>>801816 Embarrassing questions about you probably Stuff like "oh what was Rene like as a kid" or "oh did Rene ever have any embarrassing moments growing up" Ask her to rate anime girls You know
>>801802 (OP) Naw, man you can run away from your demons, until your running away turns into a flanking manuever and you take them from the rear and crush them completely
>>801971 genius I wonder how many phones you'd have to pull like that, to generate an internet traffic jam, all set to do maximum download and upload tasks
>>801975 per the link in the tweet >99 second hand smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps.Through this activity, it is possible to turn a green street red which has an impact in the physical world by navigating cars on another route to avoid being stuck in traffic.
keeping a crate of 99 smartphones in my car to stop those fucking bastards on google from directing noobs to my route
guy's also done some other weird shit like creating a device that tracks your movements to move mirrors reflecting light in a dark room >>>/watch?v=ZQIYFR7e494 this thing would be really great if you were on shrooms
>>801977 i am talking about causing 4g connections to slow down in the area
>>801984 oh i see what you mean by internet traffic jam now probably unrealistic here at least, since cell and satellite internet companies rate limit everyone to try and give ok speed i've never had my connection slow down much at all even during busiest hours of the day in congested places like the mall
>>801982 damn this kinda thing could be used for lots of weird and creative stuff, once you really start to mix with its code
some kind of weird glitch just happened in my CoD match I was hearing all of the voice lines from all players on the map no matter how close they were to me at full volume so it was just a constant deluge of screaming, grunting, death cries, "check your fire!", and so on PTSD simulator
we have around 5000 people mostly using 4G for their internet needs, so it really sometimes shows up during evening hours when everyone starts using their phone/computers at the same time and all are using the same 1 connection tower shit can go from like 10MB/s to 1kb/s temporarily
in the place I live at
I actually think they have started to limit, atleast my phone provider, their speeds I don't recall having gotten anything beyond 6MB/s recently, when in the past I could peak at 12MB/s, using phone hotspot using steam servers here as a constant factor
>use my own care package >get recon heli (3 kills) >someone steals my care package >they get white phosphorus (11 kills) what did i do to deserve this, allah
>>802059 it's terrible but hilarious I didn't even get to do asylum, I picked up my cell key and was instantly transported to my Firelink replacement hub it's fucking Blighttown's bottom Bonfire
my first couple bonfires got me to the darkroot basin bonfire side near grass crest shield so i go on down to valley fucking ornstein is chilling out near the bridge and claps me when i walk in
ornstein looking for smough fucker got lost hunting for dragons again
he's pissed cause i got smough helm i guess i made it passed him, undead dragon was replaced by Demon Firesage, nbd go to the next foggate that would lead to blighttown takes me to anor londo above giant blacksmith pretty rad, head down boom ornstein on the anor londo staircase trying to hit me
ornstein is hunting you down cause you stole smough's helm and he is really embarrassed by how bad his face looks
im taking my ass back to blighttown and trying the ash lake foggate instead
IT'S SIF wait it might not be sif because randomized
it was sif still
quelaag is god damn bed of chaos im gonna fucking end my own life
>>802069 Wait is it bed of chaos but in Quelaags arena Or is it just regular shitty bed of chaos
SYKE SHE'S FUCKING ARTORIAS >>802070 It's foggate randomizer, I took the would-be Quelaag Boss Fight Foggate and it took me into the Bed of Chaos arena that had an Artorias sprinting at me I should have hit him to see if he had Artorias HP or Bed of Chaos HP
What the fuck
it's so beautiful time to test that hp that's fucking artorias hp fuck me my +3 shortsword can't handle this shit >>802075 It would, but I think I turned it off, it's an option for the Fog Gate randomizer and I'm glad I did, otherwise it'd be Artorias cheese
this sounds like the best thing to happen to dark souls since bloodborne
>>802073 cause you might get artorias to jump into his death
imagine fighting manus in the whatshisface demon tiny room
i got the lifehunt scythe from a Vagrant that replaced the big fuck off knight in undead parish the firekeeper soul gave me a bequeathed lord soul, crown of dusk, and homeward bone
im being punished the foggate near him put me in tomb of the giants
context on why that's bad option called Pinwheel Chaos pinwheel is always pinwheel Pinwheel clones are not pinwheel, do not get one shot, and can be anything
watch him spawn manus and a hollow
I made it to Firelink, HURRAH I've been to Undead Parish and after it so ANASTACIA IS DEAD, BAD
the graveyard looks like a shit show, holy fuck there's a demon firesage in there
shhh dont wake him LOL next level taurus cheese, he spawned and tried to do his "jump down" animation from there so he phased through the bridge
immediately punished, the foggate took me to moonlight butterfly who was a gargoyle he fell of the bridge but there's no kill plane down there for him so he's immortal now
hahaha moonlightis one of the *is the most boring fight in the game
gonna buy me a butane jet lighter (FOR MEN) so i can look like this guy
I don't think any number of butane jet lighters (FOR MEN) will make you look like that guy Samu.
