anime... now that is a name I have not heard in a while
I really enjoyed the 2019 Boogiepop show but it might come off as 2deep5me for other people. It's not really "serious" to me personally but also the new Fruits Basket is some high-octane shoujo fuel that at least takes itself seriously.
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files is a mystery series starring an older and cooler Waver Velvet going around in the Fate world solving magical mysteries. If you're feeling like you could eat up more Fate content that doesn't really have much to do with the usual Holy Grail War theme it's neat. Vinland Saga's anime was really well done. Yakusoku no Neverland might be up your alley in that kind of more serious feel of show. I feel Banana Fish would appeal well to that kind of feel too.
Also unrelated but watch Machikado Mazoku nerd.
Second boogiepop 2019 I don't think it's really a 3deep6me or pretentious show I mean maybe it might come off like one if you're not looking for serious shows
I think it also needs a fair degree of attention investment. There's a lot of stuff that's presented lowkey or subtly at times and if you miss out on it you'll have a hard time getting what exacly -exactly is going on. Which in that case you're only really left with the more surface-apparent stuff which for the show is a LOT of philosophical concept talk or kinda-doofy psychological talk. I adored the series but that's because I am by default a very attentive watcher.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>804054 >>804056 would it be better to watch the older one first?
>>804058 I watched the new one without knowing anything about the lns or the older one and I loved it So I think it's fine
The original Boogiepop adaptation was a previous adaptation that took the source material and kinda tangented it. They took a lot of the stuff the original novels wrote about, kinda cut parts out here and there, and made a fairly original story for the adaptation out of it. This new adaptation is a straightforward adaptation of the novel material so you can watch it without having ever read or seen anything Boogiepop and have a pretty good chance of getting what's going on.
>>804058 I think my assumpion -assumption you were talking about Boogiepop is correct but in case it was about Fruits Basket, it's also a completely new adaptation from the start of the story. So it also doesn't require you to have watched the first adaptation either.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>804055 I've downloaded Machikado Mazoku it's sitting there
>>804090 If the masks in Bionicle world are so important then why are the bohrok the only ones smart enough to have some sort of shield over their masks
I'm heading in the basement to procrastinate and I forgot to bring my hard copy of Kizu with me.
Just finished reading the official Kizumonogatari translation. It was decent, I'd need to have it and the fan translation and the original side by side for me to figure out which is better.
>>804301 >"This isn't over, game on!" >People have been assassinated >Ergo, people have died >"Game on!" Maybe it's just me but that feels way too cavalier a tone to be taking with actual deaths.
Gonna be like two hours late for my three hour class because I couldn't condense the story I need to hand in today any lower than like 1100-1200 words. The assignment limit is 600.
>>804306 This course is a focus on writing shorter stories. We started off with vignettes at like two hundred words and now this "flash fiction"; a short clip of fiction that condenses all of the story into its purest language and no unnecessary bits. Which I just ... don't know how to do. I FEEL like my story is condensed down as short as I can make it, is -if anything I feel more like I'm worsening my story by having to cut parts that help ground details of it. So it feels to me like my option is to tell shorter stories, but ... how? I have absolutely no idea.
At least the final short story is a proper short story at like 1,500 words or so.
Dang people crossing crosswalks with their face buried in their phone. Nevermind not seeing any cars about to hit them they're also a walking menace for anyone trying to cross the other direction.
i am now in position of the book
possession don't know what possessed me to write position
>>804314 Looks good I might be going out for ramen tonight.
While I was eating these two guys next to me, probably accountants or other financial workers, were having a really intense conversation about insurance. One of the guys was dead convinced insurance is a total scam (and to be fair, it is), going on about how since it's only cash payouts the value of insurance is far inferior to dividends off your money instead. I don't think the things he was saying are technically incorrect but the way he was totally all-in on the concept made him sound kinda like a conspiracy theorist.
This semester has been moving a bit fast to me. Next week already is my reading week. Hopefully I don't end up drowning myself before it's over.
has anyone played the outer wilds would it be foolish of me to use a guide for parts that i cant seem to figure out like the interloper i found the frozen shuttle but the computer still says "there's more to explore here..." and yes i translated the little recordings in front of it
Kirara did I'm pretty sure. It's not anywhere I'm able to play it yet. But I mean if you wanna use a guide to get past a part that's particularly infuriating you, I don't see what the problem is.
