Thread #812720
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Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 375x630, 1435570152157.gif)
Search [iqdb] (416 KB, 650x900, 75353801_p0.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 933x1445, 1417498365995.png)
hello hello
i h8 anime
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 566x1000, 67874621_p0_master1200.jpg)
how are you?
what's up whoakun!
leaving japan so soon??
Yeah for 2 weekw
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1920x1080, [Judas] Somali to Mori no Kami(…).jpg)
i guess tilde's zonked out this time
at least it's not me for once!
Search [iqdb] (841 KB, 1281x1443, 1312756220040.jpg)
yeah, dead tilde
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pour one tilde out
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 854x480, [AnimePlaza] Bokutachi wa Benk(…).jpg)
we're 4 threads down on the front page somehow so a gentle bump in case he does show up
maybe we can still sneak one show in if so
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 564x745, 12d.jpg)
oh well, we'll try again tomorrow!
good night