New FGO event seems fun and not a mindless grind like most of them are. It's got a mechanic where you have to swap your servants out after each fight so you can't just rely on spamming your best ones and breezing through everything
Quaternions are actually kind of a pain in the ass though. Although I'm at a point in my mathematical skills where I could probably handle them but when I first learned about them I thought they were stupid. Arguably they held back mathematical physics for decades. But basically imagine vectors but harder and less useful.
>>799571 The newest chapter is super interesting.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
was I reading that
I just nearly suffocated since i forgot that the coffee was being warmed inside a pan. I regret that i forgot to take a picture of how the pan was glowing with literal coffe cinders.
Coffee cinders, mate. Could i get more poetic than that? Of course i could, i could have died, asphyxiated in a cloud of coffee smoke.
Maybe i should just log into the umn and dial Baudelaire, alright.
I like he's profile picture is the guy who drew a picture of himself wearing beats for like mu or something
>>799609 Actually that wasn't drawn by the guy wearing the beats. It was drawn by someone on /g/ looking fir a picture of the smug apple user wearing beats and he drew it in paint ad people were so impressed they actually posted the picture he was looking for instead of telling him to fuck off. I have a screencap of the thread somewhere.
>>799616 actually yeah nice What's the significance of the original drawing?
he recreated it from memory
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>799615 it's the message board equivalent of canned laughter
a whole new batch of cringey league of legends youtube ads wonderful and i can't bring myself to look away so they think i like the ads and keep sending them to me
>>799620 Would you prefer League ads or ads for Raid Shaggy Laggey
>>799619 I'm glad there were images of people laughing so I knew it was funnt funny
>>799629 Raid Shadow Legends Are these like those animated ads for League The "self aware" ones are especially cringey Like "wooooo play League it will ruin your life"
i have no idea what raid shaggy laggy is league's ads are just unintentionally amusing in a cringey way
>>799680 since preemptive johns are the new meta: im using an old gamecube controller i cant find my other one!! not my fault
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
im using a pro controller 😈
yeah well i'm on mcdonalds wi-fi
also i've never played the new character before
also i've never played smash before
also this is the first video game i have ever played and i'm playing with a blindfold and actually that wasn't me it was just my little brother playing i gave him the controller
ok update is done
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
easy there dunkey
do you really think, the legendary gamer who beat bowser's big bean burrito, would lose to someone in smash?
Have you even cleared Knack 2 on Knack must die mode
New show and I can already tell it's going to be another banger
How's this one for comedy: The main character walks into the bathroom and he doesn't know the girl is in there so he opens the door without knocking and sees her half undressed and she freaks out and thinks he's some sort of pervert - even though it's all a big misunderstanding.
This would actually make a good Bingo or a Drinking Game Take a shot every time they hit a trope
Now if only I had some friends
>>799941 Wow, that's some really original writing. Whatever studio that's from, they've got some real jokesters there. >>799942 Wow, he has cool scars too, huh.
I had to read through previous submissions by students that have done the class I'm taking these morning for a participation assignment and geez louise a lot of these submissions are atrociously written. Lot of really flat, straight-delivery word choice and sentence construct, spelling mistakes abound, no consistency of copyright claimancy on publically-available material they've effectively published digitally. If anything it makes me the most irritated at myself because I could do way above this level of quality if I could just stop being a persistent dumbass and do my fucking work.
>>799950 I too wish I could stop being a persistent dumbass.
>>799952 Do you know about the other anime adapted from an ln by the guy who wrote that ln series?
The mc was too alpha so it sold poorly. It has some stuff in common with testament though. It's called Hagure Yuusha, I highly recommend it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>too alpha
The author just writes shitty softcore-sometimes-actual-porn that goes way too much into sexual fantasy fulfillment and often dips it's toes into outright sexual assault. And then claims it's all fine because it's also a battle shounen. The series are really thorough trash.
never been to /adv/ before and never will again what a terrible existence
huh, funeral on the leap day guess tgat is domething special
>lose from this red dora shit This is some Legend of Koizumi nonsense >no, this stage is Aotenjou 「青天井」 is a rarely used scoring system, by which all caps and limits are removed. Per the scoring equation, han is factored exponentially in the equation: Basic points = fu × 2(2 + han)
Normally, the point equation has a cap applied at mangan, where the basic points is artificially maxed at 2000 points. Subsequent point values are then multiples of mangan for higher scoring hands.