I went back to the Korean barbeque place today and they've got a special for opening now where they give a free shrimp skewer with any purchase. They hadn't mentioned it to me, I only knew from the promo sign, but I figured that was fine since I don't really like shrimp. But I took the order home this time instead of eating it nearby and turns out they did give me the shrimp. Guess I'll just leave it out on a plate in case anyone who comes home wants to try it.
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get you some scramp
>>802124 give it to me >>802123 hey be nice don't fart on his dream
You can have it if you can make it here before my mother gets back from work I figure she'll eat it if nothing else.
This manga is really good. https://mangadex.org/title/12707/ryuuma-no-gagou
>>802127 ok I'm on my way might stop by Wisconsin on the way you want anything?
Cheese, I guess. That's what Wisconsin's known for right
onee sama that's one sick transit, gloria virus eh numerous
>>802136 Yeah, the main plot should finally kick in now. It's been like a decade or more since I read it so I'm really looking forward to seeing it in the anime.
yes Newgrounds is still alive Fulp is still clinging to keep it going when the Tumblr p orn ban happened a bunch of Newgrounds artists started trying to convert some the refugees to go to the site dunno how successful they were I think a lot of people have just accepted that Twitter is where they ended up
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
turrrrmblurrrrr rip twitter is the new USA of the internet
your tired your poor your huddled furry masses yearning to breathe free
>>802149 Makes sense They're both good enough for most things but still getting worse in a lot of ways.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is deviant art no good? hard to get exposure there i bet
>>802152 It has a bit of Oh damn I forgot the word Not notoriety But uhh Yeah a stigma associated with it In part because it has deviant in its name and the connotations of that.
Mm, our versions of your stuff have nothing to do with your stuff quality wise and the price to pay is well they aren't cheap
since chain fast food places pay so low most of the workers don't give a fuck and the quality is thus garbage they also buy really cheap ingredients and there's only so much you can do with a $1 beef patty
still even here the quality between fast food joints can vary extremely shows how well it is managed I guess then again, they aren't really "chains" but franchising small businesses most of the time
I only go to mcds when I am really hungry while walking to the store and buy something for 1-2€ or when they have some special campaign going like the premium gourmet meals >>802176 surprisingly expensive it is same here I think, but in €s ofc but ours actually have to pay their staff and use atleast decent ingredients, due to stricter standards
okay boss but don't expect anything fancy i'll probably be wearing a hat for a bit until it grows out of the "boot camp" look lol
a beard/hair trimmer with a 2 or so cm comb is a good investment >>802190 >>802186 amusingly and "inch" is too much for the bootcamp look, atleast here
>>802192 they knew what they were doing when they chose that name >>802191 it is a good investment which i have and use regularly here they shave all your hair off and then keep it trimmed to less than 4cm i think much less than an inch for sure
here the unit has a trimmer or two and you are told to shave your head if it is too unruly I think 3-4cm is about the limit, it is generally judged by for example "does it go over your ears" etc so if you know what you are doing, during your last few months you can start to already grow a decenth lenght, by doing tactical trimming
>>802193 the bad thing about cutting your own hair with a trimmer, is that it will start to look unruly way too early barbers afterall do know what they are doing but if you do keep it consistently short, it doesn t really matter does save you 20€ every few months tho
>>802194 the limit is 4cm in the army here yeah and can't go over your ears etc too
>4cm i mean 4 inches in boot camp it's 2cm though it's not allowed to go over ears/eyes/anything or interfere with any equipment in any way
One amusing moment was, during the summer downtime, when old guard was retiring and new guard hadn't yet arrived, two hairdresser students decided to ask if they could get some experience by coming over to cut some hair there I had my hand in arranging it for them, but man I wonder did they regret it >two pretty girls show up in a barracks of 2000+ young men prolly the busiest day of hair cutting they ever had
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a client threatened another client while i was holding a sober house meeting so i had to kick him out of the house for the night (to a hotel) and when i told him he had to leave, he threw himself at a wall and started sobbing and screaming that i was supposed to help him wwwww it was seriously pathetic the dude hasn't made any progress in like three months he's just causing problems but we've kept him because he's self-pay after he left the entire atmosphere in the sober house changed and a dude did a chinese tea ceremony lol
you know i don't think my coworkers have ever seen me with short hair it's gonna be fun surprising them tomorrow maybe i'll also surprise them by actually coming to work on time
you usually have long hair eh?
