>>800991 The government keeps sending out PSAs telling people to write up an emergency fire plan.
This is mine.
what does writing it out help really?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I know where I'm getting my wifi.
So you have a physical reference of your plan to consult rather than panickedly trying to remember it from your brain when the time of pressure comes. The human brain is generally BALLS in a panicked scenario so having a physical reference might save a lot of people from dangerous scenarios and maybe even injury or death.
>>800995 well I do get where you come from but who is going to really go "SHIT SHIT SHIT, TIME TO GO FIND THAT NOTE" or "SHIT SHIT SHIT; TIME TO EVACUATE" when the panic hits?
This is why fire escape plans are kept in open and obvious locations in business towers and like buildings. I would presume part of the instructions on writing escape plans mentions keep the plan in a very obvious or often-moved-through part of your home.
my fire escape plan is to throw my weights through the window then jump out
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>800997 I keep my note pretty close in case i need to check it in a hurry
See? And if Marsh can manage it, surely any old bloke can do the same.
ignoring the spelling mistakes first of all, Mace was the leader of the order and yoda basically just had a ceremonical position, because of his status and age, all throughout the prequel era second what?
go to >>>/watch?v=ClQcUyhoxTg, hit autoplay and tell me your journey the journey ends, when you are stuck on one artist 4 songs in a row what artist do you end up with, and how many songs did it take.
Korean barbecue mini place opened up in the food plot near my university. At ten a bowl it's a bit pricey but I figure it's worth a tryout. If it's good, and they seem to fit the bowl with all kinds of goodies, it might be worth saving on snack junk to treat myself to every other week or so.
10 a bowl is reasonable korean bowl at least theyre usually big
Hm, eyeing some bowls a photographer is taking what I figure are for promo stuff, I dunno if I'd call the servings large. I might've been spoiled by the Japanese eatery I love though. Got my other, order, hang a moment and I'll have a picture.
Weird critique I wasn't expecting, they kinda go light on the rice? Like it's loaded with veggies and this legitimately hella good chicken but I was expecting more padding out with the rice hah hah Either way this saucy chicken by far sells me on the bowl it is delicious.
What's funny too is how totally shoddy that food plot is. Like all the joints are plywood boxes or permanently stopped food carts. But they've got a plethora of street food from around the world for pretty good prices considering this is almost right next to the heart of downtown. It's a neat little niche that probably only really works because it's right next to my campus.
>>801106 Tastes as good as it looks. Decent bit of Korean spice and kim chi, combined with that creamy sauce that's a burst of refreshing but not overwhelming sweetness. The chicken is warm, fatty and full of flavour and the vegetables round it out nicely. Honestly the only thing I can say anything less than complementary on is the rice, which I was a bit disappointed in the quantity and found kind of dried out and starchy. But the rest of the package still easily pulled its delicious weight.
Korean barbeque was okay Probably wouldn't do it again though All the steak had huge pieces of gristle on them which made good chunks of tgem inedible *them
you ever get food because you're really hungry and then after you have one glass of juice, you realize you were actually just kinda thirsty but now you've got a whole plate of food that you just can't eat right now anymore
>>801171 wow i'm surprised they fixed anything in bfa >>801172 >what is wow token its so easy to make money on moon guard m8 i haven't paid for wow sub in ages
>>801173 the only fixes were things that 'had' to be done like how when 8.3 dropped and revamped the AH, people weren't getting the gold for like 30-50% of the items they sold
>>801174 hahaha what the fuck is that why the token price tanked since the last time i played? they caused a "bug" that stole half of the AH goblin's profits?
token price is probably tanking because people are pissed about the many issues 8.3 has presented and as a result aren't buying any blizzard got the gold out, but only because they had something that was keeping track of all the sales to begin with and then made sure they finally actually sent
>>801176 what a shame they should have said the error was unrecoverable and give the rest of the traders an aneurysm then i'd have no competition ever again
>>801190 Yeah Saturn Eating His Son Although iirc he didn't name it. It was once of the black paintings *one if *one of Goddammit Anyways those were paintings with dark themes that he painted on the walls in a house he lved in at some point Some were damaged when they were removed or restored though
>>801188 you can beat it in about 30-40 hours probably if you do minimal optional stuff it makes it a bit harder if you don't make connections with a lot of people since they give you cool shit
my sister screamed and called me to catch something
it was a cricket lol
>>801194 Just wondering I never play as the make versions of the fire emblem characters with make and female options *male >>801195 If my sister did that I'd be pretty pissed off. I'll often do that for my mother but only because she acts like a total bitch to me if I don't.