With aotenjou, there is no limit. The basic points have the freedom to be valued as high as possible. This is LITERALLY the Legend of Koizumi nonsense
>>799954 The otaku fucking hate chad MCs because they can't self iinsert. Thats literally why it sold poorly. >>799967 I did say "and possibly life", that lets people know its really bad.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>799967 she is fun! lots of shield breaks and dat tether
my knowledge of mahjong is 1. if you are a head of state, you have super powers in it 2. the more yuri you re, the more stronger player you are
The in-round mechanics of Mahjong are actually stupid easy to pick up. It's pretty much drawing and discarding and matching tiles. The hard part is calculating scores.
>Master Kyogen said, “It’s like a man up the tree, hanging from a branch by his mouth; his hands cannot grasp a branch, his feet won’t reach a bough. Suppose there is another man under the tree who asks him, ‘What is the meaning of Bodhidharma’s coming from the west?’ If he does not respond, he goes against the wish of the questioner. If he answers, he will lose his life. At such a time, how should he respond?”
my new koan is hilarious again
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my immediate answer is a middle finger but we'll see after i meditate on it >>800013 you've already failed
Just use sign language
I would have simply tapped my answer on the tree in morse code
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sensei would be disappointed
>>800011 He should drop down from the tree and beat him to death with a stick.
My favorite non computer science related zen quote is "If you meet buddha on the road, kill him.".
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as soon as you meet your master, leave them
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
> get back from run Tuesday night, there's a bunch of shit the shoppers didn't do because they apparently were "too busy" >spend like an hour putting together orders so they can go straight out in the morning >get back to work today >boss is mad at all of the drivers even though we did that, because we didn't put our Eskies away neatly right, never help anyone, thanks boss
I found this one the other day when I was looking up a guide and i thought it was a real BLAST FROM THE PAST like real 00s internet >>>/watch?v=C7Jn6-lVkOw
>>800063 >first of all, almost solve the puzzle >then just do these 3 moves and you win!
Why didn't they just make more droidekas They only needed two of the things to force Obiwan and Quigon to retreat If I was in charge of the C. I. S (who did nothing wrong by the way) I would have steamrolled the Republic with an army of those rollybois
>>800096 I never got why they didn't do this to Grievious Like I get that he has claws on his feet to dig into the ground but surely they could just force pressurise him to death
>>800101 Is that really the case They'll cut a man in half if they have to but they won't do it using the force? Surely there's been more than a few cases of jedi force pushing someone off of a cliff Also plenty droids are sentient so I guess the jedi are just racist
>>800102 >no your honour I didn't kill him the fall did >it was the high ground that killed him not me
Kirara 🍄
>>800100 because grevious was a living thing and jedi don't kill using the force
Kirara 🍄
a jedi's lightsaber is for killing but the force isn't pushing someone off a cliff is indirectly killing them so it's different (because the jedi are stupid and hypocritical)
ah yea the skyrim rules its not murder if gravity did it
>>800102 Maybe this is the real reason why the high ground is so OP Because they can force push people off of it without breaking the rules
yeah but skyrim rules also say if they die to a shield bash inflicted bleed it's not murder
Kirara 🍄
also droids aren't considered sentient by anyone other than a small number of people probably less than 1000 people in the galaxy actually believe droids can be sentient plus it takes decades of no mind wipes for a droid to develop anything resembling sentience
t3m4 is probably the droid that reached the closest thing to sentience possible although HK47 survived more than 2000 years in Legends and was acting exactly how he did when he was with Revan so he may have had sentience for a long time too
What about that one droid in Solo who was obsessed with Droid rights
>>800120 I can't remember exactly Solo was a pretty forgettable movie in general But even if they have to follow certain programming that doesn't mean they aren't necessarily sentient. Humans have certain things they have to do like moving their hand when they touch something hot If you're going to say that a droid isn't sentient on that basis then you might as well say Servants aren't sentient because command seals exist
Kirara 🍄
the one that had to obey his programming to tell people odds and stuff?