>>804316 that guy is crazy insurance is a necessity for any disaster distributed in such an uneven way maybe he has issues with say the insanity of the american medical system? idk if this person is even an american
tho it sounds like he has a touch of the very american "just be rich lol"
the way insurance companies are allowed to operate within america _is_ a scam but the concept itself is not fundamentally negative, and is in fact a rather smart idea
>>804339 Canadajin desu This sounded a bit more focused on maybe life insurance rather than living insurance. But also yes this was a guy that works probably in finance, eating at a place that's like a ten-minute walk from the financial district, so his level of personal wealth is definitely more skewed to a high level I'd wager. His talk was never about the applicable value of insurance but that money you'd invest in insurance will produce more value if instead invested in dividends. And since this is Canada yeah I don't think he was talking health insurance.
yeah just be rich dude cmon
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or, more importantly, don't not be not poor
poor people deserve to be poor, remember
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>804341 yeah i wonder what he was thinking like the dividend argument doesn't make sense to me, it's like a 50-50 of either you'll make a small amount or you'll be horribly impoverished at some point
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok if it's just life insurance that makes a little more sense. like if you're old and the premiums are high then sure
He was definitely a bit crazy though. I wasn't fully eavesdropping on their conversation since the restaurant was kinda busy for lunch and it's been like six hours now so my memory is a bit loose. But a part of his big rant involved a tangent into the financial crash and how it ended up with banks having these big oversized towers in places like South Korea that they can't sell but don't need anymore or something? I'unno this is all extremely distanced stuff now I wasn't committing their talk to memory.
Sometimes life is just hard. I'm probably just really tired. I haven't been sleeping and I've been eating like shit for two months. I need to get a handle back on my life.
My mental health is pretty reliant on me keeping my structure and school has utterly destroyed it. My couples counseling class is retraumatizing me and having to spend time with the people in my cohort is driving me insane because I can't stand most of them.
I ended up doing a lot of heavy lifting and handyman work today which ultimately meant I did a lot of physical labor on my 300 calorie breakfast. As a result, I've been tired and weak all day.
I went to pick up some food for the folks at the sober houses from a restaurant and they made me sit at the bar while I waited for the food. Just sitting there in front of all this booze, on a barstool, you know, at the bar. And it felt very natural and I very much wanted to order a drink.
It's scary some times how easy it is to slip up and then have things compound with each other to just mess with yourself.
>>804373 They had no other available seating? Not even like a shoddy bench near the front door? What a lazy restaurant.
I hope some of that food was also for yourself too.
The roadhouse in town has their pickup area by the bar too maybe it's just convenient placement for the employees but that's not particularly convenient for customers
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>804375 No, because the to-go pickup was literally the bar. The carry-out counter was closed with a sign that said the bartender handles the to-go orders.
>>804380 He's sick He has leukemia and has been tearing off his fur. He's lost a lot of weight to. My friend is moving so he's been really stressed out and chewing himself more. I'm pretty worried about him. *weight too
i wrote a three page angry letter to my grad program's program chair there was so much shit that im tired of with it that it took me an hour to come up with three single-spaced pages of complaints and various ways they've abused me or treated me unfairly im probably going to send it at the end of the semester
It'll be maybe interesting to see how you feel at the end of the semester before you send it off. Not that I expect like a change of heart or external improvement in the betweentime. But like see how justified you were in writing it.
Hopefully there isn't an addendum you'll want to add at that time too
>>804384 showwy fow what owo?? ow daddy taught us not to be ashwamed of ow dicks uwu
>>804388 i mean they've been gaslighting me for four years im really mad because there were all these deadlines that weren't codified anywhere and we had to learn through word of mouth and i missed several of them throughout the program they always just told me it was my fault
but now everyone missed a deadline so suddenly it's a problem and they're going to codify them no apologies to me despite spending 4 years punishing me for it and they're continuing to punish me for it after acknowledging it as a problem
among other things ive been trying to keep a low profile in hopes they'd leave me alone but that didn't work so im just gonna tell them how i feel once i get to the point that they can't do shit to me anymore
>>804396 no one has to know so i don't have to be ashamed big big brain
>>804390 i can't wait to feel second hand catharsis
>>804390 It's the worst too when they go "Well you can't always expect things to be set in stone and reliable in the real world". Like fuck off the rest of the world's incompetence isn't an excuse for yours.