i've had long hair for maybe 3 years now
>Go lay down for a bit around 19:00 because a little tired and feeling stiff in my chair >Suddenly wake up at 02:00 I don't even remember falling asleep what the fuck. I didn't feel -this-tired going to lay down.
>>802223 no it was okay wait yes regular old ornstein then i got into demon ruins and in front of the nonexistant demon ruins bonfire was ornstein t-posing then i went through the demon firesage foggate and it took me into the O&S arena on they side they spawn spoiler one of them is SUPER ORNSTEIN
no wait orn Stein
>>802224 wow how many ornsteins are in your game the odds have gotta be pretty low this shit sounds great i should try it
I have it set to a 5% chance that a boss can replace any normal enemy So far I've encountered 5? ornsteins maybe more because I got into Lost Izalith once and everything died in the lava there could have been some ornsteins in there i know there was a Seath
can't believe that dumb fuck ornstein fights dragons with armor which melts easily
>>802224 ornstein t poses in meditation every morning to make himself closer to a spear
gravity is his greatest threat i farmed him for like 24k souls total in valley because he'd infinitely dash toward me and then fly off the tiny cliff >>802229 i can respect this
to be fair gravity is the most fatal thing in dark souls
This is normally true except for the Moonlight Butterfly boss arena any boss that falls other of there just disappears and doesn't die and you're stuck
prolly to avoid moonfaggot from killing itself that thing can bug out on its own so easily anyhow
it can in fact do the exact same thing if you enter his arena and run straight to the end of the bridge apparently
I've seen it also once just fly away into the horizon
for me it just never entered melee range during few attempted runs
moonlight butterfly is a stupid boss curse rotted greatwood tier
>kill "sanctuary guardian" which is actually seath >as soon as he dies Priscilla and Iron Golem spawn and attack me okay but why though
holy shit There's a "novice" level quest in osrs where you need to heard sheep into a pen but because the click/mouse mechanics are so damn janky it was one of the hardest and most frustrating things I've ever done in game
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/nicolas-cages-unbearable-weight-massive-talent-sets-release-date-1276018?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter >Cage finds himself under a mountain of debt, and makes a paid appearance at a Mexican billionaire's birthday party. After bonding with the man, the CIA informs the actor the billionaire is actually a drug cartel kingpin who has kidnapped the daughter of a Mexican presidential nominee. Cage ends up working with the U.S. government to get intelligence. >Starring Nicolas Cage, playing Nicolas Cage What the fuck is this movie.
well to be fair, forts weren't anymore made to survive an assault, but rather to make it too costy to assault them or to buy enough time for a relief force to arrive a simple fact of life, when armies grew large and powerful enough, in terms of firepower
Like take the very famous Vauban forts in france's eastern and northern border they all fell but they bought france enough time to beat the enemies in south and then move back north to deal with the netherlands and germans
sankyu I've been primarily using my other pal's cleo to clear the rider tier one since it gives the multiple times of candy otherwise I can do the gray one pretty comfortably with their merlin
>>802297 That's one o f the dumbest Pokemon they ever made.
my head is cold!
Three of the chicken breasts I cut up for dinner tonight were stuck together in this inseparable frozen clump from being stored in the freezer for who knows how long. I did try to pull them apart but they were cold-fused together and I didn't really have the time to let them defrost all the way to separation. So I just cut them as the big clumpa -clump and kinda ended up with these steak-like slabs of chicken breast. That at least made it worth it.