>>800113 Also wasn't that actually padme who went and cleaned r2?
Kirara 🍄
yeah he means amidala's body double
>>800122 Did you just assume their gender? Oh nvm Thought you were talking about a droid
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
droids have gendered programming
>>800125 Did I tell you I'm getting a stupidly expensive gaming laptop tomorrow?
>>800123 >>800122 Excuse me but I identify as Shadow the Hedgehog *yeah The Ultimate Life form means Amidalas body double
>>800128 Well, ordering it. I have to spend all my savings because I'm on social security now and can't have more than $2000 in liquid assets excluding a specific special bank account.
>>800137 Well it's going to cause some problem S When my mom said that she'd be able to pay for me to go back to uni without me taking out student loans (which I do not qualify for because I am disabled) she had assumed I'd be getting like $1200 a month instead of $500~ So now I don't know if I can go back to uni And she said that had she known I'd be getting this little that she would never have gone through the trouble of applying for it in the first place One of the good (I think) things about it is that I can get my student loan debt forgiven (it's like $10,000). But that will also hurt my credit. And now I'm afraid that I won't be going back to uni anytime soon.
if reimom isnt loaded and youre only getting 500 a month how are you gonna slam 2k on a gaming laptop
>>800162 I have to spend my savings because I can't have over $2,000 total between checking and savings on the first or I'll be disqualified from receiving social security. Also did blind retain a disability attorney? Because thats what you often need to get disability. Kind of fucked up but they actually go for 25% of your backpay instead of paying upfront.
>>800163 Err, get social security money for being disabled Although in my case wwe applied for it as I was disabled since I turned 18 because autism and the fact that I never paid into social security. Its different if you become disabled after turning 18.
Kirara 🍄
blind was missing part of her brain she was disabled for a long time
>>800174 I never said sge wasn't. I asked if she retained a disability attorney to consult during her process of applying. It increases your chances of success. Plus you usually need to appeal a few times to get it >>800177 Gottem
>>800174 you'd have to be to date that loser am i right or what
Kirara 🍄
>>800177 holy shit bodied is that why you spend so much time with him
i dont even remember when i was at his house last i think it's been like two months
Kirara 🍄
no way you guys hung out like two weeks ago at the most
did we i know i stopped by // well yeah i guess i stopped in when i was helping his mom i dont even remember when i was at his house last for more than like three hours*
Kirara 🍄
do you call his mom ms ton
i call her things i wouldn't repeat here because ton hates it
Kirara 🍄
wooooooow like "honey" and "darling"! ton is jealous of your relationship with his mom
>>800200 Seems like some comfy sleep though way out of time for you hah hah Maybe if you get the Washington placement for your internship you might be able to jump in much more freely. Since you'd be three hours behind us.
>>800432 i'm talking about risk of rain 2 theres an event where you fight off waves of enemies that gain the effects of various items you can pick up including the one that arcs lightning dealing constant damage to anyone nearby
oh shit that 's right you finished deaht stranding
>>800439 yeah it was an interactive credits then like an hour and a half of cutscenes and epilogue then a short little final delivery and the real credits
the way they ended it was really satisfying after all that shit that went down
jesus christ kojima
Trust the Koji Maw to deliver on a like five or six year long project.
this game has a good 3 or so movies worth of cutscenes in it lol
idea: like flex tape, except it permanently damages any repair
the guy who did mocap acting for deadman in death stranding replied to one of my tweets haha he seems like a cool guy
That's really cool yeah. Were you commending him for the work?
