Dorohedoro Nanatsu no Taizai Ahiru no Sora Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu ID INVADED Itai no wa Iya nano etc. Kyokou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 3-4 Murenase! Shiton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Plunderer Episode 3-4 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 4-5
Should be episode thirteen. Chyuu is still a few weeks behind, they finally put out their first subbed Nanatsu of the new year over the last weekend, I think.
>>800164 So far for Nanatsu, not just this season but also previous seasons, we've been using Chyuu subs for watching it. I guess Erai Raws might be sufficient, I've never downloaded their stuff, but I'm also a bit habitual and like having a show all done by the same group if possible.
>>800169 Hey nerd you watching >>800172 Yeah don't look it. Only show he's got we're watching is Itai Iya.
My professor my class today on the Gothic had us watch the first ten or so minutes of Night of the Living Dead at the end of class today. I've never seen the movie before it's real goofy.
Yeah it's kind of a weird stage for this upcoming encounter between Kaiman and Nikaidou and the masks.
i love how casual they are about everything it's like a carnival event with rewards
i wonder who put up a meat mincer as a prize
>>800209 It's neat too since it kinda does a good job of having all these people be the product of their environment. Like the sorcerors are sociopaths because they're encouraged to be and because of the Hole is such a hellscape it makes the normal folk kind of deranged in their own right.
the CG really shines only when there's action it looks pretty doofy the rest of the time but it does kick in and this music too
Big woman versus big woman!
>>800212 Yeah the 3D CGI is still weird to me, especially for the comedy bit scenes since animated stuff tends to rely on facial expressions and 3D CGI can be kinda weak on that front.
Oh Nikaidou is a sorceror that's not something I expected.
it's a pretty bloody show yeah Q hayashida really likes the gritty stuff
i need to snag my old harddrive with all my images on it i had a lot of nikaido images she's great
Wow Kaiman why do you get TWO (2) heads
noi is frickin huge
Yeah. She seems pretty smart when she wants to be. Though also seems perfectly happy to be the cheerful FIST wizard.
I guess it's pretty rare you get to cut open your own head for dissection.
did he regrow his entire brain that's pretty neat
>Hoverbike that doubles as a broom
i love this ED it's so good
Oh yeah this is pretty groovy. I guess that's the advantage of getting this band to do the music composition for the show. I remember for Hai to Sensou no Grimgar they put out like a twenty-song album of the various songs they composed for the anime, in addition to the non-vocal instrumentals. Haven't checked to see if it was the same for Fairy Gone but I could imagine it so.
>>800252 What do you think of the show so far? pretty fun huh
>>800250 we didn't end up finishing fairy gone did we?
Nope. We didn't even get to the end of the first cour. I think it was a two-season split cour or something. When the second season started up I think I remarked on the fact but it wasn't something anyone paid attention to so I binned the notion.
It's hard to incorporate her in a lot of scenes like that.
They went from being full power to being in really bad shape very quickly.
What a prettyboy Pendragon.
>>800285 Yeah that was pretty much just one fight with one of the Commandments. Though I guess unlike previous fights where they won but both sides retreated they did entirely defeat Melascula this time. To take out the other remaining seven or eight they've got a lot of work ahead of them.
>Holy Sword Excalibur >It must be a magic totally different from us demons No shit you absolute buffoon.
They lost their strongest fighters and now one of the strongest bad guys is coming for mel. He'll probably succeed!
And their third strongest fighter is busy keeping Meliodas in check and healing Escanor. It's definitely a lot for the other four to handle.
who is their strongest?
Meliodas/Escanor are at the top. Meliodas is probably the overall strongest but Escanor is literally undefeatable at High Noon. Then it's Merlin because supermagic. The other four are kind of the all more situationally appropriate.
Like Ban can regenerate from any wound, I think even from being turned to atomized particles, so he's hard to end a fight with. And he's got a conceptual magic power of stealing "Thing" so that's always good. But he's kinda normal shounen hero besides that. Especially when you put him up against a Fae King or Actual Giant like King or Diane
Ban has been kind of underpowered lately. He needs a power up.
ID invaded yeah ep 5 okay let's start!
five right?
Miss Terry
She got smooched by that guy she was confronting at the start of the epiode. Episode, even. They both got holes drilled in their head by the first arc's serial killer. I'm assuming that's in part what prompted the unwarranted kiss from the guy.
Well I guess it's a reasonable theory and with fictional convenience it turned out correct. It's probably dangerous for actual detectives to run such long theories of derivative logic when trying to solve cases though.
Oof that's kind of an unnerving visual. Kinda reminds me of those neural network GIF images that constantly have the AI confusing changing human features for bugs or animals.
reminds me of something too but i can't place what
his scarf is cool
I kinda like his outfit overall. It's pretty weird but it works in its eccentricity.
