Chihayafuru Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Episode 4-5 Infinite Dendrogram Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-5 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 4-6 Pet Plunderer Episode 3-5 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 4-7
i get those goosebumps every time
i think im gonna sit out tonight sorry
Sorry to hear that, Moon. Hope things are better tomorrow.
>>804442 OH YEAH caps i'll sub that in if he appears
okay lets start
Desu game
We might have a Bang around who's interested in watching Magia Record. Could maybe put that in instead of Plunderer or Pet.
hello yes i am bang i appear
>>804443 We can probably do Magia Record next if you can be around in like twenty-five minutes.
i'm rewatching ep4 right now that's good timing
I feel like it's been more than a week since we last watched this show. Did it just not air last week? Or has the week just dragged on so long for me it feels like two.
Oh yeah no looking at the timestamps in my downloads there wasn't an episode of this last week. Wonder why.
be cause i wasn't here a couple weeks ago i'll make a comment about magia record 03
i thought it was funny that mami showed up at the end of episode 3 because of madoka magica and stuff
>Shooting a sniper rifle while standing up atop a tall building
Even with weird plot convenience reasons it would probably be impossible for the organizers of D-Game to entirely clear out Shibuya like this. There's just way too many people that would want to be there.
Also I guess I was right that this was the girl from the OP. Though she seems to have some sort of split personality or other knack that lets her tell contradictory truths.
i guess this is what i get for being a paying customer
Huh, really? If Crunchyroll doesn't have the episode then where did HorribleSubs get it from.
Oh looks like it releases on Funimation's streaming service and then on Crunchyroll a week later. Exclusivity, 'ho
well now i'm sad oh well
i have failed you /moe/ go on without me
Sorry it didn't work out. If you're willing to torrent for this show though we'll be around next week, yeah.
i'll get caught up and watch next week i'll probably just unsub from CR and sub to funi lol it's a dollar cheaper and there's some backlogged stuff on there i need to watch
Yeah that works too eh.
god bless the gigantic corporations that control almost every aspect of my life the human condition is beautiful
Haven't these girls ever read Alice in Wonderland. Since when has drinking random things given to you by weird circumstances ever been a good idea.
Oh I am a fan of girls wielding large hammers.
Cameo number two. I wonder if we'll see Sayaka before the season's over.
I guess that lucky water was really lucky water. I wonder what the price is.
Well that's a pretty good motivation for HAET WICHT
Honestly with all the urban myth stuff that goes on in this show it kinda feels like it's got more in common with Hanako-kun in this season than the original Madoka hah hah
She's kind of a bratty cute. A bit like that one from earlier in the season that could disguise herself. Though less totally egotistical.
I'm still kinda wqaiting to see how they fit this in with the movie
I don't know anything about the larger plot of the mobage. I think it does have a pretty sizeable story by now but no one talks about it where I've been checking in at so there hasn't been a chance to learn anything.
>>804507 I imagine what the deal is is explained by the mobage
Well I'm working under the assumption this adaptation is following the canon main story of the mobage, so maybe at this time there's still a lot of mysteries left unanswered in the game.
The movie should be canon still, it was well before the mobage.
Yeah but they might be drawing out the reveal of how everything is connected. Judging from this splash screen at the end of the episodes and from that crazy relationship chart I posted above, a Madoka and Moemura seem to exist within the mobage story too. So things are a kind of normal in it.
im gonna step in for plunderer i've been kind of wanting to see it
just plunderer though then i gotta get to work
Sounds good. I've been kinda wondering about it too. Wasn't terribly impressed with the intro arc but it did leave enough hanging that I wanted to at least see if it picks up.
yeah it wasn't amazing by any means but im curious still
oh im on the dub thank goodness it's dual audio the voices are pretty bad
Also the main character is pretty cute so worth.
im gonna have the audio dub AND the translated subs and see what they change
it's a pretty simple show they're really up front and shameless about what it's about
Something about the character designs rings a bell in the back of my head too. As in I'm pretty sure another show I've watched had character designs by the same lead designer.
it's got some cinderella 9-ish animations sometimes
Not sure what to make of this one yet. Seems a bit generic so far.
it seems extremely generic that adds to my curiosity though i just wanna see how it goes, until i get a gist of it at least
so they get count for helping people? that's still a little elusive
Counts differ from person to person. Like the MC's goes up every like thousand or ten thousand ... metres? Steps? I don't remember the unit of increment. The oppai food cart lady who was helping her out has her Count go up when someone says her cooking is delicious.
>who would run around wearing a weird mask? that's impossible
She seems both gullible and a bit sharp.
What's this guy's problem.
so their count measure is just a unique natural attribute? do they choose it?
that's kinda weird, it's like quirks almost, but rather than a given talent it dictates the path you'll go down in life
oh no dont do it
The way the Counts have been presented I'm pretty sure they're determined independent of the person. Hm that's not quite right. I guess I've not seen any reason to think the person has any decision in the Count they're given.
what's this dude doing why's he making it worse
so the last episode, the Ace's count went up as he was traveling away because of the distance traveled? i thought it went up because he abandoned that girl or lied to her about having lunch together i thought it was counting the people he's betrayed or something
>>804545 oh okay. i thought he was making that up to this girl now to get sympathy
Oh by MC I meant the girl. You're right that this guy's Count is, well he says it's being rejected by girls, but it seems to decrement when he rejects girls too.
I thought this guy had some more villainous motivation going on here. Though I guess being accessory to sexual harrassment is villainous enough.
Oh well seems he was being a bit like that.
wow whgat a thing to say
if his count is getting rejected by girls, what does a negative count even imply
The negatives for him seem to be the rejections. I would assume a successful confession would increment his count.
Or just tune out since you didn't miss much this episode. I guess it probably introduces that brown-haired officer girl but that probably also wasn't too necessary,.
Yup yup
I'm kinda more interested in the Queen match here than the Meijin. Suo doesn't feel like there's much of a chance of beating him.
Oh Arata is helping all the clueless viewers on the stream get what's going on.
>>804563 It seems like you need to be someone with a naturally beautiful voice for it.
I think there's also a LOT of studying Japanese poetry involved too though. Like having a naturally aesthetically-pleasing sound to your voice is important, but there's a lot of syllablistic emphasis and tonal quirks to this kind of classical Japanese poetry. The kind of thing you can practice to a fine point for probably your whole life.
Zama mirou!
Suo really does feel like he's on another level compared to other Karuta players.
Both the Meijin and the Queen now seem real angry that Chihaya prioritizes other things in her life than just Karuta.
Should he really be acting tough like this. Though well maybe it's just him being his usual poor-social-skills self and just happens to be intimidating. But I can't imagine he's all too useful if it comes down to a physical confrontation.
Good thing he's fucking CRAZY then.
Honestly yeah a theme park is probably a lot of fun for science nerds. There's a lot of physics that goes into making a good theme park.
wow theyre nerds
Oh here's some very sensible science nerds that aren't about to get spooked by a haunted house.
This is why you don't draw date advice from eroge dating sims.
I think when you're that deep in the science sauce you really need someone else that crazy about it too. Otherwise there's probably gonna be an inevitable unbalance. Probably.
Well one sheep two sheerp Oh wow okay nevermind time to bail on this.