still trying to get all the randomizers to stop breaking
sometimes the enemy and fog gate dont get along because of placement so you have to rerun enemy and then rerun fog gate
yeah that's what is fucking it all up right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
randomizers eh?
phwoar i think it worked
>>803136 playing through dark souls with randomized enemies items and links between levels >>803134 the first time it worked great but i had minor pvp fog gate randomizing turned on and that meant i only found 2 bonfires in the entire fucking run
one of the first runs i did had me fall into the abyss, say "you were taken by the abyss" and then show up at the bottom of demon ruins right before izalith
>>803141 i had quelaag on the narrow fucking bridge pre-rafters anor londo, it was awful also i made it to painted world and there's at least 3 fucking ornsteins in it
>>803146 hahaha maybe the silver knights weren't so bad
I once over worked my self and got my right side lower back muscles perma injured so that it has a chance of going "FUCK YOU ENJOY PAIN" at a random point when I use it, if I don't do back excercises regularly
managed to actually irritate it today when I was rearranging my appartment a little bit when lifting my tv
>>803162 yeah something similar happened to me i assume it is a herniated disc or something
funny thing happend last summer "my boss had a bit of a reaction when I once told him, that I can't come to work due to back injury and then next time I was at work, he asked how I got it and I said "working for you" "
I did like 10 runs on prsicilla, 1 time she killed me and rest 8 were me jumping off to my death cause she was near dead and I had no fluffy tail and then i jsut went "fuck it"
>>803175 yeah somehow, got it right before she died
also this is more of a marketing team issue they have a small team, mostly outsourced tot he same company that did sc1 remastered, that was prolly originally just hired to do jus that a remaster but then they promise heaven and earth and now the small team has to deliver and get fired >>803193 well they will first flop with diablo 4
i can't wait for them to remaster diablo 2 and somehow destroy d2se and custom ladders and mods for that game too
i have hope for diablo 4 i want to believe blizzard can make a good game
blizzard can but can actiblizzard?
they have so little of the original staff left
wait the fuck path of exile is free to play?
yeah it just has cosmetic cash shop
it's a good game but you have to be conscious of what you are building from the first level or else when you get end game you get dumpstered
poe has been free to play for literally forever where have you been
>>803199 I'll just ask my friend who knows all the builds "how do I raise skeletons"
using summon skeleton, next question
You can raise a LOT of skeletons in Path of Exile.
like the saddest moment of my life was when wc3 was patched, so that you can only raise like 48 skeletons it is a hard cap that it DAMn hard to replace, without making a custom unit skeleton and replacing that with the default skeleton/mage
I have no idea why it isn't a modifier in the skill that you can mux for custom games but nope it is a hard coded limit
I know whyt hey added it mana spires+meat wagons with exhume corpses + 6 or more necros = infintie skeleton wave that is quite broken for progaming
but why didn't they make it like say the critical strike debuff, where you could easily go [x] debuff on
>>803211 probably because wc3 is a fucking mess of code
>>803213 Yeah well between just adding a hard code and messing with a core ability, one is the safer approach and you can still easily bypass it in custom games by just creating a new unit for the raise dead spell
but it completely broke my sure win strat in UD campaign for roc mass necro and mass skeletons I just had like 100+ skeletons swarm the high elves it was SO FUN
worked even against the orcs and dalaran it wasn't until the final map, which is practically impossible on hard, that it stopped working
Under the Burning Skies on hard is just
UtBS>Andorhal>Twilight of the Gods those are hardest maps in the campaign
the orc final map... turtle for 20+ mins and then soul trap grom
compared to that, the cenarius one is way harder, since the initial push they do is almost a sure kill on hard
reminder that blizzard is so fucking terrible at coding that you have to keep your basic backpack in wow and cant replace it because it's so hard coded into unnecessary things that being able to remove it just breaks the game
>>803215 yeah they use way too much hard coded factors
I do wonder how they ever patched out the "model hurricane" in warcraft 3 you ever seen that?