yeah I was saying the hug between deadman and sam was more emotional than that bullshit hug between the new trilogy star wars protagonists in rise of skywalker
apparently the scene i loved was his idea, which kojima approved
>>800459 they're making a lot of claims about how it's different but nothing they're saying really means anything or has any basis in verifiable reality oda didn't wait 20 years to do this for example lol that's just silly the poster is just a pathetic stan desperate to stop people from criticizing something they like
game of thrones season 1-4 had a smaller overall budget total than m night shyamalans the last airbender movie
budget has nothing to do with how shit the live action interpretation is going to be is what i'm getting at
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's such a silly claim
also the witcher had a smaller episode budget than season 6-7 and slightly higher than season 1-5 of game of thrones and that's the most money netflix has ever spent on something live action so it seems a little weird they'd be pumping a few million more per episode into the one piece thing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah but wan piece is in another league
ah~ eichiro oda-saaan~ i won't let them say mean things about your beloved live action adaptation, yes sir, i'll tell those dang trolls!
>>800473 the difficulty scalar has reached a point where there is too much shit on the stage so it is spawning me underground when i start a new level lol
interacting with these mere mortals is beneath me, my presence causes them to die then they come back and kill everyone else and it starts a chain reaction
>>800498 i don't know if this is a yikes or an oof
the desire sensor is powerful either way
I had the nine and eight and thought, eh, I'll toss those two. So I threw out the eight first and then I got the seven that would have made them a full set.
is this on switch or something
yeah, it's on the switch but only on the Japanese e-shop
>>800506 reminds me of reading out text in jrpg cutscenes with terrible acting when i was younger used to be fun doing that kind of thing with my sisters before there was always voice acting and stuff
>>800510 look what you did she's crying it's not even breakfast time
>>800512 i mean, i'm right there in third pl... actually no, it is technically my fault because I pulled myself out of fourth by feeding on her lmao, i guess
american dialect is pretty interesting
who are you playing with >>800514 don't think all americans speak appalachian that's like just west virginia >>800516 no i know that i mean who are the other players is it AI or folks
2nd place is Kagiyama Hina the other two are the Aki sisters, I always forget their first names and it's AI the one who won is Shizuha the one who lost is Minoriko
my clinical director used the word normies in a conversation with me and it hit me like a bag of bricks i almost let it show on my face
normies are sealing the word normie
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he might not be a normie actually he might be /co/ or something idk he's a big star wars nerd he's read the comics he was able to keep up with me in talking about extended universe stuff but he's a very tall muscular bald black man so it's just weird
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also he stans count dooku and thinks dooku's genocide of the nightsisters was "badass"
>>800538 >pick up and discard a dragon tile >pick up and discard the exact same dragon next turn >proceed to discard an entire daisangens worth of dragons
promotional art of granblue fantasy versus about 12 hours ago and we've already got artists drawing the Nier outfit from it I am incredibly happy >>>/@kiriyama2109/1222884684473888768
More awful/funny stuff from r/legaladvice
i see that this is real mahjong hours where few people are logged in but all of them will beat my ass. okay
>>800563 It's okay, I don't think I've ever won an online match in a fighting game. I know how it feels to get trounced by randos. Actually maybe I won some in skull girls, but I never pay online in fighting games anymore. *play
>>800564 I atleast was decent in naruto running simulator tho stopped playing them, since all players are either way too good for me to even dream of beating or super cheesers
it was kinda amusing tho >4 matches against cheeser, do decent make them quit >next player joins up 7 mins later >100% perfect victory in 20 odd seconds
Well, I can beat my friends in skull girls.
>>800564 i always seemed to get my ass beat in smash if i played around noon on a weekday like the only people playing smash at noon are the high tier smellies who aren't currently at a tourney
>>800569 I don't consider smash a fighting game, but I don't know if I've ever played online. I used to be really good but I stopped playing videogames frequently like five years ago for a variety of reasons including wrist/hand issues. I've gone from second best smash player I n my main friend group to second. Feels bad man
smash is a party fighting game similar shit to street fighter and tekken etc but not quite
The corona virus is legitimately a little concerning. If it really is contagious and asymptomatic for 2 weeks, like people are saying, that's really scary.