>>801198 What the fuck man. Just because you work at a hospital doesn't mean you can go around eating people's placentas. *What the fuck man?
>>801197 i just grabbed it with my hand and let it outside prolly gonna die cause one of the cats fucked its leg up haha poor bastard >>801196 i like my siblings and family for the most part i don't mind catching crickets for them it took like 10 seconds
>>801200 I do too but my sister is a full grown woman and is more than capable of handling it herself. For her entire life she has played helpless and has had me do things fir her, she was also enabled by my parents who would force me to do trivial tasks for her. >>801202 She's actually older
Concept: People from an MMO guild summon an ancient warrior because his real life skills in combat are going to lead them to victory in the video game world
>start a big gay discussion about politics in the Looking for Group global chat >end it 10 minutes later by referencing metal gear solid i have absolute control of these twerps
You know people actually stream FGO on twitch Maybe that's my future
>>801251 tbh you'd think bringing up Metal Gear Solid would just make it fmore politics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>801254 these fools have too small a brain to appreciate mgs politics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where on the spectrum are MGS politics? i cant think about it too hard without getting serious irony poisoning
mgs is super anti establishment but not quite anarchism
fuck da millitary industrial complex baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also havrnt actually played a MGS game properly so idk
i remember in 2016 a friend was going ape shit about MGS5 right when he was converting to MAGAism
i guess i'd say it's revolutionary politics really doesn't matter where they stand because the protagonists of mgs are always trying to topple the elite and reorganize the status quo
>>801261 Doesn't that mean it's not revolutionary politics if the protagonists are always in opposition wait nvm I misread protagonists as antagonists I'm dyslexic
>>801262 nah it just takes the protagonist 60 fucking years to win
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
speaking of political games i still havrnt finished NITW
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hideo Kojima: ‘Metal Gear questions US dominance of the world’
>>801265 he's been doing that since peace walker so like 2010
but anyhow a game like mgr, but standalone would be more preferrable no need to get stcuk in the convoluted universe that is metal gear or be limited by it
kojima had more of an executive role like him saying "ok make it badass" or whatever while he worked on mgs5 >>801282 mgr was pretty standalone honestly couldve been a contained universe
after the first tutorial mission it literally bears zero connection to the rest of the metal gear continuity and shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tog goyya lesen fo love the process
>>801283 >>801282 Yeah I played MGR knowing nothing about MGS and still got the gist of it all The tech in MGR is so far out from MGS that you can basically do whatever you want in an MGR2 Maybe MGR2 can be about fighting AI swordsmen instead of just cyborgs
>>801283 yeah, but it does basically skip a lot of character introdfuction etc by having raiden as the mc and the overall plot wouldn't make sense, if there wasn't the patriots and shit to rely on
>>801286 that's true but honestly i'd say that people who don't know how fucking lame raiden was before mgs4 are lucky cause mgs2 raiden had no personality except being a wishy washy confused and scared bitch to his girlfriend when he wasnt pretending to be snake
btw, imagine a game where you constantly hear the inner thoughts of thep eople you slice and dice just like that one moment of doubt before you unlock ripper mode in mgr that would beq uite cool >>801295 the mgs2 would work quite much better, taking in the future canon of raiden, if you had him brainwashed into what he is in that game and then slowly as the game develops, he would start to revert bck to the ripper personality, and you start killing people more and more, instead of sneaking
>>801315 no i am allowed to call him that because people fucking like me faster and gain more trust with me than usual for some FUCKING reason maybe i am some kind of fucking special class
also technically speaking, ff7 wasn't turn based it had that weird active turn thing, which was kinda annoying, sinceyou had to go out ofyour way to pause the game if you went elsewhere
>>801371 most early slaves, before the slave market of the slave coast et al became a big thing, were essentially war captives ofc once there was a huge demand from them, the slavers began to just go out to find people for slavery instead of just "welp war, erveryone captured is a slave"
>>801373 They also weren't enslaved indefinitely and their children weren't automatically slaves. Oh and Kirara doesn't believe that the africans had their own skave trade and sold slaves to the whites
>>801374 depends where they were sold if the mali region kingdoms sold them to arabia or ottoman empire, they might become slave caste forever
>>801373 well yea i am speaking of the captives of denmark vs britain in the african campaigns
most captives english or african all got sold as slaves
>>801372 i played this when i was a kid i didnt know that was an option i thought he was a bad guy
>>801381 I think you have to approach him without Frog in your party to trigger the option to have him join you >I thought he was a bad guy I mean he kinda was but he still wanted to kill Lavos which was what mattered
goddamn danes
Going to bed Night
>TFW you will never fuck dutch's sister with him eiffel tower style
>>801416 well sure but personal experience tells me its hard to find gay guys in my area with such a fetish because only one of them ever seemed really interested
>>801427 i wanna go to a big anime con some time maybe hook up with a loser there idk >>801429 you can borrow my outfit if you mirror my sizes and dont rip it up too much
it barely fits my arms and upper torso now haha got it made when i was like 17 >>801444 let us cosplay touma and accel i will flex while you act beliggerent win win
>>801464 three to the one to the one to the three i met a bad bitch last night at the d lemme tell you how i made her leave with me conversation and hennessy
i been to the motherfuckin mountaintop heard motherfuckers talk seen and dropped iff i aint got a weapon imma pick up a rock and when i bust yo ass imma continue to rock
get y7a ass off the wall with ya two left feet its real easy just follow da beat dont let that fly girl pass you by look real close cause tha strobe lights lie
boyfriend that frostmourne should still be strong enough to kill anything if fed enough souls and he couldn't find a retcon to prove me wrong absolute victory
One of these MOGRA sessions Oblongar's just gonna come in with a set only composed of songs from Kirara Time adaptations and nothing's gonna sound out of the place.