and they still have that >over 200 units and they stop moving proper for one player
the game engine just stops working for that player at that point
finding out the precise model count tho, does make it easier to make maps work, but it is still annoying cause that means, you can't make a swarm faction with say 300+ units, cause that wont' work you have to balance the game around the swarm faction having 200 units which means smaller armies *map not game
well then again, the maximum control group is 120, or rather 108, since group 1 is heroes
tho in unit control maps, the pro choise is to have some good units in the same control group as the heroes, to have a "body guard" just to have mroe models in one group, so the enemy can't so easily "select all ranged units, attack one hero" lame strategy, but works
I miss warcraft especially the tolkien maps especially war of the third age with its stupidly complicated manner you had tot ake on gondor as forces of sauron to win but the fun part was, that if you didn't do it the patented "my way" you would never reliably break it you had to actually siege it build siege camps build defenses and slowly slow push your way with catapults and waves, until the fuckers were driven to the courtyard and at that point you could just start auto attacking there
Sad part is, that you can never know, if you could beatyourself in that siege fight though if I was playing as minas tirith, if I lost osgiliath, I considered the game lost already
Tho one time I did win the game by just holding the door for 3-4 hours and everyone on the opposing side left me vs 5 players they were so vexxed "just leave" "you already lost" "you can't win" and I am just "I am still defending the white tree, come at me!"
somehow wound up in firelink shrine full of late game enemies that my spear does 20 damage to woo
reminds me when I fought artorias and my dual handed strike did 40 on him
ask ton how that went I did kill him eventually
please just let me get to the bonfire god dammit theres so much free loot here
>password reset my age of wonders account >it emails me a new password WHAT THE FUCKING 1995 security is this?
how else were you going to get the new password
>>803226 >open link >change password to a password I want
no one, but it is still less secure as a password reset link, in allmost every service, is set to expire in like X minutes and in more secure services, changes done by it, can be undone by you, if you react to it
>>803233 i have seen him ONCE and he was hellkite meaning he's stuck on the roof
>>803256 do they actually have their stats? also ow
manus is fucking hard boss
yeah they clapped me fucking instantly
tho he has less ress and deff than artorious so he actually took dmg I liked manus fight a lot, despite it taking me sooo many tries artorius I hated especially how some of his moves have like one EXACT moment you need to dodge or he tracks you
the haps be hoppin today i got home at 7pm earliest ive been home this week
for my couples and sex counseling class, im getting a wife
I'm going to lake Geneva on Saturday I'm so excited That's where D&D was invented.
>>803276 is this how marriage works these days >>803275 i have different length and style and color socks that don't match so i have to match them or get close enough anyways some of them are same length same kind of sock but different pattern and that's ok
>>803280 yeah i had three marriage interviews and then im getting a wife it's natalia, mary, or rachael three people i didn't know existed until yesterday lol >>803283 what is it >>803281 back pain hoi
>>803278 you gotta try this shit sometime dude it's really fun
>>803280 my top achievement was wearing a thin silk sock with a thick woolen winter sock was a weird feeling
>>803282 dark souls item randomizer + dark souls enemy randomizer + dark souls fog gate randomizer (makes fog gates link to random other fog gates for random progression through the game)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>803231 that's not bad for a password tbh i mean the email is immediately disqualifying i assume that's a temp password they want you to change immediately
>>803289 nope I play memory games and logic puzzles with my past self, to see if I can remember what my passwords were or what my logic for that password was
like say onetime my blizzard password was "a dark and blizzardy night" in finnish, with alternating characters for example ofc I didn't remember that
but I did forexample remember my EA password, which was an insult against the company
i just use the same string of words/sentence for most passwords
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>803290 yeah im sometimes forced to play those games too they're bad opsec
Password managers get me feeling kinda nervous. I don't want to entrust my capacity to access stuff to an external system. I get they're miles better for security than anything you can reliably remember but still.