One of the annoying things about cooking for my family is I'm pretty much not allowed to leave the kitchen without my mother coming in to busy herself making the meal. Like, if you want me to cook, let me cook! Otherwise stop asking me to make food if you're just going to make it yourself.
I always wonder about meat that has been long time in the freezer is it really good to eat or not
As a family that eats a lot of meat long-term stored in the freezer, yes, it is plenty fine to eat.
I guess it only just might crystallize too much and change the texture
Pretty much. Ideally you only really keep ground meats for long-term since they don't get affected much by crystallization. Chicken breasts are probably second place in terms of being fine. Steak-y meats can store well enough long-term but they're definitely best consumed when they're still fresh.
I know some meat can turn into... kind of a mush once cooked and it has been in the freezer way too long especially if you defrost it improper
also with ground meat, I think I heard once that it lasts even better in the freezer, if you have cooked it
meat can keep for about 8 months if you don't let it defrost at all once frozen done so with freeze packed meat from the butcher, almost lasted until next deer hunting season
also works better if you keep it in deeper freeze
Yeah we keep meat in our big freezer downstairs. It's probably not a particularly intensive freeze but it's definitely colder than a standard kitchen freezer.
this dumb psychiatrist in training totally messed up my night lol i see people in training at my psychiatrist because my medication is very stable and im a good training opportunity the one today was super incompetent though she asked me to tell her about what i do so i mentioned im getting my doctorate and she immediately assumed i was getting amphetamines specifically for grad school without asking anything else so i said id been diagnosed since 1st grade and she got super embarrassed then she was asking me about my personal life which is normal but she asked me if i was married 4 different times and every time i said no she said "oh, dope* "
then when she gave me my prescription she couldn't figure out how to give me three prescriptions so she just gave me a 90 day supply which is fine but she sent it electronically to two different pharmacies one filled it but she told me she sent it to the one near my house so i went there and they said it was back near my psychiatrist so i had to drive an hour back to that city and they sent me to the wrong pharmacy so i had to go to three pharmacies tonight and wasted three hours
>>802333 no she asked "are you married" four times
how would have somene your age have the time and money to get married and divorced 4 times...
... what kind of a goldfish memory does she have?
well prolly got all messed up by the amphetamine thing and after that was too nervous to get anything right but still, not an excuse, especially since it was her own weird plunder from the start
Being really embarrassed and put on the spot like that is usually a good way for your brain to remember nothing but the way you've screwed up. Forgetting she's asked him about being married isn't that weird in a situation like that.
yeah, but I think by the third "nope" you'd start to register it or remember yourself atleast asking the question
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she also took me 10 minutes late and instead of just being normal about being a doctor and taking a patient a little late, she was like "i didn't think you were here so i was just chillin"
>>802356 your pc also plays wii games almost perfectly because the infrastructure of the wii was real close to the gcn and it was easy to modify dolphin to support wii emulation from the start
>>802358 I do not have a PC set up that would be conducive to use of a wii mote
Anyways there's fucking games on wiiU i want to play.
I don't really want one that badly though so I'll probably never get it I have hoarding tendencies anyways
>>802359 fair enough the wii mote is hard enough to get working comfortably on the tv with a bunch of room to move i've never actually used it for dolphin >>802360 there are some good exclusives for it but it was a weird system >>802364 nope i never played it >>802361 maybe it'll become really cheap some day
Have you payed rhythm heaven? That game is the shit.
first game i ever played was doom but i never beat it as a kid i think the first game i beat was mystic quest or yoshi's island
>>802376 No it's the first game I gkt new, te first game I got was super mario land on the original Gameboy. The people mmy parents bought the gameboy color from included it.