i recently suggested my problems were mostly the school's fault because i demonstrably dont have any of those problems in other settings like at work and they ignored me and said it was all my fault and im not ready to be a clinician lol
and then they started shaming me for being an alcoholic and saying that maybe that makes me unsuitable to be a doctor
I'm sure there are plenty of doctors out there that are active alcoholics, rather than ones in remission. So evidently that is not an unsuitable trait for a doctor.
the majority of research actually suggests my alcoholism makes me a more effective clinician BUT WHAT DO I KNOW im not a 60 year old stroke victim who hasn't seen clients in 10 years!!
i found myself fantasizing about doing crimes in retaliation for it all the other day i had a whole plan before i realized what i was doing and stopped it's really fuckin with me
>>804401 my old doc was an alcoholic he was a great guy he had a donkey Kong arcade machine in the waiting room shit was badass
>>804402 don't do crime let me do crime I've already done a lot of crime so I'm more qualified
i say, feeling like i might commit a little crime as a treat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of my best crimes was stealing like 3 boxes of office supplies from a place that was stealing my labor i haven't had to buy office supplies in so long i write "il" in front of "legal pad" on all of the legal pads as a joke because it always makes me smile to see it no ragrets fuck those guys
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean really they were asking for it when they didn't remove my keycard access and didn't track keycard swipes even though i no longer worked there and also the cameras were fake and they made me aware of that
they ran out of EFTPOS machines for me surely if people who sell mangoes on the side of the road can afford one, large company can afford to replace one guess I just have to do payment over the phone as frustrating as that is
>>804510 Nnnnope. If it's still in theatres I'll see if I can get to it soon though. I might be getting a movie ticket for doing a favour for my school's Philosophy department so that would be a good use for it I think.
SOMEWHERE on my desk I've also got a coupon for a free movie-for-two that I could just as well use for only myself. If I can get my hands on either of those I'm definitely interested in seeing if I can use it for Knives Out.
this one i made last week the curry sauce is made from pureed onions and spinach with curry spices and a secret ingredient (it's a garlic anchovy paste) the chicken is just marinated and seared chicken thighs that i finished in the oven and poured a very basic hot sauce over while they were still super hot and the hot sauce glazed over nicely
the garlic anchovy might sound weird but it's because glutamates and science and basically you don't taste fish but the savory levels are off the charts
here are some amazing pancakes i made this picture i took when they were super duper fresh because i wanted to catch the butter while it still looked like that
last is this pasta dish i just made it's pretty basic but it looks nice and is tasty the highlight is either the andouille sausage that i picked up or the shoots of green onion that i crisped up
>>804591 i wanted to make sausage and potatoes because it's one of my favorites you pour beer in and then it becomes a sauce but all my potatoes were terribly sprouted and i only bought them a couple days ago so i improvised
feel like my head is a messy office space where someone knocked over all the shelves and spilled papers all over the floor but its still workable so i ignore the mess and get on with my day
So I got my dad this dumb ass card for his birthday It had a sloth on a skateboard with the caption "party like a boss" just a cheapo one.
But the funny thing is My dad, who is in his 60s and had never even heard the phrase "like a boss" thought it had some sort of joke or pun or message and apparently he was just staring at it for ages trying to figure it out trying to crack this cryptic message like *what could this meeaaaaan?*
im so tired i did a full day interview today and barely slept but here i am not goin home yet gotta have a moment of reflection man i should have done this a long time afo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spiritual reconsideration 100% complete epiphany GET: i should get leave-in conditioner
Ding ding ding
>>804666 More like you should get yourself a thugged-out dirt nap Or just a normal nap.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll TAKE IT
blam blam blam maxwell's hammer comes crashing down on my head
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wow that was an unintentional get maybe subconscious HAIL SATIN
My mother always watches one of those inane entertainment gossip shows every night during the week. And tonight they had a bit covering Sonic the Hedgehog because of Carrey. It feels really weird to see those kinds of entertainment news shows talking about stuff like that.
>>804708 It's not used very much by anyone I know.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nor anyone i know but i knew that word by like 3rd grade and everyone knew it by high school maybe an area that has no hispanic people wouldn't know it
While I am not American I've never heard it before in my life. Though I've never really spent a lot of time around places with a lot of Hispanic saturation.