Amusingly I still use some password variations based on stuff I used like shit almost 20 years ago based on a poster my brother had on his wall
it was fun
if we had to tell passwords to each other, we could just point at some points in the poster (this was with friends present, so we couldn't just say them outloud) and go like "this that and that" and everyone else is like "wha?" and even if they go like Okay, so A B and then D but it actually was like A1bd1D1A1
there was a weird logical rule to how we made our passwords, if we based it ont he poster, and weirdly enough, both of us independently came up with the exact same logic on our own
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
your capacity to access is going to be dependent on your email account which is the one place your passphrase should be entirely remembered that and the password manager master passeorx
>>803303 See this is the issue everyone is like "ah too predictable" but the show writers are smart so they do what is predictable and then go "BUT THAT WAS THE TWIST"
coli pops up, it almost always spreads to everyone sharing the same water source especially in crowded cities
also people vomitting and shitting a lot, spewing the bacteria everywhere makes it very easy to spread it
coli is a fucking killer even right now
you have a natural disaster strike a place coli most likely kills a few dozen to few thousand
actually, I think in say Haiti, more people died of coli, than the outright earthquake, was it an earthquake?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gross sir i must protest it's killin me AND I
i have discovered that there are 5 ornsteins in Painted World and that one of them is just falling through the floor and to his death so i never see him
>>803303 >>803278 What exactly are you supposed to do with a pretend wife
>>803282 Mary best girl Rachel a fucking shit Natalia is okay but honestly she was really underutilised in season 2. Personally I blame DEEN
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah natalia is actually the best but mary is close second Rachael was boring enough that i forgot her name within 10 minutes and had to ask lol idk what we do. some kind of project
he also gave an example of teaching a couple the levels of stimulation a penis gets at different positions to help avoid premature ejaculation by choosing less stimulating positions
it's not really something im particularly interested in but it's part of the class
>>803350 sexually incurious people blow my mind but i get it everyone is different
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the professor wants us to all get comfortable talking about sex so he had us write down a question we had for the opposite sex about their sexual preferences
i couldn't think of anything to ask and it was awkward i have virtually no interest right now in sex but i had to make something up lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you prefer to pretend the clitoris exists or are you a realist?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the clitoris exists but it's actually behind the ear
my net can't stream let me just get OBS and upload videos, ill be the hot new soulstuber >>803411 never can i get a havels though so fat F
let me record myself screaming like a little girl when three of those bleed dogs show up
scream every time i get jumpscared by ORNSTEIIIIIIIIIIN
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are dogs the most dangerous thing in this game
Hot new Dark Souls mod idea Oops, All Ornsteins!
you can do that with randomizer
turn off every enemy that isn't ornstein
fuck hype
needs randomized ornstein size and power too 5 tiny ornsteins replacing the mosquitos in blighttown 1 huge ornstein instead of hellkite with 6 small ornsteins around it
quelaag is a small ornstein sticking out of a horizantal t-posing big ornstein
Seath is just like 40 ornsteins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta play souls one of these dats
ornstein and smough replaced by the anor londo law firm: Stein & Stein
Ornstein and Smough replaced with Manus and Ornstein just to twist you when you list expect it and then never do it again
replace ornstein and smough with solaire and smough
replace ornstein and smough with The Namless King somehow
>start playing titan quest >I ntoice I need to double click for spells >okay so that setting is back on oh well >do that for soem time >then suddenly shi gets wonky >die >then notice that the setting is ONCE again off >and it is click to cast on all abilities what the fuck game?
Killing with drones produces queer moments of disorientation. Drawing on queer phenomenology, I show how militarized masculinities function as spatiotemporal landmarks that give killing in war its “orientation” and make it morally intelligible. These bearings no longer make sense for drone warfare, which radically deviates from two of its main axes: the home–combat and distance–intimacy binaries. Through a narrative methodology, I show how descriptions of drone warfare are rife with symptoms of an unresolved disorientation, often expressed as gender anxiety over the failure of the distance–intimacy and home–combat axes to orient killing with drones. The resulting vertigo sparks a frenzy of reorientation attempts, but disorientation can lead in multiple and sometimes surprising directions – including, but not exclusively, more violent ones. With drones, the point is that none have yet been reliably secured, and I conclude by arguing that, in the midst of this confusion, it is important not to lose sight of the possibility of new paths, and the “hope of new directions.”
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently this isn't a satire of pinkwashing but is in fact sincere???
any anime watchers here what nights do you guys watch magia record
Earliest would be Sunday night EST after it airs. But it does tend to get shifted down a nywhere from one or three nights.
i just watched the first episode and now i'm hooked i'll try to make it for those
tilde if you could message bang on nights you think it might get watched or @ him in discord would be heavily appreciated
Yeah, can do. Also feel free to pop in maybe around 00:30 EST or so to see if we have a thread up. If it's requested we can probably put it in. Sundays might be tough for that since we don't watch these days Friday or Saturday nights so the weekend build up means there's a LOT of stuff we really like getting watched. But yeah good chance a request for it would be an easy fit in.
why was I always called the furry when there are people like you who know the legality of fucking animals in your respective areas
>>803685 Its mainly about killing deer with your car. Cause you would normally get in trouble for eating a deer you kill with your car because of hunting laws or something.
