>>832853 I don't think she interacted with elf yuno at all.
It feels like it's supposed to be a long distance between their home village and the capital but the journey never feels like it's all that far. I guess when you can get home that easily you might as well go visit.
Well it was sweet for a moment there.
You'd expect the sister to be wise enough to Asta's total lack of magic making him a poor educator for magic.
Well he'd probably be a good fitness educator. Less so magic hah hah
Not that Yuno seems to have the social aspect of being a teacher either. I'm sure as the show's Mary Sue he knows everything necessary to be a teacher but he's still kind of a dweeb socializing-wise.
I feel like Asta's seiyuu's gotten a bit thrown off how his voice is supposed to sound. He's sounded a lot more different this episode than in previous ones.
>>832865 Most of the characters in this show don't really have much personality depth to begin with. Especially the ones introduced earlier. I guess it's probably a component of a popular shounen series to not have too-complex characters that bogs down the story with their nuances so instead it can get straight to the action.
it's really incredible how much humans miss out on without vomeronasal sense
It sure would be wild to have the sensory perception of an animal for a short while. Being able to experience that would be incredible. But also pretty mindfucky I'd bet.
>>832881 I feel like you saw the second where they were fighting some girl, right?
yeah maybe it was the second it's no biggy
I'm pretty sure it was just Rika and I for episode two. If you've only watched one episode of this before it would have been episode one. I'm fairly confident about that.
>>832880 Yeah they went into that when they joined up last episode too. Seems to be a pretty heavy brainlink when they're confjoined.
i think high school protaganists are getting a little oversaturated
it's fine, but they always try to impart more adult characteristics into the high schooler they could just use an adult setting in the first place if they want to explore those more sophisticated crevices of human complexity
high schoolers are pretty simple things
See as soon as shit got real Clair went right back to being the blood knight
>>832890 I think that's pretty accurate. The Japanese have a thing for highschooler protagonists in the same way western young adult novels do. It's kind of a frame to put whatever they need to for the characters on.
I think she's yandere for the MC Oh well there goes his head.
There was a scene right at the end of the last episode which was back when she made him become this creature. Where she was kind of doing the yandere fawning thing over him. It seems like she doesn't take well to other girls being with him.
what do you think about // wait nevermind i dont think i saw the finale episode of first cour
completely disregard
Yeah, KanaHana has done a LOT over the years. For the longest time she was kinda typecast as the fluffy, soft style girl, often pretty meek or quiet. But she apparently has always wanted to do more mean and bitchy characters.
She played a lolicon yandere girl in a show a few seasons back so I'm excited to see her run that personality again for this show.
>>832900 Honzuki, right? Let us know when you can wrap it up. I've been wanting to get back to it. Good thing there's still so much other stuff in the meanwhile though.
In the meanwhile though
ready Railgun T the t is for testosterone i guess
Capital T for Trouble!
This is a rare occasion of the Railgun series where they kinda have to turn to Touma. There's not many others that can go toe-to-toe with a Level 6.
>Implying Aleister would have his main building susceptible to something as simple as a lightning strike
who are you quoting
I dunno. Probably the chessmaster nature Aleister has cultivated throughout the Raildex series
I wonder if he can get rid yeah that what i was going to ask he can erase it with his head
Oh nevermind she's being decent for once.
Apparently in later parts of the main Index series Touma and Shokuhou interact quite a bit.
I wonder if the TV remote is actually an important part of her power or if it's just like a foci for her to execute its complex functions.
Kuroko battle!
That would be an extremely convenient information transmission ability though. Like nevermind having to speak or write something all out. Just being able to pop it into someone else's head with the press of a button.
that'd end up taking a lot of effort to organize all that information in the right way for their brain to parse it!
using a few common convention words with agreed upon meaning and letting them piece together the meaning sounds a lot easier to me
Kita kore!
This arc is so good for all sorts of reasons. Including this guy and Touma teaming up.
>touma narrating his ability out loud to himself
knock some guts into her? im not sure it goes that way
He's not a very smart man. His whole thing is kind of he believes so hard his punches become almost reality-warping. He believes so hard he made it into the seven Level 5s on that alone.
I get the feeling it's more regardless of how better she gets as soon as he lets go of her she'll start going back into that form again. Because he's just interfering with the reception, not actually cancelling out the transmission.
That said though there is going to be a hiatus on episode four of Houkago. They're having work shortages because of the pandemic. So this is the last episode of it we're getting for at least two weeks.
But yes, episode four. Er. Three.
okay ready
Hah hah What a doofy fish
She's sure becoming a fish nerd quick.
there are lots of doofy fish
oh no she's using her dad's computer to google fish images
Now all Google is gonna suggest for his search results is gonna be fish!
Oh we skipped Plunderer on the list for tonight hah hah I looked at the time and thought we were on the final show awfully early tonight considering we started around 00:30.
I was talking with my imouto earlier today. Apparently she's been on a real isekai binge lately. Watched through a lot of the stuff from recent like Slime Isekai, Shield Hero, Overlord. She also started watching Hamefura this season and has been really enjoying it too.
i had a whole bunch of these little artificial lures as a kid
i mostly used live bait so i never got to use the rubber lures but i was so proud to have them
If I were ever to take up fishing again I'd prefer artificial ones like this. Not that it solves all the other problems I have with fishing, but it does solve one of them.