Well here's John again.
Oh I'm not looking forward to another shot of a person decomposing inside a barrel again.
I think this officer girl is really up to no good djr'd gidju she's fishy
We've only seen her being a protagonist so far so I can't imagine there's anything up. Though she seems to have gotten a bit unhinged after getting a hole drilled in her head.
This lady she's interrogating is suspicious though.
oh i missed the ending i scrolled back and it seems like something weird happened yep
That lady Hole-chan was interrogating was being kinda fixated on her hole wound and the blood coming out of it. Combined with her kinda evasive/slightly contradictory answers to her questions it was pretty clear the lady was suspicious. Hole-chan came to the same conclusion right as the episode ended.
right, episode three >>800326 seems a little loosely knit together i guess suspicion alone is enough to draw your weapon on somebody in this world
That's kind of what I was getting at earlier in the episode too. Like the thread of reason she used to determine the guy who smooched her did so because he was intending to kill her was fairly reasonable logic. But to base a police investigation over such a long thread of connected conclusions is probably poor form, if not outright an ethical violation. But they've got the power of Fictional Convenience to clear the way for them.
this snake just DOESNT LET UP he's too curious
Yeah they really don't get human beans.
human logic and reasoning is probably a pretty big deviation from their understanding of the world
Yeah, I totally get why they're like it. This one snake in particular seems to be a bit crazy-driven to understand it perfectly though.
holy shit we're back to the snake again how long is this gonna last
From the PV last episode, probably not much longer. We've got to move on to the lady with the steel beam going around killing people.
this snake should consider becoming a trial attorney
This is going real far into conjecture now. It does make for an interesting story though.
It kinda reminds me of that Hyouka episode where Oreki and Chitanda deduce an entire incident just from a single PA announcement. That was a really good episode of Hyouka.
inference is a strong tool but you have to know its limitations too
>Two years later Wow
Wow literally killed by oppai
Oh it's the main guy's old girlfriend.
cute officer
Ah he didn't die from the accident. I guess that's good.
that was a pretty bad accident id be surprised
>When even after you die as an aidoru all people talk about you is your oppai
steel beam kurumi
She'd also have seen the kappa our male lead saw back when they were dating. So she's probably more disposed to believing in supernatural answers to incidents.
they put a lot of detail into her green eyes but nobody else's everyone else is just pupils
oh nevermind it's just the guys all the girls have irises
Guys don't have detail in their eyes you know!
i like green eyes
They're pretty nice. Though I can't particularly think of an eye colour I don't like. Maybe I'm less excited about generally blue eyes.
That's kind of a weird reaction to a memory like that. I mean I get seeing flesh re-knit itself and blood zip back into the wounds is probably pretty surreal.
i have to start a new work thing today my stomach is killin me though
Ah I meant to scrap that third line.
There seems to be a bunch of little hidden spots in this game like this. Must be neat for exploration.
i really want a robust VR MMO like this
Something sufficiently immersive might be enough to overcome my MMO allergies, maybe. I'd be worried about the time investment into an immersively robust VR MMO though.
Only if you've got someone you can cover yourself with that takes zero dameji though. Otherwise eventually you'd run out of meatshield. I bet it's probably also limited to party members too.
they're gonna let them go instead and they're gonna get slaughtered
Good chance of it, yeah. I guess there aren't too many people playing this game yet that have discovered broken-ass builds like Maple's yet.
that sense of exploring the game mechanics is fun games always lay everything out in advance for you now but it'd be fun to go in blind with nobody knowing what's up
Oh it's Articuno.
oh wow big bird
They are probably taking on a full-party boss with just the two of themselves. Even if their builds make it possible it would definitely be a longer fight.
i think full party might be a liability with those AOE moves
they didn't have such a crazy strong tank either
Oh no RIP shield Oh wait nevermind. What an OP set of equipment too.
Maple could probably use some more active skills too. Not because she really needs something like that but it would make things a little more varied. She really only uses Cover, Cover Move, Hydra, and Devour.
those are probably pets
looks like it!
The colours kinda remind me of those two little girls they met last episode. But it wouldn't make much sense for them to suddenly be eggs in a new dungeon.
this dev team really underestimates players not that i can blame them with the rest of the playerbase...
Yeah, funny how a single player is basically forcing them to patch their game's exploits out.
that happens in games a lot
I guess a fox and a turtle do kinda suit the two of them
I wonder why the devs locked the pokemon minigame behind such a hard boss
the devs seem kinda scatterbrained
Maybe it's still in-development content. And for some reason they don't have a test server or environment to demo stuff in so they just dump everything into their game.
Oh yeah there's been a giant turtle in the ED all this time. I guess that makes sense now.