Dorohedoro Boku no Hero Academia Chihayafuru Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Episode 4-5 ID INVADED Infinite Dendrogram Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-5 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 4-5 Plunderer Episode 3-5 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 4-7 To aru Kagaku no Railgun T
Bang might be around, he was interested in watching Magia Record with us if we do it tonight. If we don't watch it tonight I think it's fine. And if we do want to watch I can ping him easy for it.
Felt weird for a moment to me that this show was already on episode seven. But then I remembered they did the first two episodes as a double release. Still a lot of shows are hitting the episode six mark. The season's halfway through.
Oh finally a show that acknowledges proxies and VPNs and how they can make following an online paper trail difficult.
The girl gets to do the dive today eh.
Yeah, looks like Kaede exists as some kind of constant within this virtual system.
These Netflix shows that come natively at 1080p always take up so much of my screen gosh.
yeah. i dont have dual monitor so i have to minimize it and have it side-by-side with a /moe/ column
Even though I've got two monitors I still pretty much watch all my stuff on the same window as /moe/. The visual width of two monitors is a bit too wide for me to focus on reading, typing, and watching. Condensing it down to a single monitor helps a lot.
this OP is a real mood
This show's actually like the fourth or third best-selling show running this season I think. Though I'm pretty sure at this point all sales numbers are pre-orders but still. As far as they go this show's doing REALLY well
>>804145 the manga had a really strong cult following i became really obsessed with it when i first found it
it was a hidden gem for a lot of people and one of their favorites i think the anime will bring a big new fanbase
the execution is just amazing these goofy ass OST tracks playing over what seem like really intense scenes just catches the mood of the show so well
Geez fucking louise Kaiman. You can't just go stabbing every Mahoutsukai you come across.
do we know if this is just one cour or is that uncertain
The information I've seen is for a single cour but that was back in like November or December. While that kind of thing generally doesn't change much it's not impossible.
And if it's received well it might get more stuff.
i dont think i could use that toilet
I'd just shut my eyes close and hope
Okay no nevermind that's definitely NOT a functional toilet.
if it's a single cour, i think they'll only be able to do a small cross-section slice of the whole story
it's one of those shows where each character basically has a whole protag plot that could be its own show
Kaiman/Nikaidou and the sorcerors seem to really keep bumping into each other. Or at least crossing the same places close to each other.
>Head got a tunnel
yeah i think kaiman got a good chuck of her brain along with her face
hahaha just pukes on the dude
I'd say poor guy, but. He's probably not a nice person to begin with.
definitely counts as adding insult to injury though
this doesn't seem like kaiman at all
Maybe being a lizard's messed with his mental state. But yeah I don't think they're quite the same.
This is one of the cool things about the OST being done by Know Name I'm not even gonna bother with their stylization. But they do a whole lotta songs when they do an OST.
>>804174 Well he seems to straddle the line between eccentric and charismatic. And once that kind of thing starts snowballing it gets easier for it to keep going.
Oh yeah this had all the bratty kids in it. How exhausting.
Well they gave a pretty good reasoning for it I think.
>Aurora Borealis? Located entirely in this stadium?
how do they determine rank what statistics
like number one
They never really say. All Might used to be the number one before he had to retire. He was always running around saving people and helping in incidents. So that's the kind of stuff that probably counted towards it. But it was always just kinda hand-waved.
I'm a bit surprised Nighteye actually died in the arc though. Like it's sensible, considering the state of his injuries. But it's rare for a character to
Aoyama always reminds me of Zatch/Gash Bell characters.
They're doing a pretty good job of making this both kinda creepy but also extremely campy.
Hm, something being camp or campy is kinda like ... exaggerated? Even that doesn't really encapsulate it proper. Just sorta that weirdly overplayed manner they were doing those stalking scenes. When something's campy it can be hard at times to tell if they're it's being serious or not taking itself seriously.
weird, never heard it oh well no biggy
like hammy? hamming it up?
Yeah it's close to hammy. I guess hammy is more of a personality thing, where campy is similar attributes applied to a setting or story bit or narrative device.
Oh I just saw there was a photo in this ED with Toga acting like a normal middle or high school girl rather than a bloodthirsty psychopath.
festivals eh
BU N KA SA I I always love me a cultural festival arc.
She's getting a lot of attention. This is probably the only time she'll get it.
i hope we dont get robot dogs like that in everyday spaces
The nice thing about Kongo's whole quest here is she just wants to be better friends with Misaka. She's a pretty wholesome character for being a real proper spoiled ojou-sama.
i wonder if we have laws about burials on other planets
you know the first crime committed in outer space was litigated recently
Yeah I have a vague recollection of hearing about that. Space crime is gonna be a messy thing for a good while. Earth laws weren't really written with space habitation in mind.
we should take a trip out to space for an anime session we can pirate it and be called space pirates
oh yeah i remember that there was a space crime recently
Being space pirates might be fun.
that lady in space was illegally accessing her partner's files from outer space i think it was
Suzu is a strong girl gosh.
festival again
Give me all the festivals Never-ending matsuri!
Bowling tiramisu
it sounded like she called it boring
Well she kinda did! But boring in the sense of a boring drill rather than being boring.
Wow she changed out of the uniform fast.
That's some real nice plating on the pancakes.
Oh I think that girl joins their club eventually.
Well yeah, it was pretty inevitable. They're third-years they've got entrance exams to study for.