>>800576 We're all gonna die! I can't wait. This is so exciting!
>>800577 Wulf's brother got a package today and ut was from Wuhan. *it
I tried to look into the future, just know. According to the lack of any noticeable warnings, this is just the apocalyptical virus of the week, Nothing to fear, carry on.
>>800579 >I tried to look into the future Have you tried not being retarded?
>>800583 It's not my fault that you can't do such things. But then again, maybe i'm just roleplaying... And maybe i'm not. So, let me guess, have you ever had a dream where you saw what would happen one year before it did so?
>>800563 if you play 1 million games the odds are you'll get a tenhou in at least one and win that one
>>800576 It's definitely concerning for the people that don't/can't take the time to keep their immune system in good condition or take the rest and isolation good for recovery if they do get sick. But in general it's more of a scare than an actual danger. I've talked with pharmacists here about the worries people are having about it and they're generally not worried about it. And Toronto was a hotspot for the SARS epidemic back when that was a thing so I'm pretty comfortable in believing their analysis.
>>800576 It's like getting the cold. You won't die unless you're already pretty weak. And symptoms can show anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks with longer times being rarer. It's not more than an annoyance for most people. The news is just scaremongering.
>>800586 Well, some people do see such things. I think that one of the main aspects of time is that it has happened at least once before, but i'd rather not go into that right now.
huh they have added some new countries
>>800591 Why the fuck do we keep getting weirdoes who believe in divination?
and they have done some rebalancing heat and drug resistance arel ike 30-50% more expensive and seems like you do need drug 2 to get some urban rich countries quickly USA, france etc ate still around
Noto likes being at death’s door and Michiru doesnt get hit so being my personal healslut could be a worse job tehepero >>800599 what a lewd girl >>800598 havent you heard? the more death flags you set the stronger you become
>>800605 dont worry it was a joke I am serious about making Tsu not die as fast
Getting a higher-res shot of that really cements it to me how lazily done that swimsuit top is. The right-side bikini cup is way smaller than the left-side one. It also doesn't really match the shape and covering of the left-side.
>>800608 that’s a shame, i likes // liked that one i had other options though
but 1267 days that is somethingl ike 100-200 days more than last time I played, using same settings, same build and so on ofc there is always a tiny bit amount of random in the game, but not 100-200 days I guess they did do some updating with the resitances and transmission rates since I last played indeed
>spell caster has 12 more hp than a dex frontliner
as it happens i was reading the wardancer as i was fixing and the description actually states “not a dedicated dps or tank, but a spoiler type class” im meant to fuck with things
there was one ability I thought about picking up, but it involved rolling and I dislike doing that right now also >roll 2d20, one is next attack against you, other hand it to ally's next attack roll (lower and higher) >roll 2x20
crit city
good ability, but I don't trust my luck to favour me with low rolls when it comes to being hit #2d20 (10, 19 = 29) see
shit fateweaver could essentially, especially with the extra ability mats gave me, be a cartoon character when you think about it >wait how does that work? >cartoon logic
like one of my heals is "heals ally, and deals half of healed dmg to a nearby enemy"
>>800666 Hail Satan Wow We've been posting a lot these days. I feel like we were only at 666 just a few days ago. Err Another post number ending in 666
I was gonna actually make some funny ebin meme video about it, but it turned out to be such a speedster vs tortoise, I lost interest. it did start quite neck to neck
didn't tho help the case for doushio, that tano had like 1,5 watch threads per day for like 2 weeks during that time period
doushio has 100 post anime threads erryday tho
You'd also wear thin the patience people have with your dumb get shit that's already kinda scant to begin with.
anyhow it was fun for mer at the start it was quite neck to neck for maybe first 30k-40k milestops but then doushio just stuck there and tano went to 800k before doushio reached the next 10k milestone
I even had a whole audio set up premixed for a "old radio race announcer voice"
arkknight god I have seen some grinky youtube ads about that game one had a rainbow unicorn in the first 5 seconds with some "random youtube washed up celebrity"
Haha that is also a funny thing I realised "washed up youtube celebrity" in the pasti n some silly ads etc you'd have "stars of yesteryear" doing them on tv and such and I think the equilevant for that now is youtube ads for mobile games
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
arkansas is a good mobage
>>800708 Rainbow Unicorn Attack? The tenth anniversary of that is coming up.
