win a hand. But it's useful to have in mind to figure if the hand you're building will be worth enough points.
>>833012 Well like I said, just aim to build triplets and straights of three and you'll build winning hands. It's not entirely unlike Poker in that aspect but on pretty much every other aspect it's entirely different.
retro, darkest evil that still fights... for good.
>>833039 i heard a bit of it not all of it yet tho >>833043 smh wtf you mean dude you lost you would have had it tho if you didn't score so many points you overflowed to negative
>>833050 or do you want to share the humility and have it posted here?
i don't know dude post whatever I'm too jacked to feel humility
Madness-kun16/04/2020 JAN JAAAAn janrela16/04/2020 STOP FUCKING YELLING IT'S 5AM Madness-kun16/04/2020 thank you how stupid do you think I am? I have this boyoing on me do I release it or go to sleep janrela16/04/2020 go to sleep and then release it Madness-kun16/04/2020 cheating janrela16/04/2020 go to sleep and then release it when you wake up while you drink morning coffee Madness-kun16/04/2020 it is gone janrela16/04/2020 rip Madness-kun16/04/2020 fuk it my character soili demands it from me I shall boink it janrela16/04/2020
yeah still have that in my memory
but then what did you post
janrela16/04/2020 whats with that fucking maaagnum Madness-kun16/04/2020 O boinked it I shall suffer the presence of the I shall suffer the presence of the end I can know design the end any ideas ? I mean there are limits janrela16/04/2020 [x] become hypermassive black hole Madness-kun16/04/2020 especially YOU forced it might take les Madness-kun16/04/2020 i wiggled your potatoes yup janrela16/04/2020 mate buddy how do i have 29 notifs and 4 msgs did you third impact