Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! ID INVADED Infinite Dendrogram Kyokou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 5-8 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 7-9 Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 9-10
infinite instead what ep are we on? 7? okay lets start
There should be episode seven, yeah.
Some kinda Chinese robot or something. Also has a bit of a Jiang Xhi vibe to them with the talisman over the head.
Fast zmobie
Feels a bit early plot-wise to be breaching stuff like endgame ultimate skills.
Also for a journalist-style character who's played loose with truth so far she's awfully uncomfortable talking about her AI pet. Could just lie about it.
Hah hah that little thing talks entirely in English chatisms.
This white-haired guy in the OP who kinda feels like some kind of mastermind has a real Steve Jobs vibe going on with those jeans and turtleneck.
I wonder if there'll be a mid-series powerup for the gun guy and have him realizing he misunderstood his power and it's not just about knowing when someone is lying. Out of all their powers in the main cast his feels like the one that has the most potential for widening upgrade like that.
Yeah without killing this guy by the end of the game they've all kinda made a pretty powerful enemy. Wang is probably gonna be on the warpath to chase Kaname down.
Here's presumably Steve Jobs himself on the phone. A bit of a weird prize for the game winner.
Didn't even let us hear what his trick for getting people to stop joining up was. Seems a bit unnecessary.
Saabisu saabisu
That's a pretty awful face to impart such awful news with.
I'm surprsied no moon tonight. let's orphen ep 5 oh sorry let's start!
I'm pretty sure Moon does want to be here for anime, but it really sounds like Moon's being kept real busy. And getting sleep is important to staying healthy. Hopefully things get a little more managable before too long.
Pretty-looking forest.
That's a scummy way to use magic. Guess he got what was coming to him though.
I guess rolling out the big guns for a single episode is the best DEEN can do these days.
This series is really full of weird anachronisms though. For a sword-and-sorcery setting the fashion styles are really contemporary. And canned food is really way out of place. The amout of industrialization required to produce canned food is pretty considerable. At least in mass-produced formats that he seemed to have on hand.
Oh no they're Scottish.
Ah well I guess they're more technologically-advanced than I gave them credit for. They've at least got the sophistication to make revolvers.
We've got about eight minutes left in this episode of Majutsushi. So if you need a bit of time to wake the rest of the way up there's time. If you're here now though we can do Kyokou Suiri and Eizouken afterwards.
No one in this world seems to like the sorcerors all that much. Both major faiths mark them as mortal enemies. I guess that's why they banded together and become a powerful entity themselves.
what's there to like?
I'm sure they're not ALL bad. And probably would be a lot better if they hadn't faced a history of persecution. But yeah having that kind of power tends to warp your notion of the world.
>>812436 I don't think I've got the personality you're insinuating though. I like magic because it's cool and flashy not because it's some thinking man's flavour of gaming or whatnot.
>>812439 the only magic worth practicing is the Lord's magic Magnus Exorcismus
lusting for power over the elements is a petty, contemptuous thing
Hah hah Even as a student project anime -animation is a very poor source of income. At least for the people that put in all the grunt work.
I like the little double-clap they do before launching into the chorus in the OP. I mean it's a nice OP regardless but that bit's definitely my favourite.
Oh man are they exploring the town this episode. I love the Japanese urban/commercial aesthetic.
Toronto's got a pretty large underground shopping district kinda like this. It's called the PATH and it stretches through most of the financial sector and other parts of the downtown. Kinda like this it's lined with shops, and occasionally restaurants.
i bet there's some nice restaurants along there
>There is nothing fun about social media Preach.
yep i agree it's absolutely horrid
Kanamori's got a really good knack for this kind of social networking and attention manipulation.
I love all the little spoken sound effects they do in this show. The imagined world bits like this they always do are super cool too.
20 yen for the hot water wow scheming
Yeah it's normally complementary in conbinis like this.
Poor Kanamori though. Even with her knack for business she learned at a young age that things don't turn out. This oji-san seems like kind heart though, but that probably cost him the store more than anything.
I had a feeling it was going to go this way. With them exploring the city and seeing all the little quirks. Plus it ties into the issues that are going on that the businesses are suffering from lack of interest.
i think i'd rather have money than a social credit system
I really like how much work Kanamori does behind the scenes though. The series doesn't really emphasize it or glamourize it, but also doesn't act like this kind of business networking is crucial for making an anime.
it's nice working with people who are eager to get stuff done
Asakusa is still my favourite little animation goblin.
Her face is exceptionally lush for how wasted away the rest of her body is.
Ah she's like Kuro. Guess she's hard to kill.
so i guess since the girls were saying she keeps tryin to kill herself, that she's reading into the future also each time
Yeah, maybe. We seem to be focused in on Kuro's ... timeline? Like we never see him die because he's already made the act of dying and seeing the future in a failed timeline.
Yeah especially in this little moment. She's panicking hard about giving Kuro and Saki any second chances.
is this an intimidation banana
Maybe she's just a bit low on potassium.
Oh she's got a nice fashion sense. Real cute.
she's so thin and frail
Yeah, it looks like she's kinda wasting away almost. Though as I mentioned earlier her face kinda doesn't match the rest of her body.
I guess when you spend so much time as a spiritual detective it eventually becomes hard to turn detective-mode off. Even when you're just talking with your boyfriend.
When Kotoko first said Rikka was living at her mansion I thought she meant the Japanese mansion, which is what they call a decent-quality apartment building. But no Kotoko's just an ojou-sama.
Everyone's having some silly imagination moments this episode.
>>812500 I think more than just being good at puting on a face to get the conversation in her favour, which she definitely does, she's also really good at using her own natural reactions for the same purpose.
So his cousin's repsonsible for making Steal Bean Nanase to some effect. That kinda resolves my expectations of there being a human element involved in this case. Wonder why she's sowing chaos like this though.
Ahhhh I hate it when people just touch monitors like that...
Well okay.
that's not as much detective work and more just being familiar with internet culture which police girl probably isn't
All , well, most of the detective work has been done so far at least. We've got the whodunnit and the howdunnit. The only thing that's really lacking is the whydunnit. And that usually comes last after all anyway.
He's the male lead but I think it's been pretty clear so far that Kotoko is the protagonist though. Maybe in later arcs he'll become more important. I get the feeling the overarching story arc of the series is Kotoko and Rikka butting heads. And as that gets more and more into the revival and future-seeing nature of her ability I think Kuro'll be important.
his role is basically just to die a lot so nanase doesn't go killing other people