I'll put this in spoiler text but you might even do this naturally for progression reasons. 1. kill moonlight butterfly 2. fight the boss in sif's boss room, you need a special kind of item to access that area and not the artorias thing in DoA 3. take the item they give to snuggly 4. now you can enter the dlc properly for sif to be changed later
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's also an ultra secret questline to fight a megaboss but it's crazy complicated, but doing the dlc that way if // is part of it.
>>803712 Wow, really. Didn't expect that despite the Funimation drop.
I'm pretty sure the show's uncensored episodes will still probably run on more private channels though.
Oh yeah the article says currently as much. Also, >This caused the term "Nice Boat" to skyrocket on the Twitter trending page in Japan, in reference to the nice boat that replaced the TV airing of the final episode of School Days in 2008. RETURN OF NICEBOAT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
golly gee
how many kisses is a christmas pressent worth cause im gonna pay u back in kisses mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what about all the poor japanese nerds who wanna watch the fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
on their cable televisions
what about them
>>803719 There's still four other cable channels that are airing the series. Plus there's AT-X which generally airs all those super lewd shows uncensored. Bar like literal hentai they will air just about anything regardless of its debauchery. And the toned-down versions are still running on three other channels.
I have a great deal of respect for these horny enablers
thank yo they aired my favourite xebec shows
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
RIP Xebec
its ok i can still watch the good shows such as kanokon ladies vs butlers that one punching girl anime that they did the 2nd season of that one other lewd show they did
They did a lot of lewd shows.
thats why they so good
Most of the shows they did were SHIT though.
WRONG name 1,000,000 sh*t shows thats right you cant
Yeah it would take thousands of /moe/ posts to type them all out. I'd be here for literal days if I had to do something like that.
>>803724 It's okay they're just part of Sunrise now
>>803728 Hey fuck off Xebec did Fafner and that third Full Metal Panic series They made mecha anime and titty anime which automatically makes them a kino studio
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>803732 not exactly they were split in 2 their assets and ip belong to someone other than sunrise I forget who
Can't believe someone would imply that the Studio behind classics like To Love Ru and To Love Ru Darkness and " Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs" is bad
my parents and sister were down in the basement going through old photos and my sister found a scrapbook my grandmother made with all sorts of stuff about my dad and for each class picture from his elementary school he would point out the people who were dead and say how the died *they died there was a ton of random shit in there including a newspaper article about my dad and his brother saving a drowning fisherman and an invitiation to my dad's 18th birthday keg party (my dad is old enough that the drinking age was still 18 when he turned 18)
there was also an essay he wrote that he got 100% on and the teacher's note said "good job, but why can't you do this more often" tons of stuff next time we do this I want to film it so we can have a record of his stories we're thinking about doing that with my grandfather
>>803801 Yeah, sure No I was going to go to the town where D&D was created but now I will not be. At least until March when their museum's D&D exhibit opens up.
>>803811 that's a common occurence in smash and other fighters too tbh there's a term for that kind of bullshit excuses, john or johns as in no johns
idk what you said but those kind of people usually need to realize they're making excuses and actually think about how or why they lost or else they'll never get better and just remain a mad baby forevermore
>>803812 No you did the right thing Trying to devalue the skills of others like that is even more rude even if it's in a more subtle way. Just make sure that if you call him out on it then you're calling them out on the basis of them being whiners rather than just bullying them for being bad at a game.
>>803817 >those kind of people usually need to realize they're making excuses and actually think about how or why they lost or else they'll never get better and just remain a mad baby forevermore
Yeah just tell them to git gud
oh fuark i just dropped my chrom out of elite by playing like a retard l0l
it is absolutely pissin down and it's supposed to be like this for the rest of the week
>>803852 i feel like i saw him just the other day then again that could've been like a week ago >>803857 funny thing is i didn't actually see a single byleth last night maybe the new fighter hype died down already
it's quiet here for Saturday i wanna go home
I gotta wok in two and half hours I wonder how bad the roads are
i have a feeling that someone in public transit planning department hates kirkkonummi
they changed the schedule of all buses going to or stopping at kirkkonummi railwaystation, well "all" being from matinkylä->, not x->matinkylä. i don't know why? to match metro?, but those come and go like every few mins what it did cause tho, is that no one living on this side of the station, can use the buses to get to the station and then get on the trai, as there is a 1 minute to switch, which practically is impossible, especially considering that buses run quite oft 1-2min late. even previously it was a stretch to make the switch during rush hours, and it was around 10 mins then
i guess they really want to push people into using the metro...