Oh I was assuming you wanted to stop playing. Though if you're worried about your phone overheating you could also stop using it for a while too, which would help it cool down.
>>801540 it's jus t like a tower fan you should invest in a decent fan tho
>>801546 Depends on the DJ, some have a preference for IM@S or Aikatsu while others don't really specialize. I can't think of other songs off the top of my head, aside from the anime OPs. Oh and Pon De Beach that gets played a lot.
>>801546 pon de beach masterpiece agent yoru o yuku(?) sometimes
Man chefoba coming in on his set HOT
I don't think I can get Twitch to play on my phone without being the thing in focus without getting the Twitch app. Which wouldn't be a horrible thing but I still don't really wanna do it.
is there a market for playing touhou mahjong while my nephew cries about wanting to play a different game
as a stream
I'm on the way to a friend's place to play the Kingdom Hearts DLC so I'm not in the market.
man braves storm to play re:mind
honestly, I don't even feel like playing games, he was just dropped off in my room and turned on the external tv as if it were his and mahjong was simply there i just wanna enjoy mogra and relax
alright it's game o'clock who's down and what do you wanna play?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i have installed societ jump game the ship aoe2 monaco spy party tricky towers totally accurate battlegrounds a hat in time ow uhh that's mostly it right now
aoe2 has a new new edition btw gimme a minute i'll get jump
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
idk how to make a lobby in jump game so we'll have to time it i guess???
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
be my fwend 93467498
i tryn make my hands not cold sec
>best played w controller rip keyboard will have to do
>rebinding coming soon aaaaa okay it's just side swapped it's fine
okay it's under options -> network join private match do you see it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok yea on wec
this pig fella makes an awful noise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but how do you create a porivate match tho
oh fuck i didnt think about that
let's use the EAST US server and just try to search?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
might be some dev only thing for now idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok sorry give me three mins
no prollem
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof i feel dis GUSTING
ok im back sorry about dat lessdoiit
ok us east
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok going now
there's a LOT of shit goin on here if you're here i might never know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who r u
joan elise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RIP okay in the start part we gotta go into the same tube
it was surprisingly free from lag despite the setup BUT it's just using keyboard controls gives my brain paralysis like uhhhhhh X? no it's not X, must be X wait...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay let's play monster prom up to four contestants! twitch.tv/samurailalc
Why is Keiichi so dumb >oh yeah I know that Mion killed my friends but she's totally good now and I trust her enough to walk into this sealed underground space with torture tools Just fucking strangle her man
Kingdom Hearts DLC was pretty fun We cleared the main story content but balked at the super hard optional bosses since we were clearly way underlevelled for them. It'll be interesting to see where they take the series next.
HEY MAN look at me rocking out I'm on the videooooooooooooooooooooooo
the second ingredient in this hard seltzer is "cold fermented cane sugar" and fourth is just "cane sugar" so how in the fuck does it supposedly have "<1g Sugar" content ???