We're doing a bit where he initiates a pt0 he initiates a game of charades and he walks in front his group of friends and says "okay what am i" but before he gets the chance to even begin miming anything, one friend just screams "a SPIC!" and we're trying to see which racial slur would be the most effective in our efforts to make people laugh
>>804711 Do you like Mexican food? There's a lot of good Mexican food in the Chicago area.
>>804712 Well, I hope you know your audience well enough. People are much mote sensitive to that lind of thing these days (not tthat its a bad thing) but people will often get offended on others' behalves.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna spend an hour in a sensory deprivation tank on Friday
>>804712 hey this sounds like the kind of thing that ruins people's lives by getting them fired in a year or two because it was secretly recorded
i think you're making a mistake but at the very least please avoid using racial slurs on moe
Yeah, that's not really appropriate for /moe/. I wouldn't mind a meta discussion about the word and or its use but using it like that isn't really appropriate. I also agree with Kirara about it being potentially career ending. That being said if you're just doing Actually nvm I don't advise doing it all period.
If you still intend on doing it I think it would be better to say "Mexican" or whatever his ethnicity is.
guess who had to push an old lady's suv to the pump by himself because he is a dumb bitch
Was there someone else you could call for help?
just me and some customers who didn't seem interested
Doesn't sound like a dumb bitch move then. Sounds real annoying though. SUVs are such a stupid concept.
Some rpg books that were out of print and prohibitively expensive got reprinted between 4 and 3 years ago aand I only heard about it now. But I'm talking like $100 used prices While the reprints are actually updated and only $30 each.
So someone proposed a law in Illinois that would make it illegal to pump your own gas.
new jersey mode why though
>>804751 I think to make jobs. It's stupid though. The current governor put a bunch of stuff in place that makes owning, purchasing, driving, parking, refueling and trading in vehicles more expensive last year. I don't drive so I personally haven't been affected by it, but the state does need more revenue. But we now have the third highest gasoline tax in the nation.
Quotes from Oregonians “Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don't want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes. I agree Very bad idea.”
“I don't even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian.....I say NO THANKS! I don't want to smell like gasoline!”
“I've lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas. I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it. This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas. I can't even”
Literally nowhere here has employees for pumping gas.
>>804754 It's really dumb. Oregon recently loosened their laws about it and made it legal for people to pump their own gas in counties with less than 40,000 people.
>>804752 >to create jobs but that's like the shittiest fucking job imaginable surely you can create jobs in categories that are a little more useful and not garbage bottom tier labor
>>804754 i've even had people from jersey on vacation or whatever come here and pump their own gas anyone can do it
>>804758 Well, they probably have lot of experience doing it in other better states like New York or Pennsylvania. People in Jersey are closer to better states and live in a shitty state so its not surprising that people from Oregon (a bigger state) don't have as much experience.
>>804757 >creating jobs that provide literally no value You might as well just put them on welfare At least that way they can spend the time looking for jobs that actually do something
>>804760 Putting them on welfare would cost the government more money.
>>804760 america is allergic to social services. we have to save that money so we can afford the tens of billions of dollars we budget for our military
>>804762 It's a lot more than just tens of billions.
>>804783 Space war sounds cool until you realise it'd be boring and gay like modern air combat where everyone just fires weapons from beyond visual range and there's no sick dogfights and manuevering
>>804778 >tfw your military won the pacific front for the allies but nobody will acknowledge it usa usa usa
>>804777 i would go sign the fuck up for the armed forces right now if i could go fight in a space war
rest of humanity needs to catch up so i can die in my scifi war
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Steal a fighter ship form a rag-tag team of mercenaries live the dream
You'd probably have a better chance of fighting against sudden aliens than there being an actual space war between nations in your lifespan.
>>804779 there's still people flying and bombing shit but the planes are just too good and too fast for dogfights now shit is mad gay
at least infantry still gets to kill each other
>>804786 There was that ONE dogfight back in 2019 between India and Pakistan but that only happened because they were using oldass planes >infantry still get to kill each other I mean yeah but you're more likely to get randomly blown up by some bomb on the side of the road than actually die in a cool fire fight
>>804785 Would we get a chance to fight ayys They could just bombard us from orbit if they wanted to
I don't fucking know I've never encountered terrorizing alien forces before. >Mig-21 shooting down an f-16 That shit is almost a /// is more than 50 years old
i resubbed to ffxiv and it took me approx. 1 hour and 10 mintues to get banned from the novice network yeet
For shitposting or bullying noobs?
for talking about how i used to queue up for specific bosses that had instant kill cleave attacks as tank and spin the bosss for the duration of the fight
>>804862 Why can't you just play nicely with others
>>804855 Wow I'm surprised you read animorphs, I thought you were too young to know that series. I blame that series for the large population of furries in my generation though.