>>802382 isn't that what i said? >>802391 it was easy but it was pretty good honestly i liked the enemies being on the overworld and the light puzzle stuff
My attachment to the characters is from official manga and then doujin and fan art. On principle I don't play mobage. Except for a hacked apk of battlecats but I haven't touched it in forever >>802605 Yeah, I didn't mention them because they aren't ranged weapons
what about bow some character have bow
Oh wait, Kancolle is a browser game We, it s *well It still has features found in mobage Gacha is such cancer
gbf versus sucks anyway the best character isnt even in it
ayer for dlc pack 3 when
ayer should have been base game
Ayer with Jessica assist
put ayer and six in the same dlc pack
ayer in dlc pack 3 and a reworked 5* that doesn't suck
I'd love a Kancolle action game with like, semi realistic wave physics. Not like a simulator, because that'd be ridiculous. Just enough to make it feel like your character isn't just skimming around on a flat surface. Have it feel like the ocean is actually reacting to the players movement. Like you could do a quick boost and it'd make a big splash behind the player girl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn some kind of like tidal wave based boat combat shooter game would actually be pretty aixk sixk succ
>>802621 Yeah what if like you had an arena with abnormally large tidal waves and the player could manuever behind them for sneak attacks and stuff Or you could have a flash bang equivalent that give you a burst of cover by just creating a gigantic splash around the player
>>802620 How much would you be willing to pay me to make it?
Well actually I don't even know if there's already fluid dynamics available in unreal so ...
>>802623 I don't think you'd actually make it even if I did pay you
Okay there are some fluid dynamics stuff for unreal Dunno if you could do it on console though Fluid dynamics is computationally intensive
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>802622 yeah you could have ults with like big vortices and crazy vertical wavefronts and shit mite b cool >>802627 i think you would have to program some "arcade" like physics if it were a multiplayer competitive game mess around with height maps and stuff definitely nothing realistic
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that or you go full voxel minecraft that would be weird af with fluids tho
the only time i need kancolle and dynamic fluids in the same sentence is when my johnson is involved
>erlin didn't fight anymore, he didn't want to be the hero, he just wanted to destroy, with none of the savages and nobody he had once believed. He would not kneel down to any man, any army, no matter how high he might be called. None of the men under his command did so either, even the ones who had returned from the dead. All of them were resolute that Gondor had lost, that he would never be better than the Horntail, and that nothing but a ruthless, axe-wielding, sword-wielding warrior could stand against him. No wonder he now hated all of them. But, the things his dreamless sisters had sung - a beautiful wife, fair sons and daughters, the birth of his dreams - they were broken into pieces.
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Ctrl-F "snape" 3 matches
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>*Like completely completely helplessly powerless, aware only of the free rein granted by his alpha tongue*
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should just take this model and have it auto post on moe
What defines an alpha tongue
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
previous paragraph His own saliva lubricated and replaced your slickness to make a thick lube around both of you – a gift from Snape himself. While he planned to work with his boyfriend a bit longer to develop a good lovemaking routine, he might possibly soften your stubborn streak, but you would definitely have more than his limited experiences available for your revision. Letting you add "a very, very long, highly satisfying stretch until you forgot all about your hormones and lost yourself completely to your current companionship" to your list of useless fantasies, you really didn't think so until your laughter died off almost dead on him as his smooth, sunken tongue swept over your clit for much needed traction.
>>802645 that's a lot of capital Ks is this some new twitch emote
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
OH android suxx duh lmao
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>You got to have it. My little brother figured 'there we go' and rolled down the window with swinging shoulders. "Nancy, don't turn the magic off again. This is going alright," you saw red, gunning him towards your bedroom where you proceeded to thwack him square between his snow cheeked cheeks while you shouted, threw a pillow at him and ran straight at the downpour so fierce a head fall could be easily measured in damp glass shards that burst thickly and blindingly in his face as he tried to defend himself.
>>802649 That's not funny my brother died that way.
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>802650 no he's fine look >"I can take a punch, lil man, can't y'all just know that?" As he sat huddled behind you and your bunk bed, you planted a loud smack to his jaw that bounced off the plywood wall in your bedroom, hitting his earlobe and sending a small glow right up his nose before disappearing into the rest of him – drawing tiny snot bubbles from his nostrils because normal screaming isn't going to cut it.