>>800711 no the thing starts with some guy on a white background going "ark kngihts is a game like you have never seen before" and then a rainbow unicorn pops up from his left and that is when the "skip ad" comes live
I am thinking "I shouldw atch it" but experience has taught me, that if I watch an ad full, youtube thinks I like it
happened to me on some 15-30 second bits advertising etc and then it started to annoy me to hell, when some longer video gets interrupted 5-10 times by the SAME AD playing the SAME MUSIC cause I didn't want to bother taking my phone out of my coats breast pocket to press skip
thank god I have firefox now for youtube on my phone >>800716 former phone didn't like firefox
yeah I have only done warcraft 3 maps, and even I looked at it like "wat" "wy"
it is something you'd do to test a thing out maybe, to see if it works, and then you'd clean it up proper and only eason you'd do it his way, is because of lazyness
>>800731 I don't remember the exact context but I remember a really long chain of else statements. That was really redundant band horrid to look at *redundant and
I just remember some screen cap of a lot of COPY PASTE with minor edits and all of it was if then or something
>>800732 oh yeah else is what it is called in the language he uses
I recall one time I did an entire unit spawning thingie with just basically if then leading to another if then and maaaan did the game enginge hate it at the final levels Not that I realised what I had done until later
Aleph naught Since apparently typing in hebrew and switching back to English doesn't let me type characters >>800755 How'd you do that? Well I have one theory
>>800752 it makes more sense too, since forts are by power of two as are battle field widht but I like 3 more than 2 especially since 3 stacks with 5 more oft and I like 5 too
>>800764 I want full LaTeX support but I know that'll never happen. Not just because iim te only oe who would use it and it would take a lot of work to develop but also because LaTeX is turing complete. I haven't given up on convincing some on tano to add i there though. For real though One of those math JavaScript things would be very appreciated but sam will never do it.
>>800771 >busstop gets hit by bus >wakes up in an rpg where it's a bench next to the city's main square and lives out a wonderful fantasy life watching people go to market and hold festivals and shit
>>800772 A comfy isekai about a travelling bus exploring its new fantasy world and cute girls ride on it and get into shenanagins
Wait no it's the bus stop. Okay so the busstop sits in the same place in the fantasy world but cute girls sit down on it and the busstop talks to them and stuff
>my whole life I've been ignored >an unused backstop in a backstreet rural lane >but now. In this world >I have inherited the Power of a busy urban interchange
>>800855 in levels of seriousness gbf feh gfl fgo the rest i log in if that
>>800859 Jesus Christ dude That's a lot. Do you do dailies in all of them?
Err, the listed ones I mean
No, you could argue i dont even do dailies in granblue some dailies in gfl are super easy and feh too monthlies in feh are cancer fgo is new to me so its enioyable
ive also quit feh like 1.5 times
i reinstalled FEH to get Ilyana, got her, and then went back to not even logging in
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
subscript is for NERDS
Samu 🕊 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so uh how we doin tonight
I'm okay. Just watching shows. There's not much else going on.
>dat feel you use autoclicker carefully timed with the shitty mining system (atleast back when I last played) and some faggot keeps screwing you over, despite you having made the autominer order so, that an active player could sneak into the shit you aren't mining, to not be a dick and to avoid such conflicts, and the fucker still fucks your mining over
I think most amusing case was, when I set it up when I woke up went to eat breakfast did all the other shit just before leaving to school came back to check was it going okay and there was some fag rush mining me I just go "do you mind, I have it set up for you to mine it easily" andw hen I came back from school 8 hours later that guy was STILL active mining was it just him coming back to it at that time or was he there, 8 hours micromining to deny most of my automining just because he could?