>>804868 >he blames Animorphs >not that one Bugs Bunny short where Bugs puts on a dress
>>804872 For gen x and boomers disnetmy's Robinhood is much more responsible. *Disney's
Also it wasn't exclusively animorpbs but I dont think its unreasonable to point it out as a large influence. Just like the dumb movie with the rabbit cop probably influenced many zoomers to become furries.
anyone who's played with me can confirm im bad at vidya gaem so i try my best to make people worse than me git gud
>>804876 Is that the game with the boss thats impossible to do with randos because it requires people to do basic math?
so is this like THE DREAM for someone? The ideal fantasy? Using your autism to win at card games while you strengthen your borderline incestuous relationship with your little sister
>>804877 straight up the thing everyone got hung up on was finding a prime number that's between 0 and 20
im sure as a math man that would stress how retarded most xiv players are
>>804876 Bitch please you're one of /moe/'s best Smash players.
Someday I'll play smash with /moe/
Unless this is solely about FFXIV you mean then sure maybe you're trash. I wouldn't even know what a good FFXIV player looks like.
>>804883 i mean yea i'm the second best after samu now but i mean in games in general games i havent played for a gorillion years im really average at games normally though im better at action games than everyone else on /moe/ apparently according to the sekiro data
>>804888 yea i am gonna try to see it opening day if i can?? i should buy a tickets and hopefully on a dose of mushrooms >>804886 i think you were pretty drunk when we played online heheh. sober without lag would be a different story
im not gonna see sonic because that franchise is shit and sonic is shit and fuck em t. someone who has played every sonic game even sonic heroes
>>804889 ok i was pretty fucking drunk every time i have played with you but since i usually play vidya gaem online while drunk i think that's a bullshit excuse if i'm always drunk in multiplayer you can't discount beating me just cause im drunk
>>804911 gin is fucking delicious but maybe i have dain bramage
i probably have some grain damabrge
The Japanese bar I somewhat frequent has a real solid Yuzu orange gin & tonic. Though it also was overwhelmingly flavoured with yuzu. I really enjoyed it.
all i gotta do is beat this byleth and ill have beat all dlc spirit matches yo
>>804920 juniper tastes fuken good if i havent thrown up in your car and asked you to boot me out of the passenger side you are below Bang in terms of experiencing fast drunk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good lord first i gotta get a car and before that i gotta get a driver's license because canada is a DICK >>804926 night
>>804925 its okay i did this like five years ago when i was even more of a faggot
this was so long ago we went to visit ekureiru and he was alive
and his parents banned me from coming over to their house ever again wonder if that meant anything
the dragons Dogma general there was sick when it was current much discussion and science of pawn behavior was friends with some constant regulars there
reminded me of the older demons souls generals on v just a bit
same for the /vg/ doom generals
probably all different now but it was great when it was new
I miss making peoples day by killing defiled watchdog or defiled amygdala so fun, I must have killed those fucked like 100 times each all the messages "OMG I LOVE YOU I WAS STUCK FOR DAYS" teeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee
ok sister was gonna play pokeymans I'm giving you like thirty mins samureirairoireirai lalc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
more than enuf im bacc should i make it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i made it s
i make but wait ok
will join
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i shud get a capture card they're not cheap tho
ain't that expensive
tfw wasted buster wolf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
expand dong
also knocked lamp over but super special is more sad
>>805171 The remake of the first Pokemon movie is also in 3D CGI kind that and I think it looks fantastic too. Though Lupin's is definitely better. And then there's Studio Orange which recently did the television anime for Houseki no Kuni and Beastars, and while neither was up to the quality of Lupin, the 3D CGI in those was used really, really well for the strangeness of the characters, and the studio is also really good at utilizing the pseudocamera of a CGI scene to make some surprisingly cinematic shots.
stuff on the left is what was in the patch stuff on the right is still being worked on
i'm glad all this shit is free though
A lot of the "Games as a service" model developers seem to recently be catching on that microtransactions aren't a great way to maintain player interest. At least when the transactions are for playable content. More often than not you're getting macrotransactions like season passes or even better, free large-scale content updates like that. A nice return to decency.
yeah it's a nice change of pace after the microtransaction hell that was black ops 4 you literally had to buy all the updates buy new game modes buy new guns buy new maps and also had tons of cosmetic shit to buy
this game just has cosmetic microtransactions and every other update is free
remember you can skip the image tax if you subscribe to Doushio Goldtm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but milord isn't that also a tax packaged in a diff'rnt guise?