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's also a model trained on video game walkthroughs
>3. Right below the chessboard is another HEART CONTAINER; if you stand on the very tip of the chessboard, move away from the diamond, throw a boulder or something, quickly back up (you want the block to land SO it doesn't blow up your body) and continue away from the room, you should see the Heart Container there. Run right up to it and THROW a LIT CRATE. A chest will form and open revealing three RINGS...use them all
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>802656 what about a game environment that physically adapts to a character's LUK stat
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mite b cool it would need a evaluation engine to know whether certain outcomes are favorable or bad da Judge and then somehow bias towards those depending
>>802659 i think if you were showcasing it, you could design a game fairly easily with that stuff in mind just come up with a game concept with very defined good/bad outcomes and lots of creative ways to manifest their luck
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like you can also do a Disco Elysium thing here lots of stats how 2 train tho
>>802661 risk of rain 2 has a system where the AI "director" controls the flow of the game, what spawns etc, and sometimes it favors the player i'm sure you could do something similar with other games that use such systems to control the game world it also has a luck stat but it only effects things like chance on hit to do X
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder if soon there will be games that demand you have two GPUs one for gfx one for the neural nets
three gpus one for the grafics one for the machine learning one for mining /moe/coins
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
GTA 6 online requires quad titans graphics. AI. /moe/coins. space heater cuz this shit's set in Moscow
>>802671 GTA6 returns to the story of niko bellic after he realizes america is gay
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who am i kidding they'll downgrade everything to 30 FPS and timeshare the neural nets with the graphics
hmm wonder if aldi got rid of that thing where you have to have data to access the recharge site dumb setup >>802686 shiit you get quarters we get a dollar or two over here
i like the aldi shopping carts people really will put their shit back just to get a quarter back lol
>>802695 wacom simply needs to know what you draw and what you wack off to in order to further future marketing opportunities and uhhh like features for artists and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
measures how many meows per hour you are going
well i guess it would be lifetime meows but meows per hour sounds funnier
well if you squint your eyes enough the under night characters kind of look like generic type moon guys
I'm actually kind of bad at fighting games Well I can't memorize combos for the most part But I can beat most of my friends at any of them I might get it but definitely not at full price
i'm pretty bad at fighting games too but i think they're a lot of fun anyways
unless the game starts with "Marvel VS" anyways >>802719 i always find it easy enough to memorize the combos but way harder to not fuck it up when i actually need to do it in a match
i bet blue stole them for his secret nipple collection
it makes so much sense
PAN how do i install the dark souls fun mode
they're all on nexusmods that's where i got them i think the fog gate randomizer links the other ones If you're playing PTDE fun mode there's extra steps but then you can also use the Paramdomizer
>>802753 that and Seeds so you just play the same seed sets and then it's just rng pathing who went where to what and got what first >>802754 i hate doing early burg i fuck up the first jump every time
whoops i opened steam up and started playing risk of rain 2 instead how did this happen
every single time
oh nooooo
i'll just play for a little while you know just while dark souls remustard is installing i promise
i killed domhnall in my run because he didn't have anything i wanted and i forgot his inventory expands when you kill different bosses big spoiler he was where i get havel's ring
guess you'll just have to not be a fat fuck
0 poise bois
F my dreams of Giant Dad shitposting in RNG run I forget where I get FAP from oh shit i can get two Snuggly trade for Rubbish xdddddd and Duke's Archive's Mimic
probably drops off priscilla tail
MASK OF THE FATHER FROM SNUGGLY FOR SACK LETS GO? too bad i don't have big pilgrim's key
just get two FAP rings and giant dad may be a reality
can you even wear two fap?
i actually don't know
I feel like if you could all meta melee builds would be double fap
fuck you can't
game won't let you equip 2 of the same ring wasn't possible til the +1/+2 rings of ds2/3
>nothing drops the big pilgrim's key aaaaaaaa maybe it still comes from Oscar and it just isn't listed in the cheatsheet if not i have to find out how no it has to because to trigger the "return to asylum" instance where you fight stray you have to get the key
>complete a prismatic trial as mercenary without falling below 100% health. this is fucking cancer
the second boss of the current prismatic trial is a goddamn flaming beetle queen so you can't touch her without taking damage i hope they remove this stupid ass challenge
>>802888 one time i had a guy bring a boost mobile card to me to reload his phone and when the reloadable card function asked him to put his phone number in on the touch screen in front of my register he looks me dead in the eye and asks "what's my phone number"
the ash coma is prolly one of the first "this is just stoopid" things I ever heard
>dude what if the Telletubbies were in a dystopia
why is there so much weird shit about teletubbies anyhow? who even watched that show? it was complete brain numbing garbage?
