Dorohedoro Ace of Diamond Black Clover Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Episode 3-4 Chihayafuru Hatena Illusion Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-5 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 4-5 Nanabun no Nijyuuni Episode 3-4 Pet Plunderer Episode 3-4 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 4-6
okay i got everything sorry in advance if i fall asleep, but im trying not to the bone meds might knock me out
Sleep is hard. i went to lay down for a bit of the evening yesterday around 19:30 and next thing I know I'm waking up at 02:00. I don't even remember closing my eyes.
sleep is easy when you don't want to sleep and hard when you do
ace! okay lets start
i haven't caught this in a while what's the arc right now
The first string team's been decided and they're training up for the summer tournament. Dunno if we'll get to any of the actual games this episode or not it might still be more training arc.
Honestly aside from getting stale they've got very little reason to change up these OP/EDs. They don't demonstrate the plot at all aside from occasionally taking shots from the episodes that can exist outside of their context. And the focal cast of characters doesn't really change fast enough to demand taking them in or out of it either.
I think this show is made very cheaply. They can't afford a ton of flashy OPs and EDs!
Sawamura's still kind of so-so at anything that's not pitching related.
Oh coachi is out on the field now too.
coaching is hard people don't like to listen
Especially sports players. Once that testosterone gets flowing it can really block out all capacity to apply reason.
i wonder if baseball clubs get together and watch this in japan it's got quite a bit of intermediate level stuff to learn from really like extra considerations besides just hitting the ball when in the batter box, how to pressure/tire the pitcher, the value of threatening to steal at every opportunity, stuff like that
I'd imagine by the time you get to high school baseball with how big it is over there the coaches are already applying those skills in practice. There's probably some good stuff in there for kids in like elementary or some more lax middle school baseball teams though.
i might be projecting but i honestly dont think so it's the kind of stuff that becomes relevant only when you're able to perform optimally/accurately in the first place
like i think in the high school stage, the coaches mostly focus on identifying player strengths and weaknesses and running drlils to improve their basic performance a nice strategy doesn't mean much if you can't reliably execute it
even in the major league people aren't perfectly rounded. they still grab guys once in a while who can't run or hit but can only pitch but most other people are expected to be well rounded
there's that one pitcher who's really fat, it's kinda funny he landed his first hit ever and like everyone cheered because it was such a silly and noteworthy event
I wonder if this will actually be the end of darkness guy
oh he's seeing this guy so he's probably done
That's probably the devil in Asta then. I guess we've heard him before but it was so long ago I don't remember what he sounded like.
Yami seems to have a real way with prickly blonde haired women.
Whole lotta random dorks suddenly getting dropped in.
I wonder if those three elves that got proper reincarnated, oh I guess it's actually just two, are gonna stick around after all the other elves go away. Unlike the rest that are just borrowing bodies I think Fana and the angry beast guy are actually in fresh bodies.
Because of the scar and his hair, Vangeance kinda always looks like he's way younger than he probably is. Younger than he sounds like at least.
that visual effect on his face is a little unsettling the white crackly trails
She has a real "Looking at walking garbage" look to her almost constantly.
>>802453 Yeah it really strikes home he's not really human anymore.
It's kinda funny the rest of them, this is there first time seeing him reanimated. And they only really get like a few minutes with him. Wow, their first time even. Brain please.
Man imagine if they just wrap up the adapttion -adaptation after this arc.
Yeah no I expected it to not be the case There's still a lot of manga they can adapt and this is one of Shounen Jump's more popular running series.
i love this music how the heck do they come up with it
It kinda sounds like the kind of music you'd hear in a cooking show. Or those Japanese variety shows.
I didn't expect Kaiman's mouth man to also have spikes.
they're really working hard to preserve the style and quirkiness of the source material i really pleased
it's like the perfect case of what JC staff failed to do with opm
MAPPA's a good choice for that kind of adaptation authenticity. They do some pretty gritty stuff already, plus they tend to be fairly consistent. Like Dororo is probably their least consistent show I've seen from them recently and even that wasn't always -that- bad.
ebisu's pretty cute when she gets the chance to be
She's also pretty endearing consistently.
Oh augh the fuck.
But yeah Ebisu is a ball of energy and that's kinda fun in its own right.
these two just keep eating despite being in a room full of corpses lmao
>>802493 It was always one of those things people were convinced would never happen. "It's too niche" or "There's no way they could adapt it properly" or various other stuff like that.
My biggest criticism is that so many of the character designs are derivative of the original cast. There's a not-madoka and not-homura and so on.
She kinda isn't anything to Yachiyo though. Like they only just really met a short while ago and so far they haven't really hit it off.
Well shit
>>802505 Honestly I don't really see it. Yachiyo's outfits differ drastically from Homura's and the only real similarity is they've got long straight hair (not even the same colour) and a cool demeanor. The MC has pink hair, sure, but visually otherwise is totally different from Madoka, in both visual and personality aspects. I think it's a real reach to say they're derivative of the original characters.
I'm still wondering why this Mami's such a hard-ass though. It's a departure from her personality in the original anime.
Not yet, no. I've been holding an assumption that's relevant to that detail, yeah. I really need to get around to it but it's hard to remember things like that.
She's got a pretty cozy home. SHAFT tends to make these overly spacious living settings so it's nice to see one that's a little more compact.
We kinda saw it wih -with the MC earlier in the episode. She went part Witch but went back to normal. It seems this girl did it a bit too. I wonder if in the mobage the girls have like a berserk mode they can pull out where they go Witch. That kinda seems to me what this was insinuating.
After all that time spent with that bratty blue-haired girl and the rest of their troupe it would be kinda mean if both her and the blonde one are dead bodies now.
ah yeah i went back and watched it i see what you mean!
ready for asteroid
wow these dumb girls there's no asteroids on the beach
these girls are so lucky to have found friends with such relatable interests
real life doesn't usually turn out that way people don't wanna nerd out with you about stuff you like
Power stones kinda sound like the crystal nonsense that's been getting popular lately. The bookstore I was working at sells a bunch of "lifestyle" stuff that's that kinda pseudoscience baloney. Just seeing it kind of gets me a little annoyed.
Oh yeah the two club leads are both in their third year. That kinda sets a pretty small time period for this series where they've got all of the main cast in regular focus. Sure they might show up post-graduation but they won't be around regularly. Plus it's already summer for them.
The visualization of her typing in her text had the characers originally coming -characters originally coming in as hiragana before readjusting to the kanji she needed. That was a neat little touch.
I wish I could experience cultural festival energy. I can really feed off an environment of energy like that and use it to help pick my own enthusiasm up.