Appare-Ranman! Episode 1-2 Arte Fugou Keiji Balance - Unlimited Gleipnir Episode 2-3 Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 15-17 Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 4-11 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 1-3 Plunderer Episode 13-14 Tamayomi To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 11-12 Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 2-3
I've been seeing a lot of announcements that after the next episode or so, quite a few shows are gonna have delays. So maybe there'll be a chane -chance to get through a bit of the stuff that's gotten build up.
yeah, let's do baka hour it's tempting to watch hamafura though
It's a lot of fun.
Hm actually Fruits Basket should have come out on Friday or Saturday. Did I miss it or did it just not come out. Yeah no new episode. Guess it got a delay as well.
Zeppelin-style airships are pretty cool. Shame they ended up just being not cost-effective compared to aeroplanes.
For an instrument that has a kinda dirge-y sounding name, dirigibles aren't really suitable for dirges.
The guitar bits in the OST are really good. I guess for a series that leans so heavily on sound, a good OST is a given.
This show has gone a lot of places in a small number of episodes.
Yeah it's kind of impressive how dense with stuff it's been.
It's pretty cool how Mu stands on her robot's shoulder when they're fighting. Especially since having seen some other Players now having a cockpit or seat isn't abnormal. Says a bit about her that she instead directs it from an open position like that.
Decent wrap to the kinda three-episode prologue act I there. Sets up the broader story and gives our protagonists their mission objective. As well as reaffirming their convictions.
Oh I thought that was a typo in your picks. We should be watching episode two of it, we watched the first episode on Wednesday or Thursday. >>832044 Did you want to jump in for stuff?
>>832051 For the second time, did you get episode two of this? We watched episode one last week.
oh yeah I remember this now I'm bad with the names
It's hard for me to recall names but given one I can usually remember what it means, or is associated with. This one is pretty particularly too, hah hah.
This girl seemed kind of serious and tetchy to begin with, but I wonder if getting the same kinda power as the MC's amplified that or something. He seems to have a loose handle on his more bestial aspects. She might be something similar.
That entire sequence was wow! Her dialogue was very penetration-focused for a bit there.
They did some cool stuff with the sound there, when her head hit the shipping container. Made it sound kinda like she was in the middle of a concussion.
Being clubbed to death by a sentient animal mascot is some pretty horror game shit.
>Still, it was a legitimate act of self-defense I guess she's technically right about that. But she was definitely being far too malicious about it on top of that.
This girl is fucking bonkers. There seems to be a lot of crazies around though.
>>832086 she was but she ended up being super mellow and always deferred to the protagonist the girl in this is going to walk all over him the first time
okay lets start!
She definitely has the pants in this relationship.
Okay more of this weird-ass show.
I guess it was clear from a mile away but I guess we're in a high school arc now. They're all in school uniforms now.
Even in this far-past modern-day Japan there was a weird fascination with counts and penalties for yours reaching zero.
>>832091 Sorry to hear that. Hope you can make some time soon
Even in this past history the glasses girl seems to have some history with Licht. They're both ... freshmen? Newcomers? Whatever, to this military school. But she's already calling him Rihito-sempai. I figured it would be because of the stuff they'll do in this school but I guess it's already happened.
They took a bit to arrive at the thought I was having. The school's administrator after all, didn't tell them they had to get ten stars to graduate, just that those that do immediately become a soldier in the army. They could easily split their stars with those that don't and keep everyone in. But I guess Licht still has no desire to be a soldier.
Also I wonder if this is just like an interactive memory or something. Or if it's actually time travel going on. Because if it's the latter then the gang is really messing with the past. Like this blonde guy is still around in the present time so it's not far-fetched to imagine some of these other characters are too. But if it's time travel then they're definitely screwing around with what happened. Unless there was a stable time loop and they were already here because they were supposed to be sent back regardless. But then you'd think Licht would recognize a lot of them.
I was gonna say she's a natural but I guess not looks like she's good at swinging though
Swinging a kendo sword and swinging a bat probably exercise the same muscles. So when she connects with the ball I bet she's got a lot of strength behind it.
Hah hah all it took for this girl to rate up their team is seeing this ace pitcher's balls
PUROTEIN Gotta get S W O L E
As expected of a Kirara Time series this show's got a lot of gay undertones going on.
The imouto of the twins is really acting lime -like a manager for the team. I haven't really been paying too much attention to the OP but I wonder if there's another girl who'll join and let them get a full nine while she sticks to manager-ing. It seems like a lot of work to stay on top of your game while also handling all the logistics stuff of a baseball team.
I don't really get that weird cheek-holding thing Kaguya does. She does something like hold her cheek with the opposite-side hand. It ends up looking really weird. Especially since the mangaka doesn't always have the best grasp of
Holy fuck this girl. Chika might actually be the normal one of her sisters.
But yeah the mangaka doesn't always have the best grasp of anatomy so limbs can sometimes twist a bit weirdly or look wonky.
Shirogane's imouto is pretty powerful character too. She's got her brother's poverty toughness but without his horndog nature.
Careful Kaguya. Don't go falling for your crush's imouto too.
Oh I guess this is the first time we see the Council of Kaguyas.
They show up from time to time. Plus it's fun to see the Ice Queen Kaguya. That's apparently how Kaguya used to be before she mellowed out after meeting the student council.
This one's a lot more like a Phoenix Wright bit though hah hah
As expected of this series though, it does get a bit weird at the end. The other ones just use it for a comedy bit but this one gets kind of mind-twisty.
Kaguya is an excellent schemer as over. As ever, even.
This is a good counter-play from Shirogane though.
Even when she's scheming she's too distracted by how happy she is about him using the fan hah hah
A rare turn of events where Ishigami is the Chaos Factor disrupting the mindgames between Kaguya and Shirogane.
Oh yeah this had some pretty stylish EDs in the first season. I wonder if we'll see something like the Chika Dance again this season.
Oh yeah I meant to bring this up earlier but the first wave of pre-orders for stuff selling this season has come in. Surprising to me is that Hamefura is doing insanely well. Same with Yesterday wo Utatte taking third place. I mean they're both good shows but by now it's obvious there's no correlation between quality and sales. Kakushigoto and Fruits Basket doing well is pleasant to see too.
Yeah I'd agree. Pretty much everything that's on there probably deserves to be doing well, aside from Sakura Wars which is a poor-quality 3D CGI adaptation of the new game. I was looking forward to that since Tite Kubo did the character designs but apparently it would be better just to play the new game. Not that I can, since no PS4, but eh.