There's been some kind of hack on YouTube recently by some people that are taking over channels and transforming them into Litecoin ... news? coindrop? something or other channels. Apparently it's a pretty clever hack they're using. An ONI channel I'm a decent fan of got the hack and the creator's been stuck for like a week or two trying to get help from YouTube in regaining the channel.
>>805217 Nonsense, this is more like a sign of fealty to your king, writ in shillings!
o yea some asmr peeps were showing off the phishing emails ASMR? I dont even know her
ASMR always makes me think about that part of lord of the flies where they make fun of the fat kid for having "ass-mar"
>>805221 Yeah the creator I'm familiar with that got hacked showed off a simple search of Litecoin filtered by LIVE on YouTube and there's a whole bunch of channels that are more or less the same content just rephrased or reskinned. It looks like they're going after all sorts of channels. I haven't looked into the actual content of the hacked channels since I don't want to associate with it but it does make me kinda confused as to what they're trying here.
>game ends >i say "gg" >immediately someone calls me a nigger good old cowwadooty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cmonBruh >>805223 yikes guess i'll go to coinbase and buy 100 LTC brfore it pops
>>805234 lmao >>805237 like a full dinner plate pancake size cookie
Eat TWO really big cookies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>805239 no that's exactly what u // I didn't want!
>>805234 really don't think you need a test to tell if you're autistic when you're enjoying runecrafting
>>805238 just get a cookie cake ezpz not too much cookie for one man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went to the dessert cafe and they would not sell me one (1) macaroon but only like a box of 12 no cookies i got two (2) custards because apparently that is the minimum order feeling kinda scammed
>minimum order what kinda bull shit
>hello pizza place i would like to buy one pizza >sorry sir our minimum order is 4 pizzas fuck off
should've left the second custard on the counter to prove a point
>>805245 who doesn't buy their pizza by the dozen?
>>805247 something i've always wanted to do is place some ridiculous order like 90 pizzas one day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's dangerous, be sure to order them to a well ventilated and up-to-code cafeteria or convention hall because you're about to spawn 80 college students instantaneously
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Looks like UR the cusTard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>805250 jesus christ ya right bastard i got a family yknow
>>805257 i always thought that mission was a mediocre attempt to one-up the nuke mission from cod4 in shock value it was too edgy for me to take seriously
I liked it, not because of the violence in of itself but I felt that it was brave of the devs to publish a videogame with such a grim level. I think it was very good at telling the story and showing how fucked it up was.
*fucked up it was
>>805259 it was ballsy for sure and made perfect sense in the plot but i just feel like the nuke sequence from the previous game was more realistic and brutal
>>805261 I honestly barely remember modern warfare 1. 2 and 3 blur a bit fir me because I played them around the same time. I distinctly remember the level where you have to defend the burger place though.
Black Ops 1 is still ky favorite though. *my
>>805262 the first one had a pretty forgettable campaign except for the mission where you get nuked and crawl around seeing all the carnage while you die
>>805264 Brutal Although for reference I own and enjoy playing Hatred.
also only 2 of the main characters survive by the end if i remember correctly
Ah I remember the dude with the body armor and the machine guy *machine gun The bomb squad looking armor I think that was in modern warfare
I hated Black Ops 2 though. I thought the plot was really dumb.