this especially baffles me, since the trains and buses leaving for mtkylä, still match schedules perfectly why did thry fuck it up on the other end then? i'd understand maybe if it was a weekend schedule, but still all i can think of is one large school complex slpng the way, but i don't see how making the buses stop there later helps anyone >>803889 no you still have to take the bus maybe it is hsl and vr having a spat >look at me, hsl-chan,all the people riding on my trains and not your underground ways, yes that is where you belong underground. ohohohohoho~
>>803887 maybe they wanna force people to stop taking the bus so they can get rid of them >>803885 I'll cut your hair for five dolla but i only know one haircut
>>803889 you could easily do a fashion cut buzz the sides and barely touch the top add fuckton of gel/wax 75 dollars
>>803890 i mean that's basically what i know how to do except i do it at home for free and don't use gel
man how did they manage to go from win8.1 booting in 15 seconds to win10 taking a minute and a half to boot again i thought technology was supposed to advance
>>803892 i think win10 is fundamentally desigmed to run fro, a ssd
>>803898 I actually got to that place but did not complete that boss, and I played fm too long to remember how hard he was he is shredding my asshole after defeating the data org though
>>803899 i mean lingering will the guy who starts the fight by hitting you with a 15 hit combo and is generally a cunt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I know what boss lingering will is.
this guy jacks your keyblade and makes it so all you can do is dodge for like 30 seconds which is a gross representation of how bosses in this game kinda work
also it seems when you get hit he can add a command to your list that cycles through shuffling them called "lightning" which I thought I needed to use to get the keyblade back but I'm assuming just fucking kills oyu
also he can apparently jack your Kupo Coin and use it
>>803904 >lightning sekiro confirmed for kingdom hearts 3?
i gotta be honest lingering will is probably one of the hardest bosses i've ever fought in any video game
because I have it for ps4 mainly and when I played pan on pc it crashed my computer twice
>>803895 Man even the basic data fights are like stupid bloated. We were playing at around level forty/forty-one and the Organization fights floored us in like a single combo.
>>803909 just play on critical then it doesn't matter! 400 iq
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>803913 yeah I went and got to level 99 and the data fights still aren't a joke so
Sounds like we made the right choice to just watch the cutscenes for after beating those fights online hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
THE CATS HAVE SEIZED POWER les chats ont la pouvoir >>803918
like eventually the data fights are fun once you learn them but things like Luxord are just a huge pain in the ass Luxord literally uses the auto-targetting against you
it's almost been a decade samurai can you believe it
>>803918 I dunno man. Kingdom Hearts 3 does have a really good combat system underneath all that but all the fights are such a waste of what it can do. Bosses are just huge blobs of damage sponge and too many of their attacks are really only feasibly handled by running and dodging around the map. It's like they were trying to design bosses and then went "Nevermind just give them all a million health"
it's about time i rewrote doushio this old ass codebase
Sora and Kairi being able to tag team the old man in the revised final boss fight was WORTH though
>>803920 at least you can kill them easily if you build yourself to only do physical damage and ignore everything cool about the combat in favor of mashing the cross button and parrying that's kindom hearts in general though
basically every game in the series has that problem except birth by sleep and that's only cause they don't let you customize your stats that much
>>803926 how are the BUGS is /moe/ pretty clean now
i guess i've only been gone like a year or two so it can't be that different
>>803916 i saw kh2fm's secret ending for the first time legit and i can confirm it is not worth just to see the story it feels great finally beating those ridiculous boss fights but dying to lingering will 800 fucking times isn't worth if you just want the story
ill prob buy the deelsee next week unless my tax return comes in
>>803938 Wasn't his whole shtick "I'm evil but I play fair since this is all just a game"
>>803944 KH3 is literally the only Kingdom Hearts game I've seen more than 5% of the game for. The rest of my knowledge of the plot comes from that goofy animated primer on the story.
