Dorohedoro Nanatsu no Taizai Ace of Diamond Black Clover Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Chihayafuru ID INVADED Kyokou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 3-4 Murenase! Shiton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 3-5
I wonder if it's hard for college students in Japan to get involved with baseball if they got cut like these third years did. The narrator at the end of last episode called it "The end of their careers" though I could see it being just their high school career. But it was still kinda fatalistic. Or maybe this last in their high school years they know where they're going for university/post-graduation life and know they won't be going somewhere they can participate in baseball.
Natto really seems a lot. I hope I can avoid eating it.
It's now a 5v1 against the Devil and it's still pretty much dancing around them. Like never even mind Yami's prediction that only Asta can probably damage it, the fight's still pretty much in its control. I guess until Asta gets a handle on his Debiru Energii
I dislike the fact hthat in every shounen eeeeeeeevery shounen once the power levels get high enough every battle is fought in the air
Oh shit we Persona now All-Out Attack!
>>799765 At least all these goofs have magic brooms or magic wings to help them fly. A lo t of shounens just kinda handwave the whole excuse for why everyone can hover in the air.
We're back with the weird ponytail guy and the guy with a scar on his head.
Katsuragi has really consistently been an asshole his whole life it seems.
Wow that's a play on words.
i dont really know what's going on i never really have anything to say sorry
Hm, they haven't been really clear on what's going on even in the episodes you weren't here for.
But what I've put together is there's some kind of criminal organization that uses these psychic empaths for Something, which mostly results in them psychically abusing people. The guy with a scar on his forehead is a guy they picked up at a young age, looks like he was trained by the ponytail guy, who used to work with the smoking asshole, but something happened and now they seem at odds.
Not really sure where the other two guys come in to the picture but you were kinda here for the reveal of their relationship last week.
I'm hoping the scale of things becomes more apparent soon.
She's really just non-stop turning over Suo's words in her head, I guess being told something like that by one of the best in your sport is probably pretty heartbreaking though.
Both the Master and the Queen are pretty eccentric people.
all the pros are
Hah hah wow. That's one way to get a Santa in.
The Japanese have a really weird tradition of eating fried chicken for Christmas. Specifically KFC, but in lieu of it they'll get what they can get. I think it was like some weirdly successful marketing campagin that went pretty much viral even in the pre-Internet world in Japan.
Karuta nerds. Just drawing with permanent markers on tatami mats.
I think most of their outfits are pretty normal sans labcoats. Maybe this new guy is dressed weird, looks like he might be wearing a soccer uniform underneath the labcoat?
What's funny though is it's not actually a bad deito example aside from changing the characters.
Hah hah This is something I can really understand on an emotional level. When presented with a list of tasks to do I always start trying to figure out the optimal way to do them all. I could probably turn it off in the events of a deito at least though. Probably.
shes pretty cute in maiden mode too i wonder when they'll hook up
Normal-chan aside the pairings in this series are pretty straightforward. Honestly they could do an "officially dating" event whenever they want since the comedic hook of this series kinda works regardless of whether they're actually going out or not.
And either way they're pretty much going out in all but name only already anyway.
I like the cuteness in this series though. They're cute characters.