>>805265 I always wondered if that was any good looked like an okayish third person shooter
>>805265 i can't take that game seriously enough to think the violence is really shocking honestly
>>805269 It's pretty fun I remember hooking it up to a tv at my friend's house and playing it Although I also remember getting stuck at the army base, but I was playing with a controller so it should be a lot easier to play it with keyboard and mouse. >>805270 >My name is not important I love its existence I like that it made people mad I don't like when people say "this game should be banned because its too violent" Hatred is this paragon of ultraviolence in videogames and it was really only a matter of time until something like that came out. (I know about Postal but Hatred is much more violent)
i feel like a lot of people crusading against that game and others like it probably also let their kids play call of duty and shit it's okay to let timmy experience the horrors of war but killing civilians and hookers? no gta for you
we need a new shocking video game drama maybe a sequel to super columbine massacre rpg
where are the war crimes in war games it's not fair
>>805273 Where's my arcade style school shooting simulator designed with speed running in mind
>>805277 Yeah man, I'll just make a video game man. I'll just go learn programming, music, 3d modelling, quit my job, and make it
>>805278 Unity exists The barrier for entry into the field of game development is llower than ever. I never said aananything about quitting your job though. Anyways I learned how to make videogames in highschool, its not that hard to make a shitty game.
>>805276 though you do get bombarded with delicious white phosphorus and boxed in and slaughtered in one of the newest game's missions
tfw unity exists
>>805280 I'm pretty sure running people over is a war crime too.
Also every game about the vietnam war should feature war crimes.
>>805275 there was one called Active Shooter but steam pulled it from the store because of controversy
that's right you can buy basically hentai games but not murder simulators
and ccr fortunate son playing in the background
>>805284 I'd say I'd rather have games with actual porn content more freely available than murder simulators.
>>805285 how did that song become a staple of vietnam media anyway
>>805286 i agree but i think selling either is kind of weird
then again battlefield and cod are basically murder simulators and they're super popular
>>805284 Oh, that's a shame. They did that with Hatred but Gayben reversed the decision and got it back on the store.
>>805284 >>805286 Yeah I agree with this I don't think that people shouldn't be allowed to make murdersims but sex is definitely more wholesome than murder and I can see why Valve wouldn't want to be associated with a school shooter sim
I'd rather the world be filled with more sexual degenerates than murder sim stans.
i take it back actually i recall once seeing some drama in a game dev contest where someone vehemently defended his right to make a game where you customize a dungeon in your basement and lure npcs in to torture them muh artistic expression
was it hotline miami 2 that they were like >sorry it's banned Australia, feel free to pirate it
>>805294 Well, was it against the letter of the rules? I mean its still basically up to the people running the contest as to what is and isn't allowed.
>>805297 technically no, but almost everyone was against hosting such a game on the site for whatever reason i guess it paints a bad image when you have those kinds of games for download
They should've put something in the rules saying that they can choose to rmove a game at any time with no notice. It's a bit misleading not to.
>>805309 I'm simply baiting out the true extent of his powr *power Once we ban cute girls it'll send him into a rage, and we'll see hyper ultra instinct bloodlust ToN
>>805309 he will smuggle illegal cute girls into /moe/ >>805308 yeah i figured i don't think a lot of people would want to play it
Why crush the monarchy when you can crush the momarchy
Why not both?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the matriarchy is all
Why crush the momarchy when you can crush a watermelon with this mallet for comedic effect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to perform some conscious unciupling
>>805349 i wish this watermelon exploded like a real human head
see that that's commitment
Oh yeah My sister got a job Unfortunately she isn't actually moving out tomorrow She's just going to Toronto. Her boyfriend is still in Mexico for work and won't be back for a few weeks. When he left she came to stay with us because she was lonely (not that sge admitted it).
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>805351 she's not moving out but she's going to [city]? like a new long commute?
>>805352 No, so she ostensibly lives with her boyfriend but he's out of town right now so sshe lives here. She's going on a trip to Toronto. I had been told she was leaving tomorrow so I had thought my dad meant going back to her boyfriend's apartment, I didn't know she was actually just going on a trip until it came up at dinner tonight.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i see hope she's not taking over your living space too much
>>805354 She's taken over the basement. So I can't use the stereo. Or move my ps4 and the extra tv dkwn there to play because I can't play in the living room because my mom works from home and her desk is like 14 feet from the living room.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>805355 i got it off twitter so idk for sure but like, i dont see why they would make this up also that account is banned i wonder if there's an archive...
I would expect there's better dark web alternatives than Twitter to sell organs on. Trying to market on there just sounds like you're asking to get investigated into.
>>805357 >i don't see why they would make this up It's the internet You don't need a reason to make things up
>>805385 That's true I would play the long game As one of those milquetoast influencers with a blue checkmark Building up a huge base of followers and getting in with the in crowd Then I'd blow it all on one single power tweet getting instantly banned