in bbs he was kind of just a totally unrestricted asshole
>>803943 ah okay he doesn't have a lot of scenes before getting turned into terranort even in BBS so his motives were still unknown all you see of him in BBS is just him stabbing your master in the back and then revealing his keikaku is doori right at the end and if you're playing terra you get an extra scene where he mindjacks you
i kind of expected him to have a greater motive than just trying to prove that darkness is da bes but it's not technically out of character he didn't have much of a backstory beyond when he was already enacting his plot before kh3
>>803946 kh lore doesn't make sense unless you've played literally every single game because the official summaries of the games leave a ton of shit out and there's way too much dialogue for even a wiki page
i assure you everything is very straightforward if you have played every single game on the like 6 different systems or whatever
buy them games pig
>>803947 basically yeah he even ends up converting one of eraqus' pupils and gets them to kill him and is like "lol owned"
disclaimer chain of memories (gba) and 365/2 days are shit SHIT SHIIIIIIIIIIT
and birth by sleep is still the best gameplay and best story in any KH
I really liked the gameplay of Chain of Memories. The card-based mechanics were unique and fun to play around with.
the battle system is great but the rest of the game is fucking awful the remake is a lot better
Oh come to think of it I guess Chain of Memories is the exception to my 5% from before. I'm pretty sure I at least cleared Sora's story in it, maybe Riku's, don't remember.
if they made a game with CoM's battle system except with actual level design and a coherent story that would be sick
Baten Kaitos was kinda like that. Well its story was still JRPG/10 but it was pretty cool.
never played that game but heard good things about it
One of those kinda indescript Gamecube games that I think most people passed over. The battle system involved card decks too but it was also a party-fight system so you had a deck for EACH party member. Some cards were universal but a lot were specific to certain party members.
The aesthetic qualities were really good too, all these crazy floating islands over a world who's surface is a turbulent, chaotic ocean. Everyone's got a pair of wings except for the angsty MC who only has one for R E A S O N S so instead he's got a mechanical replacement for the one he's missing. I think it had pretty solid music too.
>>803965 was it exclusive? i mainly only bought multiplayer games for my gamecube used the ps2 for all the single player shit since we had a bunch of controllers for gcn but only two for ps2
yes it was exclusive i only played te prequel that came second but apparently it’s more refined in general
ah that's probably why i never played it maybe i should give it a go now since emulation is a thing it sounds pretty dope
you guys should play evergrace and forever kingdom they pioneered asynchronous protagonist storylines and a bunch of other weird shit in jrpgs
>kicked for inactivity goddammit this is your fault /moe/
on second thought RE2 had asynchronous protagonists but it was kind of jank
Everything about the early Resident Evil games was kinda jank.
>matchmaking puts me in a gungame match where someone's already 9 guns in >out of 17 >i get to 16 before he wins god dammit >>803972 well it was pretty good at the time
though in retrospect it controls like shit and is VA'd like shit and looks like shit
but what i meant was RE2's story is kind of mirrored with claire doing a lot of the same stuff leon does in leon A/B vs claire A/B but evergrace has a story that intertwines the two protagonists while they do completely different shit
>>803929 well i havent patched it for like a year so y@know the italics are dumb the superscript is still fucked but like it really needs a rewrite a new way to sync that isnt the way i my dumb ass wrote it in 2011
>>803986 Maybe you could find some inspiration in this.
ncurses? ssh? that's great and all but BBSes are dead for a reason. browser or bust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dats my hot take ill be proven wrong in 2024 when society collapses and the only refuge is unusual network s
>>803989 I have a computer thqt I use on an almost regular basis that can barely handle modern webbrowsers so I actually use lynx with it sometimes Although I blame bloat in the DE too Also fuck systemD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
das cool and all yknow i have some old computers at my parents house id never try to use them in this modern day tho great way to get hacked
I'm probably gonna replace with with one of those free open hardware laptops I think theres a Risc-V one in the works.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's cool and all but no one is gonna build a client for such a target
There's GNU/Linux support for them I might get one oof these after they're out a bit longer. I need to do some research and see if people have issues or not. But since they have 4gb of ram they're much more usable than my eeepc And also a gpu with gnu/Linux support My eeepc's integrated graphics never got drivers for gnu/Linux It couldn't even run doom, I was using xfce but modern debian is just too bloated even for me to do much on tthththat computer other than nethack I only own it because I needed an emergency replacement for my laptop to do a presentation for a class in college and we found it for $100 on Craigslist.
My friend se nt me this bt I was never able to find where this was posted. I really wanted this. For context Casmir Pulaski was a Polish guy who fought in the revolutionary war and was shot by a cannon and survived. Chicago has a very large Polish population and so there's a holiday naned after him and there's a big parade.
He was a war hero but I can't remember anything else he did because its almost 5am.