>>802920 Little kids did Although honestly I like the dystopia Telletubbies theory It's brain numbing because the telletubbies are all drugged 24/7 to keep them docile The sun baby is their tyrannical god I think that the telletubbies are actually in a farm. Once they're fattened up enough they're shipped out and eaten
>>802920 Pretty much everyone in North America who was a toddler around 90-95 or whenever it was airing.
anyone see that show like teletubbies boo-baa or something that was fucked up
>>802916 what if ash is just autistic and his alcoholic dad beats the shit out of him every day and he escapes with his pocket monsters battery op game and thats why theres never a dad in the pokemon games
they just have a bunch of ash clones oak sends them to test out every new region, to see how well they have organised the pokemon system there if a bumbling idiot like ash can do it, then there is nothing to fix, and it is save for 10 year olds
Dads aren't in the Pokemon games because Japanese dads work too much and might as well be absent parents from their kids' lives.
>>802947 I mean honestly I don't really like 3D Zeldas in general Every time I've tried one I've put it down except for BotW I respect Majoras Mask though just because it's weird
>>802948 >>802943 Reminder that they had green and purple tomatoe sauce in the 90s
>>802949 i like majora's mask, wind waker, and breath of the wild a lot i tried really hard to like skyward sword and twilight princess too but those games just have too many problems
but on the other hand i have also played link to the past more than any other zelda so objectively i must like that one the most
>>802949 food colourants were a weirdly popular thing back then, now that you mention it
>>802960 i never like mm as a kid because it was boring and as i got older and had people like retro who never played more than three zelda games try to tell me that mm is the best and in an absolute league of its own which is blatantly false has left me bitter >>802959 i am all about strong
Deen is such a weird studio though when their main team does something, it can be actually good looking but when it is obvious it is given to their "make this cheap" well
But some times they go so cheap it comes around the other side to being amazing. Like Kono Suba.
>>803027 I think lh1 sold so well anyhow that there wasn't a need to downgrade but I guess doesn't stop executives >hook people in with a good s1 >make s2 but with half the budget and expect same sales >surprise pikachu face when sales aren't same
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>802945 your opinion has been noted then burst into flames while i like majora's more, oot is still one of the classic great games of all time
I think Oracle of Seasons was a game you could play on the Gameboy Colour or Gameboy Advance if you so choose
>mona's door was locked I could have knocked >game ignores me shooting the door with a shotgun >but I decided to snoop around some more
>>803053 I spend like 5 minutes solid watching fictional advertisement for fictional products and shows while on a hot scene kinda takes you out of the game, but it is damn funny how much attention remedy does to lil jokes like that
>>803055 i think in max payne 2 there's one where you can sneak up on some goons watching tv and i felt like a real weirdo watching the tv over their shoulder can't just kill em while in the middle of the episode man
>so we find you, jacked up to high heavens on V, covered in pieces of your wife and the pizzaguy, with a bloody chainsaw and a shovel, in a rosebud, where the bodies of those two were buried, who I presume were shot in your bed, with your gun, with your prints on it, and chopped to pieces in the bathtub, still bloody and you say you didn't do it >yeah it was a set up that was god damn hilarious in the end, it was the mailman, and the government who set this poor guy up
hmm I am starting to remember why this didn't get as good reception than mp1 they don't use the graphic novels as much I guess they were trying to show "hey we can actually do cutscenes" but that isn't what people want they want the stylish graphic novels
https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/190 some of these mods are really something
>when you drag your friend/coworker to the production studio so you can use the bodytracking software to record shitposts >>>/watch?v=HYzUVh6JUaM
jesus christ these dark souls shader mods look so bad on my monitor do these people play on a 2001 lcd monitor or something why do they pump the contrast and saturation up so fucking much
>try to download mod >you have to login >try to create an account >you already have an account >reset password >try to login >you have to validate your account >revalidate my account with the email they sent to the email address i just fucking used to reset my fucking password >you have to reset your password now i am going to find whoever made this login authentication and kill them irl
>good thing about mp2 it made shawn off shotgun usable due to quick reload >bad thing about mp2 shawn off shotgunning everything dead using unlimited bullettime
>>803080 if they uploaded that without sound i'd almost be convinced it was a living thing maybe put something on it to stop the polished shiny look on the eye