Yeah I was gonna say. There is some overlap between fishing and handicrafts.
they're teaching good technique! especially the knot stuff that's useful
It's a marker that this series is written by someone who's already a big fish nerd. That's usually a sign of a good cute girls doing cute things show, when the thing is something the author has a real passion about. Because they go into all the fun little details of the hobby.
Pres has the right idea. Get yourself a comfy seat or bring a nice chair. And just kick back and relax and let the fish come to you.
I don't know if I could say fish are particularly smart. But they do know the world underwater far better than any human can.
I like games with fishing mingames. Could definitely get into something like a life simulator game with a fishing component too. A game solely dedicated to fishing doesn't quite seem up my alley. Maybe if it was a VR environment.
like fishing video games?
What a reliable sempai!
That is a decent-sized fish though. Could make a nice centerpiece to a dinner for a few out of it.
Oh okay good they didn't force her to do it. Ah not entirely though. I think it's appropriate that they are making her do this though.
But it's also a reason I don't want to take up fishing! I don't really have it in me to kill another living being.
I come from a family that fishes a lot, so I don't mind it. I can bait hooks and clean fish and such
Rika that was only four shows tonight since we accidentally skipped over Plunderer. Do you want to do a fifth of something or do you want to head to bed?
i learned it at a young age and really like it i just can't handle boats well staying on the piers is best for me
id like to conquer my boat issues though and go sailing or something
I'd like to try going sailing for a decently long time at some point. It sounds like a fun activity. But there's a lot of stuff I'd have to be adapted to before I could do that I think. Nevermind being at a point in my life where I could and had a boat I could flee to for several weeks.
ummm honzuki 15 i guess? is that the first episode of the new season? did it have 14 before?
>>832966 i have some stuff that could help with the motion sickness now i might not get seasick if i sailed
Lemme do a quick check to make sure. Oh yeah they did a double episode release of thirteen and fourteen on the final day of the first season. So yeah, episode fifteen is the first one of the new season.
I'm pretty sure this was actually really, really well-received for its first season. So it's a bit surprising to see they haven't really changed up the animation all too much. It does look nice but it has a few clunky bits here and there.
This blue-haired guy is kind of weird but he seems to be overall a decent bloke. He's at least very accomodating for Myne's wants.
im glad it got good reception it's a good show with a lot of attention to conceptual detail it doesn't particularly need illustrative detail
Her dad's such a good papa bear. He can even recognize that this is her best chance at living a full life. What a great dad.
a good friend too knows how help people's anxieties in a productive way
Honzuki was one of the shows my imouto got into recently. She said when she first met Benno she was immediately suspicious of him since he's voiced by Koyasu, who did DIO in JoJo's.
i made some pound cake really tasty
My mother made some rice krispy treats last week when she dropped in for like a single day to make sure my imouto and I hadn't burned the house to the ground. They're a bit more mouth-scrapy than pound cake but it was nice to have a sweet treat to snack on.
... ... . . . >So we really do live in a (class-based) society
ehhh im pretty over it
I'm just pretty sure that was an intentional wording of that by the translators.
yeah same but i just was gonna ignore it
Man her retainers are gonna take some work. At least the older one is better at putting on a professional attitude.
if she's really interested in being a concubine, main could help her with the hair stuff but idk that's still pretty weird
Their society seems to train girls from a young age to find becoming a concubine or mistress at worst as a desirable outcome. There was that other girl in the first series that got betrothed to a way older noble so she could acquire the trinkets to keep her dying from Mana Sickness. Seems to be an established norm for this society.
well those things arise out of necessity of the times, not just some arbitration early 1900s still saw a lot of people for whom marriage was a logistical part of survival and not much more
same with children. if you don't have children to raise on the farm and take over for you, your back will be broken and can't support yourself once you're 40
but yeah that seems to be a strong influence in this world still, at least for the common class it's not as though they have books they can read. how else are they going to achieve social motility?
It's an easy way to catapult your family from low-class urban workers to decently-off middle-class citizens, at the least, yeah. I really like how this series takes place in a very urban location, normally isekai tend to drop the MC into more of a traditional rural location, or the city isn't really a city just a set piece for the characters to move about int. But the people in this series are very much a product of the city they live in, and that's really cool to me. It's a really fresh perspective not just for isekai, but the fantasy genre in general. There aren't a lot of fantasy series that focus so narrowly in on a city and how the city shapes the people that live there.
I'm glad this is back i forgot it was getting another cour
>>833000 what's the term for it, low fantasy? but i really like how grounded it is in its world it doesn't just gloss over all the negativities of this fantasy setting.
>>833004 im happy it's back too. i'll try to show up a bit more
>>833004 Yeah it got announced at the end of the first but then it kinda sank into the background for the entirety of last season. I'd forgotten it was starting up. Or actually maybe I just never caught when it was gonna start up again hah hah. But it was a pleasant surprise to see it showing up on lists again.
>>833005 Low fantasy is probably a pretty accurate box to fit it into, at least for the time being. If all those mythos they started getting into now that Myne is part of the clergy end up being history and not just myth then it would probably shift more towards being high fantasy, but for the time being everything we've seen has been pretty low fantasy. Once literal gods begin existing and having an influence on the world it starts to get a bit fancier.
Or if the magic systems we've started seeing begin to start driving the plot or having critical influence on story arcs. Those are the kinds of things at least to me that separate high and low fantasy.
I don't get the feeling that we'll be seeing those kinds of developments though.