>>801677 i'm hoping those superbosses are an actual challenge was seriously disappointed with how easy the rest of the game was. i even killed the "super boss" dark inferno or whatever on the first try, and i played through the game on proud mode from the start
>mount machine gun next to a wall >shoot one guy >five more guys converge on the exact spot the fucking machine gun is hammering to forfeit their lives to my k/d its the little things like this that make the CoD player base so great
i was having trouble getting my little bastion figure to stand the fuck up goddammit
so i kinda angrily tried to set him upright and now i own a little bastion figure with only one leg
>>801702 gimme that shin ramyun black that is one damn good cup noodle
>>801705 swimwear isn't usually pleated like that but underwear also isn't usually fastened with a bow so i am not sure will have to forward this to the experts
when my ancestors immigrated to texas 400 years ago it wasnt even america also they just rode on a boat and found a nice place to build a fucking house by themselves and enlisted locals to help them because they abandoned their life in denmark for no reason l0l
>>801741 Can anyone here really prove they're human
>>801743 Wow this is an increadible find I do believe this historical precedent gives you legal precedent to claim Texas as your own country given your ancestors discovered it What will your first action as the president of Texas be
>>801745 yeah ikr Not even just the robot you also get to be a vampire and switch bodies with people Who wouldn't push it
I just watched a 70 minute long retrospective on the best videogames of the past decade and it made me realize that I really missed out a lot while neglecting my hobbies due to depression.
if it makes you feel any better only like 1 game in 100 is actually memorable and great
>>801757 Chin up At least you have plenty to play It's better to have things that you can enjoy for the first time than to have already played everything you'd enjoy I wish I could go back and unplay every game I liked
>>801759 sometimes i wish this too but also maybe i wouldn't like the thing as much as the first time cause my life is different now
>>801760 Nah I don't reckon so. Maybe some slight variation but a good game is still a good game and you'd probably still enjoy it Maybe one or two games that you played as a kid and liked just because you didn't know any better
>>801762 Well I dunno about you then But it definitely applies to me I played some atrocious shit as a kid and liked it Like Spyro Enter the Dragonfly. Worst Spyro game but I loved it just because it was like the second game I ever played and I thought dragons were cool
>>801763 To be honest I don't actually like the first 3 Spyro games much, but they're made with a lot of polish and have an amazing art direction Enter the Dragonfly was the first Spyro not made by the original studio and it really shows
>>801765 I still wanna play Evergrace at some point just because it looks weird as fuck and its soundtrack is an absolute BANGER
>>801761 i dunno about the rose tinted childhood thing pretty much every game i remember loving and replayed i still loved even SpongeBob battle for bikini bottom that game fucking slaps
>>801761 I've never played a spyro game but the remake looks great i miss 3d collection platformers
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Blaine_Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff_Sr. >>801761 This guy has a longer name than the guy from Ace Combat 7.
>>801761 evergrace is fucking garbage though even though i still find it good enough to finish replaying once killzone also isn't as impressive as it was at the time too
can't think of many others that are really bad in hindsight >>801761 i thought the crash games were more interesting when i had the chance to use my cousins psx tbh spiderman for that was awesome too
>>801761 it is weird as fuck one of the first games i can remember with parallel storylines other than resident evil
>>801765 I like Crash better too. I think its platforming is just a lot more interesting in execution. In Spyro there's a lot less timing involved since you just hit the glide button
>>801768 Jak 1 fucking elevates the platformer genre All that cool lore and atmosphere and secret hunting Being able to just go anywhere with zero loading screens That sick sequel hook cliffhanger if you %100'd the game Art
>>801770 Nah Jak 2 going in a totally different direction was fine since Jak 1 was already perfect As a kid the sudden shift in tone and atmosphere was really jarring, I loved it.
the best platformers of the ps2 generation were jak 1, jak 3, spongebob, and vexx i refuse any other opinion
ratchet and clank is great too but i don't really consider it in the same genre
honorable mention to ty the tasmanian tiger most aggressively Australian game I've played
>>801767 that game was incredible at the time and still is they fucked up jak 2 so bad lol
>>801776 I told myself that I'd be going to bed at a time before 1am so it's fine
>>801778 I don't have work tomorrow We have Thursday off for Waitangi day so I took some annual leave out for the week
>>801781 Public holiday celebrating the waitangi treaty Think of it like our equivalent of Australia day
>>801782 Yeah just like every other colonial country has one Although ""technically"" the maori signed it willingly since the treaty text guaranteed them rights as British citizens while keeping their land The treaty itself wasn't the part where their land got stolen it was after that when the British decided to just straight up ignore the treaty and take whatever There's a lot of debate over the legitimacy of the treaty
I wish there was data for like, 111 calls over domestic abuse compiled by day so you could see if it spiked on days where we lose the Rugby Or drunk driving spikes on Australia day