Ahiru no Sora Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Hatena Illusion Infinite Dendrogram Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 3-4 Murenase! Shiton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Plunderer Episode 3-4 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 4-5 Show By Rock
>>800788 Maybe HS is behind or their auto encoder thing messed up.
Could be CrunchyRoll that's behind then. I'm not familiar with any of the small fry that already have it out, they might be proper sub groups that have gotten raw video and put their own subs in. I could see CrunchyRoll being slow to release so the groups that rip from them are slow too.
ahiru actually won't even finish until you guys are done that's okay i need to finish stuff up anyway and im not really caught up anyway
Ah all right. I was gonna say we could maybe tap in Dendrogram but it sounds like it's not necessary.
gomen i have dendogram ready for next so that's fine i gotta get ready anyway
Pretty much any field/court sport is more a test of endurance than anything. You can have all the accuracy or strength you want but without endurance you'll just tucker out.
Yeah, that coach looks like the kind of guy who is up to something
Now the penalties are working in their favour at least.
This competing team coach really has a sinister feel to his attitude.
Their team's showing some promise but the fact they're all mostly still rehabilitated punks is messing with their ability to work as a team. Hopefully they can get over that before long.
These guys are better team players than the basugay guys
I never watched Kuroko but I guess it fell prey to the shounenification too much. This one still seems to remember it -is- technically a sports series.
I don't even know what a dendrogram is supposed to BE. >a tree diagram, especially one showing taxonomic relationships. Oh well that's a bit more boring than I expected.
like dendrite im assume dendrite diagram
>"I also got this" >"It's called a Jewel" >It's literally a jewel.
what was the show with that girl who got rused and those numbers tattooed on their skin i feel like we haven't caught that in a while?
all the skill explanations and status effects and stuff i mean i lose track of what's goin on
who's the "we"? seemed like he was pretty much alone there
Yeah I was wondering that towards the end of the fight. Where'd Rook and his succubus go off to.
This journalist lady seems fairly combat useless and Rook looks like they're more of an AoE spec'd team so I guess they might've not been much help. But they could have at least been SOME help.
it's hard for journalists to not be useless anywhere really
>>800870 Is that thing you were coming down with still around?
Oh I thought you'd mentioned you had a bit of a sickness coming on. I guess it's the time of the year everyone gets sick so I probably just got confused.
ready aaaaa my bones are burning >>800869 bones? yes they're still around still trying to figure out how to get rid of them
There is some serious magic flying around this episode.
wow so dramatic
What I mean magic, sure, but what.
That's probably going to make his life a big hassle from now on though. To any onlooker it pretty much seems like he just killed the head of his magic school or something.
I thought this lady would be Misaki but I guess she's a different entity.
the designs are so cute
that doesnt sound so bad
I don't really want doll body parts!
dolls don't have bones
Oh no.
Hanako is a dangerous person to be 100% serious around.
she has similar expressions to honda in some of these illustrations with that hair too
Yeah I see what you mean. It's a very shoujo-poi design.
These little things are so gosh darn adorable.
The way the narrative builds these little stories works really, really well. There's all these little things that connect and ground the supernatural in in-world logic.